Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C860 Wealthy Marriage 789

C860 Wealthy Marriage 789

0Ye Zimo's lips were tightly sealed. She desperately needed to find a way to communicate with Xia Yihan so that she could have a breakthrough in her heart.    


The next day, Baker punctually sat on Ye Family's sofa. Ye Zimo said seriously: "I want you to personally protect her."    


Baker thought for a moment. Although he was busy in the police station, Ye Zimo's excuse was too much. He nodded his head in agreement.    


"I want to know all her movements." Ye Zimo continued.    


"No problem." Baker agreed readily. It was just a matter of wasting the phone bill. Ye Zimo was still worried and didn't say anything in the end.    


Baker saw the expression on Ye Zimo's face, so he told her his plan, "I hope you can break up with Xia Yihan!"    


"You mean what I understand?" Baker hurriedly said, "I guess Luo Guiyao must have some other purpose in trying to rope Xia Yihan in, but he's very suspicious and will definitely probe Xia Yihan, so I think this plan might be a little better."    


"Pack your thoughts and throw them out of your head." Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan along and stood up. When she thought about how Xia Yihan would stay in front of others for at least eight hours a day and pretend to be the stranger, Ye Zimo really wanted to choke the culprit to death.    


In the morning, Ye Zimo insisted on driving Xia Yihan to the corner, but Baker was already waiting at the side. Xia Yihan, on the other hand, rarely said seriously to Ye Zimo, "I will take good care of her."    


"Better." Ye Zimo nodded to Xia Yihan before driving away. Baker said with some regret, "I thought you guys would want to cherish each other for a while, so I specifically came half an hour earlier to give you time."    


Xia Yihan looked at Baker in amusement and led the way into the office building. The government office was very simple, Baker accompanied Xia Yihan and did not see Luo Guiyao immediately. A woman brought Xia Yihan to the meeting room and said, "Governor Luo will be here soon, wait here for a while."    


Si Si looked at Xia Yihan through the mirror in her office. Her situation was getting worse and worse and she was starting to lose her hair. She had to wear a headscarf. Looking at Xia Yihan's glowing face, Si Si felt more and more sad.    


When the phone rang, Si Si looked at the caller's number menacingly. She had no choice but to pick up the phone and reply with a sweet voice, "What's the matter, darling?"    


"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that I'll be on a business trip in the next few days, so I won't be looking for you." The man's voice sounded slightly drunk. Si Si sneered and nodded, not wanting to expose this man, saying that no matter what, his daughter had to come back from abroad to make up the pretense of love with her wife. Officials couldn't keep a beautiful woman, but it didn't matter, as long as he could follow her instructions.    


After almost two hours, when everyone in the building had gone out for lunch, Baker pulled Xia Yihan and said angrily, "What the hell are you guys doing? Let's go first. If Ye Zimo knows you're hungry, she'll have to leave."    


Xia Yihan was also curious as to why this Luo Guiyao didn't seem to want to see her so urgently. The moment she and Baker walked out of the door, Luo Guiyao walked in with a big belly.    


"Isn't this the designer Xia? Being able to invite you this time is the glory of the entire design team. Luo Guiyao patted Xia Yihan's shoulder cordially. It was hard for people to imagine how insidious and cunning this man could be behind everyone's back.    


Luo Guiyao brought Xia Yihan to an office where there were already 5-6 people scattered around, "This is Sister Lee, this is Sister Wang. You can follow any one of them, and the design this time is related to the face project of the entire city. I hope everyone can work hard."    


Luo Guiyao personally introduced Xia Yihan, and many people already had a plan in mind. Luo Guiyao might be announcing to everyone that this Xia Yihan was a special person to take care of.    


"Yihan, I've actually seen your jewelry design works. However, the design we're working on right now is a bit different from the jewelry we're working on." Sofia, well-dressed, came over to shake Lili's hand.    


The other girl called Sister Wang saw that Sister Lee had already moved out. She smiled disdainfully at Xia Yihan and nodded cordially before she went back to her work.    


During lunch time, Baker hung up the phone to Ye Zimo. He pointed at the carrot and said, "The one your friend told you to give the carrot to me."    


Xia Yihan picked up the carrot halfway and was called back by Baker. "I promised her to take good care of you, so I won't go back on my word." What Baker meant was that he wanted Xia Yihan to eat the carrot as soon as possible.    


Not far away, Sister Lee and Sister Wang were cooking at two different windows. After cooking, they each took a seat at two spots far away from each other. The others just sat around these two central figures.    


"This Sister Lee and Sister Wang are both relatives of Luo Guiyao, and the other one is a designer invited by Luo Guiyao. Neither of them will accept the other. They will definitely try to rope you in to increase their chances of winning."    


Baker told Xia Yihan about the news he had heard. It was a strange place, a strange person. Xia Yihan suddenly thought of Ye Zimo.    


