Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C370 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 302

C370 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 302

0As Soong Wanting's words changed, Madame Soong secretly felt happy. She had finally said those words again.    


Ye Zimo knew that no matter how he made her say it, that was all she would say.    


His purpose was not to make her say anything, but to make her and her mother anxious for a moment, to make them feel that he had not been easy to agree to their request.    


Soong Wanting took two deep breaths before continuing: "Zimo, I know that whether or not our Soong Family can be sustained, is only a matter of a single sentence from you. I also know that since my Soong Family have already fallen, I am of no value to you at all. I don't know what exactly I need to do in order for you to be willing to let our Soong Family's only child to be born. I really want to beg you, just for the sake of the child, promise me. "    


Soong Wanting's voice was choked with sobs. She was really anxious, the news today had surprised her by surprising her. If she clearly knew that Soong Family had a child and then lost it, she couldn't accept it. She believed that her mother and father, including Soong Shuhao, couldn't accept it.    


After saying that, she stopped talking and looked at Ye Zimo mournfully.    


Ye Zimo looked at her for a long time before slowly saying, "I can let Xiao Xiaolee come out and have her child. There's only one condition. Don't ever think of destroying my relationship with Xia Yihan in the future. As long as I can find even the slightest bit of evidence, I will make sure that your Soong Family and the third generation are all gone. "    


Ye Zimo's eyes flashed with a cold light as she said the last sentence.    


Madame Soong and Soong Wanting couldn't help but shiver in their hearts. They knew that Ye Zimo wasn't trying to scare them.    


Soong Wanting was still thinking of using Mo Xiaonong to destroy their relationship, but at this time, she thought that as long as she could protect the next generation from Soong Family, she would rather do nothing.    


"Zimo, I know that my words might be a little overboard, but I still want to say, can you help me release Shuhao? He's the only son of my mother, you know. Besides, the child also needed a father. If Xiaolee came out, how could she take care of the child alone? I promise I won't have any bad thoughts in the future. I will wholeheartedly bless you and Xia Yihan. I will also help to make our son like her. If one day you don't want to see me, I can leave after breastfeeding. I only have this one request, can you agree to it? "    


Most of the time, Ye Zimo could tell whether Soong Wanting's words were true or false.    


For example, he could tell from her eyes and tone that she was speaking from the heart.    


To him, Soong Family had already fallen. However, Soong Shuhao and Xiao Xiaolee's imprisonment did not affect him at all.    


No matter how bad they were, they would only be able to live on in the future without money to back them up. They wouldn't be able to pose any threat to the people around them.    


Furthermore, he believed that after this incident, Soong Shuhao would no longer dare to have any designs on Xia Yihan.    


Once again, he thought about how Soong Shuhao had treated Xia Yihan and felt a sense of disgust from the bottom of his heart.    


"I'll think about it. Xiao Xiaolee can release it as soon as possible." Ye Zimo said.    


There was hope!    


Soong Wanting saw hope, but Madame Soong felt despair. She felt that the possibility of her son being released was too small. Ye Zimo didn't seem like a benevolent person.    


"Thank you, Zimo!" Thank you so much! " As Soong Wanting spoke, her tears flowed uncontrollably.    


Afraid Ye Zimo would think that she was doing it on purpose, she quickly wiped away her tears.    


"Take care." With that, Ye Zimo left the bedroom.    


He could easily know what Soong Wanting had done, but he didn't want to ask. He would let bygones be bygones for whatever she had done in the past.    


If it wasn't for the child having a congenital heart disease, how could he have let her off so easily?    


Soong Wanting, I hope you will work hard from now on to correct yourself. Otherwise, one day, I will settle old debts with you.    


Just as he reached the door, he received a call from Lin Dahui.    


"Mr Ye, after you left today, Soong Shuhao was locked up again and beaten by the guards at the jail." Lin Dahui said.    


Ye Zimo frowned and immediately understood why he would be beaten the moment he left.    


Soong Shuhao had offended a lot of people over the years, so he didn't seem to be seriously injured today, it was just superficial wounds.    


It was probably those people who wanted to touch him and knew that Soong Wanting was still at his house. They didn't know when Soong Wanting would gain power, so they didn't dare to touch Soong Shuhao too much.    


