Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C303 Is the Marriage Relationship about to Start to Deteriorate

C303 Is the Marriage Relationship about to Start to Deteriorate

0On the fourth night after Fu Jinchen left Fu residence, he returned.    


It was almost midnight. Xia Xingxuan, who was sleeping on the sofa in the living room, heard some noise outside the Fu residence. She saw the light from the car lamp shining on the glass through the glass.    


A luxury car entered her sight.    


The car was Fu Jinchen's Maybach, so it was Fu Jinchen who came back?    


The few days of longing made Xia Xingxuan unable to suppress the excitement in her body. She sat up from the sofa, put on her slippers, and ran to the entrance.    


Fu Jinchen wore a dark black man's coat. After a few days of not seeing each other, there was a bit of a beard on his chin, which added a bit of the charm of a mature man.    


The moment he walked into the entrance, he saw Xia Xingxuan. He had not seen her lose a lot of weight in the past few days. Was it because she did not have a good meal? It was almost midnight. Why didn't she sleep?    


Fu Jinchen wanted to scold her, but he forcefully swallowed the words he wanted to say.    


"You're back?" Xia Xingxuan stood in front of him and saw a few snowflakes on his hair. She stood on her tiptoes and reached out to brush away the snowflakes on his hair. She brought him slippers.    


She was like a wife waiting for her husband to get off work and go home. She was very attentive to her husband.    


He took off his coat and Xia Xingxuan wanted to take it but he passed the clothes to Mrs Lin and ignored Xia Xingxuan beside him as he passed by her.    


She could feel how cold the wind that he carried when he walked past her was.    


He distanced himself from her like this and she was filled with all kinds of feelings.    


Could it be that the few days of quietness still hadn't calmed him down?    


She lowered her head and followed behind him. She did not even know when he stopped walking. Just like that, she directly hit his back. Her forehead hurt a lot as she used her hand to cover it.    


When he turned around to look at her, she put her hand down and said to him with a smile, "Have you eaten? Do you want me to cook something for you to eat?"    


"No need, I'll go upstairs and take a shower first." After saying that, he glanced at Xia Xingxuan and walked upstairs.    


Mrs Lin followed behind Xia Xingxuan. She asked Mrs Lin to give Fu Jinchen's coat to her and she took it back to her room.    


Mrs Lin handed the coat to her hand. When she carried the coat upstairs, she smelled the alcohol on the coat. Not only that, it also had a faint perfume smell.    


Xia Xingxuan smelled it carefully and realized that she had smelled this perfume before. When she went shopping, she passed by the Chanel cosmetics cabinet. She was pulled in by the staff to try the Chanel No. 5 perfume. Until now, she could clearly remember the smell of this perfume. It was the same smell as the perfume on Fu Jinchen's coat.    


How could there be a woman's perfume on her husband's clothes? Anyone who knew the reason would know.    


Xia Xingxuan's heart sank. She tried her best not to think too much, but she could not do it.    


Did Fu Jinchen go for a drink before he came back? And there were other women accompanying him?    


She thought this guess was close to the truth.    


She waited for him at home for four days. Every night, she waited until midnight. She couldn't wait any longer, so she went back to her room to rest. He was fine. While she was waiting for him to come home, she went to drink. He even brought back the scent of a woman's perfume!    


Didn't he say that the company had been busy these few days? Why did he still have the time to drink?    


Xia Xingxuan carried his coat back to the room in a gloomy mood. She hung his coat outside the balcony window, closed the French window, and returned to the bedroom. She sat in a daze on the bed.    


Fu Jinchen came out of the shower and saw that Xia Xingxuan had not slept yet and was still looking at him with her arms crossed. Her eyes were filled with the desire to tear him apart.    


He ignored her gaze and walked towards the closet with a towel wrapped around his lower body. Only then did Xia Xingxuan, who had been sitting on the bed for a long time, move.    


She said sarcastically, "I hung that coat of yours out the window. It's windy tonight, so I can blow off the smell of alcohol and women's perfume on your clothes."    


Fu Jinchen was stunned. His eyes fell outside the window and saw that his coat was indeed hanging outside the window.    


Xia Xingxuan's ambiguous words made Fu Jinchen understand what she meant. He said in a deep voice, "Okay." Then he went to the closet to change his clothes.    


His indifferent response made Xia Xingxuan angry.    


He actually did not have any explanation and still calmly said "En." What did this mean? Did he admit that he went to drink? Had he ever had a woman by his side?    


