Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C817 Wealthy Marriage 746

C817 Wealthy Marriage 746

0"Student, can you tell us more about Yuanyuan?" When was the last time you saw her? " Xia Yihan asked as she looked at the girl who obviously didn't want to talk anymore.    


The girl looked at Xia Yihan before shifting her gaze to Xia Yihan's bag and enviously said, "This bag is new to Herm's. How about you give this bag to me and I'll tell you."    


Xia Yihan frowned as she looked at the girl. She really didn't like the attitude of this girl. Xue Wenjun, who was on the side, raised his eyebrows. He had seen too many of these girls. "Hrm?"    


Sha Sha looked at Xia Yihan enviously, sighing that she was unlucky. Xia Yihan put her bag on the girl's hand and said sincerely, "Do you really know what you want sometimes?"    


The girl pursed her lips and said with disdain, "You have a man protecting you and a man answering yes. Of course, ordinary people like us use this kind of method to get what we want."    


Xia Yihan was furious. Xue Wenjun, who was behind Xia Yihan, warned Sha Sha not to talk too much. He said lightly: "You'd better watch your mouth to prevent anything from happening."    


Sha Sha then pouted and said, "Sha Sha suddenly came back from abroad. I heard that his father suddenly went to a sanatorium and didn't get along well with us."    


"When was the last time you saw her?" Xia Yihan asked.    


Sha Sha thought about it then said, "I don't know, the last time it was like she came to school. That day, she seemed to be in a bad state, and the teacher didn't even hear her call her. I didn't see her during the afternoon class, a classmate said someone came to find her."    


Who is it? Who found Yuanyuan? Xia Yihan frowned. Had the people who came to find Yuanyuan been chasing after Yuanyuan's people all this time? Or were they the people who had killed Yuanyuan?    


"Hey, you guys aren't going to ask me anymore." Sha Sha couldn't wait to take Xia Yihan's bag. She suddenly felt some noise coming from the bag and realized that Xia Yihan forgot to take out her phone. She then turned off the phone and left in a hurry.    


Who was the person chasing Yuanyuan, a man or a woman? Xia Yihan was lost in her own thoughts. The car came to a sudden halt. Xia Yihan raised her head blankly and asked, "Are we there yet?"    


Xue Wenjun opened the car door for Xia Yihan and said with a smile, "Get out." Xia Yihan looked around at the surrounding buildings and asked curiously, "Why did you bring me to the department store?"    


Xue Wenjun tapped Xia Yihan's forehead and said, "Don't tell me you want me to become someone who doesn't keep his word?"    


He followed Xue Wenjun to a row of luxury shops. There were very few people in the stores. After all, they still needed a lot of strength to be able to shop here.    


"Go." She owned almost all the similar bags in the shop, and Karl would always deliver the luxury brands that Xia Yihan often used to the Xia Yihan's large cloakroom at the first possible moment.    


Casually picking up a tie, Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan's absent-minded appearance and said in a slightly despondent tone, "Are you still thinking about him?"    


Xia Yihan turned around and put the tie on Xue Wenjun's neck to measure it, then looked at him and said, "I think this tie suits you."    


"What do you mean?" Xue Wenjun's eyes gradually lit up. Xia Yihan felt a little embarrassed to put the tie back, "Sorry, I don't know if you like this style."    


The tie on Xue Wenjun's hand was taken away by another hand. His eyes were gentle as he said seriously: "Thank you!"    


Xia Yihan quickly waved her hand and screamed at the back of Xue Wenjun's hand, "Why is your hand so hot?"    


Under Xia Yihan's urging, the car almost drove all the way to the Hua Mansion. Xia Yihan pulled Xue Wenjun's hand and suddenly stopped at the stairs. She said embarrassedly: "Where is your room?"    


Xue Wenjun smiled and pulled Xia Yihan to the other side of the room. Inside the room, Xue Wenjun's face was slightly flushed. He pointed at the sofa and said to Xia Yihan, "Yihan, you sit down first. I'll go and take care of some documents first."    


Xue Wenjun had already started his work by the time he finished his sentence, and was carefully looking at the data on the report. Xia Yihan looked at Xue Wenjun, whose face was a bit sickly red. She stood up and blocked the computer screen with her palm, looking at Xue Wenjun angrily.    


"Yihan, stop messing around." Xue Wenjun looked up, the fever in his eyes made him more gentle.    


"I … I don't care. I want you to rest in bed now!" Xia Yihan didn't know how to make Xue Wenjun listen to her, so she started to act coquettishly.    


Xue Wenjun didn't see Xia Yihan's domineering look. He was stunned. Xia Yihan blushed, but didn't let go of his hand no matter what.    


"Hehe, Yihan, how many times do you want me to be surprised?" Xue Wenjun stood up and took Xia Yihan's hand as they headed inside. He said indifferently, "Look at me. If you don't want me to continue working, then look at me firmly."    


In the dorm, Sha Sha looked at the latest phone with extreme happiness. This phone could even sell for tens of thousands, let alone the real thing.    


The soothing music began, and the man's voice on the phone was deep and low. "What are you doing?"    


