Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C846 Wealthy Marriage 775

C846 Wealthy Marriage 775

0"Zhuoxuan? Why are you here? " Xia Yihan pulled Hai Zhuoxuan's hand and kept asking.    


Hai Zhuoxuan blinked as he looked at Xia Yihan. After quite a while, he finally said, "Aunt Xia, I'm a bit hungry."    


Xia Yihan pulled Hai Zhuoxuan towards the door hastily. "Auntie will have someone to cook for you."    


Hai Zhuoxuan shook his head quickly after getting rid of Xia Yihan's hand. After a while, he said, "There are bad people outside."    


"Bad people?" Xia Yihan suddenly remembered the past few days, Bo Bo seemed to have been looking for something. Could it be that the thing he was looking for was Zhuoxuan?    


The ship suddenly started to shake violently. All the houses moved towards the window, and all kinds of clamoring could be heard from outside.    


Xia Yihan squatted in front of Hai Zhuoxuan and said, in a rubbing tone, "Zhuoxuan, be good. Now, auntie is going to find your Uncle Zimo and then find you something to eat. Let Uncle Zimo accompany you."    


After settling Hai Zhuoxuan down, Xia Yihan left the room in a hurry. She walked straight towards the driver's seat, where Ye Zimo's back was like a statue.    


Xia Yihan walked in and saw the veins on the back of Ye Zimo's hand bulging. On the other hand, Ye Zimo was frowning. "Tell me, where are we now?" Ye Zimo suddenly said.    


Xia Yihan took a look and said, "Northeast direction." Ye Zimo's hand followed the direction pointed by Xia Yihan, forcefully turning the ship in a circle in the middle of the storm.    


"This is bad!" The water has already entered the cabin, where's Bo Bo and Fats! " Lulu rushed to the driver's seat and asked.    


Xia Yihan was speechless, but she suddenly thought of Hai Zhuoxuan, who was still in his room. She wanted to leave, but was gently called by Ye Zimo, "Stay here."    


Ye Zimo's voice was firm. Xia Yihan hesitated, but still stood by Ye Zimo's side. The crew on the deck were pouring rain on them again and again.    


"Where are they now?" Ye Zimo asked without changing her expression. Xia Yihan looked curiously at Ye Zimo. "Did something happen to you?"    


Ye Zimo turned her head to look at Xia Yihan and smiled. "I just wanted to find some time to be alone with you."    


Xia Yihan's face turned red as she told Ye Zimo where she was. The large ship seemed to have a life of its own as it dodged the lightning strikes again and again.    


Another strong wind blew over, causing a few crew members to be almost blown away. Xia Yihan was unable to stand still due to the lack of manpower.    


"Go." "Okay," Ye Zimo said softly. Xia Yihan nodded and ran to the deck.    


On the deck, the rumbling of thunder grew louder! Xia Yihan was unable to open her eyes from the rain, and the crew poured out the water from the bucket in their hands.    


"It's over. I just went to look up information, and we entered a triangle called 'Bai Mu'!" The captain came in grumbling.    


Ye Zimo handed the helmsman to the captain and turned to leave. Her movements were slow, and after a long battle, the storm gradually subsided.    


Xia Yihan lay exhausted on the boat. A dry towel gently covered Xia Yihan's face. Ye Zimo smiled warmly. "How do you feel about fighting in the front line?"    


Xia Yihan thought about it seriously and suddenly let out a strange cry. She pulled Ye Zimo's hand and ran into the room.    


"Zhuoxuan!" "Zhuoxuan!" Xia Yihan asked in a low voice. Due to the storm, all the furniture in the room had shifted their positions. A small head stuck out from the wardrobe.    


Ye Zimo looked at Hai Zhuoxuan strangely. With a trace of viciousness in her calm voice, she said slowly, "Are you the one that sold those goods?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan was relieved to see Ye Zimo. He whispered, "There are still a lot of kids like me in the room. I miss Mommy and Daddy very much."    


Xia Yihan held Hai Zhuoxuan in her arms with a pained heart. In her heart, these people on the ship were filled with irrepressible anger.    


Selling children abroad as goods was not even comparable to selling animals. Touching Hai Zhuoxuan's face, Xia Yihan firmly said, "Zhuoxuan, be good. Auntie will definitely find a chance to bring you off the ship."    


The storm outside the window had lessened, and the dining table was quiet. Xia Yihan smiled and said to the kitchen maid, "You can't give me more bread and vegetables. I found that my appetite is especially high after exercise."    


Ye Zimo remained calm and collected as she watched Xia Yihan put the bread into her pocket with great difficulty. Her lips curved into a smile as she silently picked up an apple.    


"This fatty is usually so heavy, but he was actually carried away by the waves. No wonder I didn't see him yesterday." Lulu said nonchalantly as she watched Ye Zimo become infatuated with her.    


Xia Yihan thought of that chubby face and couldn't help but ask, "He's your partner, right?"    


"Hahaha, you think you're looking at the Thief King? Partners are always built on benefits. " Lulu laughed and rolled back and forth.    


The door opened and Bo Bo walked in with a moist air. He sat on the seat with a terrible expression.    


Xia Yihan froze, trying her best to maintain a normal state of mind. Lulu gloated, "It seems like we haven't found her. She was lost while you were on duty. You have to take responsibility for that."    


