Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1486 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1414

C1486 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1414

0"It's finally a red light!" A woman walked forward hastily, swinging her satchel, only to find that the woman in front of her was neither fast nor slow. She was a little dissatisfied and walked pass him with the intention of glaring at him.    


Just as he turned his head to roll his eyes, he saw the other party staring at him sinisterly. There was a scar that couldn't be hidden under the mask.    


She felt goosebumps all over her back, and she even forgot what she was thinking about until the woman slowly walked past her, only then did she come back to her senses.    


Ao Xue moved slowly. It had been almost a year since she'd been cut off from the rest of the world. During this year, it seemed that the pace of society was about to change.    


She walked slowly to the mall opposite the international shopping mall. A year ago, it was a jewelry store. The name of the store and the items sold inside were all her works. Now, it had become a clothing store.    


A shop assistant came out to pick up the express delivery, and saw a person standing in front of the door, staring at the shop. She was shocked at first, but then she stepped forward and said, "Hello, you can come in to take a look."    


The woman kept avoiding her gaze and ignored her as she slowly walked into the store.    


"What a strange person." He followed her into the shop.    


In the shop, a few employees gathered together and discussed in whispers, "That person couldn't have stolen clothes, right? Look at how tightly she wrapped herself up."    


"Don't say anymore, she seemed to have stared at me just now. I was almost scared to death." Another clerk said as he stared at the woman in front of him.    


Ao Xue walked slowly. She remembered every single place and jewelry that was placed on the counter in her mind. But now, everything that belonged to her had disappeared.    


What did she have left?    


Nothing, she! Ao Xue! Nothing!    


Walking out of the shop like a walking corpse, there was the sound of discussion from the employees behind her. She raised her head and looked at the magnificent building opposite her.    


Ye Nianmo was here, and this was the moment she was the closest to him. If he rushed in now and told him that he was Ao Xue, then he would definitely meet with him.    


She suddenly became excited and quickly walked to the entrance of the international shopping mall. The automatic sensing door opened and closed, then opened again.    


Some merchants looked at the woman who had been standing outside the door with curiosity, only to see her hurriedly turn around and leave.    


Ao Xue was hiding behind a pillar as she stared at the white sedan that was approaching from the distance. She held it tightly by her side.    


When she saw the woman getting off the car, she glared at her and cursed in her heart.    


"I'm sorry, please wait here for a moment. I'll be right down." Ye Nianmo said while holding the Car key.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "Hurry up and go. I'll wait for you here."    


He nodded, then turned and walked into the International Shopping Center and disappeared around the corner.    


Ding Yiyi sized up the international shopping mall, relaxing her body as she walked. She thought about the woman she saw at Xu Haorann's house that day. For some reason, that woman had left a deep impression on her.    


At this moment, a high-pitched voice not too far away caught her attention.    


"Miss, can I have a look at your appearance?" The security guard said righteously. Recently, the international shopping mall had been robbed three or four times. If this went on, he would be fired from his job. Everyone in his family would be waiting for him to earn 3,000 yuan a month.    


Seeing that the woman in front of him didn't say anything and only turned her head to ignore him, as if she didn't want to attract attention, he felt that his guess was correct.    


"I've been paying attention to you for a long time. You look sneaky. I hope you can cooperate with our investigation." The security guard said confidently.    


The woman in front of them wanted to leave, but explained in a low voice, "I'm not a thief, you guys have mistaken me."    


"You're not a thief, are you?" The security guard didn't believe her. He raised his hand to pull off her hat and was startled when he saw the scar on her forehead.    


Ao Xue hurriedly put the hat back on her head. It wasn't until the shadow before her eyes that he finally felt at ease. She raised her head and looked coldly at the security guard.    


"What's wrong?" When Ding Yiyi walked closer, she had already understood the gist of their conversation. She felt that it was wrong for the security guards to bully others in such an indiscriminate manner.    


The security guard was a newcomer and didn't know Ding Yiyi, but seeing this woman get off the car with his boss and knowing that her identity was different, he respectfully said, "Recently, several counters in the center reported that they have been stolen. The amount of stolen has already reached over a hundred thousand, so the higher-ups have instructed us to investigate closely."    


Ding Yiyi looked at the woman, but felt that she was being treated with hostility. For some reason, she wanted to take off the hat and look at her face.    


She resisted the thought. "I think it's a bit sloppy."    


The security guard felt a little awkward. He wanted to prove himself, so he waved his hand and took off the hat of the woman beside him.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the huge burn scar at the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to imagine how terrifying the face under the mask was.    


