Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1001 Wealthy Marriage 929

C1001 Wealthy Marriage 929

0What answered her was a fiery heat and a passionate entanglement. It was a dreamless night. Ding Yiyi opened her hazy eyes and focused on the blue alarm clock on the table. There were still three hours until work time.    


The door was ajar. She opened it with her soft body. Ye Nianmo, who was sitting on the sofa, hung up and walked towards her calmly.    


She looked at his obvious disguise and felt a pang of bitterness in her heart. However, her expression was as heartless as ever.    


Ding Yiyi washed up in the bathroom with ill-fitting slippers. When she saw the two porcelain cups under the mirror, she was still a little dazed, and her head was knocked on. She looked up at him, and Ye Nianmo helped her squeeze the toothpaste properly and stuffed the toothbrush into her hands.    


Ye Nianmo watched as the bathroom door closed before calling again. On the other end of the phone, Ye Bo said confidently, "Don't worry! Young Master, I will take care of this matter! "    


When Ding Yiyi finished washing up, the room was already filled with the strong aroma of coffee. Ye Nianmo put the bacon on the plate, and Ding Yiyi sat down and said, "How much is the rent? I'll pay it on time."    


"One hundred thousand a month." Ye Nianmo was working in front of the counter with his apron on. Ding Yiyi nearly spat out her coffee, "One hundred thousand a month. I can't stay here anymore!"    


"Baby Cheng." Ye Nianmo dragged his tone and carried the fried eggs to the table. He felt cute when he saw how angry she was, so he turned his head and kissed on her cheek.    


"You!" Ding Yiyi covered her face with her hands and leaned backwards. She used too much strength and the chair fell backwards along with her people.    


On the blanket, she was lying on Ye Nianmo's chest. The two of them showed an ambiguous posture. He touched her head and said, "Rest assured. If you feel embarrassed, you can do the housework to repay the debt."    


"Do I count as the owner of this house?" She blinked, and the morning sun shone through the curtains, casting a shadow under her thick eyelashes.    


He looked at her crafty expression. He knew what she was thinking, but he loved her very much. Ye Nianmo nodded, then comfortably laid down on the wool blanket with his hands under her armpits and lifted her up.    


Ding Yiyi found a comfortable way to eat herself. After rubbing her hands together, she deliberately dragged out her tone and said, "Since I'm the master here, you can leave after your meal!"    


Knowing that it was due to her attention, Ye Nianmo laid down and helplessly touched her head.    


After breakfast, the two of them went to work. Standing outside the office, Ding Yiyi felt a little lost. If only she could stay in a happy place and do happy things for the rest of her life …    


"Pushing the door open, waves of congratulations came in." Miss Ding congratulates you. " Along the way, people kept saying congratulations to her. Ding Yiyi felt really weird. She walked up to her desk and found that all her office supplies were gone.    


"Miss Ding, you've been promoted. Your office is now with Miss Au Xue's!" Wang Meiping whispered to her as she cleared the gap.    


Upgraded?! Ding Yiyi pushed the door open and entered. Sure enough, another desk was placed on the other side of the spacious office. Ao Xue was sitting across from her, her head lowered as she processed the matters of public service.    


Seeing her, Ao Xue stood up. Her extremely thin high heels made a crisp sound as they stepped on the floor. She walked up to Ding Yiyi and extended her hand. "Congratulations."    


Ding Yiyi reached out her hand to shake it, but she was the first to retract her hand and sneered. "What qualifications do you have to make me congratulate you?"    


People kept walking past the office and looking at them curiously. Ding Yiyi silently retracted her hand and returned to her seat. Ao Xue was right. She was the third person.    


Ding Yiyi's retreat made Ao Xue's anger rise even more. Why did she have Ye Nianmo's love and now she even had the status of being on equal footing with him? She was really unconvinced!    


Working had become Ding Yiyi's hardest time. When it was time to get off work, she hurried downstairs. The familiar SUV was parked at the side, so she immediately turned around and left.    


Ye Nianmo got off the car and quickly walked a few steps to grab her wrist. She quickly struggled and looked around in panic, afraid that someone would notice.    


"You don't want to be with me?" Ye Nianmo's expression turned dark.    


Ding Yiyi smiled bitterly. "As a third party, I know my own limits."    


Some Lin Group employees passed by and pointed at Ding Yiyi. Ye Nianmo said in disbelief: "Is this how they usually treat you?"    


Ding Yiyi was unwilling to answer this question. Her wrist was once again forcefully pulled, and Ye Nianmo pulled her towards the Lin Group. She didn't know what he wanted to do, and stupidly let him hold her hand.    


At the Lin Group gate, Ao Xue and some of her colleagues walked out while talking and laughing. When they saw Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi, everyone present was stunned.    


Ding Yiyi desperately struggled to get rid of Ye Nianmo's hand. She didn't dare to look at Ao Xue's expression as she fled in panic.    


At night, she laid on the sofa with her pillow in her arms and stared numbly at the TV screen. The scenes at the entrance of the company played back, one by one. What did Ye Nianmo want to say at that time?    


The doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting her train of thoughts. She hurriedly got up and opened the door. Ye Nianmo, who was dragging a suitcase outside, saw her opening the door and raised his eyebrows: "Open the door without asking who?"    


