Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2550 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2477

C2550 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2477

0"Who are you!" The man stood up, flustered and exasperated.    


"Why did you break up with her! She's so good! "Love you so much!" Ye Miao frowned.    


The girl was flattered. She was sure that she did not know such a handsome man.    


"Are you crazy?" The man waved his fist, but Ye Miao didn't move. He only sneered at him, but his fist was intercepted halfway. He looked even more furious at the tall middle-aged man in a suit standing beside him.    


"Sorry, we were rude. We will pay for your expenses today." Ye Bo took out a stack of bills from his bag and put it on the table.    


"Don't break up. You have to be fine." Ye Miao looked around coldly. He first looked at the girl. The girl's heart skipped a beat when she saw that pair of eyes and nodded in panic.    


He looked at the man who said he was going to break up, as if he were going to hit him if he didn't agree.    


"Are you crazy!?" The man was scared out of his wits. Lowering his head, he swept away the money. Then, he called for his girlfriend and the two hurriedly left.    


Ye Miao and Ye Bo left the bar. After taking a few steps, they leaned against the wall and vomited out everything in their stomachs. Ye Bo was glad that he came with them. It was already 3 in the morning when he finally brought the people back home.    


The next day, when she arrived at the appointed place 10 minutes in advance, Ye Miao was already waiting. There was a glass of lemonade on his table and a glass of milk on hers.    


Ye Miao's expression was somewhat uneasy and even sinister. After the two of them sat down, they were speechless.    


Ye Shuimo noticed the heavy bruises on her opponent's face, and it was obvious that she had not slept well. When their gazes met, Ye Shuimo dodged.    


"Let me say this first. If it's a breakup, there's no need to talk about it. I don't agree." Ye Miao gritted his teeth and suppressed his panic.    


Seeing the other party staring blankly at him, he was also stunned. He suddenly realized that the other party wasn't looking for him for that matter and immediately felt vexed. He wanted to remind her of something!    


Seeing how rare it was for him to lose out to her, Ye Shuimo's heart skipped a beat for some reason. She took a deep breath and looked up. "I can't leave you."    


Huh? Ye Miao was completely dumbfounded. Yesterday, he fought like a mad dog for hours, drank too much alcohol and caused a ruckus in the bar because he had already decided that he was going to split up today.    


Ye Shuimo continued, "I admit that I really like you. If we break up, I'll be in so much pain that I won't be able to breathe. I've realized this already."    


Ye Miao sat and listened quietly. As long as it wasn't a breakup, everything would be fine.    


"Maybe I'm a paranoid person, but Xiaoya's story has always been a thorn in my side. I know that if we can't get out of this mess, we'll still argue about it in the future. I don't want to be like that. If love is painful, who wants to taste it?"    


Ye Miao's expression darkened, but he still didn't say anything.    


"Qin Xiaoya's parents went to jail for corruption." Ye Shuimo mustered up her courage and said. She was thinking like this, if there was a way to reduce the other party's sentence, then she could cancel the debt she owed Qin Xiaoya. It would also be better for him.    


Ye Miao answered immediately. He knocked his fingers on the table and suddenly said, "You just said you like me?"    


Ye Shuimo was stunned. She did not know why the topic of conversation had turned to this. "What?"    


The latter smiled, then took her hand and kissed it. "It's nothing, I love you."    


If it was just like that, then he didn't mind loving her a little more. If he loved her so much that she could feel that deep love as well.    


In a short amount of time, Ye Miao had already investigated the matter regarding Father of Qin and Mother of Qin. In the office, Liu Qiang said, "The evidence is conclusive. There really is nothing to say about these two people."    


Ye Miao looked over the original case again as he thought about it.    


"Boss, the investigation was very clear at the time, there shouldn't be any cases of wrongdoing, is it appropriate to do this?"    


"There is no such thing as' absolute fairness' in this world. In all of history, the victors have written down their own history."    


Liu Qiang shut his mouth. He had stayed in this dirty world for so long, of course he knew how fair this world was. Perhaps some people would think that Ye Family was unfair in helping the criminals, but how could this world be fair? That wouldn't be fair either.    


"We still have over 3 million left?" Ye Miao pointed at the parenthesis on the document.    


"Yes, although Qin Xiaoya's parents said everything, they wouldn't say anything about the 3 million. They just don't know where the money went."    


Ye Miao tapped on the document and said, "Let's go."    


It was a suggestion. Father of Qin and Mother of Qin had a face full of suspicion, obviously not knowing who had come. Just as Ye Miao introduced himself, Father of Qin suddenly asked: "Are you from Ye Group, Ye Nianmo?"    


"That's my father."    


"Why are you looking for us?"    


"3 million."    


When the two of them heard that, their faces became fearful. They looked at Ye Miao with a cautious expression.    


"What are you talking about? You shouldn't have interfered in this matter."    


"Of course it's not bad, but if you want to have a chance to leave earlier, I suggest that you tell me where the 3 million is."    


"What are you saying? I don't understand!"    


Father of Qin started to get excited. Obviously, he refused to cooperate while Mother of Qin looked like she wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


The next day, Ye Miao saw Mother of Qin alone. The other party was hesitating but asked him what their relationship was. Ye Miao told him the truth.    


