Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C850 Wealthy Marriage 779

C850 Wealthy Marriage 779

0Unable to restrain her happiness, Ye Zimo walked out. She looked at Xia Yihan thoughtfully. Xia Yihan must have concealed something from him.    


Xia Yihan ran to the deck and saw a boat heading towards the ship. Xia Yihan didn't like the view of the fog, so she waited for the boat to approach with excitement.    


As the boat approached Xia Yihan's ship, a figure jumped off the deck. Before Xia Yihan could see who it was, a knife was already at her neck.    


Fatty, who was pushed into the sea by Ye Zimo, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I've already tricked that whatever prince back halfway. The rescue team you're looking for didn't come."    


"I saved you." Xia Yihan looked sideways at Fats, unable to believe that he was pointing the knife at her. Fats laughed nonchalantly. "The people on this ship are all heartless. If we had to repay your kindness every time, we would have died a long time ago."    


"Fatty carried Xia Yihan into the hall of the ship." Fats, you're not dead! " Bo Bo was surprised for a moment when he saw the fatty, then frowned and said, "What are you doing?"    


Ye Zimo sat unmoving, her eyes staring intently at the knife that Fats had placed on Xia Yihan's neck. She said indifferently, "Let him go."    


"Haha!" Ye Zimo, or Jason, I know why the boss is holding onto Xia Yihan, it's to lure you out. "    


Lulu and Bo Bo looked at Ye Zimo in surprise. Ye Zimo didn't say anything and just pushed her hair back to reveal her shiny forehead. She reached out and forcibly tore off the mask that was perfectly glued to her face.    


"Ye Zimo, you're so handsome!" Lulu screamed out on the side, while Bo Bo glared fiercely at Lulu. "Don't move, go over there." A gun was placed behind Ye Zimo's waist.    


"Well done, Captain. Let Ye Zimo come to my side." cried Fats. Ye Zimo walked over to Xia Yihan. When the two parties were only one arm's width apart, Zhang Fengyi rushed over to Fats.    


Ye Zimo reached out to grab Xia Yihan, but Fats fired a shot into the air. Ye Zimo was afraid of hurting Xia Yihan, so she changed the shot to push Xia Yihan away.    


"Don't move." Zhang Fengyi said coldly to Fats. The scene was in complete chaos. Lulu and Bo Bo looked at Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo before pulling out their guns and pointing it at the two of them. I don't want to hurt you guys, the boss only said that he wanted to find Ye Zimo, and now that Ye Zimo has appeared, you can leave, Xia Yihan. "    


"I won't leave." Xia Yihan said as she twisted her slightly painful ankle.    


"Yet another boat outside!" When the crew saw the chaos in the room, they hurriedly left. Everyone looked at Fats strangely.    


"I only brought one ship, I don't know about the other!" Fats, who was being pointed at by Zhang Fengyi, twitched his mouth and said.    


No one in the room could move. Once they did, it was very possible that their weakness would be exposed. Ye Zimo was worried that Xia Yihan would get hurt, so she winked at Zhang Fengyi. Protecting Xia Yihan was most important if the person waiting for them was dangerous.    


"Bam!" A clear gunshot rang out and a figure walked in. He couldn't see very clearly through the fog, but he could hear the voice saying, "Give me my son before I get angry."    


"This is!" Xia Yihan raised her head to look at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo's face showed a trace of astonishment.    


"Yihan? "Zimo?" Hai Zhixuan shouted in surprise when he saw the two walk in with the gun. Looking at the scene, Hai Zhixuan quickly waved his hand and a few foreigners ran in from the outside and surrounded Bo Bo and Lulu.    


"What the hell is going on?" Hai Zhixuan asked curiously. Zhang Fengyi wanted to help Hai Zhixuan, but found out he was still a foreigner with a gun pointed at him, so he hastily opened his mouth to speak.    


"Let's not talk about this for now, I know where Zhuoxuan is." Seeing Hai Zhixuan, Xia Yihan hurriedly brought Hai Zhixuan to the cabin.    


"These foreigners are all mercenaries that I hired temporarily." Hai Zhixuan lowered his head and said to Ye Zimo, "It's easy to use money, but that doesn't mean that if Bo Bo could give a higher price, these people wouldn't turn around and help."    


Ye Zimo nodded her head in understanding and gave Hai Zhixuan a meaningful glance. Only then did Hai Zhixuan leave with Xia Yihan in reassurance. What exactly is going on? " Xia Yihan walked quickly and found the time to ask.    


"The nanny took her to the streets, but she was taken away in a daze. Lin Ling is already sick at home!" Hai Zhixuan hated those people to the core when he remembered that Lin Ling was such a strong woman, yet she still washed her face with tears every day.    


Seeing Xia Yihan leading him to the dark cabin, Hai Zhixuan's anger reached its peak: "He lives here!"    


"I've seen that they live in a good place. Zhuoxuan is in a good mood right now, so don't scare him." Xia Yihan hurriedly advised Hai Zhixuan.    


Hai Zhixuan forcefully suppressed his anger and shouted towards the inside, "Zhuoxuan, it's daddy!"    


"Daddy!" Hai Zhuoxuan's voice came from inside the door. Hai Zhi Quan kicked the door open, hugged Hai Zhuoxuan and gave him a fierce kiss.    


"Daddy missed you so much." Hai Zhuoxuan hugged Hai Zhixuan's neck and cried. Hai Zhixuan held Hai Zhuoxuan and looked at the environment. It wasn't until then did he feel relieved.    