Ding Yiyi waved the baseball bat in her hand and asked, "It's already so late, what's the matter?"    


"My room is leaking. I'm here to stay for the time being." Ye Nianmo pushed the suitcase forward and looked at her with a dark expression.    


Would there be a leak in the Ye Family? Ding Yiyi thought of the Ye residence that was like the White House and looked at him suspiciously. Ye Nianmo had already walked in by himself and changed into slippers.    


"Then I'll go clean up the guest room." Ding Yiyi thought that she was relying on someone else, so she couldn't really take over the nest.    


"We don't have any guest rooms." Ding Yiyi pointed at the other room beside the master bedroom in confusion. Although she didn't open it, the sign saying 'Room' was clearly hung on the door.    


Ye Nianmo stood up and opened the door. As expected, it was empty behind the door. Ding Yiyi looked down and saw that there were marks of four bedposts on the empty ground.    


Ye Nianmo closed the door calmly and looked at her. His body gradually approached and Ding Yiyi was pressed against the door with a blush on her face.    


Just as their breaths were about to collide, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Nianmo took out his phone, looked at it and pressed the button.    


At that moment, Ding Yiyi saw Ao Xue's name on the caller ID. Her heart suddenly felt empty. That phone call seemed to ridicule her for always being in the middle of someone else.    


Ye Nianmo hung up the phone. He wanted to continue with his previous warm mood, but the phone suddenly rang again. Ding Yiyi pushed him away and looked at him stubbornly.    


He touched her head and picked up the phone that had stopped ringing. This time, he did not ignore it, but rather went to work on the information page.    


"Ding Yiyi walked back to the sofa quietly, waiting for her verdict." I have something to attend to, so I'll be leaving first. Remember to not open the door for anyone. "    


Ye Nianmo picked up his coat and walked to the door. Ding Yiyi smiled, which was unlike her usual way of smiling, "Hmm, I will take good care of myself. Go ahead."    


Ye Nianmo hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked in front of her. He ruffled her hair and intimately touched her forehead with his forehead, "It will be over soon."    


In the teahouse, people were conversing in low voices. Xu Haorann was washing the tea set with the beginner's tea. Instantly, the fragrance of the tea wafted in the air.    


His cell phone was ringing non-stop. Xu Haorann smiled wryly, "My daughter only thinks of me when there's nothing I can do to you."    


Ye Nianmo picked up his teacup and took a sniff. He carefully savored the tea and said, "Uncle Xu, I'm sorry."    


Xu Haorann waved his hand to stop him from saying what he wanted to say next, "Is that really impossible?" You and Ao Xue. "    


Ye Nianmo shook his head, "No more."    



Xu Haorann smiled wryly after hearing that, "You are the same as your mother, you will never treat love."    


Ye Nianmo looked at the suddenly aged Uncle Xu and felt guilty. He wanted to say something to make up for the debt he owed Uncle Xu.    


Xu Haorann saw through his dilemma, stood up and patted his shoulder, "Go, it's been hard on you these few days. Next, do what you want to do!"    


After Ye Nianmo left, Xu Haorann sat alone for a long time until the tea went down. A figure sat opposite him. He raised his head and asked, "Yihan?"    


Xia Yihan heard everything about Ding Yiyi and her son from Ye Bo, and knew that her intervention would only make the child suffer.    


Xia Yihan flushed the boiling water into the teapot and said indifferently, "When I found out Ao Xue was your daughter, I decided to treat her as my daughter-in-law."    


"Yihan!" Xu Haorann leaned forward. He didn't want Lili to feel indebted to him, before or now.    


Xia Yihan placed the brewed tea in front of him and continued, "Nianmo and I owe you too much. Even if we bet Nianmo's happiness, I will still let them stay together."    


"Enough!" When Xu Haorann stopped her, Xia Yihan predicted his mood and just looked at him silently.    


Xu Haorann didn't know what else he could say. Her eyes were so clear and transparent, as if she could see through his thoughts at a glance. That's right, he wanted to let the two children be together when he knew that Ao Xue was extremely emotional with Ye Nianmo.    


Xia Yihan stood up and patted the back of his hand. She said gently, "I will return Ao Xue's happiness to her."    


Xu Haorann stood dumbly on the spot. When he came back to his senses, Xia Yihan had already walked out. None of the men present were enchanted by her bright figure, their eyes chasing after her back.    


"Yihan!" Xu Haorann took the jacket and chased after Ye Zichen. How could he let her go back so late?    


He opened the door and stopped in his tracks. Under the moonlight, Xia Yihan snuggled up to Ye Zimo and the two of them whispered to each other as if they were lovers. Her face was filled with a blissful smile, while his was filled with love.    


Xu Haorann shook his head and smiled bitterly. He walked back to the teahouse silently, just like how Xia Yihan chose to throw herself into Ye Zimo's arms after marrying him. Perhaps he and his daughter would be entangled with Ye Family for the rest of their lives.    


"The weather forecast, the difference in the temperature between day and night of the Dongjiang City for the last two days is very large. It reminds all the citizens to be careful and keep it warm."    


Ding Yiyi looked at the weather forecast while eating her soy milk and extending her hand to cover her eyes. Ye Nianmo stayed behind her and said in a helpless tone with a doting tone, "Don't watch TV during dinner!"    


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