"She's a good friend of my lover."    


Mother of Qin thought about the girl who visited them that day and nodded. "She's a good girl. I'm a lot more relieved that Xiaoya has such a friend. Our parents let her down."    


As he spoke, he once again wiped away his tears. His eyes were full of regret.    


"Oh yeah, Xiao Hui hasn't been here for a long time. Mr Ye, how are the two of them?"    


"I've broken up." Ye Miao did not say what happened to Qin Xiaoya.    


Mother of Qin cried again. Previously, Zhang Xiaohui came to visit them in hopes of handing Qin Xiaoya over to them. As parents, they knew that this man was reliable so they agreed.    


"That 3 million, you guys must have left it for Qin Xiaoya"    


Mother of Qin was shocked, but she did not retort. The guilt in her eyes explained everything. They had already thought about it, there were too few that could be left for their daughter.    



Daughters always have to get married, so they wouldn't give in to that 3 million. Even if they didn't die in jail and could get out, they definitely wouldn't have the ability to make money.    


Qin Xiaoya wanted to get married and asked for money to buy a house and a car. The money was for her dowry, and even the most sinful people had a soft heart for their children.    


"You guys don't know what she wants. What she wants is the love of her parents, and what she wants is kinship. This world doesn't have money, but there's another way of living. If she doesn't have it, then there's no way to save her."    


He stood up and nodded to the woman before leaving, leaving her with a thoughtful look on her face.    


As soon as they got out of the prison and got on the car, they received a call from Doctor Jiang. Qin Xiaoya and Ye Shuimo were in great condition. As long as they didn't suffer any more stimulation, they would be fine.    


With regards to Dongjiang City, Doctor Jiang hung up the phone and rubbed his chin in deep thought. In modern times, almost everyone has a mental illness, which means they are in a sub-healthy state of mind.    


Qin Xiaoya and Ye Shuimo were psychological problems that were caused by the trauma. Ye Miao was actually also in a state of anxiety, and the source of his anxiety was apparently the woman called Ye Shuimo.    


He called Ye Shuimo. It was Qin Xiaoya who answered the phone.    


Knowing that it was Doctor Jiang, Ye Shuimo felt a little strange. When she received the other party's invitation to have dinner with them tomorrow, she immediately thought that Qin Xiaoya might be in a bad mood, so she agreed without thinking too much.    


"Ye Shuimo, are you cheating?" Qin Xiaoya approached and said, "If you are really cheating, I will go and ask Mr Ye if he still needs a girlfriend. After all, if he catches this diamond king, Ol 'Five, he won't have to worry about him for the rest of his life."    


"Yes yes yes, then you can do it." Ye Shuimo held her cell phone, feeling worried.    


At the appointed time in the evening, just as Ye Shuimo was about to go out, she was caught by Qin Xiaoya. "Is this how you're going?"    


"Hmm, what's wrong?" Ye Shuimo looked down at her jeans and shirt.    


Qin Xiaoya slapped her forehead and said, "You, to think that you've grown up in all sorts of high-end restaurants. The restaurant they invited you to was a high-end western restaurant. If you were to serve the restaurant, they might not let you in."    


Ye Shuimo remembered that the restaurant really had clothing requirements, so she didn't really like that sort of place before. Today, she went there with the intention of understanding Qin Xiaoya and didn't think too much about it.    


She had come to live at Qin Xiaoya's house in a hurry, so she didn't bring much clothes with her. Qin Xiaoya picked out a dress from the closet.    


"This was bought while shopping, I was bewitched by the shop assistant and didn't wear it even once. With my body, I'm just poor."    


When Ye Shuimo put it on, Qin Xiaoya cried out in jealousy as she stretched out her hand towards her chest. "Your breasts must be fake. It's fine if they can be filled, but there's actually a gap. I don't think I'm a woman, but a man with a woman's skin.    


She pulled Ye Shuimo in front of the mirror. Her goose-yellow skirt reached to her knees. Ye Shuimo's calves were very straight. Because she had practiced Taekwondo, her calves were especially straight.    


The chest had a V-shaped collar, with a round snow-white shape, revealing a deep groove in it.    


"You can't wear this." Ye Shuimo lifted her clothes up.    


Qin Xiaoya made a gesture to cover her nose, "I'm going to have a nosebleed. What you're doing is leading to a crime."    


Ye Shuimo found it funny. However, it was already too late for her to change her clothes. She hurriedly used a brooch to tighten the V-neck before rushing out.    


She took a taxi to the restaurant. After getting off the taxi, she attracted a man who was about to enter the restaurant. The man's girlfriend beside him hit her boyfriend in dissatisfaction, causing him to quickly turn around.    


As soon as the waiter saw her, he hurried over and opened the door. "Welcome."    


Knowing that she had a reserved seat, the waiter led her inside. It was dinner time, and there were quite a few people. There were tables on both sides of the hall, and quite a few men were secretly sizing up this woman with such an explosive figure. They were all in high spirits from their meals.    


Seeing that Doctor Jiang had not arrived, Ye Shuimo ordered a glass of ice water. A few minutes later, there was a person standing next to her, followed by a green color that entered her eyes.    


"Since it's an invitation to a beautiful lady, then there must be something to express." Doctor Jiang handed over the small cactus.    


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