Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1042 Wealthy Marriage 970

C1042 Wealthy Marriage 970

0Ding Yiyi immediately patted her back to comfort her, "Does Nianmo know?"    


Ye Chuqing choked back her sobs and nodded. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Bo, trying to get some information from him. Under Qiu Bai's gaze, Ye Bo's calm face had a hint of redness. He sighed, "Mr. Zhuoxuan is fine, you guys don't have to worry."    


"Where is she?" Ye Chuqing's red and swollen eyes stared at him without blinking. Although Qiu Bai didn't know Ye Chuqing, she was infected by her grief and said, "Hurry up and say it, she's about to cry to death."    


Ye Bo couldn't refuse her request or subconsciously wanted to maintain a good image in front of her. He sighed and turned on the TV, "Mr. Zhuoxuan held a press conference without saying a word today. Young Master just found out."    


Ye Chuqing stared blankly at the man in a suit. His face was haggard, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyeballs were still bloodshot. He said something with a sullen face as the searchlight kept hitting his face.    


"I'm going to find her." Ye Chuqing rushed out, her bodyguards blocking her way, "Miss, Master told you not to go out."    


"Don't stop me!" Ye Chuqingjie shouted with red eyes. She only had one thought in her mind, she must stay by Hai Zhuoxuan's side.    


The bodyguard stopped her from remaining silent. Qiu Bai looked at Ye Bo and shook her head. He couldn't disobey the lord's orders, nor could he disobey the lord's orders.    


The scene fell into a deadlock. Ye Bo pulled Ding Yiyi and lowered his voice, "Only Young Master can help Miss now. Young Master loves you so much, so you should ask him for help."    


Ding Yiyi shook her head, "No, he placed Ye Family in the most important position. In order to protect Chu Qing, he would not agree."    


Ye Bo was silent. He knew what she said was right. Qiu Bai suddenly said, "Why don't you act coquettishly?"    


"Acting like a spoiled child?" Ding Yiyi and Ye Bo looked at her at the same time. She nodded. "You must have never been coquettish with him. Men can't stand girls coquettish the most. You can give it a try."    


"How?" Ding Yiyi patted her stiff face. Qiu Bai also became anxious. She looked at Ye Bo and said to her, "For example, he is Young Master Ye. Just say that you miss him and hope to see him as soon as possible."    


When she finished speaking, she noticed Ye Bo's eyes staring straight at her. Her face turned red and her heart was pounding up and down, as if those sweet words were meant for him!    


Qiu Bai put the phone back into Ding Yiyi's hand and urged, "Hurry up and call her."    


Ding Yiyi called hesitantly, but the call was soon answered. It seemed to be noisy where Ye Nianmo was.    


"Ye Nianmo." She swallowed.    


"Right." It was as if the other end of the phone had changed. As the surroundings became quiet, she became even more nervous.    


Under Qiu Bai's encouraging gaze, Ding Yiyi subconsciously licked her dry lips. The other side of the phone was quiet. She didn't urge him on, but her breathing hinted that the other side was still there.    


"Can we let Chu Qing go to Zhuoxuan?" Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Chuqing apologetically. It was really too difficult to get her to say anything romantic.    


"No." The answer she had expected was that she was so anxious that she was circling the room. Ye Chuqing had an expression that seemed like she was about to cry again.    


She suddenly stopped, closed her eyes and said loudly and clearly: "Ye Nianmo, I really want to see you now, can you let Chuqing go!"    


Qiu Bai held her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. She lowered her head and murmured, "Oh my god, I've never seen the effect of a girl's coquettish speech before."    


Ding Yiyi shut her mouth abruptly, her breathing becoming rapid. No one spoke on the phone, not even her breathing.    


Embarrassed, she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry for what you heard just now. I hung up."    


After hanging up, her face turned even redder when she saw the strange looks on everyone's faces. Suddenly, the phone of one of her bodyguards rang.    


The bodyguard picked up the phone, "Yes! "Young Master!" A few seconds later he hung up and opened the door.    


Did I succeed? The people at the scene looked at each other in dismay. Ye Chuqing ran out like the wind and all of them rushed to the press conference.    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Chuqing drove out of the car while Qiu Bai was parking the car. When she saw Ye Bo still sitting in the car, she asked curiously, "Why aren't you getting out of the car yet?"    


Ye Bo's expression remained the same, but there was a hint of red in his ears. "I'm waiting for you."    


She was stunned. She was already 32 years old. At this moment, her heart felt like a young girl who had just fallen in love. She hurriedly got out of the car and ran towards Ding Yiyi.    


Just when Ding Yiyi and Ye Chuqing ran to the door, Hai Zhuoxuan walked out. Beside him, two people with solemn expressions were holding his arm.    


"Brother Zhuoxuan!" Ye Chuqing rushed forward recklessly. Coincidentally, a reporter rushed in front of her in order to take a close-up shot of the scene. She was hit hard on the ground.    


"Chu Qing!" Hai Zhuoxuan shouted anxiously. Please grab the two of them. Just as the two of them were about to go up, someone in the car waved them away.    


Ding Yiyi remembered his face and nodded politely. She asked softly, "Will anything happen to him?"    


