Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1389 Wealthy Marriage 1317

C1389 Wealthy Marriage 1317

0"Strange to say," said the woman with the suitcase, "but no one sent it a week ago. I don't know if it's given up."    


Ye Nianmo swept his gaze over the items on the ground and left in big strides without saying anything.    


In the hospital, Ao Xue looked at the room full of servants who followed her orders and felt unhappy. Her arm was a little burnt, but Ye Nianmo told her to continue recuperating in the hospital.    


Although she did not understand, she enjoyed the feeling of being pampered wholeheartedly.    


The text message arrived again. She happily opened it. Inside was the message telling her to eat. Her lips raised into a smile, but she soon became unhappy again.    


It was too hard to catch a man, a successful man, and a successful man who had once loved another woman.    


She pulled out her iPad and typed, "How to capture a man's heart."    


There were all sorts of answers on the web page. However, her eyes were fixated on a page. "The Miao Family's girl's mysterious Gu medicine. You only need a little bit of it to capture a man's heart and make him give up on you."    


The black page with red letters seemed extremely strange. There was only one kind of item on the page, and the cylindrical glass was filled with a dark red liquid, causing one's imagination to run wild.    


'I have to come personally to find out where I am in Guizhou '    


"Guizhou." She glanced at the servant standing in front of her. She already had a choice in mind.    


When Yan Mingyao arrived, he saw Ao Xue looking at him with tears in her eyes. His heart immediately softened.    


"What's wrong? How did you get injured like this? "    


"Aunt Man, take the soup and pour it over me."    


Ao Xue revealed the skin on her right arm. It was a bit red and covered with ointment, making it look quite serious.    


"Did they bully you?" Yan Mingyao's gaze turned cold. Currently, Ao Xue was sick and anyone could bully her. He originally thought that Ye Nianmo would take good care of her, but it seems like he overestimated him.    


Ao Xue waved at the servants. "You may leave."    


After the servant left, there were only two people left in the room. She grabbed the ear of the doll in her hand and wanted to get off the bed, "Nianmo is very good to me, he let the people who bullied me leave, he treats me better than sister."    


"Where's Yiyi?" Yan Mingyao asked.    


Ao Xue was standing by the window. When she heard Ding Yiyi's name, she was stunned for a moment before tears started streaming down her face. She was so speechless that she couldn't say a word.    


As she was crying, the corner of her mouth suddenly lifted. The expression on her face became strange as she slowly laughed out loud.    


Her face still had traces of tears, but her smile only grew wider. "A fool like you like her submissive little temper? If it wasn't for her being so weak, how could her hands be burned and bullied! "    


Having observed her change in personality before, Yan Mingyao was a lot more indifferent this time, "You're Ao Xue?"    


"Do you like those sheep as well? Do you dislike bad women like me?" Ao Xue walked in front of him and gently brushed his face with her hand. "You hate me?"    


Yan Mingyao's throat tightened, "I love you."    


"Then do one thing for me." Ao Xue turned around and wrote down an address on the paper. "Go to this place and get something for me."    


"What is it?" Yan Mingyao looked at the address, "Guizhou? Why would you suddenly want me to take Guizhou away? "    


Ao Xue approached her, her pale lips brushing against her ear. "If you don't do as I say, then that little sheep will be bullied to death."    


Yan Mingyao's body shuddered as he caught her soft body. He leaned against the arrow and knocked her out. He looked at the note in front of him with a complicated expression.    


When he came out of the hospital, he immediately called Ding Yiyi. No one answered the phone, only the endless busy chatter. On the other side of the phone, Ding Yiyi was carefully watching the video.    


This interview was recorded the day before yesterday. Ye Nianmo's answers were all as calm as his people, making it impossible for people to find any mistakes. However, this was even more unreal.    


She looked at his raised eyebrows and personally said those three words, and her heart suddenly began to beat intensely.    


"He loves me." "But he doesn't love me enough."    


The phone was blinking beside the bed. She took it and found that there were two missed calls. One was from Yan Mingyao, and the other was from Xiao Shu.    


She called Yan Mingyao first, but found that he had turned off his phone. She knew he would only look for her because of him, so she didn't care.    


There was the sound of a bicycle bell from under the window. She hadn't noticed it, but after a long time, she went to the window and looked down.    


He was riding one bicycle while struggling to hold onto the handle of the other.    


The people around him were disturbed by his insistent ringing to cast curious or dissatisfied glances.    


Ding Yiyi had no choice but to get dressed. "Didn't you say that I would come and find you tonight?" Ding Yiyi pushed away the hair on her forehead, feeling the intense heat the moment she left the room.    


"It's about time now. I'll take you to eat something delicious." Xiao Wen handed the handle of the other bicycle to her.    


Ding Yiyi held it tightly. "Little Uncle, you don't have to do this."    


"I need it." Xiao Qian suddenly became serious, "Take it as if I'm begging you. Let me accompany you until you recover from your illness."    


Ding Yiyi gave a wry smile. "I don't want to be so sick either, but I know it's my fault."    


