Domineering Female State Advisor



0Yan Wuzhan sat quietly on the other side, fiddling with a teacup. That woman really held a grudge. She was obviously talking about serious matters, but she kept staring at him coldly …    


"This is my grandson, Yan Wuzhan. He is my Great Yan Emperor's personal Battle King. Miss Faang, if you have any problems in the future, just come find him directly. He will be responsible for handling all the matters regarding the divine medicine."    


The old man excitedly introduced.    


"Miss Faang, don't blame him for being reckless. He's not a bad person. Please forgive him for what happened today. He's not married yet …"    






Oh my god, he was just discussing about the drugs, why did he suddenly appear in Battle King's backyard?    


The moment Battle King was mentioned, Dongfang Ning's expression changed. The surrounding air turned cold immediately. "You can talk to me about him. He must be killed!"    


She said that the whole person shot towards Yan Wuzhan like an arrow. Damn the man, he actually dared to imprison her!    


Yan Wuzhan smiled bitterly, he had angered a cat!    


This time, he would not give Dongfang Ning any chance to attack. He faced Dongfang Ning, and with a point of his inner force, Dongfang Ning's body went limp, falling back into her wide embrace.    


"I'll take her back …"    


Yan Wuzhan's voice sounded in midair.    


"Mistress, they will hit each other whenever they see each other …" Feng Ting Yi looked worriedly at the direction Battle King disappeared in.    


"Hahahaha, it's fine, I think there's hope!"    




There was still a chance?    


The two clearly couldn't tolerate each other!    


"Have you seen Zhan let a woman get close to him by three feet?    


Now he was hugging her from head to toe. Where was his Lightning? You don't need to ride a horse, understand? "    


"That's right!"    


"It's just that this kid doesn't know yet, sigh!"    


The other royal grandchildren were all in a group, but Battle King Manor didn't even have a mother. Today, this woman … "Serve the dishes!"    


"It's almost dawn, master is early …"    


"Talking too much!" Hurry up and go! "    




"Let me go!"    


"I'm not letting go!"    




"If you don't let go, I won't give you the antidote!"    


"Then don't!"    




"Don't be angry, I'm injured, and I'm carrying you for such a long distance!"    


Seeing that Fang Ning didn't say anything, Yan Wuzhan became anxious. He couldn't explain the reason, he didn't want to see this girl unhappy …    




He wouldn't do it if it was convenient for him. Which girl in the world didn't want him to hug her?    


What do we do now?    


"Did the fall hurt?"    




The guards held their foreheads in unison, their heads full of black lines.    


They finally realized that their master had such a stupid side to him …    


"What do you want to be happy about?"    


His murderous gaze caused his jaw to go cold!    


Oh my god! Women are hard to please!    


If someone else offended her, he would kill them in one move. But now, he had offended her … Let her kill him?    


Returning to the Moon Embracing Garden gloomily, he carefully put Dongfang Ning back into her blanket. After thinking for a moment, he asked again:    


"Then... You want to vent your anger by hitting me? "    


He was suddenly afraid that this woman would ignore him and vent his anger on her. Was this right?    


"Unlock my acupoints!"    




The moment he opened his acupoints, a scalpel came slicing down on his throat …    


Yan Wuzhan helplessly held her hand that held the knife gently. Damn it, where did all these knives come from?    


He had clearly confiscated them just now.    


Sigh! He couldn't let her vent his anger on him.    


With his right hand, he grabbed Dongfang Ning's hand that was holding the scalpel. His feet clamped on the long, long leg that she kicked over.    


So fragrant ~    


This posture...    


He finally couldn't hold it in anymore. He lowered his head to look at the red light before him, and bit his lips …    


He was no longer able to control his mind when he touched it, and he let out a low growl.    


He couldn't help but deepen this kiss …    


Dongfang Ning felt dizzy. This damned man!    


Then his mind went blank...    


