Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2749 Wealthy Marriage 2676

C2749 Wealthy Marriage 2676

0It wasn't that she was cursing the child, but she was an adult as well. Using her logical mind to think about it, the chances of the child having such a day was very high. At that time, she would have to turn to Wang Feifei for help.    


"I can save this child, can you?"    


She was so scared that she covered her face, worried that her willfulness would become a way to hurt Baby Jing in the future.    


"Hm." Ye Miao groaned. The first thing he did when he woke up was to move his numb wrist. The numbness became even stronger.    


Ye Shuimo didn't have the time to hide the raging waves in her heart.    


Ye Miao suddenly stood up and said, "The time is pretty good."    


"What?" Ye Shuimo did not understand.    


"Wife, let's go run."    




Ten minutes later, the two in running clothes were standing in front of the door because there was a gym at home and no matter how bad they were, they could go to the gym outside. Coupled with the two years after Baby Jing was born, Ye Shuimo hadn't run at all.    


Ye Miao helped her do an extension exercise and then encouraged her to run.    


What else could Ye Shuimo do? She could only open her legs and start running.    


The two of them ran slowly. The sky in July was measured early, and the sun had yet to appear. The wind blew comfortably, and they could also see the figure of the runner in the villa area.    


"Wasn't that one of the winner of this year's Cannes Film Festival?" Ye Shuimo asked quietly after running past her.    


Ye Miao shook his head and answered honestly, "I don't know."    


However, Dongjiang City was a first-tier city. Originally, many celebrities lived here, and there were only a few of them going back and forth in the region.    


Ye Shuimo guessed that Baby Jing must have carried his husband back to his room to sleep, but from the beginning till now, Baby Jing hadn't even mentioned anything about this matter. How should she explain it to him?    


No, it didn't matter how she said it. It all depended on her decision.    


No matter what decision she made, her husband would support it, but the question was what to do.    


Originally, his mind was filled with these thoughts, but after running for a while and opening his muscles, he gradually had no time to think about these things. All of his attention was focused on his legs.    


The two of them ran for about three to four kilometers. Ye Shuimo was so tired that she was gasping for air. When she got home, she couldn't wait to take a bath.    


"That." I brought Baby Jing back. "    




Ye Miao just replied and stuffed the clothes in, then turned around and went to the kitchen to cook.    


Taking a bath after exercise was a great enjoyment to the human world, especially now that it was only 7 am and time was free, his daughter was sleeping soundly in the room beside him.    


Was this happiness really real?    


She didn't want her husband to wait long. She woke up after soaking in the bath for a while.    


The clothes were there, the underwear was there, but the underwear! Did you miss it?    


She rummaged through the pile of clothes again and found that there were indeed no underwear.    


She opened the door and took a look outside. There was still some distance between here and the open kitchen. Although the room and the room were soundproofed and Baby Jing was sleeping in another corridor, she didn't want to wake the child up!    


Five minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and in an apron, and ran to the room.    


The moment she entered the room, she was ambushed. She did not believe it was such a coincidence. Clearly, this' wolf 'was waiting here!    


"Didn't you say to make breakfast?"    


"It's done."    


Ye Miao quickly hugged his wife and rolled her onto the bed. Not only did he prepare breakfast, he also took a quick shower. How could he bring his wife back to her room without using some tricks?    


They hadn't been able to do anything to their worries recently. Now that they had finally calmed down and were being flirted with, Ye Shuimo's interest was soon piqued as well.    


This time, he did it to his heart's content. Ye Miao didn't even want to go to work. President Ye, who was famous for his selfishness, wanted to work. No one would believe it even if he told others.    


Baby Jing didn't sleep well these few days because he had been at his aunt's house. He immediately fell asleep at a familiar place yesterday.    


Last night, she had also dreamt that the wardrobe had turned into a man-eating monster with a big mouth. The wardrobe demons chased after her, wanting to eat her up. Fortunately, Mama came and chased away the cabinet demons.    


Just as she was feeling happy, the sun had already warmed her blanket. There were two pairs of gentle eyes on it, just like countless mornings ago. She woke up under the caring gazes of her parents.    


At the dinner table, since Ye Miao was a bit late today, he had some fruit milk and cereal with cheese and a small pile of sweet Holy Maiden fruits.    


Baby Jing didn't need to scream. He took the initiative and went to grab a meal, then obediently ate. He had to be good and be good.    


This was a tradition of Ye Family to eat. Only after the three of them almost put down their spoons at the same time did Ye Miao speak again.    


"Baby Jing, these few days, do you like Auntie's house?"    


Baby Jing shook his head like a rattle.    


"Do you want to go back?"    


She didn't want to go back.    


"Alright, then I won't go back. When auntie comes later, you'll be fine at home."    


Baby Jing was happy. Now, she felt that the aunt who would nag behind her was a little angel.    


Ye Shuimo secretly stopped her husband after the incident, worried, this matter is so easy to solve?    


"It's okay, don't think about anything. I'll do it."    



"But what if the child is sick?"    


This was her greatest fear of keeping her child by her side.    


