Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1507 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1435

C1507 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1435

0He watched the little girl walk over to the table, place the red box on the table, then turn and walk back to the bed. She slept without taking off her shoes.    


"Why didn't you take off your shoes?" He mumbled to himself in the darkness. However, he was afraid of hearing the little girl's voice, so he simply turned his body and faced upwards. He did not open his mouth.    


The man looked at the little girl lying on the bed obediently with her hands folded on her chest, not moving at all. He suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and fell asleep in a daze.    


In the middle of the night, he, who usually slept soundly, was suddenly awakened for the first time. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty, feeling as if there was a fire burning in his throat.    


He got up. One candle had burned out, only the flickering flame was left, and the other was about the same. He walked quickly to the table, grabbed a glass from the table, and drank a mouthful of water.    


"What is this?" He raised his hand and stirred his wine cup. Then, he brought his finger closer to the light of the fire to examine it carefully. He saw that there was some white powder on the tip of his finger.    


At that moment, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a small voice. "Ah!" He shouted and scurried to the side, looking at the little girl behind him with surprise and anger. "What's wrong with you? Standing behind me, you don't make a sound either. "    


"There's a leak in the urns." The little girl's voice was soft, but clear in the darkness.    


The man angrily growled, "What does it have to do with me if the casket is broken? Do you need to stand behind me at night to scare me?"    


After saying that, he was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he began to pant, his eyes couldn't help but follow the girl's line of sight to the table.    


"The urns are broken." The girl's voice became very cold, very cold.    


"Ah!" Ding Yiyi closed her eyes and rushed to Ye Nianmo's side, "I don't want to look anymore, that little girl will definitely be covered in blood. It's very scary.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the screen on the TV that continued to play. His mouth turned up, "Not yet."    


"I don't want to look. Turn it off." She took his arm and buried her face between his arms and the sofa.    


Ye Nianmo turned off the TV and watched her actions like a child. The gentleness in his eyes turned into an ocean. He reached out and gently patted her back. "I'm fine."    


After a while, Ding Yiyi calmed down. She also felt that she had made a big fuss out of nothing. At this moment, the tight feeling coming from her lower abdomen made her expression turn unnatural.    


The thought of the little girl's face and the vermilion casket struck her as terrifying.    


She kept changing positions, trying to get rid of the physical discomfort, but the more she tried, the more she wanted to go to the bathroom.    


Ye Nianmo felt her uneasiness and looked at her a few times, "You want to go to the bathroom?"    


She nodded, unable to take in the physical anger. "But I'm afraid."    


Ye Nianmo smiled. Ding Yiyi of the past wouldn't be so frank, even if she was afraid. She would only quietly find a solution or hide everything in her heart.    


Although this type of person wasn't that strong, it was easier for her to reach the depths of her heart.    


He got up. "Let's go."    


Ding Yiyi immediately felt a tightness in her stomach when she stood up. She looked in the direction of the washroom, hesitating a little.    


While holding someone's hand, Ye Nianmo naturally led her to the bathroom. Seeing the fear on her face, he sighed and said, "I'll stay here with you."    


Ding Yiyi quickly nodded her head and rushed into the bathroom to close the door. Within a few minutes, she shouted, "Are you still there?"    


"Right." Ye Nianmo replied plainly.    


A few minutes later, the questioning voice sounded again, and he responded.    


"Why don't you tell me a story?" Ding Yiyi's voice came through the thick door.    


There was no response from outside the door, and soon, Ye Nianmo's plain voice sounded. He actually went to get his phone to collect the storybook.    


It was already 11 PM in the evening. In Nuo Da's living room, the man's voice was still faint, yet he was still reciting a warm fairy tale.    


Coming out of the washroom, Ding Yiyi felt rather embarrassed. "Thank you."    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows, "You want to watch another one?"    


She yawned, feeling sleepy, her thoughts heavy. "No, I suddenly feel very sleepy."    


She went upstairs, and when she reached the stairs, she turned around. Ye Nianmo was still standing there looking at her. "Good night."    


"Good night." "You can sleep in the guest room at that late hour." With that, she ran up the stairs as if she was escaping.    


Back in her room, she stood behind the door, listening to her heart palpitating from the running. Her ears could not help listening to the sounds coming from outside.    


After a while, there was a walk in the corridor. The voice came to her room and stopped in her room.    


She knew that he was standing outside the door. Even though there was clearly a door separating them, her heart was beating very quickly, as if she was meeting him honestly.    


Finally, the sound of footsteps could be heard once more before disappearing at the end of the corridor.    