Xia Yihan didn't store Ye Zimo's phone number because she was worried that her lost information would leak out. Baker saw the loneliness in Xia Yihan's eyes, so he handed his phone over and said, "Ten minutes, we have a meeting in ten minutes."    


Xia Yihan nodded and happily took the phone to the bathroom. She dialed a number and soon got a call. Ye Zimo's voice was cold as she asked, "What's the matter?"    


"It's me." When Xia Yihan heard Ye Zimo's gentle voice, the softness in her heart suddenly collapsed.    


Suddenly accepting a mission, suddenly going to a strange place, these fears became firm and peaceful after hearing Ye Zimo's words.    


"Are you used to it?" Ye Zimo asked. Xia Yihan nodded and realized that the other party might not be able to see it. She answered with a smile.    


"What would you like to eat tonight? Or out to eat? It's good to have a new restaurant. " Although Ye Zimo didn't say it out loud, she was still in a good mood because of Xia Yihan's call.    


"No, I have to work overtime today." Xia Yihan said apologetically to Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo was angry at Baker for his rotten idea and did not want to give Xia Yihan a guilty feeling. Ye Zimo also agreed, "It's okay, I'll wait for you at home."    


"Zimo, why don't we go have supper?" Xia Yihan didn't want to disappoint Ye Zimo, and she wanted more contact with her.    


After she made an appointment with Zimo, Xia Yihan put down the phone happily. The sound of water splashing came from the splint beside her, and Sister Wang stuck her head out.    


Sister Wang's 30-odd year old face was already covered with wrinkles. She looked at Xia Yihan with a smile and said, "It seems like your relationship with President of Ye Group isn't as stiff as the rumors say."    


"Rumor?" Xia Yihan asked curiously.    


Sister Wang continued, "Rumor has it that after something happens in Ye Zimo's company, you have to leave him. That's why the two of them got into an awkward situation."    


Seeing Xia Yihan's strange expression, Sister Wang quickly joked, "Of course, there's a lot of gossip about them right now. By the way, the designers here are all women around your age, so it might be easier to work here. Do you want to join us?"    


Xia Yihan remembered Baker's words and knew that the two of them were speaking the truth in secret. She didn't agree immediately until she went out the door of the washroom. Xia Yihan pulled Baker and told him what Sister Wang said in the washroom.    


"As expected, rumors are the scariest thing. However, this is closer to what I expected. Now that there are rumors, it would be better to add fuel to the fire and reassure Luo Guiyao." Baker and Xia Yihan said, but there was no guarantee in their hearts that Ye Zimo would be able to accept such an approach.    


Luo Guiyao was present in the meeting for the first time. He looked at Xia Yihan and asked, "Sofia, you're one of the strongest people we've invited here. Although Sister Lee and Sister Luo are not as famous as you are, they're still experienced. Do you have anyone you want to follow?"    


Baker lightly kicked Xia Yihan's leg on the side. Xia Yihan shook her head. Luo Guiyao was indeed happy. He pointed at Sister Lee and said, "Then let's team up with Sister Lee. Coincidentally, they don't have enough men."    


Baker and Xia Yihan looked at each other. They knew Sister Lee was a relative of Luo Guiyao. With this guy's suspicious personality, of course, he had to rely on relatives more.    


On the other side, Hai Zhixuan called after Ye Zimo seemed to be confused about the call with Xia Yihan. "Bo Bo said that young man probably killed the driver, but now he seems to be hiding in Southeast Asia."    


Ye Zimo thought for a moment and said, "Send people to stop him from forming any kind of tricks. Also, set up some Immortal Jump for him to fall for. If he doesn't have any money, he will naturally extort Luo Guiyao."    


Hai Zhixuan understood what Ye Zimo meant. According to Bo Bo's investigation, this young man was usually careless and had a fortune that didn't require hard work. What they needed to do was to let him continuously extort Luo Guiyao and make him want to kill.    


After Hai Zhixuan left, the entire room became quiet again. Time passed bit by bit. Ye Zimo stared at the clock on her wrist. She pushed away a chair, stood up, picked up her coat and left.    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but to yawn. Although she was here to be a spy, she quickly threw herself into the issue of design. Once she relaxed, she could not help but yawn.    


Baker, who was walking beside Xia Yihan, protected her and the lights quickly dimmed. When Ye Zimo opened the door, Baker saw it was Ye Zimo, so he was relieved. He smiled and said, "I'm back to normal. This is my most protected time. Alright, I'm going."    


Xia Yihan got into the car. She thought that Ye Zimo had come to get her for supper, but she fell asleep halfway. Ye Zimo turned her head to look at Xia Yihan who was sleeping soundly, and the car slowly circled around Ye Family Great House.    



He hadn't seen her for a day. He just wanted to be alone with Xia Yihan for a while. When he heard the sound of a horn coming from behind him, Xia Yihan was jolted awake.    


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