Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1750 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1677

C1750 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1677

0Ye Miao looked at Ye Nianmo, "Please take care of her well, don't let her be bullied."    


"It seems you think I can't protect her." Ye Nianmo stood up and fixed his cuffs.    


Ye Miao shook his head, "No, it's just that I only care about her so I can wholeheartedly help her. However, you care about too many people so it's hard to avoid hurting her."    


A trace of pain flashed across Ye Nianmo's eyes. He looked deeply at the child who was not related by blood, then opened the door and gave chase.    


On the balcony, Ding Yiyi let the wind blow her long hair about, tears blurred her vision, and gently put her arms around her shoulders. She turned around and hid in her familiar embrace.    


"He can't leave me. I must not have done well enough." She cried and ached.    


Ye Nianmo hugged her tightly and let out a soft sigh, allowing her to cry and vent her emotions.    


Returning to Ye Family, Ding Yiyi locked herself in her room for the entire day. It was still Ye Shuimo who knocked on the door and walked in.    


"Mom, what are you doing?" She reached out her hand for Ding Yiyi to hug.    


Ding Yiyi carried her in her arms. Ye Shuimo was already growing up, and the heavier she got, the heavier she felt.    


She gently smoothed her somewhat disheveled hair. "Do you like your brother?"    


Ye Shuimo nodded. "Brother is the best."    


"What if brother wants to leave?"    


"Where to? Shuimo wants to go too. " Lili turned to look at her mother, only to find that she was crying.    


Ye Shuimo jumped in fright, her small hands anxiously trying to wipe away her tears. "Mom, don't cry."    


"Don't cry." Ding Yiyi pulled her hand and gave her a kiss, then put the person down. "Go and play with Madame Meng. She'll give you a delicious pudding to eat."    


Ye Shuimo nodded and walked out of the room. After closing the door, the room was dark again.    


At night, when she opened her eyes and the people around her were breathing deeply, she got out of bed without her shoes and walked to her son's room.    


When she opened the door, he was already awake. The two of them looked at each other, and she first gave a faint smile. "Still awake?"    


"Mom." Ye Miao stood up. He didn't turn on the lights, he just pulled Ding Yiyi's hand and sat in front of the computer desk in his pajamas.    


He pointed to the books in the room. "Some of them I've read."    


He opened the stock account again, which already had over two million in it. "This is the money I earned from playing with stocks this year."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him silently. She knew what she would hear next, but when she heard it, her body still trembled slightly.    


"I'm very smart, you know. I've always been." He said slowly, "I can see my future, but I don't want to go this way. The future is limitless. I just chose another possible path."    


"But you are a child?"    


"I'm ready," he said, his eyes full of conviction. "I'm going to be strong."    


Ding Yiyi was a little relaxed. "I need to know where you went and what you did."    


Ye Miao hesitated for a while before saying, "I want to go exercise with someone I can trust."    


"A person's heart is ever-changing. How can you say that you trust someone so?" Ding Yiyi had no choice but to worry.    


Ye Miao comforted her, "Don't worry, mom. Life is not what I want right now. The life I want is not about age, but about attitude and faith."    


Silence, long silence, it seemed like several hours had passed, it also seemed like several centuries, but in reality, only an hour had passed.    


"Take good care of yourself. You need to talk to me on the phone every month. You have to eat on time. You're still young, you have to protect yourself well." The voice paused, "When will you be back?"    


"In five years." Ye Miao also couldn't bear to leave his mother for so long, so he made up his mind. After five years, he must become a mature and responsible man.    


She gave a start, nodded, and began to chatter again, trying to explain all the things she was worried about, lest she miss something.    


Ye Miao listened quietly until she said there was nothing else to say. Then, he nodded, "Ok."    


"Sleep early." Ding Yiyi stood up tiredly. When she closed the door, she turned around and glanced at her son. From the moment he was born until now, the two of them had always been together and had never been apart.    


"Good night." He smiled at her, showing his white teeth.    


"Good night, son." She turned around and gently closed the door. At the last moment when she was about to close the door, she faintly heard a "Thank you."    


When he returned to his room, the person who should have been sleeping was sitting in the living room waiting for her. Seeing her wake up, he gently pulled her to him. "Have you decided?"    


"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Ding Yiyi was at a loss.    


Ye Nianmo hugged her tightly and whispered, "Would you like to hear the story of my childhood?"    


As he whispered to himself, he gently recounted the events of his childhood.    


Inside Ye Miao's room, he was tidying up his room. His open canvas bag was stuffed with daily necessities: two sets of clothes, an iPad, and an unfinished book entitled "The Shale Revolution".    


The door was pushed open and a small figure walked in. Ye Shuimo was wearing a princess nightgown. Her hair was loose and her eyes were sleepy.    


"Big brother."    


"What's wrong?"    


Seeing her, Ye Miao was surprised. This sister of his had high requirements for the quality of sleep, she would wake up with anger before being able to sleep well. He remembered the first time he showed anger when he woke up, his Ye Family was completely overturned.    


Ye Shuimo asked with sleepy eyes, "Brother, where are you going?"    


He stopped cleaning up and walked over to her. "I'm not going anywhere. Just go to sleep."    