She returned to the bed. There was still a slightly cold air between the sheets, which soon warmed up. The soft pillow urged her to sleep. She rubbed her head against the pillow, then closed her eyes.    


It was only when she opened her eyes once more and saw the bright sunlight outside the window and felt the scent of the intense sunlight that she finally believed she had dreamt last night and slept until dawn.    


She sat up and stretched, feeling better than she had ever felt before. The whole house was quiet, as if no one was moving.    


Looking at the time, it was almost noon, "Why didn't Nianmo call me?"    


She stood up to open the door and walked downstairs. There was no one in the living room and kitchen. Ye Nianmo had already left for work.    


The empty feeling in her stomach urged her to get herself a meal. She went to the kitchen and was just getting a sandwich and jam from the fridge when the phone rang.    


"He's coming." She called out to him and then walked to the hallway. She looked through the peephole and saw a strange man standing there.    


The man had a pair of sharp eyes that seemed to be able to investigate the most crucial part of the matter. However, he wouldn't give people a solution.    


Ding Yiyi opened the door and asked through the security door, "Hello, may I know who you're looking for?"    


"Yiyi?" The man was a little surprised. "You don't recognize me?"    


Seeing that there was another person looking for her, she did not immediately let him in. The matter with Xiao Wen had already caused her to feel a certain amount of fear towards the past.    



"Sorry, I don't know you. If you have something to say, then say it here." Although she felt that it was impolite, she did not feel that it was inappropriate.    


Baker looked at her, but he couldn't see any pretence in her eyes. He didn't know why things that only happened on TV would appear in front of him.    


He pulled out his ID. "I'm a cop."    


"Police?" Ding Yiyi took his ID from the security door, looked at it for a moment, then handed it back to him and opened the door.    


Seeing that he was about to change his shoes, she hurriedly said, "There's no need to change your shoes."    


Walking into the living room, Baker saw something on the table, "Are you having breakfast or lunch?"    


Embarrassed, Ding Yiyi packed up her things and said with a smile, "I haven't been sleeping well recently, so I slept late today."    


Baker watched as she carried the stuff into the kitchen, then busied herself with making tea before coming back.    


"There are only some West Lake Longwells here, is that okay?" She put the tea in the cup holder and handed it to him.    


Baker got up and answered, "Thank you." He sat down on the sofa and took a sip of his tea. "Do you really not remember me?"    


"I'm sorry, but something happened to me and my memories were affected as well. Now, I really don't have the memories from before." Ding Yiyi said simply. She could tell that the man in front of her wasn't a bad person.    


Baker was a little surprised, then he seemed to have thought of something, "Is all of this related to Xiao Shu?"    


Ding Yiyi didn't say anything, but her expression couldn't fool the battle-hardened Baker. He had secretly remembered her performance.    


He changed his position to make himself more comfortable. "Do you know that Xiao Shu is dead?"    


Ding Yiyi nodded hesitantly. "Understood."    


"It is said that he took a knife to your father's house that day to try to take you away and did something that would hurt your father and sister. In the end, your sister stepped forward and accidentally assassinated her when she resisted. You were also there that day. Is it consistent with what I said?" Baker said slowly.    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head to cover the astonishment in her eyes. She didn't know what was going on. Who was the one who purposely revealed this to the man in front of her? Was it Ye Nianmo, or was it his own father?    


Baker leaned forward a little and stared at her with eyes as sharp as a wolf's. His voice carried a trace of oppression, "You and I both know that all of this is false, right?"    


Ding Yiyi quickly raised her head and glanced at him, but she did not say anything. The emotions and memories that she had been able to hide from him for the past few days burst forth at this moment, and she was sure that he had already seen through her embarrassment.    


"He was hit by a dozen or so blades in his stomach. Anyone with common sense could tell that he attacked in extreme rage." There was a hint of meaning in his voice.    


Ding Yiyi felt that he was deliberately tormenting her, and didn't want to be influenced by him. "So, why did you come to find me today?"    


"I need you to testify." Baker took out his usual cigarette case from his jacket, and then took out a cigarette and played with it on his fingertip. With a little force, the white paper was somewhat broken, and a bit of the tobacco leaves were in his hand. He caught it and held it in his palm.    


Ding Yiyi didn't know what he wanted to do. "How do you think I'm supposed to testify against something that isn't true?"    


Baker gave up his cool look. He got up and walked from one end of the sofa to the other, "A long time ago, I also needed someone to testify to my case. At that time, your mother-in-law, Lady Xia Yihan, helped me enthusiastically."    


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