Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1072 Wealthy Marriage 1000

C1072 Wealthy Marriage 1000

0"I'll get you a good lawyer for being my mother's sister." Ye Nianmo hugged Ding Yiyi's waist and started to walk out.    


"Wait! I'll leave now! " Mo Xiaonong immediately said and ran past the two of them in a fluster. Ye Nianmo frowned slightly, "Follow her."    


Ye Bo nodded and left with his people. Ye Nianmo's eyes were unfathomable in the darkness. Even if it was his mother's sister, he would teach her a little lesson to let her know what to do.    


On the ground floor of the residential complex, Ding Yiyi moved. The hands around her waist were as warm as summer and could burn through thick layers of clothing.    


Ye Nianmo let go of his hand and used his palm as a push, "Go on up."    


She walked a few steps, regretting that she had lost her temper at him for some reason tonight. She walked a few steps inside before abruptly turning her head and asking, "Do you want to go up for a cup of coffee?"    


Ye Nianmo looked at her and actually frowned. She was shocked and her face started to turn red. She hurriedly said, "If you don't have time, then forget it. I'm leaving."    


She had only taken a few steps when her wrist was caught. Ye Nianmo said solemnly, "Wait for me."    


She watched in wonder as he walked to the edge of the garden and made a few phone calls. He hung up the phone and came back, looking nervous again and again, straightening his collar and cuffs.    


Ten minutes later, a car sped by. Ye Bo got off the car and respectfully handed over a box of gifts.    


Ye Nianmo took it as if he was facing a great enemy, grabbed her hand and walked towards the elevator, "You can go now."    


It was only when he walked out of the elevator that Ding Yiyi vaguely understood the reason why he was so nervous. She resisted her laughter and said, "My dad has been home for a while now."    


The force holding her hand suddenly lessened a lot. Ye Nianmo's body stopped for a moment and quickly regained his composure, then he continued to maintain his serious attitude and nodded.    


In the living room, Ding Yiyi stared anxiously at the two cups of plain water in front of them. "My apologies, but I forgot that my father doesn't drink coffee."    


Baby Cheng lied on the carpet, and upon hearing what was said, he raised his head and glanced at the two of them, then laid down and closed his eyes to rest.    


Ye Nianmo nodded. Seeing her awkward expression, he took a sip of water in amusement. Ding Yiyi looked at the clock in guilt and stammered, "It's getting late, you should go."    


Baby Cheng who was originally lying on the ground stood up, his doggy head slightly wrapped around Ye Nianmo's pant leg. He lowered his head, and a trace of praise appeared in his eyes.    


"What are you afraid of?" Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying that they had lived together and she was still in a dilemma.    


"I'm not afraid!" Ding Yiyi opened the door with her hands and feet, staring at her with wide eyes. Ye Nianmo sighed, walked to her side and patted her head, "Sleep well, don't think too much."    


His hand was very warm and his tone was loving. Ding Yiyi nodded and pushed him out of the door. After a long time, the door was knocked again. Ye Nianmo said seriously outside the door, "The elevator is broken."    


Ding Yiyi ran to the door to take a look. It really was broken. Strange, this elevator had never been broken before. Ye Nianmo, dressed in a suit and leather shoes stood at the side looking at her, then looked at his watch, "I have a meeting tomorrow morning."    


Ding Yiyi lived on the 20th floor, so she was too embarrassed to ask him to climb downstairs. She could only blush and say, "How about … how about staying at my house tonight?"    


After returning home, Ding Yiyi couldn't help but laugh when she saw Ye Nianmo sitting in the living room with his slippers in front of him and watching the news while wearing the new undershirt that his dad had bought.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her. She quickly stopped herself from laughing, "The mint mouthwash is gone. You can barely use the strawberry one."    


He was stunned as he continued to listen to her, "The milk is in the microwave. Don't let me drink it with you again, or Qiu Bai will scold me to death. She said I've gotten fatter recently."    


Ding Yiyi chattered endlessly until a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her. Ye Nianmo locked her up in the wall and kissed her fiercely.    


She stared into his eyes with a little fear, not even knowing why he suddenly became so agitated. Even his eyes carried a bit of ruthlessness.    


Baby Cheng who was waiting in the living room automatically ran into the kitchen and closed the door with his claws! At night, despite the heat, Ding Yiyi tossed and turned in bed.    


The breathing of the people on the floor was light and steady, and the room seemed to be filled with his scent. She carefully got off the bed and lay down about an arm's length away from him.    


Suddenly, a pair of hands pulled her over. Ye Nianmo pressed his arms tightly against her back, ignoring her weak struggle. His hands lightly patted her back, "Go to sleep."    


Her heart beat like a beating drum as she finally fell asleep in a daze. In the property area, Ye Bo obediently took out his business card and gave it to the security guards, "We will bear all the damage caused by this power failure."    


A dreamless night had brought him back to the house, which smelled of toast in the morning, and where a man was strolling at the counter.    


Ding Yiyi opened her eyes in a daze as she thought about this. She seemed to have smelled the fragrance of the toast floating in the air.    


Baby Cheng, who always squatted beside her bed early in the morning and waited for her to feed him, was nowhere to be seen. The door was ajar, and there was the faint sound of a spatula.    