"Babies, this is an uncle who came to save you, you can all go home soon." Xia Yihan softly comforted the children when she saw their envious gazes.    


There was a gunshot from the boat, and Hai Zhixuan carried Hai Zhuoxuan to Xia Yihan. "I'll go up and take a look. Help me look after Zhuoxuan."    


Xia Yihan took over Hai Zhuoxuan's hand and nodded. She lowered her head and said to the children, "Don't worry, let's wait in line."    


Xia Yihan knew that Hai Zhixuan's boat would stop right beside the boat, so she sent the kids there to gather! More than ten children followed behind Xia Yihan and walked carefully towards the cabin.    


"You can't take them away." Lulu pointed the gun at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan held Hai Zhuoxuan in her arms and said to Lulu, "I know you guys are not bad after being together with you for so long. These kids either went to Africa to do manual labor or to sell to other people as dolls. Why do you have to do that?"    


Lulu bit her lips and avoided the children's eyes that were looking at her. After a while, she said, "I was abandoned at a very young age. The boss has helped me. I will do whatever he says. Bo Bo is the same."    


"But you are at fault!" Lulu had already calmed herself down, and her tone had also turned cold. "One good thing has to be replaced with another bad. Have you seen those people from Africa's epidemic area?"    


"What do you mean by that?" Xia Yihan wanted to ask more questions, but Lulu refused to say another word. She pointed the gun at Xia Yihan and said, "Back into the cabin."    


Xia Yihan followed Lulu and retreated. Suddenly, she pounced in front of Lulu and grabbed Lulu's arm, slamming it against the wall.    


A fishing hook pierced the back of Lulu's hand. Xia Yihan exclaimed, "Are you alright?!"    


"Try it yourself and you'll see if it's all right." Lulu shouted while gritting her teeth. Hai Zhuoxuan, who was at the side, suddenly took a step forward and picked up a rope nearby to tie Lulu's feet.    


"The other children were shy at first, but after seeing what Hai Zhuoxuan did, they even joined in." "Lulu, bear with it. Your child's strength isn't high enough." Xia Yihan pointed her pistol at Lulu.    


"Yihan!" Ye Zimo ran over with the gun and dragged Xia Yihan up and down in front of her.    


"What's going on?" Xia Yihan asked hastily. Ye Zimo shook her head. "It's fine. The gun went off." Hai Zhixuan followed him out.    


"Daddy!" Hai Zhuoxuan ran towards Hai Zhixuan. Before Xia Yihan could stop a shadow, Hai Zhuoxuan had already dashed out. "Come back with me, or else this child will definitely die." Liu Tie said with a vicious face.    


"If you don't let him go now, you'll be dead as well." Ye Zimo was anxious, but she knew that she couldn't show it on the surface.    


"Daddy!" Hai Zhuoxuan shouted at Hai Zhixuan. After all, he was only a few years old. Hai Zhixuan couldn't wait to replace his child.    


"We will go, but on one condition. You must let these children go." Xia Yihan said.    


Lulu and Bo Bo glanced at each other. This trip out, the child was one of the reasons. The main reason was still to lure Ye Zimo through Xia Yihan.    


"Alright, the two of you come back with me. We can let the other children go, but we still need this child." Bo Bo was clear that Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo would definitely ensure the child's safety, and this child's father seemed to be their friend.    


"I'll go with you." Hai Zhixuan stepped forward and tried to stay close to Hai Zhuoxuan. Zhang Fengyi walked in front of Ye Zimo and said, "I'll take these children back, don't worry."    



Until all the children got on the boat, Hai Zhixuan said while gritting his teeth, "You can let go of the children now, right?"    


Before Bo Bo could say anything, a clear and beautiful call sounded out from the sea. A dolphin was circling around the sea.    


"Dolphins?" Hai Zhixuan said in surprise.    


Bo Bo had a weird expression in his eyes. Xia Yihan took advantage of the moment when Bo Bo was distracted to rush forward and snatch Hai Zhuoxuan back.    


"You went back on your word!" Bo Bo said in a serious tone.    


"Don't worry, I will definitely do as I've promised. Moreover, I have some questions to ask him." Ye Zimo pulled over Xia Yihan and walked towards the hall. Hai Zhixuan held Hai Zhuoxuan's hand. When Hai Zhuoxuan passed by Bo Bo, he angrily stepped on Bo Bo's corner. "Bad guy!"    


"What the hell is going on? "Why would you guys be on this ship? I've investigated this international trafficking organization and found out that it has been targeted by the Interpol. You guys look very familiar." Hai Zhixuan asked all of his doubts in one breath.    


"Do you still remember the abnormal sign that occurred in the Ye Group during the past three months?" Ye Zimo said.    


Hai Zhixuan nodded. Although Ye Group's influence area was not the largest locally, it was not something that could be easily affected by others.    


"Actually, this isn't the first time. There's also the problem with the Foundation. I've always suspected that someone was up to something." Xia Yihan's heart skipped a beat when she heard Ye Zimo's opinion. If there was anyone in this world who wanted her and Ye Zimo to suffer the most, then there was only one person. But was it her this time?    


"Yihan, what's the matter?" Hai Zhixuan asked out of concern when he saw the blue veins popping out of Xia Yihan's hands as she held the tablecloth.    


"Nothing, nothing?" Xia Yihan explained in panic.    


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