Today, when he went to visit him, he didn't have any intention of saving him. Since those people knew about it, they wouldn't be polite with him anymore.    


Thinking about it, his injuries were probably very serious this time. Otherwise, Lin Dahui wouldn't have called to report to him.    


"Where is he now? How is he fighting?" Ye Zimo asked with a frown.    


No matter how useless Soong Shuhao was, he had still called him brother-in-law for so long. He hated him. He would not be soft-hearted to see him in prison, nor would he be indifferent to his injuries.    


"I heard that he broke two or three of his ribs, and it seems like his internal organs were injured. I don't know the exact details of the injuries, but the situation is very dangerous." It's in the hospital right now. It's still being operated on. "    


"Got it, arrange someone to take a look and save his life."    


"Yes, Mr Ye." Liu Tie sighed in his heart. He knew that his family's Director Ye was a cold-hearted and warm-hearted person. Even when facing an unforgivable scoundrel like Soong Shuhao, Liu Tie still held some pity in his heart.    


Hopefully, you will be able to return from hell and appreciate Mr Ye's kindness. Don't do any more bad things.    


Ye Zimo went to the study room. When he was facing Xia Yihan, he had put down everything else.    


He entered the room very quietly. Xia Yihan was looking at her computer and checking the information seriously while mumbling to herself. She didn't notice that Ye Zimo had entered the room.    


Ye Zimo stood in the doorway with her arms crossed, watching her with a smile on her face.    


The way she worked so hard was very attractive, especially her small mouth, which looked cute and sexy with its opening and closing.    


He did not speak for a very long time.    


After Xia Yihan checked the information, she started drawing and writing on the notebook in front of her. While thinking, she pressed the pen to her lips.    


Little thing, she's got a lot of little tricks up her sleeve, and she doesn't know there's a man waiting to capture you.    


"What would be the drawbacks of this plan if it were done this way? One was that they had too much money, but the results would be immediate. If he chose the second plan, it would cost less, but its effects would be much slower. Which of these two should be chosen? "So conflicted." Xia Yihan frowned slightly as she moved between the two options, unsure of what to do.    


"What kind of plan would have such a headache? Do you need my help?" Ye Zimo's cheerful voice rang out, startling Xia Yihan, who was thinking seriously.    


She looked up and saw Ye Zimo standing there. She seemed very gentle, and when she looked closely, her eyes were filled with a smile.    


Was she stupid? Look at that guy's smile, damn it.    


"Are you laughing at me?" Xia Yihan asked with a frown.    


Ye Zimo innocently threw up her hands and said: "Miss Xia, why do you think I'm laughing at you? It was obvious that he wanted to help you after seeing that you had made up your mind. Don't forget, I do have a little bit of knowledge on market plans. "    


As he said this, he walked in with graceful steps and closed the door behind him.    


Xia Yihan sighed and said, "Oh well, I've been thinking about these two plans for a few days and couldn't make up my mind. Each side had their own advantages and disadvantages. He didn't know whether he should prioritize the results or the costs. Brother Heetai trusts me so much, I should be able to provide the most perfect solution. Unfortunately, I can't find a less expensive and faster solution. Do you think I'm really stupid? "    


Ye Zimo had reached her side. She looked up at him, a little dismayed.    


Women would occasionally feel a little emotional. She was afraid that something was off right now, and it was likely that it wasn't just a matter of the plan that troubled her.    


He'd probably guessed what was going on with her, but he didn't talk about it first. Instead, he focused on the plan.    


"Silly Girl, this kind of saying is cheap and good. It's often contradictory. So most of the time, there's no way to find a cost-effective solution. "    


"Is that so? I thought I was too stupid. " Xia Yihan whispered.    


Ye Zimo ruffled her hair and gently praised her. "If you are stupid, there will not be any smart women in this world. You are Emperor Xuan, stronger than me. "    


"Emperor Xuan?" Xia Yihan didn't quite understand. She looked at him blankly, and it was only then that Ye Zimo realized he was trying to coax her.    


It was also because he was too defenseless against her that he would never let his words slip in front of others.    


"What do you mean, ink?" Xia Yihan asked again.    


