Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2852 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2779

C2852 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2779

0"Hubby, I'm so sleepy. Let's set the class time to afternoon." She rolled over, muttering.    


Facing his wife's willfulness, Ye Miao didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he carried her to wash. He wasn't God, so how could he change the curriculum of a school as he wished?    


Ye Shuimo ate breakfast. She was already awake. She slept again in the car until it was time for her to go to Z University.    


She had already graduated from Z University, so it wasn't a problem for her to go back to Z University. Furthermore, Ye Miao didn't want her to read out the results, he just wanted her to be in a simple environment.    


The luxurious car was already eye-catching in front of the school gates. After Ye Shuimo got off the car, many people's eyes lit up.    


Some people recognized her as one of the most popular people online recently. Many of them took out photos to take, and seeing her look up and say something to the people in the driver's seat, everyone was curious to know if the person in the driver's seat was the rumored to be the young man who sat in the first chair of the group.    


It was a pity that Ye Shuimo had only said something to the other party. During the exchange, she had stuck her head in and her lips were bright red as she straightened her body.    


She walked toward the classroom, inhaling behind her.    


Ye Miao caught up to Ye Shuimo and passed her the book that she forgot to bring over. Then, he lovingly rubbed her head.    


Such a perfect match was the best topic of gossip in everyone's eyes.    


Ye Shuimo was already used to being filmed by others, so Ye Miao treated this situation as usual. As long as these people didn't disturb him, he didn't mind.    


When class started, Ye Shuimo listened attentively, but she felt that the knowledge contained in these classes was of little use. If she had the time, she would definitely be able to observe wild animals on the spot, and not learn about their habits from books.    


The ring on her finger hinted that she was married, and many in the class knew of her background. She was a bit restrained, and this was good as well. She could think about more problems on her own.    


The discomfort in her stomach had been there for more than ten minutes. She thought she hadn't eaten anything bad, so after class, she went to the washroom and vomited.    


Many people in the school recognized her. The kind-hearted girl passed over a bottle of water, rinsed her mouth, and then eased up. Only then did she feel much better.    


It was originally a small matter, so Ye Shuimo didn't pay much attention to it. She hadn't thought that she would feel this way again after a few days. At this moment, she was in her aunt's bakery with her cousin Hai Ziyu.    


Ye Shuimo didn't know what was going on. The interior of the bakery was filled with the fragrance of the cake, but when she smelled the sweet smell, she felt sick to her stomach.    


Inside the bakery, two pregnant women were talking about getting pregnant. One of them said that he would throw up whenever he smelled anything during the first part of his pregnancy, but later on, he was forbidden to go out with cold oil every day.    


The other one said that it was hard to get pregnant. When he first got pregnant, he didn't even know he had a ball in his stomach and even went to climb the mountain. He almost lost all his children and got scolded by his in-laws when he returned home.    


"Oh, Shuimo, I'm wondering if this is possible. Are you pregnant?" Hai Ziyu was very careful.    


On the way home, Ye Shuimo didn't know if she should tell her husband about this. She knew it was a sore spot.    


Ye Miao was very scared that something was wrong with her, scared to the point that he wouldn't dare to get her pregnant. Plus, her real mother had been suffering from high blood pressure when she was pregnant, and she died after suffering from postpartum hemorrhage. Her blood pressure was also very high during the physical examination, which was the type of high blood pressure that could possibly cause her to be pregnant during pregnancy.    


After thinking so much, she suddenly lost all confidence. Was it really possible to get pregnant?    


She thought of Baby Jing, Wang Feifei, and all sorts of things that happened in the past. Because of a child, many people's fates would change forever.    


Will the husband accept the child? Would Baby Jing's spirit in heaven feel sad? Furthermore, she had already failed to protect a child. If she had another chance, she would be able to do even better.    


That night, he swallowed what he had wanted to say in his heart.    


The next day, when they found out that Hai Ziyu, who hadn't said anything, had personally brought the patient to the hospital, the two of them waited anxiously. When the result came out, Ye Shuimo was discovered within two months of being pregnant.    


"What are you planning to tell him? You will definitely want this child, right?" Hai Ziyu was also very careful since she had learned from the mistakes of the past.    


Ye Shuimo, on the other hand, was confused. Baby Jing's figure was constantly lingering in her mind, coupled with her husband's mental disorder. At that time, she also saw that he was unable to overcome it, so she decided to test him.    


Hai Ziyu noticed that something was wrong. This was no small matter, so she didn't dare to tell her mother. It seemed like it wasn't good to mention what happened with her cousin. After thinking about it, she went to Ye Bo, who was always very responsible.    


Ye Shuimo was called over to Soong Mengjie's house. Towards Ding Yiyi's child, Soong Mengjie was like her own child, specially cooking many light dishes.    


"Auntie Song, I'll help you." Ye Shuimo rolled up her sleeves.    


Soong Mengjie gave her a potato for peeling. When she was about to take the potato, she found that the fist-sized potato was only the size of a fruit core.    


