Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C925 Wealthy Marriage 854

C925 Wealthy Marriage 854

0Ye Nianmo was about to take Ding Yiyi home when the phone rang. Ao Xue's voice was filled with pain. My stomach hurts. I didn't want to trouble you at first, but it really hurts. "    


Ye Nianmo nodded, hung up the phone and said to Ding Yiyi, "Ao Xue's stomach is hurting. I have to go over and take a look now, is there any problem going back alone?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head and urged Ye Nianmo, "Hurry up. Ao Xue definitely needs you alone."    


Ye Nianmo got a taxi for Ding Yiyi and paid her. He turned around and said, "Good night."    


As the taxi pulled away, Ding Yiyi climbed up to the window and said loudly to Ye Nianmo, "Be careful when you go home."    


Ye Nianmo was stunned as he watched the taxi drive away. He shook his head helplessly. As a man, he was worried about the safety of Little Girl on the road. What should he say?    


She was grateful towards Ye Family, as Xia Yihan, as the biggest shareholder, helped the dreams of so many children with no regrets after rushing to welfare institution for so many years.    


"Nianmo, you're here." Lili welcomed Ye Nianmo into the room and pressed his shoulders against hers. She sat him down on the tatami and took a piece of baked cake out of the microwave.    


"Try it, I've tried it all day today." Ao Xue's eyes were filled with anticipation. She always said that to catch a man, she had to grab his stomach first. If she worked so hard, Nianmo would definitely be happy.    


"Ao Xue." Ye Nianmo put down his fork and frowned. It seemed like Ao Xue didn't have a stomachache, so wouldn't she use this excuse to get him to worry about her for nothing?    


Ao Xue looked carefully at Ye Nianmo and understood why he was angry. She lowered her head and said, "I just wanted to give you a surprise."    


Ye Nianmo put down his fork and stood up. He undid the first two buttons on his shirt and frowned. Use illness as an excuse to make yourself as anxious as a fool.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at the trash can beside the windowsill. There were a lot of cake crumbs in the trash can, most of which were semi-finished products. Ye Nianmo was moved a little, he turned around and looked at Ao Xue.    


Sighing silently, Ye Nianmo walked back to the tatami, picked up his fork, and ate a mouthful. He seriously commented: "It's very delicious."    


"It's true!" Ao Xue raised her head in excitement, her eyes filled with the satisfaction of being praised.    


Ye Nianmo scooped a spoonful of cake in front of Ao Xue's mouth.    


Ao Xue stared blankly for a moment before shyly opening her mouth to eat the cake. After chewing for a while, she said with a bitter face, "Oh my god, how is it delicious? It's obviously too sweet."    


"Hahaha." Ye Nianmo scooped another spoonful and ate happily without any hesitation.    


Ao Xue couldn't bear it anymore, but she was happy as well. She got up and wanted to pour him a glass of juice.    


The juice had only been poured out for a few steps when Ao Xue's vision blurred and she staggered for a while. Ye Nianmo caught her just in time and spilled the juice all over her body.    


"Why are you suddenly dizzy, did you eat today?" Ye Nianmo carried Ao Xue to the sofa and asked with his head lowered. Ao Xue shook her head with a slightly flushed face, but when she saw Nianmo frown, she hurriedly said, "Have breakfast."    


In order to sit for Ye Nianmo on this cake, he went out to buy ingredients after eating breakfast. He had been busy all day and had forgotten to eat.    


Ye Nianmo sighed. He took off his jacket that was soaked in juice and put it on the chair. He took out the key and said to Ao Xue, "It's not good for my stomach to eat cake now. I'll go buy you some congee."    


Lili sweetly watched as Ye Nianmo left. Nianmo did not blame her for lying to him, even going out to buy porridge. He always felt that happiness did not come to him at all.    


Now it seems that I can trust Nianmo, believe that he can bring me happiness.    


At this moment, the phone rang. "Mom, is there something you need?"    


"You're my daughter, if there's nothing else, I won't be able to find you." Si Si's voice sounded distant. Ao Xue knew that her mother must have been drunk again. It was really sad to be able to connect with her now that she wanted to adopt her from the orphanage and return to the orphanage.    


"Mom, if there's nothing else, I'll be hanging up. I'm really tired." Ao Xue made a gesture to hang up the phone.    


"Tonight, I saw Ye Nianmo and another girl together. You said that Ye Nianmo will like you, and I think that this kind of liking is very dangerous. I've long said that men with Ye Family will not be settled down so quickly." Si Si said slowly and methodically. Since her hard-earned daughter wouldn't listen to him, then he could only erase her happiness bit by bit and let her depend on him.    


Ao Xue's heart was thumping uncontrollably. Was Nianmo really with another girl? What are we doing together? Who was that girl?    


Worried, Nianmo cast his eyes on Ye Nianmo's coat on the chair. Did he not care about the fact that he lied to him, ate the cake that didn't taste good, and even went out to buy porridge? Was he not doing all this for himself? Then it was really unfair to suspect him.    