A moment of clarity    


Damn man!    


He raised his left hand and stabbed it into Yan Wuzhan's right shoulder …    


"Ah!" Yan Wuzhan let out a muffled groan. His shoulder was in pain, but he didn't let go of her. Hunger, thirst …    


His whole body's senses are screaming -- he just wants more    


He let the smell of blood spread through the room …    


Only when Dongfang Ning's body was limp due to the lack of oxygen did she raise her head, unwilling to give up. Her voice was hoarse …    


"You are not allowed to say unreasonable things in front of others and do unreasonable things."    


Then, his eyes turned dark and he fainted. He then pulled Dongfang Ning to the ground.    


'Dong! 'A man's head hit the ground, while Dongfang Ning fell on his body …    


Dongfang Ning, who was still gasping for breath, finally regained her freedom. The knife in her left hand was still stuck in Yan Wuzhan's right shoulder. Fresh blood flowed down the blade, staining half of his clothes wet …    


Dongfang Ning was shocked and her mind came back to its senses.    


It was true that this person had offended her, but the education she had received in her previous life had taught her that this person was not dead, and that he had no reason to kill her.    


She hastily took out the scalpel. She obviously knew where the wound was.    


This was because once she made a move, every cut would leave a vital point. Even if it wasn't a vital point, it would still cut into the arteries.    


He quickly opened up the clothes on Yan Wuzhan's shoulder, revealing the two centimeters long knife's edge. He applied the hemostasis medicine and wrapped it in one go.    


Logically speaking, he shouldn't have fainted. That's right, he was injured before, where was the wound?    


"Shua!" The scalpel cut through the thin layer of cloth. The precise force actually did not harm the skin under the clothes.    


Yan Wuzhan's abdomen was wrapped in a thick layer of white cloth, and the surface of the cloth was oozing out black blood …    


Dongfang Ning calmed down.    


"The Intelligent Brain scanned his injuries."    


"Two new wounds have been healed correctly on the shoulder. The wound on the abdomen is 5.81 cm long. The body is 2.2 cm deep. The internal organs are intact. There is an unknown poison in the body."    


"Dividing the Toxic Ingredients"    


She couldn't let Yan Wuzhan die. She couldn't care less about his psychological state right now, as long as his internal organs weren't injured.    


This was something she could do with her eyes closed. She could help him clean his wounds and stop the bleeding …    


Yan Wuzhan had excellent kung fu skills. Earlier, he fainted because it was already too heavy. Afterwards, he forcefully used his kung fu to fly for dozens of miles before getting stabbed. Plus, just now …    


When he woke up, he saw Dongfang Ning with a layer of strange gloves on her hands. She was holding onto something that looked like a small clip, holding onto a tiny curved triangle … Needle?    


He called it a needle because the other end of the needle was still connected to the needle. And just like that … Sewing meat!    


Holding back his curiosity and the pain from his wound, his expression softened …    


"This woman is healing me."    


It seemed like the rumors of today were not false. She was a genius doctor.    


This kind of trauma really wasn't difficult for Dongfang Ning at all.    




I'm sorry, the Intelligent Brain have thousands of different kinds of serum. With the Intelligent Brain analyzing the toxins and taking out the appropriate amount of serum, a single drop of the serum would be enough.    


Dongfang Ning's attention was completely focused on dealing with the wound, and she was completely unaware that the owner of the wound had woken up. After wrapping up the wound, she pushed a tube of serum into his veins.    


"Alright, it's done! 'Even if you're lucky, there's probably no one in this world who can cure you of this poison! '    


His habitual words of consoling his comrades inadvertently popped up.    




The moment I finished listening, I shamelessly closed my eyes to feign unconsciousness. I don't want to see her at all. Just now when she was focusing on her injuries, it was really charming …    



Yan Wuzhan was waiting for her to deal with the unconscious him.    


The two dark guards who were late were also looking forward to their master's ending …    


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