Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C939 Married to a Rich Family 868

C939 Married to a Rich Family 868

0"Why are you in such a hurry? With a beauty like her right now, I feel like we can enjoy it for now! " The man placed his hand on the plump butt of a foreign woman and spoke slowly in Chinese.    


Ye Nianmo stood up and said with a pale face, "Sorry, I'm going out for some fresh air. You can play first."    


Watching Ye Nianmo's back disappear behind the door, Yu Lan immediately let go of the woman's hand and smiled bitterly. Ye Zimo, you don't have a good relationship with me anymore. If I can smell the woman's perfume on me when I go home, I would have to be prepared to not enter my room for a month!    


Ye Nianmo walked to the smoking area and found that he didn't have a fire engine with him. He called the reception desk to send one up. Hello, here's your fire engine. " Mo Shuangling's eyes lit up when she saw Ye Nianmo. She did not expect to meet someone she adored here.    


"Thank you." Ye Nianmo didn't recognize Mo Shuangling at all. Mo Shuangling wanted to discredit Ding Yiyi, so she leaned close to Ye Nianmo and said, "My colleague Ding Yiyi is not your friend. I think it's better if you don't make friends like this.    


Ye Nianmo frowned, very dissatisfied with the waiter in front of him. Mo Shuangling smiled happily and put on a mysterious tone as she said, "I just saw Ding Yiyi and a man enter the room. That man is very rich. Yi Yi definitely won't be able to hold him back."    


"Where is he?" Ye Nianmo had already extinguished his cigarette. Ding Yiyi wasn't the kind of person to do that kind of thing, the only explanation might be being coerced or drugged. Seriously, this idiot couldn't be more obedient like Ao Xue and always cause trouble for himself!    


Mo Shuangling couldn't wait to lead the way and walked all the way to her room. Mo Shuangling asked, "Do you need me to go to the front desk to find the key?"    


A loud noise suddenly came from the room, it was the sound of the vase breaking and Ding Yiyi's surprised cry. Ye Nianmo's heart skipped a beat, that strange feeling appeared again, it was very clear, it was anxiety, anger and many unknown emotions.    


Ye Nianmo kicked the door open and rushed up. He saw Ding Yiyi squatting on the floor and grabbing Ding Yiyi to put her behind him.    


"Ye Nianmo?" Ding Yiyi was confused and could only feel Ye Nianmo's anger. Ye Nianmo's angry eyes turned into surprise when he saw Xu Haorann.    


"Uncle Xu!"    


"Don't come over, the vase dropped just now. This lady even cut her hand while she was cleaning up!" Xu Haorann hurriedly went to stop Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo didn't care about this and rushed up to hug Uncle Xu tightly.    


"Uncle Xu, I missed you so much!" Only in front of Xu Haorann, Ye Nianmo would always look like a child. Xu Haorann looked at Ye Nianmo with lament, patted Ye Nianmo's shoulder and said: "Good boy, you're already as tall as Uncle Xu."    


"May I ask who you are?" Ding Yiyi lamented that this world was too small. Everyone seemed to know each other and lived in the same circle.    


Xu Haorann calmly asked Ye Nianmo, "Nianmo, give Uncle Xu an introduction." Ye Nianmo nodded, pointed at Xu Haorann, and said, "Uncle Xu, I'm very close."    


"Ding Yiyi, my friend." Ye Nianmo was stunned when he said the word "friend". Did his reaction just now exceed the emotions a friend should have?    


Mo Shuangling's eyes lit up when she heard Xu Haorann's name. Did her mother say this name before? Could this rich man be related to his family? Mo Shuangling decided to ask her mother at home.    


After finally meeting with Xu Haorann, Ye Nianmo didn't want to bother with that fake foreigner in the box. He reminded Uncle Xu to wait for him repeatedly before he reluctantly left.    


After leaving, the assistant knocked on the door and Lili couldn't help but ask, as they were about to leave, "Mr Xu, didn't you tell Nianmo?    


Xu Haorann shook his head and said meaningfully to Ding Yiyi, "Child, Chuyun and Nianmo are good kids. I will bless you no matter who you are with. But if you hurt them, then I will be very angry too."    


Having said that, Xu Haorann followed his assistant and left. His love could not blossom and bear fruit. He hoped that his children would be happy for him. He hoped that when he came back three years later, they would all have their own good places to live.    


In the box, Ye Nianmo was very sad after receiving the text message from Uncle Xu. He clearly said that he was going to wait for him, so why did Uncle Xu leave?    


Yu Lan shook her head. Ye Zimo had asked him to train Ye Nianmo, but Ye Nianmo didn't realize the obvious mistake in the contract. If he signed a contract with someone else, he would be in trouble.    


"Let's stop here for today. I don't plan on talking about it." Yu Lan spread out her hands with a look of "I don't want to talk anymore" on her face, and her hands started drifting around the woman beside her.    


Ye Nianmo was a bit angry. Because this customer had made him lose his time with Uncle Xu, as well as that strange feeling he had towards Ding Yiyi, Ye Nianmo walked out of the room gloomily. Ao Xue's call had already arrived.    


"Is business all right?" Ao Xue asked softly. Ye Nianmo answered with a grunt. Ao Xue's gentleness had made his irritable heart settle down.    