She immediately woke up and ran to the wardrobe to grab her clothes before jumping back onto the bed. She wanted to put them on before Ye Nianmo entered the room.    


She had just rolled up her sleeves when the door was gently pushed open. Startled, she quickly lay back down on the bed and closed her eyes to pretend to be asleep.    


She deliberately made light footsteps, trying her best to slow her breathing. Her sense of smell and hearing became extremely sharp. She quietly waited for him to leave, but she had a feeling that he had been standing in front of her the whole time.    


Why isn't he going out yet! The sleeve under the blanket that held her arm was truly very uncomfortable. In a trance, she seemed to hear a light sigh, and a soft touch came from her lips. Afterwards, she gently closed the door.    


Seated at the dining table, Ding Yiyi wolfed down her porridge. Baby Cheng squatted beside her as they enjoyed their meal, a man and a dog alike.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her quickly sucking on the hot porridge in surprise, "How long has it been since you cooked your own breakfast?"    


"I haven't cooked since I moved out of your house." Ding Yiyi scooped another bowl, drank a few mouthfuls, and only after sensing the gaze from the other side did she realize what she had said.    


She took a deep breath and frowned, almost burying her whole body into the bowl of porridge. Then, a faint voice came from the other side, "What's that?"    


Ye Nianmo pointed at the wall. Ding Yiyi looked at it and answered honestly, "Calendar."    


He squinted at her and deliberately lifted the pot in his direction. Ding Yiyi rushed to it and hugged it. "Don't be so cruel, I said. That's the day I'm going to Paris."    


To Paris? Ye Nianmo remembered that she did tell him before, so it seemed like it was the day after tomorrow. The day after … the day after … A plan was slowly forming in his mind.    


Just as she got off the elevator, Ding Yiyi wrapped herself with a scarf as she walked. Suddenly, she bumped into Ye Nianmo's back. She rubbed her nose painfully and said with dissatisfaction, "Why did you suddenly stop?"    


Wu Tie took a step aside. Ye Chuyun was standing at the exit of the corridor. He was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. His face was pale. He looked at Ding Yiyi and then his gaze moved around their bodies.    


He felt his heart go numb with pain, freezing to numbness. He didn't wait for her text message to arrive home, he couldn't let it go, he couldn't reach her on the phone, he simply went downstairs to wait for her, just to make sure she was safe.    


"Chuyun, why did you come!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly said.    


Ye Chuyun smiled, "It's nothing. Just because we agreed to send a text message to my home yesterday, I was a little worried so I came to take a look."    


Ding Yiyi was so guilty that she didn't know what to say. Ye Chuyun felt that he couldn't take it anymore, and the belief that he could stay in the cold all night was meaningless.    



His face was unnaturally pale. He smiled at the two with great difficulty, then turned around and left with large strides.    


"You go to work first." Ye Nianmo kissed Ding Yiyi's forehead. Qiu Bai honked her horn a short distance away. After sending the person into the car, Ye Nianmo chased after Ye Chuyun.    


Ye Chuyun felt his heart was beating powerlessly. It felt like a hand was grabbing his heart and blood was flowing back to his four limbs.    


He felt in his pockets out of habit. He went out in such a hurry that he forgot to put the medicine into his pocket. His eyes turned white. The wind was cold, but his body was unbearably hot, as if his blood was boiling.    


He walked forward unconsciously. He could hear someone calling for him. The voice came closer and closer. He turned his head slowly and fainted on Ye Nianmo's shoulder.    


The surroundings became so quiet that it could be suppressed. The sound of hurrying footsteps and the ticking of a machine could be heard. Ye Chuyun opened his eyes and Xia Yihan came over with her bright red eyes.    


"Child, you should at least dress up a bit more when you go out and play. If something happens to you, how am I supposed to explain it to your parents?"    


Ye Chuyun forced out a smile, "I'm fine."    


Ye Zimo pushed the door and entered, "I've already prepared the plane. We'll be flying straight to Los Angeles later, I've already contacted the hospital."    


"NO!" I can't leave yet. " Ye Chuyun spoke too quickly, causing a series of coughs.    


"Nonsense!" Ye Zimo was so angry that she shouted at her bodyguard, who then forced her to board the plane.    


"I won't leave." Ye Chuyun closed his eyes and fought back with silence. Ye Zimo looked at him silently and snorted coldly. Then, she walked out of the door with big steps. Xia Yihan patted the back of his hand and chased after him.    


The room fell into silence again. Ye Chuyun opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, "I once asked her if she was willing to go to America with me."    


Ye Nianmo stood at the door and listened quietly, thinking about the doctor's words. His voice was a little hoarse, "Go back to the Los Angeles, at least we can have more opportunities to see her."    


Ye Chuyun shook his head lightly and continued, "I asked her if she was willing to go to America. She rejected me and she only had you in her heart, but I was not convinced. I was obviously the one who met him first!"    


The more he spoke, the more excited he became. His pale face turned slightly red. He turned around and looked straight at Ye Nianmo. "I love her."    


"I love her too." Ye Nianmo replied to his gaze without any hesitation. No matter how much responsibility he had, he would not let go of that woman.    


Ye Chuyun looked back at the snow-white ceiling. Since Ao Xue is Ye Nianmo's responsibility, then he will help her remove this responsibility.    


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