"Enough!" She immediately returned to her senses and scolded the security guards. At the same time, Ao Xue brought her hat up once again. Her teeth were itching from anger. She would definitely take back today's humiliation.    


Ding Yiyi guessed that it was because of her appearance that she hid and hid. She was furious. "I think it was wrong of you to suspect someone with just one person's behavior, and now you're attacking someone else without permission."    


"I …" The security guard was at a loss for words. He didn't say anything as he curled his lips and stood to the side.    


"Miss, are you alright?" Ding Yiyi turned around and asked with concern.    


She saw that the woman had finally turned her head to face her, but her head was still slightly lowered. Her mask moved, but her voice was clear. "Mind your own business, you will definitely die a horrible death!"    


Ao Xue ran out of the building as soon as she finished her sentence. Ding Yiyi was stunned and wanted to give chase, but her shoulders were lightly pressed down.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Nianmo asked softly. He followed her gaze and looked into the distance, but he only saw a corner of her black clothes.    


Ding Yiyi didn't know how to describe what he had just said. An unfamiliar woman with a hideous scar on her face was cursing her own death.    


"No, it's nothing." She settled her confusion and smiled at him.    


After the two of them left, the person in the corner slowly walked out. Ao Xue stared at the sound of the car leaving. Even though her hatred was so strong, tears still flowed down her face.    


Soon, after work was over, a large number of white-collared workers came out from the neighboring commercial buildings. Some of them walked together in groups of twos or threes, discussing where to go for dinner and what to do in the evening.    


No one paid attention to the woman who was standing in the middle of him with her head lowered. Those who occasionally glanced at her also had curious looks on their faces.    


Ao Xue suddenly didn't know where she could go. She felt that every inch of her body was tiring, hating people was tiring, her lover was tiring, and living was tiring.    


She casually sat on the flowerbed with her head lowered. Although the weather was warm, a fine layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.    


Would I live easier if I let it go?    



Looking at the people coming and going, she was so confused that she couldn't find an answer, so she just sat there. Suddenly she tore off her mask.    


More people were looking at her, and people were discussing her. Although they felt that this wasn't a good thing, they still couldn't resist the urge to comment on this strange looking person.    


This is how people become the most curious people in the world when they see actions that go against society.    


Ao Xue listened to their curious, mocking, and sympathetic words, her body frozen to the point where she couldn't move at all. Suddenly, someone approached her and someone placed a ten-dollar bill beside her.    


She fiercely raised her head, scaring the person who sympathized with her for giving her money. The other party took a step back, and with a trace of anger on his face, he left in a hurry.    


The ten-dollar coin soon fell to the ground, and then a gust of wind blew, and it rolled a few more times before it was picked up by a kid in a school uniform.    


Ao Xue wanted to laugh, but she couldn't. She wanted to cry, but wasn't willing to show weakness in front of such a large crowd. She was too lonely.    


In a quiet house, a woman was playing with the rose in the yard. Several children were running downhill, pulling each other's bags as they ran.    


"Xiao Qiang, Xiao Jian, don't run anymore. What should we do after we fall down?" The woman raised her head and called out to the children.    


The children stopped in their tracks and stopped their teasing. "Got it, Aunt Jiu Jiu."    


"Be good, tomorrow Aunt Jiu Jiu is going to make gingerbread. After you come back from school, come by yourself and bring some here for your parents."    


Jiu Jiu looked at these children lovingly, her heart was filled with emotion. A long time ago, Mingyao was also so small. Every day, he would carry his schoolbag and be so mischievous.    


The children obediently stood up and said in a clear voice, "Got it, thank you, Aunt Jiu Jiu."    


After the children had left, she patted her sore back and turned around to get some food. However, her gaze fell upon a woman in a hat and mask standing in the corner.    


She was sure the woman had been watching her, so she approached and leaned against the railing. "Hello, are you looking at me?"    


Ao Xue looked at the old lady in front of her and felt her tongue tingling. "May I ask if Yan Mingyao is here?"    


She was looking forward to his presence and didn't want to hear that he was there. Because she was not sure if the man who had helped her in prison and claimed to love her, after seeing her face, would still be as unchanging as he had said.    


Jiu Jiu was delighted to hear Yan Mingyao's name. "Are you a friend of Mingyao's? "I've never heard him mention it before. Come in and have a seat."    


Ao Xue hesitated for a moment, but the other party had already opened the courtyard door and was looking at her eagerly.    


The dressing in the living room was very simple and traditional. Jiu Jiu brought her some tea. "You youngsters probably don't like tea, but auntie only has tea. You can drink it."    


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