Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1449 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1377

C1449 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1377

0"Sir, please wait." She was already exhausted from running, so she could only call out in disgrace, afraid that she would be rude. After calling her name, she immediately replied, "Did you save me that day? I'm really grateful, so I've always wanted to buy you a cup of coffee to express my gratitude."    


she asked as she approached, and a faint scent of men's perfume came from her dress. She looked up at the muscular man in front of her.    


"I don't know you. I don't remember anything about that."    


Ding Yiyi was a little disappointed. She would never forget that feeling, but she did not want him to admit it. To save her was just a small matter that he did not need to mention.    


She was a little depressed as she bowed slightly towards him. "No matter what, thank you for your help."    


The man looked at Mr Ye's back in confusion. Then, he opened the door and said to the man who was drinking wine at the door, "Mr Ye, long time no see."    


"I'm honored to have the Foreign Minister here in person." Ye Nianmo waved the white porcelain bottle at him. The guy sat down cross-legged and said, "Thank you for lending me my clothes. Otherwise, I would have been a fool just now."    


The waiter who was cleaning up the leftover food on the floor nodded at the two of them, then he opened the door and left with the leftovers.    


"Are you ready to return home?" The tall man's eyes held a trace of reluctance, "You and I are like friends at first sight, I actually hope that we can get together a few more times."    


Ye Nianmo finished the sake in his glass as his Adam's apple rolled up and down. He smiled and said, "I came here for someone else. Since she wants to leave, so do I."    


"I really want to meet that young woman that you're worried about." The man smiled in a reserved manner, with a crafty look at the corners of his eyes.    


Ye Nianmo poured another cup and asked slowly, "How do you know if it's a woman, or a young woman?"    


"When you talk about that person, your eyes are very gentle. This is something that you can't do for a friend." The middle-aged man seemed to be very happy that his question gave him an opportunity to answer, so he spoke very quickly and added, "Am I right?"    


"By the way, she is indeed a young woman." He paused for a moment before continuing in a low voice, "She is my wife."    


Seeing the dejection on his face, the middle-aged man, who was also a government official, naturally wouldn't be so tactless as to expose another person's flaws and scars. Thus, he wanted to change the topic.    


At this moment, the water bamboo outside the window suddenly let out a sound, and then a sound for a short period of time. Two clear "plop" sounds attracted the middle-aged man's attention.    


He stood up to check. It turned out that the flow of the spring water had suddenly increased, which was why the water bamboo had been filled with water twice in a row in such a short period of time.    


The man looked up at the sky, then squatted down and stuck his head to the ground without caring about his image. He looked at the cracks in the wall with his beady eyes, then stood up seriously after a long while, "When does Mr Ye plan to return?"    


"Tomorrow or the day after." After Ye Nianmo answered, he was also a bit curious about his previous actions.    


The man's thick eyebrows creased as he muttered in a low voice, "If that's really the case, then he should be worried. Didn't he not receive the notice?"    


"I still have things to do. I'll be leaving first." The man hurriedly stood up. "I'll come visit you again when I have the chance."    


After changing his clothes, he immediately pushed open the door and left. He could vaguely hear the sound of his feet on the wooden floor.    


Ye Nianmo turned his gaze to the bamboo water outside the window and drank all the wine in the cup in one gulp. Then, he fell into deep thought.    


The night in Japan was beautiful, with white stars dotted with deep blue sky and singers dancing and tourists singing and dancing.    


In her sleep, Ding Yiyi dreamed that she was transported to the Jurassic world. When she stood up, she was being pursued by dinosaurs three or four meters tall, and the ground shook with every step the dinosaurs took.    


Gradually, she felt that the ground was really shaking, the center of gravity of her body continuously shifted to the right side, and the pillow covering her head also seemed restless.    


"Wake up." Faintly, she heard the sound of footsteps, then a softer sound, then a deep male voice.    


She opened her eyes and was just about to scream when someone covered her mouth. She could only use an angry expression to look at Ye Nianmo, who had barged into her room.    


"Look there." Ye Nianmo let go of the hand that was covering her mouth, and bent her shoulders to look out of the window. The water bamboo had already been knocked down.    


Actually, he didn't even need to remind her. Ding Yiyi felt as if her entire room was shaking, even her butt could feel the trembling.    


"An earthquake?" She asked in a low voice. After a while, she realized that she didn't need to whisper, so she raised her voice to ask, "An earthquake?"    


Ye Nianmo had already turned around to grab her clothes from the rack, and he also took off her underwear with an indifferent expression.    


She blushed and quickly took off her clothes and stuffed them under her blanket. "Get out."    


Looking at her blushing face, Ye Nianmo suddenly leaned over, "What are you blushing about?" Then he added, "What part of your body do I not see?"    


"Rogue!" Ding Yiyi was so angry that she wanted to curse out loud. But at this moment, the vibration became even stronger. The paper door that was used to trap Ding Yiyi was making a lot of noise.    


