Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C757 Wealthy Marriage 686

C757 Wealthy Marriage 686

0"I really have no problems. Let me out!" Xia Yihan glared at the doctor.    


The doctor looked at the delicate figure in front of him and sighed. "You should stay here obediently. Maybe you'll be able to go out one day. Alright, let's eat."    


Xia Yihan quieted down and obediently let the nurse feed her food. When she was about to tie up the cloth, she quickly shouted, "I'm not crazy. You know I'm in pain. Can I don't need that cloth?" I won't kill myself anyway, and no one will care about me. "    


The doctor thought for a moment. Indeed, this piece of cloth was used to prevent the patient from biting her. The woman didn't say that she must treat Xia Yihan the same way she treated the mentally ill.    


Xia Yihan's black and white eyes looked at the doctor with tears. The doctor's face turned red and he coughed as if he was trying to cover it up. He waved at the nurse. "You don't need to put down the cloth."    


As their footsteps grew further and further away, Xia Yihan hurriedly moved her hands and leaned her chair against the door. It wasn't known how long it took before the sound of bouncing could be heard from the corridor.    


"Hello, is there anyone here? Can you do me a favor? " Xia Yihan shouted against the door.    


As expected, the footsteps stopped. The young and tender male voice rang out, "No one is here. I am just a mushroom."    


Mushroom? Xia Yihan remembered silently that this is a mental hospital and was worried that the other party would want to leave. Xia Yihan immediately shouted, "What a coincidence! I am also a lentinus edodes! Can you open the door? "    


The voice outside the door was stunned for a moment before asking with doubt, "You say you're a mushroom, but how do I know if you're a mushroom or not?"    


"Is this really a mental patient? Logic is very good. " Xia Yihan muttered softly. The voice outside the door sounded anxious as she urged, "If you don't tell me, I'm leaving."    


"Don't you know whether I'm a lentinus edodes or not when you open the door!" Xia Yihan shouted.    


The door handle creaked, and a head popped out. Xia Yihan looked at the boy's face in front of her and felt a sense of déjà vu. He had grey eyes, curled hair, and exquisite facial features. He was actually a very handsome half-breed.    


The half-breed walked around Xia Yihan, who was tied up, and happily clapped his hands. "You really are a lentinus edodes, not moving at all!"    


Xia Yihan forced a smile and said, "Yes, I'm a lentinus edodes, but these ropes are obstructing my growth. Can you help me get rid of all these ropes?"    


"The half-breed nodded his head and started to pull Xia Yihan's rope." "What's your name?" Xia Yihan asked as she glanced outside the door.    


"My name is Lentinus edodes!" The half-breed struggled to untie the rope.    


Xia Yihan sighed and asked patiently, "Is there no other name?"    


The half-breed paused, then said, "Sometimes they call me Little Tian, but I still like to make mushrooms."    


Once the rope was loosened, Xia Yihan immediately held onto Little Tian's hand and said, "Little Tian, let's go."    


As soon as they walked out of the corridor, the alarm sounded. Xia Yihan was already seen by the nurses at the side. Xia Yihan dragged Little Tian and ran out of the courtyard.    


A large number of medical staff poured out of the corridor. The sirens alerted the other patients, and the mental patients and doctors and nurses fell into a state of confusion.    


Xia Yihan took the opportunity to run out of the courtyard and found herself surrounded by towering walls. The doctor's familiar voice came from the entrance, "Don't let her escape!"    


"Big sister, aren't we lentinus edodes? How can we run so fast! " Little Tian grabbed Xia Yihan's hand. She was clearly so much taller than Xia Yihan, but her wronged expression made Xia Yihan soften.    


With a jolt in her heart, Xia Yihan cried out in excitement, "That's right! Little Tian, you are right, we are the lentinus edodes! "    


The doctor chased them into the courtyard, where only two backs were silently plucking the grass. The doctor walked in, wanting to see their faces clearly, but the feminine and handsome boy suddenly turned around and said, "Be quiet, we are growing mushrooms!"    


The doctor let out a sigh and sternly said to Xiao Tian, "Xiao Tian, go back to sleep early and don't plant more … lentinus edodes!"    


Little Tian turned around and continued to pluck the grass. The doctor's gaze shifted from Little Tian to the figure that had been plucking the grass, and he chased in another direction.    


"Little Tian, thank you!" Xia Yihan climbed up the wall with all her might. Worried that she would put too much pressure on the Little Heaven beneath her feet, she unconsciously lightened its weight.    


Little Tian's shoulder was in pain, but he insisted on biting into the toothpick and said, "No need to be polite, we're all mushrooms!"    


Climbing onto the wall, Xia Yihan looked at the boy who saved her and said in a soft voice, "Are you willing to come with me? I'll take you home. "    


Little Tian shook his head. "No, I have to wait for my big brother. He said that he will take me home."    


Xia Yihan looked at Little Tian's serious face and sighed. She waved her hand at him reluctantly. Standing under the tree, Xia Yihan listened to the loud noises coming from the wall, sighed, and then slowly moved away.    