"It's nothing much, I was just casually talking about it. Oh right, what's your plan? Let me take a look." Ye Zimo said as she reached for the notebook on her desk.    


She was a little excited when Xia Yihan snatched it back from him.    


"No!" I can't let you see it! "    


"Is this privacy?" Ye Zimo asked in amusement.    


"It's not private, it's a trade secret. Don't forget, Fu Group and Madame Li are competing in business. If you take my plan away from me... "Of course, I know that Mr Ye is open and honorable and will not fall for this solution of mine. However, this is a matter of principle, I cannot show it to you."    


Ye Zimo found it even more amusing. As she smiled, her heart was filled with mixed emotions. His little thing was a person with such strong principles. He discovered that the more he got along with her, the more he would find every detail of her attractive to him.    


"It seems that in your heart, you are already completely biased towards the Li Clan. You forget that you were once a member of the Fu Group, and are now one of mine, right?"    


Xia Yihan's face turned slightly red as she whispered, "These are two different things. Work is work, private is personal. Do you understand?"    


"Yes!" "Little thing." Ye Zimo rubbed her hair again.    


Xia Yihan's reaction was a bit intense. She felt a bit embarrassed even though she thought about it, but was worried that her actions would anger Ye Zimo.    


Fortunately, he seemed in a good mood and had no intention of getting angry.    


"Alright, then I won't look at the proposal. Tell me about the problem that troubled you just now." Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan up, and he sat down in the armchair, letting her sit on his lap.    


It seemed a little strange, Xia Yihan thought.    


However, Ye Zimo's expression was serious as she said, "Actually, this problem can also be solved easily. If you compare the cost accounting with the expected effect, you can choose which one is more profitable. Of course, the issue to be addressed here is the input-output ratio. "    


"I know, sigh! You're amazing, Mo. You inspired me, so I know what to do! I love you so much! " Xia Yihan happily said as she hugged Ye Zimo's neck and kissed his face. That passionate feeling couldn't help but move Ye Zimo's heart.    


"I knew I was stupid. I didn't even understand such a simple logic." Ye Zimo's brows twitched when she said that. She thought to herself, "It seems like the suggestion he gave is very simple."    


Xia Yihan was still blaming herself when she saw his face turn bad all of a sudden. She thought back for a moment and realized that she must have provoked Ye Xiao's strong pride.    


She immediately raised her smile and said softly, "Heh heh, such a simple idea. Although it's very simple, it might not be something that everyone understands. "Ah, that's not right. Most people do not know about it. Only the omnipotent Great Ye, Crown Prince, who knows about everything in the universe does."    


Seeing her put in so much effort, he was naturally happy, and he even laughed out loud because of her.    


"Mo, you haven't laughed like this in a long time." Xia Yihan said seriously.    


He didn't know when it started, but hadn't laughed like this ever since he found out Soong Wanting was pregnant?    


These words made Ye Zimo feel a bit emotional. She felt that he would smile like this often in the future and wouldn't let her worry for him.    


He took her small hand and lightly kissed it. He said, "From now on, you smile like this every day, okay?"    


"Alright." Xia Yihan replied gently.    


"You have to be happy every day." Xia Yihan nodded again.    


"You don't look happy today because you're having a period?" Ye Zimo asked, and Xia Yihan blushed again, a little awkwardly.    


Although this was human nature, hearing him say it, she would still feel embarrassed.    


"How do you know?" she whispered, her voice shy and surprised.    


"Of course I know. A man can ignore everything except the period of time when he loves his woman …" Otherwise, it would be a disappointment to go all out like this. "    


He wanted to say that the physiological period was a woman's most vulnerable period and that she needed a man to accompany her. The words were too sour, so he brought them back to him with a joke.    


Xia Yihan's face turned even redder. She raised her little fist and punched him in the chest, saying in a low voice, "You're annoying. You're always so improper."    


"Haha, why are you being so serious? I just like doing naughty things with you."    


After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she whispered into her ear, "Are you here?"    


"Not yet. It's just that my stomach feels a bit stuffy. It seems like I'm about to arrive soon. I think I'll be there tomorrow or the next day."    


"That's great, I'll help you get it through so that you won't hurt when you come." Ye Zimo said seriously, and kissed her on the cheek.    