"Will you leave me?" Ye Nianmo suddenly asked. Soon, Ao Xue's voice sounded from the phone, "No, I will always be by your side."    


Ye Nianmo smiled and hung up the phone. That would be great. He no longer needed to be conflicted and just left with Ao Xue. Ding Yiyi and Ding Yiyi could not possibly enter his life.    


Ao Xue looked at her phone in a daze. "Nianmo, I won't let you out." Ao Xue whispered as she made another call: "Zhang Tang? "You said before that you wanted to know more about Chu Qing, but now I have decided to agree to this matter." Ao Xue put down the phone and walked back. At the corner, Ding Yiyi and Ye Chuqing were talking.    


"You really decided to confess again?" Ding Yiyi admires Ye Chuqing's courage. Although she was rejected, she was always willing to sacrifice herself for her love.    


"Hm!" I want to be serious this time. Sister Yiyi and Yixuan will help me. " Lee Yixuan turned around, but Ding Yiyi didn't know what to say. Caiqing trusted him that much, and she really didn't want to hurt him, but how could Mengjie explain it to him?    


Ao Xue listened silently. So it was about this matter that Chu Qing and Ding Yiyi had been discussing. What a chance. Ao Xue sent a message to Hai Zhuoxuan and Zhang Tang. It seemed that there would be a good show soon.    


In the classroom, the teacher held Ding Yiyi's and Ao Xue's work and said, "This time's homework is also the highest score of the two students. Student Ao Xue, you don't have to talk about it. Student Ding Yiyi has made a lot of progress!"    


As Ao Xue received the congratulations from others, she looked at Ding Yiyi's work with an uncomfortable gaze. She felt that she must work hard and not lose to Ding Yiyi.    


As soon as the class ended, Ding Yiyi grabbed her schoolbag and was about to rush out when Ao Xue called out to her, "Yiyi, you're looking for Chu Qing again?"    


Ding Yiyi nodded. She took her bag and prepared to leave. Ao Xue handed Ding Yiyi a cute key ring. "I bought this at a boutique. Here's one for you. I have it myself."    


The key was in the shape of a cute princess. Ding Yiyi didn't like this style, instead, it was the style of a princess that Chu Qing liked the most. Ding Yiyi happily accepted it as a gift.    


Ding Yiyi heard Zhang Tang's voice even before she reached the dance room.    


"Chu Qing, would you like to go for a ride? I've bought a sports car, and its performance is pretty good."    


"She doesn't want to!" Ding Yiyi walked in the door casually and went to Ye Chuqing's side to protect her. Zhang Tang left after smiling at Ye Chuqing, seeing that Ding Yiyi would not let him off easily, even if her image was ruined.    


"Why would Chu Qing come here?" Ding Yiyi asked curiously. Ye Chuqing was also very puzzled. Zhang Tang had suddenly appeared halfway through his dance training and was chatting with her all along.    


Seeing Ding Yiyi, Ye Chuqing wanted to show her dance to Ding Yiyi. The music started and Ye Chuqing started to dance. One by one, she switched to another with great difficulty.    


When the music reached its highest pitch, Ye Chuqing spun in the air continuously. She tilted her body and fell heavily onto the ground. She held her ankle as she stood up.    


Ding Yiyi ran over to pull open the pants on her ankles. The pants were purple and bruised, and some of them were even swollen. Ye Chuqing's eyes were filled with tears. She tried to hold them back but failed.    


"Don't you like to dance?" Ding Yiyi asked with a pained heart. Ye Chuqing nodded, she hated dancing the most, but Zhuoxuan liked girls who could dance the most. She also wanted to attract Zhuoxuan with dancing.    


"Want to give up?" Ding Yiyi asked. Ye Chuqing shook her head and assumed a pose, wanting to jump again, but Ding Yiyi placed the pendant given by Ao Xue into Ye Chuqing's hands and encouraged her: "Come on! "Chu Qing!"    


Ye Chuqing looked at Ding Yiyi gratefully and started to jump. Ding Yiyi watched on from the side. It took her a while before she remembered that Mengjie had invited her to the café today.    


Ding Yiyi anxiously ran to the cafe, but there was no one there. Ding Yiyi searched for a while, and just then, a lot of paper suddenly fell from the roof. Soong Mengjie pushed the cake out of the room.    


"Do you know what day it is today?" Soong Mengjie asked cunningly while covering her cake for Ding Yiyi to see. Ding Yiyi thought for a moment and purposely said, "Aiya, I really can't remember. I can't remember that this is the fourth anniversary of our relationship."    


Soong Mengjie happily let go of the cake. The words "Four Year Friendship Celebration" were written all over the cake. In the first year, the two of them celebrated once a year, but Ding Yiyi was always so careful that she would prepare the cake.    



"Alright! Quick, make a wish! " Soong Mengjie murmured to the cake with her eyes closed, "I hope Zhuoxuan will be happy forever. I hope I have a beautiful love life."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know what to do when she saw the look of anticipation and happiness on Mengjie's face. If Mengjie knew that she had been helping Yuqing chase Hai Zhuoxuan, she would definitely be angry.    


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