Sha Sha immediately pressed down the phone with some nervousness and looked at the "Ye Zimo" sign on the phone. Ye Zimo? Could this be the Ye Zimo that called the wind and rain?    


Sha Sha crawled up and entered Ye Zimo's information. The powerful information made her click her tongue; she didn't dare to imagine that she had picked up such a cheap deal. She became even more jealous of Xia Yihan.    


Not missing an opportunity, Sha Sha called back, "Hello."    


Ye Zimo immediately sensed that something was wrong and asked with a deep voice, "Who are you?"    


Sha Sha gulped and said, "I know you're Ye Zimo. I found this phone. Uh, you can come to our school for it. I want to talk to you about it."    


After Ye Zimo asked for the address, she cleanly hung up the phone. Sha Sha looked at her phone and couldn't help laughing out loud.    


Xia Yihan looked around for her phone. There was Ye Zimo's phone and Nianmo's photo. He recalled the handbag he had given Sha Sha and wondered if his phone was in the other party's hands.    


Picking up her bag, Xia Yihan headed straight for Sha Sha's school. At the school gates, a Maserati stopped in front of the school gates, attracting the attention of many people.    


Sha Sha looked at a man in a suit getting off the car and sighed. He was really Ye Zimo from the magazine. Ye Zimo walked calmly in front of Sha Sha. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Sha Sha."    


Sha Sha enjoyed the looks of envy from the surrounding people. She tried her best to put on her most beautiful smile. "Hello, I'm Sha Sha."    


Ye Zimo nodded and said straightforwardly, "Phone."    


Sha Sha laughed charmingly and said, "Shouldn't you have some special way of thanking me as a gentleman?"    


A trace of impatience flashed across Ye Zimo's face for a moment before she quickly hid her serious face. She then took out her cheque and wrote a string of numbers. "Take it."    


Sha Sha's eyes lit up. The number on it was enough for her to earn ten years. Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Sha Sha's eyes lit up.    


"How did you get her cell phone?" It was the longest sentence that Ye Zimo had ever spoken. Sha Sha pouted and said, "She asked about my classmate Yuanyuan's information, and even gave me her bag." Sha Sha couldn't help but reveal the truth under the man's sharp eyes.    


Ye Zimo understood what was going on as she looked at the greedy woman in front of her. She raised her eyebrows and opened the car door, "Let's go. The new model bag is not just limited to that one."    


They drove all the way to the largest luxury shop next to the school. Sha Sha's eyes lit up as he looked at the luxury goods row after row. These guides, who usually ignored him, were now circling around him like pug.    


"I want this and this, don't break the bag clumsily." Rustling like a hostess.    


The shop assistant looked at Ye Zimo, who remained expressionless. One by one, she sighed at the luck of these arrogant women, placing the bags she had chosen on the counter. Sha Sha looked at Ye Zimo contentedly, thinking about how to take over this man.    


Ye Zimo took out her gold card and held out her hand. "Phone." Sha Sha put the phone in Ye Zimo's hand with satisfaction. Ye Zimo put away her cell phone and swiped her card.    


When Sha Sha was preparing to take the bags, Ye Zimo said faintly, "Not a single one of these bags are left, cut them all for me."    



"What?" Sha Sha looked at Ye Zimo in panic. Ye Zimo didn't even give her a mocking look. She turned around and left. Not long later, a Maserati sped away.    


The shop assistant took up a pair of scissors and cut them open while taking pleasure in Ye Zimo's misfortune. He left Sha Sha and his wife screaming in pain. Ye Zimo drove the car, and a woman on the street attracted his greatest attention.    


Xia Yihan looked at the passing cars and the passing pedestrians. Xia Yihan walked a few steps forward before being pushed back by the ear-piercing sound of a horn.    


Xia Yihan hesitated, not knowing what to do. Her hand that was hanging by her side was grabbed. Xia Yihan stared blankly at the man holding her hand leading the way in front of her.    


Only when they got to the opposite side did Ye Zimo let go of Xia Yihan. With a cold expression, she asked: "The Hua Mansion didn't give you a car?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "I lost my phone. I wanted to find a classmate here to get it back." Ye Zimo raised her brows and said, "Then how do you plan on getting your phone back?"    


Xia Yihan thought for a moment before replying, "You should have said it nicely …" Ye Zimo thought of the woman called Sha Sha, and her face showed that she was glad that she had taken care of her opponent first.    


Xia Yihan took out her cell phone and placed it in front of Xia Yihan. She took it over in a daze and asked, "Why is it with you?"    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything. Xia Yihan felt a little awkward, the bean-sized raindrops suddenly sprinkled down with the sunlight. Xia Yihan rubbed the rainwater on her nose and looked up at the monitor habitually.    


"Got it!" Since someone came to find Yuanyuan that day, they must have left a shadow here. After all, this is the only main road to get in and out of the school! "    


Xia Yihan excitedly said to Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo gritted her teeth and said, "Is this what you're thinking of?"    


Xia Yihan's excited expression suddenly cooled down. She looked at Ye Zimo and timidly said, "Then can you come with me? I'm not familiar with this place, I got lost last time. "    


Xia Yihan, who had her head lowered, did not notice the helplessness and gentleness in Ye Zimo's eyes.    


"Let's go."    


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