Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1483 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1411

C1483 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1411

0The other person did not have any reaction, which was also within his expectations, "It can't be her, she has no reason to obediently wait for death, and the pond is too far away from the villa complex."    


After he finished his analysis, he looked at the woman silently. From his angle, he could see that she had a strong nose and big eyes. It wasn't hard to tell that she must have been a beautiful woman before she was burned.    


"You don't have to say," he said, straightening up, but his voice was as cold as ever. "If my wife's fire is inevitable, then I should thank you."    


He paused. "So you don't have to worry about what I'll do to you. You can stay here and grow old by yourself."    


With that, he turned and walked out of the room, not paying any more attention to the woman on the bed.    


When the sound of footsteps could no longer be heard, the stone-like person on the bed finally moved. First, his arms moved nervously, then his thin shoulder blades.    


She slowly turned around and faced the door, staring at the transparent window, as if there was her most hated enemy standing there.    


Ao Xue knew that she was really going crazy. What did he mean by 'thank you'? Thank her for helping his wife with the fire, ha-ha ha, this is ridiculous.    


She wanted to laugh, but the skin around her mouth was burnt through. Every time she moved the corner of her mouth, the muscles would tightly pull at each other, causing her mouth to assume a strange posture.    


How she hated it! How hateful! This world was too unfair to her. People only saw Ding Yiyi as good, but they couldn't see her sadness. This world owed her a blissful life! It was impossible to make her die alone. She would never compromise.    


The sound of light footsteps came from outside the door. It was barely discernible, but she knew that it was the woman who had been taking care of her.    


When Aunt Xue opened the door, she was shocked by the stares directed at her. The thermos bottle in her hand was thrown far away. She patted her chest and tried to keep her tone as calm as possible. "How was Little Girl today?"    


Ao Xue stared straight at her. She didn't understand what this old woman meant and how she treated her well. She clearly didn't need to worry so much about taking care of her. After all, she was just a cripple who didn't know how to talk and no one cared about her.    


Aunt Xue poured the chicken soup into another bowl and said, "Child, you're too skinny. Drink more chicken soup. I bought this early this morning at the market. I've chosen it for a long time."    


Ao Xue looked at her head full of white hair and the body of a dried up building. There was a hint of warmth in her ice-cold eyes, and her doubt towards her gradually faded away.    


Her nose was filled with the smell of chicken soup. She looked at the old woman who walked over shakily with the chicken soup in her hand. It was the first time she extended her hand to receive it.    


"Be careful, be careful!" When Aunt Xue saw that she took the initiative to extend her hand to take it, she was overjoyed. She continued to say, "Child, I'll stew it for you tomorrow. Take your time. We're not in a hurry."    


Ao Xue drank her chicken soup quietly. The old woman said many words, but her heart didn't feel impatient. Instead, she felt a sense of peace. Although she didn't open her mouth or look in the direction of the old woman, she heard everything she said.    


Aunt Xue was really happy today. After Ao Xue finished her chicken soup, she cleaned up and walked out of the room with an empty thermos in her hand. She headed straight to the reception desk.    


"Thank you. Every time I leave my things here, I'll have to trouble you guys." She spoke happily to the two nurses at the front desk.    


The nurse took out a thermos and handed it to her. "You're welcome, madame. This is a small matter. It's very fragrant. Is it chicken soup today?"    


Aunt Xue nodded and took it, "Yes, bring it to my grandson now."    


The nurse watched her as she took the chicken soup out of the room and sighed. "This old man is really pitiful. Not only does he have to take care of his granddaughter, he also has to take care of his grandson. He can't even enjoy life when he's old."    


Another nurse made an excuse and said, "You don't know yet right? The granddaughter she is taking care of lives in our advanced ward, which costs tens of thousands of yuan a month. How could such a family not be able to hire a nurse?"    


Aunt Xue had long since disappeared from their sight as they chatted amongst each other.    


Aunt Xue walked out of the hospital and called out the name of a villa complex. The driver took a look at the hospital and said, "Old madam, why didn't you let your servant or your son come to pick you up?"    


"My grandson doesn't like going out." Aunt Xue still had a cheerful look on her face as she said, "I'll send him some chicken soup."    


The chauffeur didn't say anything more and pressed the timer. After that, he drove towards the villa complex.    


When they arrived at the villa, the security guards did not stop Aunt Xue. They had a good impression of this white-haired old man and were quite angry at him because they did not know which household did not let the old man stay at home. Instead, they let him run around every few days.    


Aunt Xue walked to the last villa on the edge of the district. All the windows in the villa were covered with heavy curtains. She sighed and pressed the doorbell.    


The doorbell rang for a long time before it suddenly opened. A strong smell of alcohol wafted out. Xiao Wu's eyes were bloodshot and swollen, and he was only wearing a pair of beach pants, revealing the ugly wounds on his chest that were healed from the burns.    


