Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C299 In the Notebook the Words

C299 In the Notebook the Words

0She dreamt that she had transplanted the cornea to Fu Jinchen, allowing him to regain his light. She had become completely blind, unable to see anything.    


She also dreamed that Fu Jinchen took her to the Ferris wheel and told her how beautiful the scenery outside the window was. The fireworks she saw that day rekindled again. Fu Jinchen even took out the Star Diamond Ring from his pocket and put it on for her.    


The scene changed. She dreamed that she actually put on a wedding dress and walked into a church. Fu Jinchen, dressed in a well-ironed suit, stood in front of the church and looked at her with deep affection.    


He said that you had come. I waited for you for a long time. She smiled at him. He walked forward, but he did not stop in front of her. Instead, he walked straight past her.    


She stopped him and asked him why he wanted to leave. His attitude suddenly changed. He said that she was blind. Fu Jinchen did not need a blind woman to be his wife. He threw the Star Ring on the ground. Then he left.    


She knelt on the ground looking for the Star Ring, but because she could not see anything, she could not find it for a long time. The man had gone far away and would not come back to find her again.    


Xia Xingxuan woke up from her dream and found that her forehead was covered in a layer of cold sweat. She took a breath and calmed herself down. She realized that it was actually a dream.    


This dream was very real and made her a little scared.    


She was very afraid that the scene in the dream would happen soon. She would make Fu Jinchen think that she was a burden and a useless person because she became blind. Because of this, she would be despised and hated by Fu Jinchen.    


She slapped her face and told herself that she should not have such thoughts. Fu Jinchen would not become that kind of person, and he would not abandon her because she was blind.    


He had told her that no matter what she became, he would take care of her for the rest of her life.    


It was already dawn. Xia Xingxuan sat in a daze on the bed and waited for the arrival of the surgery.    


On the other side, Fu Jinchen woke up very early. He went out for morning exercise this morning and only came back after an hour.    


His daily work and rest had to return to his previous state. During the time he was on vacation, there were a lot of things that needed to be dealt with in the company that needed to be dealt with by him when he went back.    


His eyes could almost see clearly. His vision had recovered very quickly in the past two days. This was also something that he did not expect.    


When his eyes had not been able to see at the beginning, he was actually very worried. Every day, he thought that the blood clots could disappear as soon as possible, but he found that the more worried he was, the more worried he was. The more the situation did not turn for the better, and when he got used to being blind, every day, when he stopped thinking about when he would be able to recover, the situation suddenly started to get better.    


It was strange. Sometimes, if he did not care about one thing and allowed it to continue developing, it would have the opposite effect.    


Fu Jinchen finished his simple breakfast in Fu residence and went upstairs to take a hot shower.    


He used a towel to dry his hair. When he was looking for a dryer in the drawer, he saw a small notebook used for bookkeeping.    


This should be Xia Xingxuan's.    


He remembered that she said that because she was a little stupid, she would often write things down in the notebook.    


Fu Jinchen was not a person who liked to check other people's privacy. He put the notebook back into the drawer and accidentally dropped it on the floor.    


He bent down and was about to pick up the notebook when he found that the notebook that fell on the ground had flipped open a page. The few lines of words written on it shocked Fu Jinchen, and his face changed instantly.    


He picked up the book and his eyes darkened.    


A few days ago, Shen Baixin told me that my cornea is suitable for transplanting to Fu Jinchen. I also gladly promised Shen Baixin that I would transplant my cornea to Fu Jinchen. This is what I owe him, so I should return it to him. I understand. After he went blind, he always pretended not to care. But actually, I know that he just didn't want me and Grandma to worry about him. And he didn't want me to blame myself, but he didn't know... Every time I see his blind eyes, my heart aches... I wanted to be the one who lost my sight, not him, so I made the decision to transplant the cornea to him. I don't regret what I did, nor do I regret having such an idea. As long as he gets better and can see again... I have no regrets...    


Jiang Ye, who was preparing the car for Fu Jinchen, heard Fu Jinchen's angry voice from upstairs. "Jiang Ye, go and find out where Xia Xingxuan is right now!"    


"Director Fu, shouldn't Madam be accompanying her adoptive parents in America right now?"    


"She's not here! She's definitely not here!"    


Fu Jinchen held the book in his hand and crumpled it.    


Jiang Ye saw Fu Jinchen's angry expression and did not continue to nag. He nodded and took the phone to start checking people.    


Fu Jinchen got back into the car. Jiang Ye got into the car in less than two minutes and told Fu Jinchen, "Director Fu, the wife bought a plane ticket back to the country yesterday morning. She is now in the city hospital."    


So Xia Xingxuan went to see Shen Baixin?    


Fu Jinchen's expression was extremely dark.    


"Go to the hospital immediately!"    


Fu Jinchen was afraid that something that he could not accept would happen if he was a little bit late!    


Shen Baixin had privately told Xia Xingxuan that her cornea was suitable to be transplanted to him, so Xia Xingxuan believed him? Did she really listen to Shen Baixin?    


Why did this fool believe Shen Baixin so easily? Why didn't he tell him about this matter and acted on his own accord? Did she really think that Shen Baixin only wanted to remove her cornea and transplant it to him?    


If her eyes were really blind, he would definitely not let Shen Baixin go. He would make Shen Baixin blind. Even if Shen Baixin was his best friend, he would not care about his feelings!    


On the way to the hospital, Fu Jinchen felt uneasy. His heart was in chaos!    


The car in Fu residence stopped in front of the hospital in the city. Fu Jinchen kept walking to the floor of the ophthalmology department.    


Lying on the operating table, Xia Xingxuan was stabbed by the surgical lamp and her eyes were tightly shut. She glanced to the side and saw a few rows beside her. The surgical instruments ranging from large to small, such as scalpel, pliers, forceps, and so on were all incomparably sharp.    


Xia Xingxuan could not help but shiver when she saw this.    


She would rather close her eyes and not look at these knives that made her more or less afraid.    


Before entering the operating theater, she was quite relaxed, but after entering the operating theater and seeing these surgical tools, she could not remain calm anymore.    


At this moment, she started to feel afraid, and a sense of fear grew in her heart.    


Shen Baixin, who had changed into his surgical gown, walked into Xia Xingxuan's line of sight.    


He wore a mask and asked Xia Xingxuan, "The surgery can start now. I'll give you anesthesia first."    


She was wearing a respiratory mask and there was fluid transfusion in her hands. Her body was as tight as a block of wood.    


"Don't be nervous. After the whole body is anesthetized, you will lose consciousness. After sleeping and waking up, everything will be fine."    


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