Ao Xue suddenly became enlightened and said firmly, "Mom, I believe Nianmo. If he is really with other girls, then I believe it must be because he has something important to discuss."    


Si Si was stunned for a moment before she quickly laughed. "Daughter, Mommy only wants you to know that Mommy is the only one who cares about you in this world. Since that's what you think, then you should get to know her better."    


Si Si hung up the phone and looked at her naked body in the bathroom. There was a long scar on her chest and a flaw that she would never be able to lift up her head for the rest of her life.    


If she wanted Ao Xue to completely listen to her and become a pawn for Ye Family, there was still a long way to go. She couldn't wait any longer.    


Ao Xue threw the phone away. She was a little frustrated and didn't want to choose this kind of mother. She turned around and wanted to pick up the phone, but her gaze was attracted by a shopping ticket on the floor.    


It was an international luxury clothing store. Strange, this brand only used women's clothing. Ao Xue flipped through the shopping tickets. On it was a small card with a style of clothing. Could it be that Nianmo wanted to give him clothes?    


Ao Xue put the shopping ticket back into Ye Nianmo's coat. Since she wanted to surprise him, of course she wouldn't know anything. This dress was really what she liked. What necklace should she wear with shoes?    


When Ye Nianmo returned with the porridge, Ao Xue looked at him with a smile as she ate, waiting for him to speak.    


Ye Nianmo just called Chuqing, but the other person's tone didn't seem right, so he didn't notice the anticipation in Ao Xue's eyes.    


"Nianmo, let's go to the zoo tomorrow Saturday, okay?" Ao Xue bit her spoon as she suggested, "Could it be that Nianmo wants to give me that gift at a special occasion?"    


"Zoo? "Yes, that's fine, but I need to look for Chu Qing first. She called for me." Ye Nianmo was still thinking about what Chu Qing had said and was a bit absent-minded.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi slept soundly and the door was opened. Ding Dacheng shook Ding Yiyi awake with a smile while holding the phone that Ding Yiyi left in the living room.    


"Yiyi, your boyfriend called."    


"Boyfriend?" "Where did I get a boyfriend? Dad, don't use this trick to force me to get out of bed." Ding Yiyi turned over and went back to sleep.    


Ding Dacheng panicked. The young lad was still waiting for them. He lifted Ding Yiyi's blanket and put his phone beside Ding Yiyi's ear.    


"Yiyi?" When Ye Chuyun's voice rang out, Ding Yiyi was jolted awake. She widened her eyes. She must have heard the conversation between her and her father earlier. This time, she was really out of luck.    


Ye Chuyun's voice was not as cold as in real life. On the contrary, it carried a special kind of low tone. There was a trace of a smile in his cold voice as he asked, "Do you need me to pick you up?"    


"Pick me up?" Only then did Ding Yiyi realize that today was Saturday, she promised to go to the zoo after she came back from the ancient town!    


"No need, I can go by myself." Ding Yiyi got up and hung up the phone. Her heart started to pound. She turned around to see that her father was still there, looking at her with a teasing look.    


"The boy who sent you back?" But I don't think it sounds like it! "    



Ding Yiyi didn't want to explain so much, lest her father think too much. She went to the bathroom with her slippers in her hand and washed her face and rinsed her mouth.    


Ding Dacheng was still worried. It was his first time going on a date with his beautiful daughter, so he decided to keep a close eye on her. The more he thought about it, the more necessary it became.    


Ding Yiyi washed her face and rinsed her mouth. She walked to the wardrobe and looked at the dress that Ye Nianmo gave her. It was bought with a favor of 18,000 yuan.    


After putting on her dress, Ding Yiyi looked at herself nervously in the mirror. She put down her hair and tied it up, applying some lipstick.    


She was a little unfamiliar with herself in the mirror. Ding Yiyi sighed and wiped away the lipstick before leaving the room.    


As they reached the corner, a loud whistle attracted Ding Yiyi's attention.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and looked at Ye Chuyun in surprise. He was also sizing her up without batting an eyelid.    


He had to admit that the instant Ding Yiyi appeared, she did shock him.    


Ye Zichen nodded towards Ding Yiyi. She always looked like a fake brat and always wore jeans, but she didn't expect Ding Yiyi to be wearing a dress today, so she couldn't ride on the locomotive anymore. Ye Chuyun made a call.    


Not long after, an Audi stopped in front of them.    


When Ye Chuyun opened the door for her, Ding Yiyi looked at him gratefully. She was indeed worried about how to get a taxi just now.    


Ding Dacheng frowned as he watched. This boy was not the same boy he saw before. It was impossible for his daughter to be two-timing him! Seeing the two leave in the car, Ding Dacheng quickly drove the truck and quietly followed.    


Ding Dacheng drove along with Ye Chuyun's car, coincidentally turning his head during the traffic lights. This turn almost made his eyeballs pop out of their sockets. Wasn't the person sitting in the luxury car beside the car the guy who had been in contact with his daughter a few times before? Who was the girl next to the boy!?    


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