Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C394 Chapter 394

C394 Chapter 394

0Anna said, "This book is just a gift for you. Since you want to work with me, you have to get familiar with the story I wrote."    


"Then can Lady Anna tell me simply what the story of this book is about?"    


Anna had just mentioned that she wrote this book overseas and it was very popular. Anna even invested herself in it. The story must be very interesting.    


Xia Xingxuan and Chen Xi heard Anna say, "This book was written by me after a long time. I have injected a lot of emotions into this book."    


"The rough story of this book is about a married woman with a low status in the countryside. After seducing a rich married man, the adultery between the two was discovered by this man's wife. The wife held back because she didn't want her hard-working family to be destroyed. However, the pretended disregard of the wife made the man and Mo even more arrogant. The two of them secretly complained. Finally, the wife couldn't bear it anymore. So, she took revenge on Mo. "    


Anna noticed that Xia Xingxuan's expression started to change and continued to observe Xia Xingxuan's reaction. She continued, "The wife crippled Mo's legs and even divorced her husband. Mo's daughter could not bear to see her mother become crippled. One night, mo's daughter drove and killed her wife by the roadside. Then... Little Brother Mo's daughter went to jail. "    


"Four years later, Mo's daughter got out of jail, but what welcomed her wasn't a new life. It was because her father was seriously injured because of a business dispute, and her mother became a disabled person because of what happened four years ago. She thought that her life was terrible enough, but who knew that even worse things would come later? She personally killed the woman who made her mother disabled, and that woman's son wanted revenge for his mother. He went to find her and tortured her until she was in so much pain that she wished she was dead. At the end of the story, she died, and was personally killed by that woman's son. He knocked her to death four years ago, on the road that killed his mother. Her head, her hands were all broken. The scene was bloody..."    


"Ah!!" Xia Xingxuan suddenly screamed and covered her ears with both hands. Her face was so pale that there was not a trace of blood that a normal person should have.    


Anna telling the story until it was so creepy that Chen Xi felt that it was ridiculous when she heard it. When Xia Xingxuan cried out like this again, it scared Chen Xi until her heart almost jumped up to her throat.    


Anna had a strange smile on her face as she saw Xia Xingxuan suddenly sit up from her seat. There was a shocked expression in her eyes and on her forehead and face, there was even a thin layer of sweat.    


"Xingxuan, you... What happened to you?" Chen Xi also stood up and supported Xia Xingxuan's back. She did not understand Xia Xingxuan's sudden reaction.    


Anna's story was indeed terrifying but it was not to the extent of making Xia Xingxuan so afraid, right? Xia Xingxuan was not such a timid person. How could she be so frightened by a fabricated story?    


"Miss Xia, are you alright? Why are you so panicked after hearing the story I told you?"    


Xia Xingxuan swallowed her saliva. The clothes on her back were drenched in cold sweat.    


She looked down at the book on the table and then looked at Anna as if to confirm something.    


The story in Anna's book, other than the part where the boy avenged his mother, was the same as what she had experienced in the past.    


It was as if this book was written according to Anna's experience.    


Was all of this a coincidence?    


"I'm sorry, Ms. Anna. I don't think we can work together anymore. If you want to invest in this movie, you should look for someone else."    


After saying that, Xia Xingxuan took her bag and hurriedly ran away.    


Chen Xi saw that Xia Xingxuan left in a hurry and her expression was nervous and uneasy. She said sorry to Anna and chased after Xia Xingxuan.    


Anna only lightly tilted her head and watched the two of them leave one after the other. She smiled sinisterly.    


Chen Xi chased after Xia Xingxuan and found that Xia Xingxuan's expression was even uglier than when she was in front of Anna.    


"Xingxuan, what is the matter with you?"    


"I... I am fine."    


"Are you really alright? But after you heard the story Anna told you, your whole body..."    


"Aunt, I don't want to work with Anna. I don't want to film that scene. I don't want to..."    


Xia Xingxuan showed great resistance and kept saying that she shouldn't film that scene.    


