Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C828 Wealthy Marriage 757

C828 Wealthy Marriage 757

0Ao Xue looked at Ye Chuqing and whispered, "I'm sorry." The man carried Ye Chuqing in his arms with satisfaction and left the stage.    


A woman rushed out to hug Ye Chuqing. Xia Yihan hugged Ye Chuqing dearly and kissed her a few times.    


The spotlight shone on Xia Yihan's body, illuminating her tear-stained face. Her exquisite facial features were charming, and her delicate collarbones were slightly exposed from running.    


"How are you selling this woman!?" I want this woman! " Some of the people below the stage shouted, and Xia Yihan blankly looked at the audience stands that had suddenly started to boil.    


A light suddenly flashed on the VIP booth on the second level. The host smiled as he blocked Xia Yihan's path, "This is my new product. The auction will start in three days, and the highest bidder will have it!"    


A wave of sighs resounded from the audience as Xia Yihan hugged Ye Chuqing and began to think about how to escape. "Ao Xue, are you alright?" Xia Yihan looked at Ao Xue who was standing at one side and thought that Ao Xue was scared out of her wits.    


Ao Xue tried to avoid Xia Yihan's hand, but she couldn't. Xia Yihan's warm hand gently caressed Ao Xue's head. "Ao Xue, thank you for protecting Chu Qing."    


Tears the size of beans rolled down Ao Xue's face. All her fears and misgivings were in front of Xia Yihan. She turned around and ran away.    


Inside the room, there were a few women kneeling beside a very feminine looking man. The man looked curiously at Xia Yihan in the middle of the stage and waved his hand. "Bring her here."    


"If you want me to be with these two children, then I'll go." Xia Yihan said stubbornly. The old man rolled his eyes and sent a slap towards Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue was hit so hard that she turned her head to the side and glared at the old man. What are you doing! She's just a child! "Holy shit!" Xia Yihan put Ye Chuqing to Ao Xue's heart and said, "It's all because of Auntie's bad. It hurt Ao Xue. Ao Xue must be strong."    


The more gentle and gentle Xia Yihan was, the more she hated Ao Xue. She lowered her head without saying a word. The man in the room impatiently waited and knocked the crystal teapot on the tea table to the ground with a wave of his hand.    


Xia Yihan, who had just entered the restaurant, was frightened. The man raised his head and said with his peach-like eyes, "I hate it when people make me wait."    


"Sorry." Xia Yihan pursed her lips and apologized. The man was stunned and then burst into laughter. "Someone actually apologized to me seriously. It was so fun."    


Xia Yihan stood to the side and watched as the handsome man laughed until he stopped laughing. "There is one thing that I don't think you are interested in doing, but I want you to do it."    


Xia Yihan looked at the man in alarm and asked, "What's the matter?" The man in the white bathrobe stood up from the bed, not caring about his chest at all, revealing his slightly tanned abs.    


The man approached Xia Yihan and turned his head to kiss her. Xia Yihan tilted her head away, but the man took a step forward, his strong arms supporting his body as his raised eyebrows twitched.    


Xia Yihan stared blankly at the man before her. A trace of disgust flashed across the man's eyes, but he still continued moving towards Xia Yihan's lips.    


"Pah!" The man grabbed Xia Yihan's hand that was grabbing his groin and raised his eyebrows. "You're so hungry?"    


Xia Yihan glared viciously at the man and said, "Let go of me, you astringent demon." There was no confusion in Xia Yihan's eyes. The man let go of her hand in satisfaction and waved at her.    


"Come here." Xia Yihan didn't understand, but the man raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not interested in you. Come and take a look at this!"    


Xia Yihan walked over and pointed to a luxurious room with six computer screens on the table. A girl was sitting quietly in the room, reading a book.    


"Whenever she's angry and slaps you in the face, your mission will be accomplished." The man raised his eyebrows and said.    


"You like her?" Xia Yihan looked at the man's gentle eyes as he watched the video. She could see that look in Ye Zimo's eyes.    


"Number one, don't be arrogant." The man said expressionlessly. Xia Yihan whispered, "You're still trying to piss her off like a little kid!"    


The man crushed the computer beside him with a strange force. "What did you say?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head. "It's nothing."    


Xia Yihan was not taken to the room in the cage, but was arranged to another room. At night, Xia Yihan pushed Ao Xue to wake her up.    


"Ao Xue, do you remember the way here?" Xia Yihan asked in a low voice.    


Ao Xue nodded. She had always been proud of her memory. Xia Yihan quickly gave the clothes to Ao Xue, carrying her along as she whispered, "The people who escaped previously said that all the surveillance cameras are in the underground prison. There were no surveillance cameras upstairs, so we have to use this opportunity to escape."    


Xia Yihan brought Ao Xue out of the room. The man in front of the computer looked at her with interest. "Do you need me to capture her?"    


The old man squinted his eyes as he watched the video. The man squinted his eyes as he smiled and said, "Her personality is really similar to Cloudy Heavens. Let's see how far she can go."    


"Who is it?" Xia Yihan and Ao Xue walked into the corridor. Suddenly, their voices sounded. A pair of hands reached out to pull Xia Yihan into the room.    


The room was very large. Xia Yihan saw the girl in the video looking at her. "You know me?" the girl asked curiously.    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "Thank you." The girl smiled and said, "I've seen a lot of women that want to run away, but no one is as calm as you."    


