Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C810 Wealthy Marriage 739

C810 Wealthy Marriage 739

0Xue Wenjun's face secretly turned green, he gritted his teeth and said: "Play!"    


On the pirate ship, two figures suddenly stood in the middle of a group of children. Xia Yihan fastened her seat belt, and Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan, thinking of the instruction manual and said, "Give me my arm. If you're afraid, you can hold me."    


Xia Yihan smiled and held Xue Wenjun's hand. The pirate bed swung to the left and right slowly. Xia Yihan felt her hand stiffen. She turned around and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"    


Xue Wenjun shook his head and looked straight ahead with an expressionless face. Xue Wenjun's face turned paler and paler as he heard the cries of a child.    


"Are you alright? Endure it." Xia Yihan noticed that something was wrong with Xue Wenjun. When the pirate ship stopped, Xue Wenjun's face had already turned pale.    


"I think you might be a little afraid of heights." Xia Yihan said worriedly. Xue Wenjun nodded, feeling even more upset as he muttered, "Then what should we do about the Ferris Wheel?"    


Xia Yihan smiled, grabbed Xue Wenjun's hand and said, "Come on, I'll take you to a place."    


"Director Ye, the principal has already urgently transferred a year's worth of students over. He said that we can only borrow one morning." Zhang Fengyi said while wiping his sweat.    


Ye Zimo looked at the moving black dot on the screen with a sullen face and said, "No need."    


Zhang Fengyi still wanted to say something, but he looked out of the window and said in a low voice, "Should we go and finish them off? There seems to be more people."    


"How's it going with Xia Yihan?" Ye Zimo pondered.    


"At present, everyone seems to agree that your relationship with me isn't that deep, so I haven't done anything to you yet." Zhang Fengyi had already taken out his gun.    


Ye Zimo stood up and walked to the window to expose herself. She smiled and said, "Things are getting more interesting."    


The red Porsche drove all the way to a university snack street, which attracted a lot of attention. Xue Wenjun helped Xia Yihan off the car, looked around at the crowded shops and raised his eyebrows.    


"There's a spicy hot food in the restaurant." Xia Yihan held Xue Wenjun's hand. Xue Wenjun stood behind Xia Yihan and put his hands on Xia Yihan's shoulders to protect her from running into Xia Yihan.    


"Let's go, lead the way." Xue Wenjun said lightly. His magnetic voice made the people beside him look at it a few more times.    


Xia Yihan pulled Xue Wenjun to a small store, pointed at the items arranged on a string of lots of lots, and said, "This is called Ma La Bao, it's very tasty."    


Seated on the narrow seat with Xue Wenjun, Xia Yihan's thigh accidentally rubbed against Xue Wenjun. She embarrassedly said, "It's too narrow."    


Xue Wenjun's heart shuddered slightly, and he nodded with an indifferent expression. Xue Wenjun ate the hot and spicy food gracefully. Xia Yihan put down her chopsticks and said apologetically, "Do you not like this taste? I think you would prefer western cuisine."    


Xue Wenjun looked at the apologetic Xia Yihan who was getting softer and softer. He restrained himself from rubbing her in his arms and said lightly, "It's delicious."    


Hearing Xue Wenjun's affirmation, Xia Yihan smiled. The students who were playing next to her touched Xia Yihan's back. Xia Yihan leaned forward, her stomach heavily resting on the table.    


"Stomach!" Xia Yihan gave a short cry. Xue Wenjun stood up in a hurry, pulled the boss' arm and said seriously, "Look after her. I'm going to drive."    


Seeing Xue Wenjun blush slightly, the Lady Boss quickly agreed. Not long later, a Porsche quickly stopped in front of the store. Xue Wenjun carried Xia Yihan and rushed to the hospital.    


"Miss, your boyfriend really loves you. He was still guarding the door when I told him to rest." the nurse said enviously to Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan smiled and said, "He's not my boyfriend." Recalling the cold expression of another person in her mind, Xia Yihan hesitated for a moment as she picked up her phone, but her fingers still trembled as she broadcasted it.    


The phone was picked up very quickly, and Ye Zimo's clear voice transmitted over, "Hello."    


"It's me. I want to say that I'm here today. Director Ye, I've already showered." Ye Zimo's hand, which was holding the phone, suddenly trembled. A feminine voice and a coquettish smile came from the phone.    


There was no need to say anything more about what Ye Zimo was doing. Ye Zimo seemed to be breathing heavily as she said coldly, "I'm hanging up."    


"Du, du, du, du …" Xia Yihan kept her hand in a daze as she listened to the busy tone on the phone. Her heart was empty. The man she had first seen when she woke up was holding another woman in his arms.    


After the call ended, Xia Yihan looked up at Xue Wenjun in confusion. Xue Wenjun put his phone to the side and gently held Xia Yihan, "The moment I saw you groan in pain, I felt so much pain that I was about to die. My hands are still shaking even now."    


Xia Yihan remained silent as she felt the power on her back. Xue Wenjun gently patted her back and said softly, "Go to sleep. No matter when you wake up, I will always be here."    


In the luxurious presidential suite, the woman slowly wrapped herself around Ye Zimo's waist like a snake. She rubbed her thigh lightly with boundless temptation. "Director Ye, I will definitely make you fall asleep tonight."    


The enemy's bright red lips slowly traced across Ye Zimo's neck. Ye Zimo's eyes were lifted, and the bed shook slightly. The sky and earth spun, and the two of them had already moved to another position.    