After walking for an unknown amount of time, Xia Yihan finally saw the lights in the distance. It was a bar in the suburbs. The decorations weren't bad, and it seemed to be another place set up for the entertainment of the rich.    


The guard at the door looked at Xia Yihan warily, "Who are you?"    


Xia Yihan quickly said, "Don't misunderstand, I'm not mentally ill. I was just captured."    


The security guard looked at Xia Yihan suspiciously and winked at the person beside her. Walking to the side, Xia Yihan could clearly hear that the other party was in contact with the mental hospital that had locked her up.    


Xia Yihan smiled sweetly at the guard, taking advantage of the guard's blank stare, she slipped through the fence and ran into the main hall.    


"Catch her!" The security guards chased after him.    


Xia Yihan's sudden intrusion made the scene fall into silence. All of Xia Yihan's familiar faces were here, but with Xia Yihan's long hair covering her shoulders, no one could recognize that she was a well-known designer in Italy and China.    


The security guard's voice was so close now that a hand came from behind and touched Xia Yihan's shoulder. Xia Yihan instinctively tried to move away, but a familiar voice came from behind: "Yihan! What's wrong with you! You've been out of work for days! "    


Xia Yihan turned her head in surprise, "Ruiki!"    


In the dark cemetery, the mournful cries of crows could be heard from time to time. On both sides of the narrow road, a black car was cruising down a rugged road.    


Yuv Le frowned as she drove. She was thinking about what Tong Zhenzhen had said, "If the hypnosis antidote she gave me was indeed fake, then she wouldn't have any bargaining chips with Ye Zimo. Today she wants to verify it."    


Stopping at a familiar place, Yuv Le got off the car and looked at the woman who was smiling at her from the tombstone. "Mom, I'm here to see you."    


Yuv Le caressed the woman's picture and said softly, "Mom, it's really scary to have no money. After you left in a car accident, I couldn't go to my favorite design department, and my relatives didn't want to take me with them.    


Fortunately, there was a girl who wanted to hide from a man who was willing to change his identity with me. "Mom, tell me how silly she is. She is the daughter of an island chief, a rich person, but she is willing to exchange her identity with me just to avoid a man called KIKI."    


Yuv Le talked for a long time before she took one last deep look at the woman and slowly took off her portrait.    


Under the head was a groove, with a thumb-sized wooden cap. Yuv Le took it out and looked at it carefully.    


"Daughter! It hurts to see you tear up your mother's portrait! " A cold voice came from behind him.    


"Ah!" "Who is it!?" Yuv Le was so frightened that she fell limply to the ground and crawled to the side.    



"Hahaha!" It's really too funny! " Tong Zhenzhen was laughing so hard that her chest was pressed against her back and she was slapping the tree trunk!    


Yuv Le got up miserably, throwing away her broken high heels and saying coldly, "What are you doing here?" Then he seemed to recall something and said, "This bottle of antidote is real!"    


Tong obediently shrugged. "It's real. I never thought that this thing would have this kind of use, so I gave it to you. If I knew earlier, you would have hidden it in the tomb. I never expected you to leave it there for me to find."    


Yuv Le tightened her grip on the bottle in her hand and said faintly, "Do you think you can beat me?"    


Tong Zhenzhen shrugged her shoulders. She pulled out a gun from her waist and said to Yuv Le with a smile, "I think I can turn you into a hornet's nest."    


Yuv Le pulled the bottle tight and looked around for a place to escape. "I think you're crazy," she said.    


Tong Zhenzhen laughed. "That's right. I just wanted to see what kind of person you fell in love with with with my identity. I thought you had good taste. Alright, hand the thing over quickly. I'll beat you up into a hornet's nest."    


A black pistol was pointed at the back of Tong Zhenzhen's head. With a low and deep voice, she said, "Truly, be careful that I, Ye Wen, don't turn you into a beehive."    


"Zimo!" Tong Zhenzhen cried out in alarm and disbelief filled her eyes.    


Zhang Fengyi held a gun while facing Yuv Le and Tong Zhenzhen. Ye Zimo stood in front of Tong Zhenzhen with a cold expression late into the night. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you know why I forbid you to call out to Xia Yihan's voice?"    


"Isn't it because you are completely disappointed in her?" Tong Zhenzhen frowned.    


Ye Zimo chuckled softly. Her slightly upturned lips curved into a cruel smile as she said, "Because you, who I love, can even call her by her name."    


"How could that be? You're not … you're clear." Tong Zhenzhen was so confused that she couldn't speak.    


With a smile, she said, "Are you trying to say why I treated you so well, why I helped you so many times but didn't help you? Why did you purposely leak the information, yet I protected you?"    


Tong Zhenzhen was speechless. The reason why she was willing to lay down her cards with Yuv Le was mostly because Ye Zimo wasn't angry at her for betraying the company's secrets. However, she didn't expect Ye Zimo to lose hundreds of millions just to let her guard down. Even several hundred million is willing to lose, you are truly magnanimous. "    


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