Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1096 Wealthy Marriage 1024

C1096 Wealthy Marriage 1024

0Ding Yiyi blinked and said, "Since you don't like it, you can only throw it away." She opened the window and a hand reached across and snatched the pendant from her hand.    


Ding Yiyi smiled slyly. Suddenly, her lips felt warm as Ye Nianmo said with a heavy gaze, "Let's see how I'll deal with you tonight."    


The car sped all the way to the bar. Ding Yiyi opened the door and waved at Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo suddenly felt uneasy. He was even hesitating whether he should accompany Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi was just about to turn around when she was stopped. Ye Nianmo's voice sounded a little panicked, "We've opened a new restaurant, I'll take you to eat tonight."    


Ding Yiyi stared at him, as if she wanted to record all of his imprints in her mind. After a long while, she nodded and gave him a big smile. "Okay, I'll wait for you."    


When the car disappeared, Ding Yiyi turned around silently. She took a step forward but was unable to take another step forward.    


In the office, Xu Haorann let out a long sigh when he saw Ding Yiyi, "Yiyi, you came."    


He walked up to her, frightened by the tears in her eyes. He hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, Yiyi? What happened?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "Let's begin." The process went smoothly. Ding Yiyi thought it was very mystical. It took only a short while before she could sign the contract and become a millionaire, just like how she inexplicably became the child of famous scientist Xu Haorann at home and abroad.    


Xu Haorann put away the document, thought for a while and said, "Don't blame your mom, she has that kind of personality."    


Ding Yiyi looked at her watch. She didn't even see how many zeros were on the document. She hurriedly put it away and said, "My mother is long dead."    


Xu Haorann knew she wouldn't forgive him and Si Si so soon, so he could only sigh.    


Ding Yiyi was in a hurry to leave. Xu Haorann couldn't forget her crying expression, so he chased after her. At the entrance, Ding Yiyi called Qiu Bai, "En, are you at the airport? Alright, I'll go there now."    


"Yiyi, where are you going?" Xu Haorann asked in surprise behind her. Ding Yiyi turned around and looked at him, hesitating whether she should tell him or not.    


Xu Haorann was getting anxious, "I'll go ask Nianmo."    


"Don't go," Ding Yiyi said hastily. She looked at the dark sky and said lightly, "I've decided to give up Ye Nianmo and go abroad."    


"Give up on Nianmo?" Although Xu Haorann had always been fighting for Ao Xue's happiness, she had also seen clearly that her daughter really did like Nianmo, that child, and Nianmo also really liked her.    


Ding Yiyi looked at him with a funny expression, her eyes were a little sad, "Didn't you always want me to give up Nianmo and give him to Ao Xue? Now that I've done it, you should be happy.    


She turned around and waved at the taxi that was passing by. Then, she turned around and said lightly, "In your heart, the person you care the most about will always be Ao Xue and not me. Since she has a child now, she should be able to rely on her mother for help in the future, so you can be at ease.    


"Yiyi!" Her words were like a knife that drew a line in his heart. He wanted to explain that it was because he and Ao Xue had met a few times since he was young, but naturally, Ao Xue had grown up in an orphanage and had no relatives. But at least she had a good father like Ding Dacheng.    


His lips moved, and he finally said, "Be careful over there.    


The taxi had already sounded its horn behind her. Ding Yiyi looked back and was about to bid farewell to Xu Haorann when she saw his tears.    


Tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. There were obvious wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and his face was no longer as smooth as when he was young.    


It was the sign of aging. Ding Yiyi suddenly couldn't bear it anymore. She went up to Xu Haorann and gave him a light hug, "Take care."    


The car was heated and the windows were covered with a layer of fog. When she brushed the fog away, she realized that her father was still hugging her, and her heart couldn't help but hurt, forcing her to stop thinking about it. She choked and said, "Drive."    


At the airport, Ye Chuyun had already gotten his passport. The moment Qiu Bai saw Ding Yiyi, she came to welcome her.    


On the other hand, Ye Chuyun's expression was natural. He had already thought about it, since Ding Yiyi had already gone to the United States, there was no need for him to stay in the country. He would find an excuse to return to the United States after accompanying his grandma for another two days.    


At this time, the boarding call sounded at the airport. Qiu Bai finally couldn't hold back her tears. She hugged Ding Yiyi tightly and reluctantly let go.    


Ye Chuyun just gently embraced her. The warm breath made Ding Yiyi dizzy. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "Go."    


The passersby looked at her curiously. Ye Chuyun patted her shoulder and they turned around silently, but their thoughts were different. Qiu Bai was worried, but Ye Chuyun had a faint sense of happiness in his heart. The heavens were finally willing to give him time, so after capturing Ding Yiyi and going to America, he would never let go of her hand again!    