Xia Yihan struggled free from him while shouting, "You're talking nonsense!"    


"It's not nonsense. I've looked it up, I've asked the doctor, it's true. Don't you know that when a woman's nests are high, they secrete something similar to a eugenol that can relieve pain? " Ye Zimo said seriously.    


Xia Yihan was stunned by his words. She didn't know if it was true or false.    



"Really?" She still couldn't believe it.    


"Why would I lie to you? Do you think that your man wants to trick women?" Ye Zimo's expression slightly darkened. Xia Yihan believed him.    


"Then... "Then …" She wanted to say, In that case, come on, but she couldn't bring herself to.    


Xia Yihan's face was blushing. She wanted to say something but couldn't. This affected her mental state even more.    


He pinched her chin and lifted it up, his lips covering hers. It was a very hot kiss.    


They had never been intimate in a study before. For men, places they had never tried out always had a strange mystery about them, which made them even more excited.    


As he kissed Xia Yihan fiercely, evil thoughts ran through his mind.    


He wanted to do it on the spot, but he didn't have the idea now. He had already thought about it when he closed the door behind him.    


It wasn't that he was too perverted, but that his little thing was too enticing.    


When he saw how deep in thought she was, his blood started to boil, and he wanted to pounce on her long ago.    


He would have been a hundred times more excited than he was now if he hadn't been distracted by so much talk about his work.    


Little thing. He sighed deeply in his heart, and then with a rough tug of his big hand, he ripped off the top half of her housedress.    


"You, you aren't thinking of staying here …" Xia Yihan snapped out of her daze and looked at him dumbly as she asked incredulously.    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything, but used her actions to answer her question.    


"Don't... Can you not stay here? " She spoke in an intermittent manner. Such a voice would only make Ye Xiu's blood boil even more.    


He was so strong, so insistent, and at last, seduced by his skill, she was defeated again, in the passion of his creation.    




It wasn't hard to find Lin Ling's place. She lived in an apartment not far from the company to make it convenient for her to work.    


Ye Zimo was equally generous to Lin Ling and Lin Dahui. In the center of the city, where every inch of land was worth a lot, she bought Lin Ling a three-bedroom, two-hall apartment in the name of Fu Group.    


It was just that the house was a little large and she often felt empty living alone.    


Occasionally, she would go home to her mother, but her father would fly secretly from Beijing to her mother's house, so she didn't go home most of the time. If she wanted to go back, she would also call ahead to ask if her father was there.    


In recent years, it was unknown whether it was because her mother was getting on in age or because of old age. In any case, her father returned home less and less.    


She also blamed her father for this. Her mother was not worthy of her.    


She wanted to go back and spend time with her mother, but she had a bad personality and always criticized her father and their relationship in a straightforward manner. Mother always defended her father. She was not allowed to speak of him.    


In this way, she returned home less often. She did not want to be with her mother, and instead made her unhappy.    


Lin Ling still remembered the message Hai Zhixuan sent to Ye Zimo, afraid that he would actually find her. When she got off work, she went out the back door of the group and drove to a restaurant far away.    


After dinner, she checked that it was not even ten o'clock. She had already tried to sit there for as long as she could, but the result was that it was still this early. She remembered that there was a very quiet bar nearby, so she paid the bill and left, going to sit in the bar for a while.    


Maybe it was because she was in a bad mood, but she suddenly had the urge to drink, and she couldn't stop herself from drinking one cup after another. She drank a lot.    


There were many people who came over to talk to her, but she was the one who shouted at them to leave. If she got cold, it would be very intimidating, and no one would dare to take advantage of her afterwards.    


Her head was spinning as she staggered out of the bar. She couldn't drive anymore.    


She was usually a law-abiding person who never got drunk, so she hailed a taxi, gave the driver her address, and slumped back in the backseat.    


"Goodbye!" Heh heh, I'll never see you again. This is the way of the world. Some people are destined to pass by one side. " After getting off the taxi, Lin Ling muttered to the slowly disappearing taxi, giggling foolishly.    


Hai Zhixuan was leaning against the train station not far behind her, coldly watching everything that was happening in front of him.    


He looked at his wristwatch. It was after twelve o'clock.    


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