Xia Xingxuan found it hard to accept his nonchalant expression.    


Did he forget that he had a wife? It was one thing that he did not return home for four days, but he actually dared to go out and fool around? It made her look like a resentful wife now.    


Xia Xingxuan was really angry, so she got off the bed and walked into the closet. She just happened to see the scene of Fu Jinchen undoing the towel under his body.    


"Fu Jinchen, I..."    


Because she saw the embarrassing scene, the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat. Her face turned red and she looked away.    


Compared to her, Fu Jinchen was very calm. Seeing that her face was burning red, he hid a smile at the corner of his mouth and slowly changed his clothes.    


After putting on the pajamas, she still did not dare to put her eyes on him. He said, "What are you hiding from? How many times have I seen it? What's there to be embarrassed about? "    


" If I knew you were changing here, I wouldn't have barged in to see your loon!! " Xia Xingxuan retorted with a glib tongue.    


Fu Jinchen liked her this way. She was inexplicably cute and he liked her.    


However, when he thought of something, the smile on his face disappeared.    


She suddenly asked, "Fu Jinchen, do you have a woman outside?"    


He raised his eyebrows and said, "Who told you that?"    


"Do I need someone else to tell me that? I'm not stupid. I could tell from your coat alone!"    


"And didn't you admit that? Otherwise, I would hang your coat outside the window and blow away the smell of alcohol and women's perfume on your coat. You didn't defend yourself, did you not admit it in a disguised way? "    


Fu Jinchen did not say that what she said was right or wrong, so he changed the topic. "It's late. You should rest first."    


"I still have some things to do in the study. I need to sleep later."    


After he said that, he did not say anything else and only left Xia Xingxuan a lonely back view.    



This time, her heart was completely cold.    


She really did not understand what Fu Jinchen was doing. Why did he become so cold to her?    


She was clearly not like this with him. Could it be that he really hated her just because of the cornea transplant?    


Others said that marriage was itching for seven years, but it didn't seem like it had even been a year since she and Fu Jinchen had gotten married. Was the relationship between them starting to deteriorate?    


She had clearly told Fu Jinchen that she was modest, but why was he unwilling to let go of that matter? Why did he treat her like this?    


In a fit of anger, Xia Xingxuan locked the bedroom door behind her. She climbed onto the bed and hid under the covers. She secretly cried for a long time alone until her eyes were swollen from crying. It was only because she was too tired that she fell asleep.    


In the second half of the night, Fu Jinchen came out of the study. He twisted the handle of the bedroom door and found that the bedroom door was locked. The door could not be opened.    


He helplessly went back to the study and laid on the sofa with his hands behind his head.    


Xia Xingxuan was very angry that his body was dyed with the scent of a woman's perfume and he did not give an explanation. It must be because of this that she locked the bedroom door and did not let him go back to his room to sleep, right?    


Wasn't this the result that he wanted?    


Didn't he want Xia Xingxuan to think that he was fooling around with another woman so that Xia Xingxuan would have a conflict with him over this matter and quarrel with him so that Xia Xingxuan would automatically stay away from him?    


Didn't he also achieve his goal? But why did he not want to hurt Xia Xingxuan when he saw that Xia Xingxuan was really about to cry from his anger?    


He really did not know what he was doing. If he was really affected by Shen Baixin's words, if he did not want Xia Xingxuan to get closer to him, then he could divorce Xia Xingxuan. From then on, he would be separated from the world and avoid falling in love with this woman. He wouldn't feel sorry for his dead mother anymore.    


As long as they divorced, they would not have to avoid her and not go home. If they returned home and pretended to ignore her, it would make him feel very tired, and he would not have the patience to continue pretending to be himself.    


Moreover, if he proposed a divorce with Xia Xingxuan, it might become the best revenge. Because Xia Xingxuan loved him, he suddenly proposed a divorce with Xia Xingxuan. This was undoubtedly a knife stabbed into Xia Xingxuan's heart, causing her to wish that she was dead. This way, wouldn't he realize his initial goal of marrying Xia Xingxuan?    


Fu Jinchen laughed self-deprecatingly. He thought very easily, but if he really wanted to say the word divorce with Xia Xingxuan, would he be willing?    


He was a man. If he liked her, he liked her. If he loved her, he loved her. But because of Mo Yafu's death, he always wanted to avoid the fact that he loved Xia Xingxuan.    


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