"Didn't I tell you not to come!" He turned around with some dissatisfaction and kicked the empty bottle away, yelling, "Watch out for the ground, don't step on the bottle and fall down."    


Aunt Xue followed closely behind him, saying, "I went to the market today to pick out some good chickens, I bought them for you to stew your body in." She walked in front of the cupboard and looked at the full bowl and chopsticks in the sink. She could only sigh, take out a bowl and put it under the tap to wash.    


Xiao Wen switched on the television as he frowned, "You don't need to worry about that matter. I won't say anything." His gaze turned arrogant and domineering again. He sneered at the television screen, "It won't be fun if you say that."    


Aunt Xue flung the clean bowl aside, then poured the soup in, "I really feel sorry for Little Girl, she didn't do anything but became a sacrifice. Everyone is someone that my parents doted on, I'll do more now and take care of her more.    


"So annoying!" Xiao Wen smashed the remote control against the wall and it bounced off the floor. In an instant, it had shattered into pieces.    


He sneered. There's no need to feel guilty about her. This kind of evil woman should end up like this. "    


"Little Shu!" Aunt Xue was angered, "Do you know how terrible that child is right now!? I'm not trying to be nice to her to make up for your mistakes, and now Madame is not the same as before. "    


"What did you say!" The person sitting on the sofa suddenly jumped up, "What do you mean by that?"    


Aunt Xue sighed. "Madam, you don't recognize anyone after you return this time. You don't even recognize Young Master anymore."    


"No wonder." Xiao Wen walked around the room excitedly, he kicked away the empty beer bottle the moment he saw it. He waved his arms in an exaggerated gesture, "No wonder she didn't recognize me. So it wasn't intentional, I knew she wasn't such a cold-hearted woman."    


Aunt Xue looked at her grandson's insolent expression and wanted to persuade him to stop. She thought he would retreat after telling him about Ding Yiyi's situation, but instead, it only made him even crazier.    


"Wait!" He stopped and turned back to Aunt Xue like a car with an emergency brake. "Why can't she remember? What happened after the plane crash? "    


Aunt Xue shook her head. "I don't know. At that time, she and a foreign man came to find me, saying that they wanted to find some of my grandfather's former lovers."    


"A foreign man?" Xiao Qian muttered to himself as jealousy rose in his heart once again. What man had occupied her for half a year? He really wanted to find her and give her a good beating.    


Aunt Xue suddenly said, "That's right, I once heard Young Master talking on the phone. I think he mentioned the fishing village. Young Madame escaped from there."    


Xiao Wen listened attentively. He had already made up his mind. He would never forgive anyone who had hurt Ding Yiyi. Not even one of them.    


The next morning    


A rough and high-pitched voice came from the quiet little fishing village, "Damned old woman, don't you want to get up? Don't tell me I don't raise your son enough? Do I still want to raise you?"    


In the shabby little yard, the small house that was originally given to the chickens to live in was simply cleaned. The stench of chicken dung inside was extremely bad, and the entire wooden house was on the verge of collapse, as if a strong wind could blow it away.    


Aunt Xiong kept coughing. Facing the ferocious woman outside the chicken coop, she couldn't bear it any longer and said, "I'm your mother-in-law. You're going to be a thunderbolt in the sky!"    



It's your fault for offending such a big figure, right now you're suffering a retribution, my marriage to your son can be considered as letting out eight lifetimes of bad luck. I'm telling you, you better pray that you die a little later, that big figure gave me a marriage fee, I won't use any of it on him.    


Aunt Xiong was so angry that she trembled, but there was nothing she could do. Only now did she realize that the handsome man was actually such a cruel and merciless person.    


He let them go, but he didn't know where he had gotten this arrogant and despotic woman. She had thought that her son finally had a wife, so even if she died, she could rest in peace.    


However, the first thing this woman did after marrying into the chicken coop was to force him to live there. That Stupid Bear's submissive appearance, when used to being scolded, how would he dare to resist?    


At first, she was able to argue and fight with women, but now she was getting worse and worse. Recently, her cough had not abated for a long time. It seemed that she would not live for long.    


When she thought of how her son would be manipulated for the rest of her life after she died, she wanted to drag her son along to die with her!    


"What are you talking about? Why aren't you taking advantage of the high tide and going out to sea?!" The woman glanced at her, twisted her waist, and went back to sleep.    


Aunt Xiong sat on the bed for a long time before she recovered. Finally, she stood up shakily, tidied herself up, and left the room.    


Breakfast was definitely not available. Not only that, if she wanted to cook it herself, she would also be scolded because it would result in her own daughter-in-law getting into an argument.    


She dragged her tired body to her fishing boat, doing more calculations and saving more money in the hands of someone she trusted. She had left Stupid Bear with some assets in the future so he wouldn't be bullied too badly.    


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