Bo Bo gulped down a mouthful of soup and threw the spoon into the soup. He said with dissatisfaction, "Although the entire boat is big, I've already checked it out. Except …"    


Bo Bo's gaze suddenly landed on Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo, "Jason, you probably don't mind me coming to your room to take a look, right?"    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and gave her an answer. Bo Bo stood up while Xia Yihan sat on the chair, feeling uneasy.    


Xia Yihan raised her head as she gently rubbed her leg. Ye Zimo blinked at herself with an indifferent expression. After a while, she saw Bo Bo walking back with a terrible expression on his face.    


"Jason, so you didn't inform your bro to come take a look when there's this dry goods. Could this be the reason why you're usually so fierce? You're afraid that we'll find these things in your room."    


Bo Bo slapped a stack of AV documents onto the table. Xia Yihan took a glance and was shocked by the exposed image on the magazine.    


Even though she knew Jason had left it there, Xia Yihan still stole a glance at Ye Zimo and smiled at Zimo's playful smile.    


"You're the only one left." Bo Bo's gaze turned towards Xia Yihan. His eyes were bloodshot from long period of sleep, which made him look a little scary.    


Xia Yihan knew it would be easier to make him suspicious if he was being secretive. She nodded lightly and said, "But I have to go back and pack up. There are always a lot of girls' things."    


Bo Bo raised his eyebrows: "It's okay, I'm not looking."    


After Bo Bo left, Xia Yihan's face turned completely pale. After thinking for a while, she still followed him. She chased up to Bo Bo and tentatively said, "Just what did we lose?"    


"A monkey, not obedient, running around." Bo Bo said indifferently.    


Xia Yihan looked at the side of Bo Bo's face and became more and more angry. However, she was even more worried, wondering if Hai Zhuoxuan had hidden himself well enough.    


Xia Yihan rushed to the front of the room, leaving only the furniture untouched.    


Bo Bo's gaze swept across the room. He suddenly bent over and looked under the bed with a strange expression. Xia Yihan's heart skipped a beat, then she lowered her head and threw a Bra under the bed.    


Xia Yihan's face turned red. Bo Bo raised his head and looked at Xia Yihan with a faint smile, "I said I didn't see it."    



When she walked to the wardrobe, Xia Yihan's heart jumped to her throat again. Hai Zhuoxuan was hiding in the closet before, but he couldn't be hiding in it again, right?    


"Creak." Sissel's voice came from inside the wardrobe. Bo Bo looked at Xia Yihan meaningfully and opened the wardrobe.    


"Hualala!" All of the clothes flew towards Bo Bo's face in an earth-shattering way. Xia Yihan exclaimed, "Are you alright?!"    


Bo Bo felt dizzy from being hit by the clothes rack. He finally stood up after a long time and looked at Xia Yihan in disbelief, "Is this how you usually put your clothes?!"    


Xia Yihan replied in embarrassment, "Didn't you just say that there was a storm?!"    


Bo Bo looked a little frustrated. He walked to the shoe rack and thought for a while, but didn't do anything. He looked around and muttered, "Where did he go?"    


When Bo Bo left, Xia Yihan let out a long breath and closed the door tightly. She quietly called out, "Zhuoxuan? "Zhuoxuan?"    


There was no response from anyone in the room. Xia Yihan looked around anxiously but didn't find anything.    


Hai Zhuoxuan's sudden disappearance made Xia Yihan flustered. She hurriedly went to find Ye Zimo, but the overlapping figures at the corner made Xia Yihan stop in her tracks.    


Lulu clung onto Ye Zimo's body, rubbing against Ye Zimo's arm. Ye Zimo stood there coldly, stretching out her hand in an attempt to push Lulu away, but when she saw Xia Yihan, she pulled her hand back.    


Xia Yihan's face darkened when she saw Ye Zimo. Perhaps this was another part of Ye Zimo's plan. Now that Ye Zimo was Jason, shouldn't she go and disturb him?    


Retreating, Xia Yihan left. Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction. She reached out her hand to pull the woman who had been sticking to her.    


"All of you, stop!" Xia Yihan suddenly shouted from afar and walked over aggressively.    


Xia Yihan heard that her heart was like a thunderdrum. Her face was flushed and her steps were weak, but she walked resolutely towards the two of them.    


"Him! It's mine! " Xia Yihan pointed at Ye Zimo as she looked at Lulu with a serious expression. Lulu was surprised at first, but then suddenly smiled and said, "Jason likes Sister Big Bo." After which, he intentionally trembled.    


Ye Zimo and Lulu calmly looked at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan was so angry that her mind went blank. She puffed out her chest and said, "Then he's probably going to have a change in taste now!"    


"Ha ha!" Ye Zimo let out a soft laugh and shook off Lulu's arm that was wrapped around her own arm. She took Xia Yihan's arm and indistinctly stroked her chin with her finger. "Maybe she's right."    


"Jason!" "She's under surveillance. If the boss knew about you two … he would definitely be angry!" Lulu said slyly.    


Ye Zimo's expression turned cold, regaining her usual indifference. "As long as you don't tell him, he won't notice."    


Inside the soft blanket, Ye Zimo was finally able to stay in the same room as Xia Yihan, gently smelling the fragrance of the sea in Xia Yihan's hair.    


Xia Yihan let out a comfortable whisper and suddenly sat up: "Zhuoxuan!"    


When Ye Zimo's hand came in contact with Xia Yihan's skin, she gripped it tightly and asked with a frown, "Why are you so hot?"    


Xia Yihan's face was blushing red. She fanned her face with her hand and blinked her eyes. "Isn't it because of the hot weather?"    


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