"Is that so?" Ye Zimo grabbed the woman's hand that was about to grab her neck. The woman looked at Ye Zimo's slightly red face and nodded coquettishly.    




"What are you doing, let me go!" The woman looked at Ye Zimo in panic, twisting her hand that was cuffed to the headboard of the bed.    


Ye Zimo got up and put on her bathrobe from the bedside. A bunch of people rushed into the room. The woman screamed and quickly covered her naked body with the blanket.    


"Director Ye." Zhang Fengyi gave the GPS to Ye Zimo, who frowned as she looked at the hospital's location.    


"Do you want this will?" Ye Zimo held up the papers that had been lying casually on the table.    


Only then did the woman realize that she had been tricked. Ye Zimo purposely dug a hole for herself to jump into, laughing dryly as she said, "What did you say? "I don't know about Director Ye."    


"You'd better shut up when I'm not in a bad mood." Ye Zimo's cold demeanor was extreme. Zhang Fengyi looked at the woman sympathetically, making Xia Yihan misunderstand.    


Ye Zimo waved her hand and the men walked in front of the woman. The woman said in fright, "No, you can't do this to me."    


Ye Zimo admired the woman's fearful eyes as she lit a cigarette, feeling satisfied. "You should know the outcome when you think of doing so."    


The door opened and closed, cutting off two worlds and the scream of a woman. Inside the hospital room, the moonlight shone through the window onto the woman lying on the sickbed.    


Xue Wenjun looked at the sleeping Xia Yihan, his eyes depicted Xia Yihan's bright and clean forehead, her small and firm nose, and her pursed lips. This kind of girl was a gift from God, but she didn't belong to him.    


Xue Wenjun's heart was pounding as he slowly leaned over Xia Yihan. He could already feel the faint fragrance from Xia Yihan's body. If he moved a little closer, he could even hear her gentle breathing.    


There was only a finger's distance between the lips and the forehead. Xia Yihan moved and Xue Wenjun abruptly fell back onto the chair. nevermore    


"Mr. Xue." A faint voice came from behind him. Xue Wenjun turned around and saw Zhang Fengyi smiling at him. He didn't know how long he had been standing there for.    


"Director Ye wants to invite you out for a cold breeze. Change your mood." Zhang Fengyi glanced at Xia Yihan and said meaningfully.    


"And if I say no." Xue Wenjun stood up and looked Zhang Fengyi in the eye. "If I were to compete with Ye Zimo, I might not necessarily lose."    


Xue Wenjun's aura was full of ruthlessness. Zhang Fengyi remained calm and even hinted at Xue Wenjun as he asked, "But who exactly is in Miss Xia's heart? Who are you waiting for? Who were they waiting for? You should know better than that, right? Director Ye has never lost a battle where Xia Yihan was the wager. "    



Xue Wenjun's lips were tightly pursed. Zhang Fengyi was right, he could never heal Xia Yihan's wound.    


"Mr. Xue, please." Zhang Fengyi waved towards the door.    


When the door opened again, it gave off a chilly air, but after seeing the woman on the sickbed, it suddenly descended. Ye Zimo walked up to Xia Yihan and gently brushed the hair that was stuck to Xia Yihan's face.    


"Why can't I learn to take care of myself?" Ye Zimo bent her body slightly to look at Xia Yihan's face. Xia Yihan's eyebrows creased tightly. Ye Zimo subconsciously wanted to pacify Xia Yihan's worry.    


Her ice-cold fingers made contact, but she couldn't loosen her frown. Ye Zimo sighed lightly and pressed an icy kiss on Xia Yihan's lips.    


It was pitch black and Xia Yihan was frantically trying to find a way out. There was a light coming from not too far away and at the entrance, a shadowy figure was standing and reaching her hand out towards Xia Yihan.    


"Ye Zimo?" Xia Yihan whispered.    


"Catch me, I'll take you away." Ye Zimo smiled at Xia Yihan, extending her hand to encourage her.    


Before he could grab hold of him, the man suddenly turned around and left, "No!"    


Xia Yihan screamed and sat up on the bed. Xue Wenjun immediately comforted Xia Yihan: "What's wrong?"    


After staring blankly at Xue Wenjun for a few seconds, Xia Yihan finally came back to her senses. "It's nothing, I was just having a nightmare."    


"Miss Xia, I'm the principal of this hospital. I'll take care of you personally during your recuperation. Rest assured, child."    


Xia Yihan politely smiled at the doctor, turned her head and said to Xue Wenjun: "I want to return to Hua Mansion, after all, I haven't seen Mary for two days."    


The dean looked at Xue Wenjun hesitantly. After all, that man had ordered for Xia Yihan to recuperate in the hospital. Get ready to leave the hospital. " Xue Wenjun said to the dean before turning his head to Xia Yihan and saying softly, "Whatever you want to do, I will do it for you."    


"Mister Xue, this …" The dean didn't dare to say it out loud. Both of them were powerful figures, so he couldn't afford to offend either of them.    


"Go and do it, if there's anything I need to do, I will carry it with me." The dean heaved a sigh of relief before leaving.    


"What are you talking about? Didn't you call him over? " Xia Yihan looked at Xue Wenjun curiously. Xue Wenjun placed the glass of water next to Xia Yihan's lips and said with a smile, "It's great to wake up. Let's drink some water first."    


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