At the boarding gate, those who should have gone in walked out silently. Ding Yiyi saw their figures flash past the door, and there was nowhere for her to hide her tears, so she could only pour them down.    


She walked to the ticket counter, tears blurring her eyes, and the ticket seller, thinking what was wrong with her, hurried over. She cried bitterly, "Please help me to return the ticket, and buy a ticket to France."    


When everything was ready, she sat in the airport lobby. The children around her were still making a racket, and a young couple was snuggling together, blending in to read a book.    


She took out her cell phone and slowly texted Ye Chuyun, "Chuyun, I left when you received that message. Thank you for planning so much for me, but I still want to go somewhere else. I don't know when I'll be back, so don't worry."    


Her fingers trembled as she typed this sentence. She deleted and cut it in the middle, and when she pressed send, she felt all the strength in her body drain away. Her back leaned back, and the cold chair sank deep into her bones through her clothes.    


Since she was unable to give Ye Chuyun a good response to his love, then she would do everything she could to make him give up, even if he had to hate her in the end.    


When Ye Chuyun arrived at the airport again, it was already an hour since he received the text message. His heart was so empty that he couldn't breathe. He ran and saw that everyone who looked like Ding Yiyi ran up to check. He frantically tried to enter the gate, even though he was warned by the police.    


How could Ding Yiyi leave just like that and go to a place no one knew about? With an empty heart, he followed Ding Yiyi, and no one knew where he went.    


At night, he sat quietly on the sofa. There was no heating in the room, and everything seemed very cold. A beam of light suddenly flashed by the window. He finally made a move, but it was only to the extent of lifting his head slightly.    


Ye Nianmo walked in with big steps. He looked tired and had a scary expression. He grabbed Ye Chuyun's collar as the veins in his hands popped out, "Where is she?    


"I don't know." Ye Chuyun opened his mouth and dripped water for seven to eight hours. This made his voice extremely hoarse.    


Ye Nianmo's eyes were bloodshot. He closed in fiercely, "I'll ask again, where is she now?"    


Ye Chuyun looked straight into his eyes, "I told you, I don't know.    


His words infuriated Ye Nianmo. He raised his fist, but was unable to land it. "Bang!" The wall behind Ye Chuyun emitted a loud sound, the snow-white wall left a bright red mark.    


"Nianmo, we've lost her." Ye Chuyun said indifferently, his tone was like stagnant water. He looked at Andrew and suddenly raised his head, "No, I will not lose her. I will get her back!"    


Ye Nianmo drove the car towards Zhaonan City, which was locked tightly, and said while smiling, "Ding Family has a daughter who can earn money, Dacheng took his sister to travel."    


Without finishing his sentence, Ye Nianmo turned around and went back to the car. The car had not turned off. He let the smoke surround his fingertips. Only by doing so could he slightly calm his anxious heart.    


He took out his cell phone and dialed the number he had dialed all night long. The moment he sent the message, he threw the phone out of the window and it fell to the ground with a crisp crack.    


He suddenly hit the steering wheel and drove away. When Ye Bo found him, Ye Nianmo was already drunk and the drunk Ye Nianmo's mouth was full of Ding Yiyi.    


Ye Bo sighed. The phone in his pocket rang. He put the young master down and picked up the phone. Ao Xue's voice sounded anxious, "I didn't find him. I was looking for him."    



Ye Bo glanced at the young master, "Miss Au Xue, hurry up and go back. I've found the young master."    


"Where is he?" She searched for a long time and worried for a long time. She did not know why Ye Nianmo suddenly disappeared, she only knew that she was very worried when Ye Bo came knocking on her door.    


"Miss Au Xue, you should head back first. I'll take care of young master here." Ye Bo said lightly and hung up the phone.    


Ao Xue was standing by the side of the road, her feet swollen with pregnancy, but she insisted on coming to Ye Nianmo. A car was parked next to her, and the driver held the door open for her.    


She looked at the lights and left with a wry smile. No matter what she did, Ye Nianmo Ye would never be touched. Never. In the bar, Ye Bo sighed and helped the young master up with great difficulty.    


"Go away!" Ye Bo hurriedly let go of the young master. When he saw that the young master was about to fall backwards, he hurriedly grabbed the young master's shoulder and brought him home with great difficulty.    


Fu Fengyi looked at Ye Nianmo who was drunk and a little angry, "Nonsense! The dignified General Manager of Ye Group has actually gone to drink himself into a drunken state.    


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