Baker sighed, "He took the initiative to say that he was the one who operated the international shopping mall. Now that he's suspected of fraud, he has to go back and investigate."    


"Then what should we do!?" He didn't do it on purpose! " The Ye Family men liked girls that were always simple. Who was Hai Zhuoxuan, he had Ye Family behind his back, so no matter what, Ye Family would always protect him. If he went in now, it would just be a formality.    


He waved his hand at her and walked in front of Hai Zhuoxuan, squatted and said, "It's time to go."    


Ye Chuqing grabbed his hand and refused to let go. "I'll follow you wherever you go!" She was very scared. Although she had expected this day to come, she just didn't want to believe it.    


Hai Zhuoxuan sighed and reached out his hand to touch the hand on the other side of her body. His fingers slightly bent and hooked onto her petite index finger.    


"You, ah, always like to cry. Ever since I was young, you've laughed when I did that. When Aunt Xia first saw you crying, she immediately thought of me." He dotingly smiled at him and continued, "Don't cry this time, okay?"    


She looked at him with tears in her eyes. The warmth of her fingers had yet to fuse with his, but they were already being pulled out. Hai Zhuoxuan kissed her hair and stood up.    


He nodded to the police officer next to him, then turned to look at her. "Mom," he said.    


Lin Ling was still dressed in her professional attire. For the first time ever, there was no makeup on her face. Her haggard appearance made her look like a completely different person from ordinary elites.    


She walked in front of Hai Zhuoxuan, her eyes were slightly red, but her tone was very strict, "Do you know you were wrong?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan suddenly smiled and quickly retracted his smile. With guilt and pain for her, he said, "Mom, I'm sorry."    


As the car gradually disappeared from everyone's sight, Ye Chuqing leaned on Ding Yiyi's shoulder and choked with sobs.    


Ye Nianmo finally came out. The corner of his mouth was still blue, and his expression was the same. "Brother!" Ye Chuqing looked at him with red, swollen eyes.    


He touched her head and said to Ye Bo, "Send Miss home."    


Qiu Bai subconsciously looked at Ye Bo and noticed that he was also looking at her. She quickly turned around and walked to Ding Yiyi's side.    


After seeing Lin Ling and Ye Chuqing off, Ye Nianmo fixed his gaze on Ding Yiyi. At first, she was confused, but then she suddenly felt awkward. The words she said in the hotel rushed to her mind.    



"I'll be leaving first. Don't forget about tomorrow's afternoon show." After greeting her, Qiu Bai headed straight for the garage. Today, she found that her feelings for Ye Bo were getting stronger and stronger. She needed some time to think about it.    


There was a sudden silence. A gust of wind blew past, blowing sand into her eyes. She rubbed her eyes.    


A large hand grabbed her wrist, and her tone unconsciously carried a trace of grievance. "I can't bear it."    


She narrowed her eyes, her vision blurry from the tears. She could vaguely see a figure approaching. Ye Nianmo leaned close to her, and a cold wind blew into her eyes.    


"Are you feeling better?" He asked her with a smile, and although she couldn't see it clearly, she felt genuinely pleased with him.    


She nodded and took the initiative to tug on his sleeve. He chuckled and took her hand behind his back as he walked toward the car.    


As they drove toward the hospital, the narrow space was quiet. Suddenly, both of them spoke up at the same time.    


"How is Uncle?"    


"Will Zhuoxuan be alright?"    


Ye Nianmo reached out and rubbed the top of her head, "It's fine, with Ye Family, he'll be fine."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "Dad is still the same as ever. The doctor said that the blood clots in his brain have not been cleared completely."    


After they finished talking, there was a period of silence, but neither of them felt awkward. Instead, they felt comfortable and at ease.    


At this moment, the phone rang. Ding Yiyi saw that it was a volunteer who was looking after her father, so she quickly picked it up. A few seconds later, she hung up the phone with an unconcealable joy on her face, "My father is awake!"    


The car sped towards the hospital like an arrow that had been released from a bow. In the ward of the hospital, Ding Dacheng was weakly lying on his bed with a heavy expression.    


"Dad!" Ding Yiyi rushed over. Ding Dacheng looked through her at Ye Nianmo, who was standing at the door.    


"Mr Ye, you're the one who reserved this room, right?" Ding Dacheng's sister was a nurse, and he was very clear on the amount of money needed to live in the VIP room of the hospital.    


"Yiyi has worked with our branch, this is one of the benefits of the main company." Ye Nianmo said without batting an eyelid.    


Ding Dacheng nodded. His hand was badly bruised, but he still struggled to lift up his daughter's soft hair and looked at Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo knew he had something to say to Ding Yiyi, so he nodded slightly and left the room to give them space.    


"Daddy, bring me wherever you go next, don't throw me again." Ding Yiyi looked at him with reddened eyes.    


A complicated look flashed across Ding Dacheng's eyes. He then said softly, "Child, you know who your real father is right?"    


A big, dry hand patted the back of her hand. Ding Dacheng moved and pain came from the wound on his head. He forced himself not to feel well and said gently: "Tomorrow, let him come and see me. With my current condition, I can only let him stay in the hospital."    


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