Ye Nianmo's expression changed drastically. He turned around and said to her in a deep voice, "Wear your clothes quickly. There's a shelter here, we need to get there as fast as possible."    


Ding Yiyi felt that the room was on the verge of collapse. She didn't dare to say anything else and immediately changed her clothes while trembling. Just as she stood up, her wrist was grabbed.    


She shook it off. "I can do it myself."    


Feeling the man's sharp aura, she felt a little guilty, but hid her hands behind her back the whole time, unwilling to let go.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her, then opened the door first. There were waiters at the entrance. They were evacuating the passengers in an orderly manner, but they didn't look that scared.    


This was the first time a passenger had encountered such a situation. Some of them were wearing a simple robe while some of them were wrapped in bed sheets. Both of them were cursing and swearing at the same time.    


Seeing Ye Nianmo, the waiter signaled him to follow them. As soon as Ding Yiyi stepped out of the door, she heard Ye Nianmo converse with him in fluent Japanese.    


She looked at him with some surprise, just in time to meet his gaze. She decided to join the crowd and follow their footsteps.    


Ye Nianmo hurried to chase after them. There were too many people who had never encountered such situations before. In their panic, they always kept a distance of two or three people from Ding Yiyi.    


In front of them was the fork in the road. Ding Yiyi hesitated for a moment before following the flow of people.    


Ye Nianmo's eyes darkened. The place she was heading towards was the spa club. Under the strong shock, that spa club might collapse. He was in a hurry to move towards the location she was heading to.    


Sure enough, Ding Yiyi had only taken a few steps when she saw the people in front of her return. Furthermore, their speed was extremely fast, and they were even hooting about something.    


The road was so wide. Some people wanted to return, some people wanted to leave. Both parties were pushing each other, and soon, the scene was a complete mess.    


Ding Yiyi was a little frightened. While she was in a hurry, she was stepped on by a woman's high heels. Immediately, a heart-wrenching pain came from the back of her feet.    


She did not dare to bend her waist, afraid that the next unlucky thing would be her back or head.    


The pain in her foot was so intense that she could feel it swelling. She was about to grit her teeth and insist on going back when a powerful hand grabbed her.    



"I got you." Ye Nianmo was breathing heavily. His shirt was crooked, his hair was a mess, and his body was covered in wrinkles from being rubbed around.    


He frowned at her patient expression, then his gaze fell on Aunt Xia. Seeing her raise her left foot slightly without touching the ground, he knew what had happened …    


While the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning, Ding Yiyi was being hugged by a princess. A man's low voice entered her ears. "Cover my neck."    


"What are you doing!" Ding Yiyi's face reddened. She struggled to get down, but her butt got hit.    


Ye Nianmo walked out with big strides. The advantage of his height prevented him from being pushed away by the crowd. He took the time to look down at the shocked her, "Don't talk."    


His tone was too serious that it made Ding Yiyi forget to refute him. The vibrations around her suddenly intensified, and it seemed as if the entire house was shaking.    


Ding Yiyi's ears were filled with the screams of the passengers and the soothing voices of the attendants. When she felt the vibration, she subconsciously hugged the man's neck.    


The corner of Ye Nianmo's mouth raised into a smile. Then, he walked out of the room with big steps.    


After walking out of the hotel door with great difficulty, the two of them simultaneously let out a sigh of relief. Seeing that everyone was heading towards the shelter in an orderly manner, Ye Nianmo also followed them.    


Ding Yiyi was in his arms. After the sense of urgency in the hotel had disappeared, her mind returned to her body.    


She knew Ye Nianmo had gone to look for her, but even so, she couldn't change the bad impression he had of her.    


The faint scent of perfume on her nose moved her, and she recalled his name from the temple.    


"You were the one who took me out of the bath that day." she suddenly asked in a low voice.    


Although her voice was not loud, Ye Nianmo still heard it in the midst of the chaos. However, his gaze was somewhat complicated. If he were to admit it now, this woman would probably think that all of this was still his doing.    


He met her gaze and replied, "Yes."    


"Put me down." Ding Yiyi continued with a cold expression, "You make me feel disgusted!"    


Ye Nianmo's eyes were cold as he released his arms. He felt the person in his arms touch the ground and his expression changed due to the pain.    


Ding Yiyi tried her best to lift her injured foot up, but she didn't forget to glare at him viciously. "You can live in this scheme of yours. I'm Emily, not Ding Yiyi. It's so scary. People who love me always use a catenary."    


After she said that, she limped along with the crowd towards the shelter. Ye Nianmo stood where he was looking at her back, his eyes turned into a straight line, then he turned around and left.    


Ding Yiyi didn't look behind and didn't know whether Ye Nianmo had caught up or not. She only felt the pain on her feet getting more and more intense.    


Suddenly, a car stopped by the roadside. It belonged to a very young man, and there were already a few passengers in the car. "Miss, do you want me to take you to the shelter?"    


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