She nodded, sure again. "Can you see my brother tomorrow morning?"    


"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Ye Miao said in a low voice.    



"Bye bye big brother." Ye Shuimo put her hands on the doorknob and stood on her tiptoes to turn away. "Goodbye brother."    


After they left, Ye Miao sat for a while until the phone rang, "Little Ye Miao, are you ready?"    


"Alright." He got up, shouldered his backpack, opened the window, and climbed down the pipe.    


Half an hour later, in the slutty Land Rover, Lee Yixuan said with a smile, "Have you said your goodbyes yet?"    


"Right." Ye Miao, who was carrying his backpack, suddenly had his face gently pulled outwards.    


"I say, why are you so serious like Ye Nianmo when you were young? If you want to leave your parents, you should at least cry or be depressed!"    


Ye Miao tilted his head and looked at him, not saying a word.    


Lee Yixuan was scared by Ye Zichen's gaze. He let go of his hand and coughed lightly before starting the car, "How did you make up your mind? It will be very tough in the future."    


"Because I know I did the right thing." Ye Miao looked out of the window and watched the scenery pass by in a flash.    


He knew the danger. He even thought that he might be unable to return due to all sorts of things, so he wanted to find a way to protect his mother. But now, he understood that he had to come back, no matter what.    


The car moved further and further away from the Ye Family in the darkness until it could no longer be seen.    


The next day, Ye Shuimo's loud crying attracted everyone's attention.    


Ding Yiyi ran out. The closer she got to Ye Miao's room, the colder her heart became. The door was ajar and the sound of crying came from inside.    


When he opened the door, the room was quiet. Ye Shuimo stood in the middle of the room and said, "Big brother's gone."    


Sofia and Madame Meng arrived at almost the same time, and were shocked upon hearing this. Everyone in Ye Family was alarmed.    


"Shuimo be good." Ding Yiyi held her in her arms and whispered, "It's not that he's gone, he just has something to do."    


The intentional disappearance of Ye Miao caused a huge uproar in the Ye Family. Fu Fengyi was very angry, and if Ye Nianmo wasn't present, he would definitely scold Ding Yiyi.    


In the evening, Ding Yiyi sat in Ye Shuimo's room, patting the quilt gently. "Don't be sad."    


"Will brother come back?" Ye Shuimo stuck out her head, her eyes red.    


Ding Yiyi's eyes had a trace of confusion, but it soon disappeared. "I will, brother will come back."    


Human's memories were marvelous. No matter how sad or happy, there would always be a time when they would be rewritten. When the memories were gone, those turbulent emotions immediately became unreal.    


A week later, the people from Ye Family seemed to have accepted the fact that Ye Miao had left, other than two people, Ye Shuimo and Ding Yiyi.    


At around 10 PM, Ye Shuimo continued to wait for someone. When the door opened, she called out sweetly, "Auntie Ao Xue."    


After closing the door, Ao Xue walked in front of her and kissed her on the cheek. "Darling Shuimo, you're so obedient."    


"What did auntie bring you?" She placed the suitcase she had brought on the table and opened it. Inside the box was a six-storey compartment, and when it was opened, there were all sorts of makeup tools.    


Ye Shuimo didn't seem to be in high spirits. She just sat there like she was in a bad mood. "I miss my brother."    


"Thinking of your brother?" Ao Xue couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like you really have a good relationship with big brother."    


Ye Shuimo said with tears in her eyes, "Brother said he would meet up in the morning. Liar."    


Ao Xue squatted in front of her. "Darling, I heard from aunty that all men with Ye Family are lies. If you don't want to be hurt, you must first have no heart."    


Ye Shuimo didn't understand. She was just sad. Why would her brother lie to her?    


"Child, you're the star of Ye Family. When you grow up, everything will be yours, and beautiful words can attract many men. At that time, find a good man, and auntie will accompany you." She smiled as she fiddled with the cosmetics in the box. "Here, Auntie will teach you how to make makeup."    


After putting on her makeup, Ao Xue kissed Ye Shuimo, still feeling unsatisfied. "My eyes aren't big enough, and my nose isn't straight enough. Come of age quickly, when you're an adult, I'll take you to clean it up."    


Suddenly, the sound of unhurried footsteps came from the stairs. They seemed to be heading this way. Ao Xue was shocked and signaled Ye Shuimo not to speak.    


It was Siwen Bing. He looked calm and steady. Even though a whole day had passed, his suit was still very smooth.    


It was Xia Yihan who was looking for him. As the mistress of Ye Family, many family matters still required her to personally decide.    


"Madam." The butler knocked on the door and only entered after receiving the nod of approval.    


Xia Yihan was still washing the teacups when she heard his words. She raised her head and smiled at him, continuing her actions until the teacups had been cleaned.    


"I called you here to ask about the servants' salaries."    


"Servant salary?"    


"Right." Xia Yihan said. There were two servants who told me recently that they think we should adjust Ye Family's wages a bit more. What do you think?    


Siwen Bing was dead for a while, "Now, the salary of the servants include 1 gold for 5 risks, 1 gold for free food and accommodation, 1 vacation at home and abroad at the end of the year, 4 days of vacation every month, etc., and 10 thousand yuan after taxes. It should not be low in the industry."    


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