"Xingxuan, calm down first. Take a deep breath and relax..."    


Xia Xingxuan's facial features were taut and her brows were tightly knitted. Chen Xi saw that she was unable to calm down and said, "If you don't want to take it, then don't take it. Anyway, I feel that it is good that this cooperation is not successful."    


"If Anna's story is to be changed into an online drama, then it would also be a horror and suspense film. Furthermore, this plot is really outrageous. Do you think that such a ridiculous thing would really happen in real life?"    


How could it not be? Xia Xingxuan's experience was the true depiction of Anna's book.    


Xia Xingxuan was silent and did not say anything. Chen Xi also felt bored talking to herself and asked, "You were shocked by Anna's story? That was only a fictional story. Don't take it seriously."    


Xia Xingxuan nodded her head. " Yes, I know."    


"Aunt, I'm sorry that you wasted your trip."    


"It's fine."    


"Aunt, if there's nothing wrong with the studio, I want to go back first. I'm not feeling well."    


Xia Xingxuan was not feeling well. Chen Xi could tell from her face.    


"That's good too. Go home and rest first."    


Xia Xingxuan said goodbye to Chen Xi and reached out to stop a taxi and gave the address of Fu residence.    


In the car, Xia Xingxuan's mind was thinking about the look Anna that woman gave her and the story Anna told her...    


Anna was like a monitor that had observed her past. She was familiar with what happened to her family four years ago and four years later and compiled it into a book.    


She had never seen the content of the book with her own eyes. Just listening to the story in Anna's oral book was enough to make her unable to imitate it.    


Anna, this woman, was very strange. No matter if it was a person or not, it did not matter. Her eyes, including the tone of her voice, were also not right. Xia Xingxuan really did not believe that there would be such a coincidence in this world. The story Anna told also attracted her more and more. It tempted her to finish reading the book. She wanted to see if the story was exactly the same as Anna's narration.    


The taxi passed by a bookstore. Xia Xingxuan asked the taxi driver to park by the side. After paying, she got out of the car and walked into the bookstore.    


Xia Xingxuan wanted to come here and see if there was a book published by Anna. Who knew that she would find this book in the special section of modern books?    


Because the sales of the book was not bad, it was set up in a separate sales area. Xia Xingxuan only stood in the sales area of the book for less than a minute and a few young people came over to buy one.    


Xia Xingxuan also took one. The book was brand new and there was also an unsealed plastic film. The cover was exactly the same as the one Anna gave.    


Xia Xingxuan took this book to the front desk to settle the bill and rushed back home.    




When Fu Jinchen returned home, Mrs Lin told Fu Jinchen that Xia Xingxuan had to look for him today and her expression was also strange. After returning home, she did not come out of her bedroom alone and did not allow anyone to disturb her.    



Mrs Lin was worried that Xia Xingxuan had something to do, so she asked Fu Jinchen to go upstairs to take a look.    


Fu Jinchen opened the bedroom door and saw that there was only a burning bedside lamp in front of the bed. Xia Xingxuan leaned against the bed and held a book in her hand. Her hands stiffly flipped through the pages.    


"Why isn't the lamp turned on?"    


Fu Jinchen turned on the light in the bedroom. Xia Xingxuan did not have any reaction. She still lowered her head and continued to read the book in her hand.    


"Are you reading?"    


Fu Jinchen walked to the bedside. Xia Xingxuan was still holding the book in her hand. When he got closer to her, Fu Jinchen found that her expression was very strange.    


"What book are you reading?"    


Xia Xingxuan only reacted at this time. Fu Jinchen had returned.    


She closed the book and hid the book under her pillow in a panic. She said, "You are back."    


Did she only know that he was back now? Did that mean she didn't notice his appearance just now?    


"Mrs Lin said that after you came back, you locked yourself in the bedroom alone? After you came back, did you lie on the bed and read books?"    


"Yes... Yes." Xia Xingxuan's eyes avoided him, and she stuttered as she spoke.    


"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Why are you so preoccupied? "    


" It's fine, I'm fine. "    


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