"At first, I also thought that I wouldn't be able to recover. Later on, that girl taught me that nothing in this world is impossible."    


He suddenly lowered his head and spat. "That's bullshit."    


With a light ring from the bell beside him, he raised his head to look at Ding Yiyi, who was ready.    


"In that case, let's go." Ding Yiyi was the first to get on her bike and ride to the side of the road. After a while, Xiao Wu's voice came from behind, "Wrong way!"    


This time, Xiao Wu took her to a western restaurant and ordered two steaks. The four parts of the steaks were cooked to perfection. The honey-colored sauce seeped into the texture of the beef and matched with a piece of celery.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the food in front of her and asked, "How long do you think I'll take to spit it out?"    


"I didn't let you eat it." Xiao Wen laughed, "I just want you to smell it. You are anorexic anyway, aren't you?"    


Ding Yiyi was a little stunned. "Even though it's like this every time, it's such a waste."    



Xiao Wen cut off a piece of steak and put it in his mouth, "When your money comes very easily, you won't be afraid to waste it, because you didn't earn that money at all. Naturally, you won't be able to smell the sweat and spend it peacefully."    


"Your parents?" Ding Yiyi sensed that he seemed to have hostile feelings towards his parents.    


Xiao Wen took a sip of red wine. "Do you see that Bugatti outside the door? It was my eighteenth birthday, and on the night of my birthday it was the only car I had with me, and they were each in the arms of their respective lovers. "    


He suddenly became interested and touched his mouth with a napkin, "In the end, we are going to get a divorce, but there was a car accident on the way. What's the use of this property, it ended up in my hands."    


"Let's not talk about that anymore. Just watch if I have any appetite or not. I still need to overcome my mental problems of anorexia. Do you feel hungry like this?"    


Ding Yiyi looked at his smiling face and suddenly realized why he had come looking for her. Both of them were forcing a smile, so they could naturally see the deep sorrow behind his back.    


Leaving the western restaurant, Xiao Wen put the two bicycles in the back of the Bujardi and patted the car as he said: "Let's go!"    


Ding Yiyi followed him to a night market. A fancy car driving there would naturally attract many people's attention, especially when the owner of the luxury car showed him a sign, which said, "MARMOT Mountain Bicycle, 500 RMB it is."    


Ding Yiyi looked at the handle that had not been removed. For a moment, she could not figure out what it meant. "You said that you want to bring me here to do this?"    


"That's right, how interesting." Xiao Wen leaned against the car happily. He did not say anything else and just stared blankly at the passersby.    


"Bro, this car of yours is really selling for 500, how long have you been using it?" Finally, a man wearing a backpack walked over and happily touched the car.    


Xiao Qian stretched out his five fingers and said, "I bought it for five hours."    


The man with the backpack blanked out for a moment, then released his hand and muttered, "It probably isn't even worth 500, now there are too many people who are trying to trick me."    


The man walked away. Soon, a Volkswagen parked at the side of the road. A girl got out of the car and circled the bike twice. "I want this one."    


"Aren't you afraid that we'll lie to you?" Ding Yiyi found it interesting, so she asked another question.    


The woman lowered her head and took out the money from her purse, saying, "I work in the fashion department, and each of you has over ten thousand dollars on you. I would rather believe that this is the bad taste of you rich people."    


Xiao Wen helped the woman carry the car to the back of the car. When he looked back, he was already laughing to the point of being unable to spend. "This money is really easy to earn. In less than half an hour, I earned five hundred."    


"But you spent more than ten thousand dollars on it five hours ago." Ding Yiyi rolled her eyes helplessly. At that moment, she seemed to see the figure of a fat man.    


That fat man was the man she met in front of Ye Nianmo's study room. That man's conversation with Ye Nianmo made her decide to protect Ao Xue and divorce Ye Nianmo.    


She chased after him, but her wrist was caught. Xiao Qian asked: "What's wrong?"    


"I saw someone who was related to my husband." Ding Yiyi frowned as she answered, but her hand was carried forward.    


Xiao Wen walked in front of her. "I will bring you to him."    


He left the car and the unsold mountain bike and pulled her through the crowd, searching but never finding it.    


"Did you hallucinate because you were too hungry?" Xiao Wen walked back gloomily.    


Ding Yiyi did not say anything, thinking that perhaps she had really fainted from hunger.    


Xiao Qian walked Ding Yiyi to his house and said, "Thank you, I'm very happy today."    


"Are you so happy that the second car was stolen?" Ding Yiyi helplessly pushed the cart and was about to get off, but then sat back down. "Your parents won't be happy doing this. Live a good life."    


Xiao Wen looked at the scenery outside the window indifferently. "I will never forgive them." After saying that, he suddenly grabbed Ding Yiyi's left arm and pulled her towards him. Under the dim light, the two's figures quickly drew closer.    


"Are you so concerned about me because you like me?" His smile was bright, his white teeth were faintly visible, and he had a heroic air about him that did not open his mouth.    


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