Domineering Female State Advisor



0It turned out that the day before yesterday, Moon King wanted the emperor to find a good day to officially bestow Dongfang Ning the title of princess. The day before yesterday, Moon King told the emperor to find a good day to officially bestow Dongfang Ning the title of princess.    


The Emperor did not want Dongfang Ning's name to be written in the royal family tree. How was she going to write it then? It was from the people, vulgar and rude?    


Although he was the emperor, Moon King was the elder. He had more say in the family tree if he couldn't enter, but Yan Wuzhan also forced him to refuse. That was why he wanted to do the thinking of Dongfang Ning alone, and only if Dongfang Ning gave up her position as a princess, could Moon King not mention this matter.    


"Zhan's wings are so hard, he wants to fly by himself! "Send someone to get him to come here. If he doesn't give me a reason, I will never agree to it!"    


Don't think that I don't know what he's trying to do. He looked at Dongfang Ning, who was sitting opposite to him, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. He initially said no to such a good girl, but now I don't agree to it!    


He agreed to Royal Uncle's request the same day, but Yan Wuzhan said that he wasn't going to make Princess Anning his princess. This kind of dilemma only required a single sentence from Zi Fei to remind him.    


Whether it was Royal Uncle or Yan Wuzhan, both of their targets were Dongfang Ning. It would be better to leave this matter to the main target.    


"Okay, isn't it just a princess? I'm not a princess, so I'm going to take my mother and grandfather out for a sightseeing trip to live the life of a deity."    


After Dongfang Ning understood what was going on, she replied indifferently, "I don't care about princesses who aren't princesses, it's completely meaningless!"    


"Nonsense!" How could the Emperor go back on his word! This is an imperial decree, not child's play! "    


Hearing Dongfang Ning's words, Moon King disagreed. That brat wanted to marry a beauty, so he had to think of a way. The Emperor Board had already been posted for more than a month. How could he go back on his words now?    


"Men, go and invite Battle King. Tell him that Moon King is at the palace and wants him here immediately."    


That's right, he should listen to what Royal Uncle said, but what Wuzhan said is more reasonable, so let him say it himself. Zi Fei's method is more effective, and he can just watch from the side. Thinking of this, his expression softened a lot.    


"Your Majesty, Battle King asked to meet outside the palace hall and also brought a Daoist!"    


Before he could send someone to invite him, Yan Wuzhan had already come. That's good, let them do it themselves.    


"In the main hall?"    




"Let them come!"    


Yan Wuzhan brought a Taoist, what does he want to do?    


Yan Wuzhan really did bring a Taoist, a Taoist that even the emperor knew. He was the Taoist of the Tian Jue Mountain's Tian Qing Monastery, "Taoist Master He".    


For the past few days, because of Dongfang Ning's identity, Yan Wuzhan was busy to the point where he couldn't differentiate between north and south. Finally, he thought of Mu He.    


It was said that this Daoist man knew about astronomy, knew about geography, could predict the future, and could determine the past. In short, he was very powerful, and could be considered a living deity among humans.    


Adept Mu had a head full of white hair, a kind and benevolent countenance, and was dressed in Taoist clothes. He carried a horsetail whisk in his arms, and had a peach wood sword stuck at his back. He looked quite saintly.    


Seeing the few people coming from far away, the emperor and Moon King both thought to themselves, "Why did Yan Wuzhan invite him here?"    


However, since they were immortal elders, the emperor brought Old Prince and Dongfang Ning out of the pavilion.    


"This Penniless Priest pays his respect to Your Majesty and Moon King!"    


"Greetings, Royal Uncle, Moon King!"    


"Alright, there's no need to be so polite. Come in and we'll talk."    


The emperor, Old Prince and Dongfang Ning stood together. The emperor invited the old Daoist into the pavilion, but the old Daoist didn't enter. He just stared at Dongfang Ning for a long time without saying anything.    


He silently looked at Dongfang Ning for a long time before entering the pavilion. Everyone else followed silently.    


"Congratulations your majesty the Emperor, your Shan Nation has been blessed ~" After the real person saw everyone sitting down, he stood up and bowed deeply towards the emperor.    


"What do you mean?"    


The emperor hurriedly asked. This Taoist was too weird today, no one dared to look at her. Could it be that he knew something?    


The old Daoist looked at the four of them and said after thinking for a moment:    


"The heavens are forbidding us from revealing her identity. However, this woman's identity is extraordinary, let's just follow Battle King's wishes. With her presence in Shan Nation, the world will be at peace. On the other hand …"    


He looked at Dongfang Ning again, not knowing what to say. This woman looked like someone who didn't believe in gods or buddhas, he didn't even know if he would be hit by her. Moreover, this was clearly a soul from another world, and it was different from what Battle King said.    


On the other hand, Dongfang Ning could feel that this person seemed to be able to see her soul.    


What kind of thing was immortals? Wasn't this too mystical?    


"Just say what you want to say, I'm listening."    


She suddenly opened her mouth and said something incomprehensible.    




When she said that, she didn't dare to say anything more. She turned around and looked at Yan Wuzhan, implying that I've already said what you wanted me to say. You can do the rest yourself.    


Everyone looked at Yan Wuzhan. What was he trying to do?    


"Sage He, what exactly is going on? Tell us everything properly, and what are you pushing around like? Moon King is here!"    


"Your Majesty, this woman is not a mortal. This Penniless Priest advises you to return her achievements to her. There are rules in the world, so we should obey the will of the heavens!"    


This time, Daoist Master Mu He sat back on his stool after he finished speaking. He closed his eyes and no longer spoke, leaving the four confused and confused people looking at each other in dismay. Just what was the meaning behind his words?    


"Yi Han, what did you steal from her?"    


"Oh my god, what do you mean by stealing credit? She was the one who didn't let the news spread, alright?" Yan Yihan looked at them speechlessly. After thinking for a while, he told Dongfang Ning about Dongfang Ning breaking out of the encirclement.    


"That day, the palace banquet was originally set up for the First Prince of the Dongfang Nation, but unexpectedly, Ning'er was ambushed and almost lost her life. Who would have thought that the giant lion in the Beast Garden would actually save her from the jaws of a wolf …"    


Yan Yihan told them everything that happened that day in front of the four of them. He even told them all about the plans Dongfang Ning came up with for the two prime ministers, how she proposed to send the food to the Shanyang City, and so on.    


"The Emperor is the Son of Heaven. This Penniless Priest doesn't dare to say anything more. This Penniless Priest takes his leave ~"    



After the emperor had told him everything that Dongfang Ning had done, the old Daoist proposed to leave. Yan Wuzhan didn't say anything and just told his men to send him off before returning to the pavilion and sitting down.    


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