Seeing that she was spoiled when she was at home, Soong Mengjie thought it was funny. She took a potato and handed a dish over. Ye Shuimo, on the other hand, washed her dishes cleanly because she felt that she could not eat for free at someone else's house, so she had to work hard.    


The dishes were intentionally light in taste and were not an outsider. Ye Shuimo packed a serving for her husband after she finished eating.    


The time was about right. Soong Mengjie had asked about this as someone who had been through a lot in the past. When the matter was brought up, Ye Shuimo's expression darkened.    


She wasn't prepared. This child came too suddenly, and Baby Jing left too suddenly. She never thought that he would become a child's parent at this time.    


She was also a victim. Baby Jing was very happy when he was around. If he didn't meet a good mother, the smile on the child's face wouldn't be this innocent all the time.    


This child is even more innocent. After being around for so long, she finally came to your side. Are you going to push the child away again? Every word from Auntie Song Meng hit Ye Shuimo's heart.    


Actually, she had already decided long ago that she must have this child, but her heart couldn't help but be scared.    


"Tell him that he is also the father of a child. Didn't he say that we have to face everything together? If you bear it yourself, you'll hurt him. "    


Knowing that his wife had a tiny life in her womb, the book in Ye Miao's hand fell to the floor. This was the first time he lost his composure and paced around the living room in panic.    


He also knew that he didn't want Ye Shuimo to be hurt, but he had already fallen into a sickly state of persistence. He was already prepared to spend his whole life without a child, and he also didn't want her to bear the risk of pregnancy.    


Because he was afraid of losing her, he didn't hesitate to ligate her, killing the possibility in her cradle.    


He called the doctor. A man who had been ligated would never, to a large extent, allow a woman to conceive again, but things in this world weren't absolute. Sometimes they would change hands.    


"Hubby." Ye Shuimo quietly sat beside him and put his hand on her stomach. Ye Miao's whole body shuddered.    


Both of them had been failed parents, and the price of that failure had been an innocent child.    


They were all at a loss, and each had a knot in their hearts that they couldn't untie. That night, the two of them snuggled together to keep warm.    


The next day, Ye Miao and Ye Shuimo went to the hospital again, and the result was the same. Ye Shuimo had a child, a child that truly belonged to them.    


Ye Miao smoked one cigarette after another, his fingers trembling. What if Ye Shuimo had an accident while she was pregnant? He could not bear the pain of losing his lover. It had become a morbid paranoia that not even children could destroy.    


In the distance, Ye Shuimo was stroking her flat stomach. There was a tiny life inside that was slowly growing. After a year of gestation, it would become a tiny child.    



The two drove to the mausoleum garden. Ye Shuimo put the doll in front of Baby Jing's tombstone and told him the news that no one knew if it was good news.    


She wanted to know Baby Jing's reaction to his little sister and brother who were about to be born, but she was unable to get an answer to that question. At that moment, she thought of Wang Feifei who was still in prison.    


Because he was so happy, he automatically excluded those who had once unlucky for him. However, because of this incident, he recalled that person once again.    


Wang Feifei was sentenced to five years in prison for two counts of intentional assault and flight, economic crimes, etc.    


Wang Feifei still remembered all the things that had happened before she entered the prison. That proud self of hers, she had gone to the hospital with a group of people for a medical examination. Only after that would she be sent to the prison.    


At that time, she was praying that she wouldn't run into any acquaintances, but in reality, they were actually acquaintances. One of her pursuers from the past, even though it was just a game, she didn't expect to meet again in such a way.    


The man had only glanced at the list, unaware that she was the goddess he had once pursued. In front of him stood a haggard looking prisoner.    


At that moment, Wang Feifei was in despair.    


The prison was on the outskirts of the city, and after a rough and bumpy stretch of road, the gate that symbolized punishment and imprisonment was gradually revealed to them. The warning officer in charge of taking over the prison removed their shackles and then lined them up to enter the office building level procedures.    


After all the paperwork had been completed, the prisoners lined up like primary school students as they walked through the iron gate and into a small iron gate. Wang Feifei knew from their conversation that the prison would be so full of people that it would be hopeless to see five buildings four stories high. The prisoners who had just arrived would have to live in a place called the prison compound for a month before they would be reallocated.    


Did he have to take the exam here just like he did at work? Wang Feifei found it funny. Ever since she was young, she had always been the one taking the assessment of others. However, she had never expected her life to turn around like this. Now, it was her turn of fate.    


The youngest was only 18 years old, and the girl had always been jealous of her classmates who were better than her, so she dragged them into the toilet and mistreated them with the cruelty of a child, causing the flower-like girl to suffer from mental illness, while prison punishment awaited her.    


A month later, Wang Feifei was assigned to a house that was just like the one in prison, where she laughed heartily. The initial fear and resentment had now become a helplessness that she had to face the reality, and when she found out that she still had to work on some work that she had never thought of doing, she was completely unable to resist.    


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