Domineering Female State Advisor



0This operating room was far more than just that. She had used special materials to create an 80 cm small space for the wall in the back, which was divided into three layers. The bottom layer could be directly hidden by the operation bed, but no one knew this, not even the craftsmen.    


With the virtual image in the mirror in front of him, others would only think it was a solid wall with no way out.    


"Is your body hurt?" "His entire body is covered in blood!"    


"It's fine, it's someone else's blood."    


Only then did Yan Wuzhan come back to his senses, "Take him out, it's okay, no one can hurt you now." With that, he flew out and joined the battle. What's going on with Qi Ziheng? Even a few little thieves couldn't handle him!    


In fact, he had wronged Qi Ziheng, these five men were all top assassins among the foreign forces, two of them had good martial arts skills, and their hidden weapons were endless so it was hard to defend against them. However, Wei Lingyun was able to fight until now because he was poisoned for Dongfang Ning.    


"Madame …"    


Outside, those people still could not reach the boundary of the lawn. Although there were casualties in the Soft Armor, this place had never been left unguarded.    


"Battle King is here. It's alright now. I wonder how Miss Faang and Old Princess Soong are doing."    


Because of Yan Wuzhan's arrival, it became more lively here. The remaining two masked men in black saw Yan Wuzhan coming and immediately wanted to escape. They didn't know how powerful Wei Lingyun was at the beginning, and had wanted to take down Dongfang Ning as soon as they killed him.    


Who knew that in less than half a quarter of an hour, the person with the strongest Shan Nation, Battle King, would arrive. Didn't he say that he would be able to delay the entire morning?    


"You want to leave? Too late!" After the two of them flew up, Yan Wuzhan casually swept his palm in the air and attacked the two of them.    


black clothed men couldn't avoid the two flying in the air, and was hit directly by the powerful palm attack.    


"Pu, pu," he was knocked to the ground.    


"Wa ~ ~" The two who had fallen down could only feel their blood boiling up. They couldn't help but spit out blood at the same time. It was as if the bones in their chests had turned into bloody pieces of flesh and blood.    


At this moment, the soldiers had finally arrived. Seeing the chaos, before the leader could see clearly what was happening, he gave an order, "What's going on here? Men, chase out all those who have nothing to do with this place and save the fire!"    


As the soldiers got busy, Yan Wuzhan personally carried Yan Wuhen out of the courtyard.    


"Greetings, Battle King!" Only now did the head of the soldier see the person before him and immediately knelt down.    


"Hmm, clean up the mess, not a single drop of blood can be left!"    


"Yes sir!"    


He thought it was just an ordinary murder case, but he didn't expect that not only was the fire raging, he even saw the hero in his heart, Yan Wuzhan. At this moment, he became even more energetic and commanded everyone to clean up the battlefield.    


Although they were chased out of the backyard, they all gathered outside the yard to wait. Yan Wuzhan had never treated the people with indifference, so these people were not afraid of him. They only worshipped him, so they all had the guts to stay here to see how far the Fang family backyard would go.    


"Look, Old Princess Soong and Miss Faang are out!"    


Dongfang Ning felt helpless. What were these people thinking? They didn't care about the dead and only cared about her and her patients. How heartless! He pushed the operating table out of the backyard archway through the only level tunnel.    


"Two people, push the patient back. The ward is on fire. Don't move to the patient's side!"    


She handed the patient over to Soong Family's two servants who had caught up to her.    


Dongfang Ning was worried about her family the most. Something had happened in the backyard for so long that nothing had happened to them. Nothing would happen to them.    


Even though she had told Lan’er beforehand to not let a single family member out no matter what happened in the backyard, she still couldn't stop worrying and hastened her steps towards home.    


When Dongfang Ning rushed to the lobby from the backyard, she saw that her family's lobby was filled with people. The person sitting in the highest seat was, of course, Yan Wuzhan.    


The crown prince and the others stopped talking and turned towards her. They thought that she would bow, but luckily they had her up at the first moment, and then they opened their mouths to ask her to enter the palace to treat the emperor's illness.    


Why was it Battle King instead of the crown prince?    


Dongfang Ning didn't know the reason, it shouldn't be the crown prince who was the biggest, but she didn't think too much about it. After entering the room, she ignored everyone and looked around, but when she didn't see her own family, she immediately shouted, "Lan’er, where are my brother and the rest!"    


Yan Wuzhan was speechless. Why did this woman have such an irrational moment?    


"Mistress, we're in the back!" Lan’er's voice came from the back. When Dongfang Ning heard it, she finally felt relieved and looked at the people sitting down … I'm sorry, she doesn't know anyone.    


"What brings you two here? If you have nothing to do, then hurry up and leave. I still have something to do, so I don't have the time to greet you all …"    






"Miss Faang, this is His Highness the crown prince. Hurry up and greet him!"    


Seeing Dongfang Ning fighting outside the city gate that day again, Yan Wuchen's impression of her rose. He was afraid that the crown prince would blame her, so he immediately warned her.    


"Oh, customer... Lan’er serve tea! " This was his home, so why would she go with a guest? Did she have the time? Give me a cup of tea. If you like, sit down.    


Lan’er: Mistress …    


Madam Wang: My son...    


Everyone in the hall:    








"Slash ~"    


"Hahaha, Fang Ning, you're so funny. What are you going to do? I'll go with you!" Yan Wuchen burst into laughter again. This girl was really cute. After he finished laughing, he didn't forget to help her settle things.    


"Crown Prince, Fang Ning doesn't care about small matters. Don't be offended, this is her character …"    


"Oh, so that means that Second Brother knows Miss Faang?"    


"I do know her, but she doesn't recognize me. Miss Faang entered the city that day, and I was drinking with a few of my drinking buddies in the north side of the city. I've met her from afar."    



Second Prince was the most carefree one among the brothers. His life was full of luxury, and he did not study at all. He was a typical prodigal prodigal.    


Therefore, the few princes' secret battles didn't include him. In fact, he was the most relaxed of them all. No one would think about getting rid of him at all times, so his days would naturally be carefree.    


"I'm going to check on the injured people. Wei Lingyun is still over there, and Song Qiuhan …" Seeing that Lan’er was there, Dongfang Ning's family must also be safe and anxious to save the injured.    


"They won't die, so don't go. We have business with you. Can we sit and chat?"    


"Is there something? If you have something to say, just say it. You need me to ask and pay my respects before you can say it. You guys are really troublesome! Didn't you see the bodies and the casualties? Wait for me to treat him first! "    


At first, his voice wasn't as cold as before, but now, it sounded more and more unhappy. So many people died or were injured, yet these old men just sat there as if nothing had happened and waited for someone to pay their respects?    


Snake essence disease! What the hell!    


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