Glancing at Ye Chuqing, who was in Xia Yihan's arms, the girl said with envy, "That's great! Life hasn't started yet, unlike me who will always be here."    


"Aren't you going to run?" Xia Yihan felt sorry for this girl.    


"You can't escape. My name is Yun. I'm telling you, if you follow the route I give you, you won't encounter any bodyguards."    


Yun Xiao placed a map that she had drawn with her hands onto Xia Yihan's palm. Xia Yihan grabbed Yun Li's hand and said, "I'll bring you with me."    


Yun Yang smiled and said, "No, bringing me along will instead make it more difficult to leave. Right, if you can help me to my friend's home, let me know."    


Xia Yihan brought Ao Xue out of the room and looked at the map given by the clouds. Ao Xue looked at Xia Yihan's figure and knew that Xia Yihan would be able to leave very soon.    


Looking at the vase at her feet, Ao Xue suddenly kicked the vase down and deliberately fell to the ground.    


The man stopped the old man who wanted to let his bodyguard catch Xia Yihan and watched the scene in interest. "Ao Xue!" Xia Yihan immediately ran to Ao Xue's side to help her up.    


"Don't move!" There were already messy footsteps behind him.    


"You may leave." Ao Xue knew that Xia Yihan would definitely not be able to escape. After Xia Yihan had left, she could run through another tunnel so that those people wouldn't bother with her anymore.    


"What are you saying? I will definitely take you out." Xia Yihan smiled and patted Ao Xue's forehead. Ao Xue was stunned for a moment before she was pulled up by Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan took Ao Xue and ran towards the door. The sound of her voice was getting closer. Xia Yihan pushed Ye Chuqing into Ao Xue's hands and said, "Ao Xue, Auntie wants to trouble you to take Chu Qing and leave."    


Ao Xue stared blankly at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan hid Ao Xue behind a huge vase and turned around to look at the man approaching her.    


"Why are you so interested so late at night?" The man looked at Xia Yihan with a smile, but there was no anger in his eyes. Instead, he seemed to be ridiculing her.    


Xia Yihan looked at the man and used her body to block the vase as she said indifferently, "Didn't you ask me to help you? "Let's go."    


The man's gaze moved behind Xia Yihan without any change in his expression. He smiled and said, "I think the time is good." He put his arm around Xia Yihan's shoulder and walked back.    



Ao Xue silently watched Xia Yihan's back as she left. Her hands that were holding Ye Chuqing tightened as tears started to fall from her eyes. "I'm sorry." Ao Xue said in a low voice.    


Clouds were looking at the night sky of Los Angeles from outside the big window on the ground. The door was opened and that man walked in while carrying Xia Yihan.    


Yun Yang raised his eyebrows. "Yu Lan, is this your game again?" Xia Yihan was at a loss for words at Yun Yang's sudden coldness. She wanted to explain, but her hands tightened around her waist. Xia Yihan was in so much pain that her face contorted.    


"Look at her. She looks better than you, has a better temperament than you, and everything is better than you. She's got a dead face every day, she's so ugly." A string of words came out of Yu Lan's mouth. Xia Yihan looked at Yu Lan in surprise. She clearly loved him so much, so why did she say those words?    


"Very well, then let me go." Yu Lan sneered coldly as she spoke, "Let you out, and then find someone to kill me. Don't think about it."    


While Xia Yihan was still in a daze, Yu Lan had already planted a kiss on Xia Yihan's face. Yu Lan lightly pressed her lips against Xia Yihan's. Xia Yihan wanted to struggle, but her peachy eyes stared fiercely at Xia Yihan, warning her in her eyes.    


Xia Yihan's gaze landed on the cloud beside her. The cloud remained expressionless, the joints of her fingers grabbing onto the book with force. Xia Yihan sighed. The two people who loved each other were actually torturing each other.    


After the door was slammed shut, Yu Lan let go of Xia Yihan and lowered her eyes in frustration. "You really don't care?"    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but ask after seeing Yu Lan's dejected appearance, "Is there some kind of misunderstanding?"    


"Just keep your mouth shut." The man returned to his usual indifference, glanced at Xia Yihan, and left.    


Ao Xue carried Ye Chuqing and stood on the street, unsure of what to do. Her shoulder was patted. Ao Xue cautiously turned her head and saw Xu Haorann.    


"What do you want to do?" Ao Xue asked bluntly. Xu Haorann did not expect to meet this girl again at Los Angeles. He smiled and said: "Did you come with mom?"    


Ao Xue shook her head and asked the man, "Do you know Ye Zimo?"    


Ye Zimo? Xu Haorann's gaze became more subtle. He looked at the girl's face with a little seriousness: "You're looking for Ye Zimo?"    


Ao Xue nodded and looked at the bearded man with a lock of hair tied to the back of his head. "This is her daughter."    


Ye Chuqing? Xu Haorann looked at Ao Xue in confusion when he heard Lin Jie mention it. If you don't believe me, then forget it. " Ao Xue carried Ye Chuqing and turned around.    


With her hair messed up, Ao Xue looked at Xu Haoyan angrily. Xu Haorann had a smile in his eyes as he said helplessly: "You have such a bad temper, but you look like a woman I know."    


Ao Xue was touched by a warm hand and forgot about her reaction. Ye Zimo was sitting in the darkness, but he couldn't find her for the past two days.    


"Director Ye, Ao Xue and Sister Xiaoxiao are back." The bodyguard opened the door and spoke in a low voice. The man in the darkness finally stood up.    


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