Ye Miao was silent. He took a deep breath and patted his wife's shoulder, "There were a lot of people who had this disease. They lived for a long time.    


"If Baby Jing can break out of this difficult situation, we can only do our best, other than healthy things, she will pave the way for us for her for the rest of her life."    


Ye Shuimo grasped the main point, "Then what if?" I can't hold on any longer. "    


"Everyone's life is different. Sometimes, we can only accept, not demand."    


Are you giving up on your child? Ye Shuimo staggered a step forward, only to feel her vision darken.    


Can she say that Ye Miao doesn't love children? She couldn't. From the moment the child was born until now, all she had seen was a father who had given his heart to the child.    


Everyone's bottom line for accepting things was different, and she couldn't accept it.    


"Don't go to work today, I'll go to the company in the morning to take care of some matters. I'll be back in the afternoon to accompany you."    




She replied indifferently, trying her best to hide her feelings. She returned to the room and sat down. Baby Jing, who was playing happily by himself, ran over and wanted to climb onto her knees.    


Such a cute child, and he only wants to see her leave his life force? After occupying her life and letting her experience the joy of being a parent, she had to leave?    


She. Can't do it.    


"Mama, panda!" Baby Jing said.    


"Baby Jing wants to see a giant panda." Ye Shuimo tried her best to smile. In that moment, whatever the child wanted, as long as she had it, she would give it to her.    


Baby Jing nodded. She really wanted to see it.    


"Alright!" Today, we'll go see the Panda Cat! "    


The two of them were in high spirits. Ye Shuimo even found a panda suit, which Ye Miao had seen when he was passing by the international shopping mall. Ye Shuimo thought it was very suitable for Baby Jing to buy.    


Baby Jing, who wore the costume of a panda, had a nimble body and a small wrong tail behind his Russian clothes. As he walked around, his tail also moved around.    


Ye Shuimo took the key and took the child to the foundation. She had to get the lab key.    


Seeing Baby Jing being brought in cutely, everyone immediately surrounded him and gave out their snacks.    


Wang Qi walked over and stuffed a bag of dried purple potatoes into the child's hands. "Teeth grind."    


Coincidentally, his gaze met with Ye Shuimo's, so he turned around and left unnaturally.    


Since that day, the two of them had been acting weird. Of course, they had done their work well, but Wang Qi purposely avoided Ye Shuimo.    


Sensing the worried gaze behind him, Wang Qi pretended that nothing had happened and walked into the tea room. He quickly closed the door and leaned against the wall.    


"You're so stupid!" Stupid! Wasn't opening your mouth a moment ago enough to resolve this awkward situation? Why do you have to be so arrogant and spoiled? If a man said another word, he would die! "    


Thinking back to how abnormal he looked that day, every time his words came out, he would submit.    


How could he not be angry? When he got home, he drank a few bottles of wine, got drunk, and was sad alone for a long time. However, when he woke up, he knew that the other party was right.    


Imperceptibly, he was the one who had brought him into the role of "someone he liked", using this character to worry about nothing. But thinking back, he had no stance whatsoever.    


He knew that he should apologize, but he couldn't find the chance to. Sometimes, when there was a chance, he would 'commit' it.    


Sighing, he carried the coffee out and met Ye Shuimo who was at the door. The person he was thinking about just a moment ago was there, and he almost threw the coffee cup in his hand.    


"Uh, are you busy with work?"    


"I'm a bit busy."    


After saying that, Wang Qi heard a little person appearing in his head. The little person kept saying that he was stupid, that he wasn't wrong, that he was really stupid.    


"If that's the case, then go and busy yourself."    


Seeing Ye Shuimo leave, he swung his fist and hit his chest twice. "Wang Qi, you're such a stupid idiot! There's no way to stop you!"    


He returned to his seat gloomily. He still couldn't understand why he would say that he was so busy with such a good opportunity just now!    


On the other side, Ye Shuimo also took her Car key, "I'm going to the research room."    


Everyone answered as they got up to block Little Baby Jing. Baby Jing's schoolbag was already bulging, and under everyone's protection, he was trying his best to raise the treasure.    


Everyone knew that Ye Family was very strict in controlling and controlling Baby Jing's snacks. Everyone knew that Ye Family was very strict in controlling and controlling Baby Jing's snacks.    


Ye Shuimo pretended not to see such an obvious big bag. Anyway, she would be confiscated when she went back. When would her silly daughter ever understand? Hiding snacks in her bag didn't mean that she wouldn't be discovered if she hid them well!    


It was because he didn't understand. Every time Ye Miao easily pointed out that there was snacks in his bag, he would look incredulous, thinking that he was superhuman.    


Ye Shuimo still felt that this beautiful misunderstanding was waiting for the child to grow up and solve itself.    


"Director Ye, I don't recommend driving your car, do you know the route to the laboratory? It hasn't been repaired yet, it's very muddy."    


Ye Shuimo agreed as she thought about it, "But the company's MPV must be in hand-to-hand gear. I'm not that good at hand-to-hand gear, though."    


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