Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2438 Married to a Rich Family 2365

C2438 Married to a Rich Family 2365

0The atmosphere had reached an unprecedented height. Ye Shuimo's physical strength was not bad, as she had trained this technique since she was young, and had also been a volunteer for a year, so naturally, she was much better off than many other girls who had trained only recently.    


She started to run slowly, round after round. By the time she was halfway there, there were already people walking, the athletes were running slower and slower, and some of them even started to walk. Ye Shuimo was still in middle position, and she started to feel a little thirsty, but someone shouted next to her, "Don't breathe with your mouth for now." She didn't know who it was, but she closed her mouth and breathed through her nose. Her lungs felt like they were on fire.    


Most of them were resting as they walked, and Ye Shuimo also felt very tired, her chest ached from breathing. Ever since Ye Miao was together with her, she had been raised too well, and her body was much more delicate. All of the cells in her body had become disobedient, so she just wanted to lie down and rest immediately.    


A figure dashed out from the crowd. When the crowd looked over, they saw that it was a handsome middle-aged man. Some people started to guess which PE teacher it was.    


Ding Yiyi knew that Liu Qiang had a reckless personality, but she was still a little worried that he would disrupt the order.    


Dong Qing patted the back of her hand. "Don't worry. He knows his limits."    


On the stage, Ding Yiyi was a little anxious because there were already a few people who were not as fast as she was. The more she wanted to speed up, the more exhausted she felt.    


"Don't look at them. Run at your own pace. These people are already panting like cattle. They can't surpass us, so run at your own pace." Liu Qiang stood at the side of the field and loudly encouraged everyone.    


Ye Shuimo was exhausted, but she still wanted to laugh because of the metaphor. As she laughed, her chest ached and she heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Good luck, Director Ye is waiting for you at the finish line. If you can't run away, he will have to come back. You also want him to see your good grades right?"    


Ye Shuimo's mind became clearer when she thought of Ye Miao. She gritted her teeth and ran forward as fast as she could. Gradually, she overtook most of the other people and was ranked second. If she sprinted one hundred meters forward, it would not be a problem for her to win the championship.    


The cheers at the scene burst out. The girl who was currently first had her body thrown to the side due to running too fast.    


Several girls around her ran away from her. When Ye Shuimo saw her painful expression while hugging her knees, she steeled her heart and stopped to help them up. In that instant, many more people ran in front of her.    


Soon, the medical staff took the girl away. When Ye Shuimo started running, she was even more backward than before. As she stopped suddenly, her stomach started to make noises. As she ran, she felt pain in her stomach.    


The finish line was now completely surrounded by people. However, at the finish line, there was no one around. Everyone was waiting to see who would be the first to reach the finish line. Just as an athlete reached the finish line and continued to run, everyone started to boil.    


Ye Shuimo's ears buzzed, and she waved her arms mechanically. First place, second place was impossible, but she didn't know what place, so she kept running.    


When she reached the end, her feet gave way and a pair of tight arms caught her in time with the cheers.    


"Very powerful." Ye Miao's heart ached as he kissed the top of her head. He felt sad because she was usually raised to be fat and white. Now that she had let it out, it was so painful that he would not participate next year no matter what.    


Ye Shuimo's face was pale, she was exhausted, but the main reason was that her class lost. If it wasn't for her helping others just now, she wouldn't have lost. In the sports field, she was the one who lost the honor of her class.    


"Well done!" The class monitor patted her shoulder, "You are truly worthy of being our national treasure!"    


Ye Shuimo almost staggered from the slap. After standing still, she looked at the others dumbly. Seeing that no one had any intention of blaming her, she finally smiled foolishly.    


With that smile, the class monitor wanted to pat her shoulder to show his encouragement, but before he could even land on the ground, he was met with a sharp gaze. He could not help but reach out his hand in embarrassment.    


Ye Miao accompanied Ye Shuimo to rest for a while before accompanying her to change clothes when she felt better. In the locker room, Ye Shuimo had just put on her clothes and walked out. School Sister was blocking the door.    


"I should have told you not to appear in front of me again." Ye Shuimo moved her slightly sore shoulders.    


"Senior Sister, I came to apologize."    


Ye Shuimo stared at her face. "You obviously hate me to death. Why do you pretend to be apologetic now?" Why don't you just say it directly. "    


School Sister's face was red and white. With an awkward expression, she said, "Are you blaming me for liking Mr Ye?"    


"No." Ye Shuimo stuffed the sports coat into her bag. "I like him too much. To be honest, he's much better than you. If all of you are really mad at him, I don't think my lifespan is going to last very long."    


School Sister choked and asked in a daze, "Aren't you worried that he'll get taken away?"    


"What's the use of worrying about it, and it was because I was worried before that I did something stupid and wasted a year. "Also, he's very good, and I'm not bad either. There will also be people who like him, so why must they feel inferior?"    


School Sister looked pensive as she raised her head in a daze, having received a pat on her shoulder.    


"Look, don't you think we can have a good chat? Other than you posting my video clip to the internet and using the class monitor as a backup job, there's nothing else to talk about. I'm leaving."    


Outside the door, Ye Miao saw the two coming out one after the other. He didn't bother with School Sister and directly took Ye Shuimo's backpack.    


Previously, he was polite to her because the person he liked was polite to her. Thus, he loved her and was kind to her. Now, he no longer had to be polite to her.    


Ye Shuimo had just finished her run, but she felt alright. After a while, she felt her back aching and her legs were cramping. Seeing that her godmother, Uncle Dongqing, was here, she was too embarrassed to show off her half-dead face, so she forced herself to joke around.    


Ding Yiyi was here to watch Ye Shuimo's match, so she naturally had to go back after watching it. At the same time, she asked the two children to go back with her.    


Ye Miao calmly hugged his lover's waist to help him. He said that he couldn't leave because he had something to do at work and had to go back to the company. Only then did the two groups of people separate.    


When Ye Shuimo saw the car heading home, she asked doubtfully, "Didn't you say you had something to do at work?"    


"I'm fine." Ye Miao saw that she was massaging the muscles in her thigh, so he sped up his pace.    


When they got home, Ye Shuimo refused to get out of the car and said coquettishly, "My legs are already crippled, carry me on your back."    


Ye Miao did not hesitate. He got out of the car, walked to the front passenger seat and opened the door. He bent his knees and squatted as he looked at the passing neighbors meaningfully.    


After the person laid on his back, Ye Miao passed his hand through the knee and pushed the person up before walking into the house with big strides.    


As time passed, the aching pain in her muscles became more and more severe. At night, Ye Shuimo lay on the bed, unwilling to move. She only felt pain no matter where she moved.    


She changed into her pajamas and went to sleep. She slowly undid the buttons on her clothes. When she pulled out her arm, she cried out. When she pulled out her other arm, she screamed out for a while.    


There was a small room beside the bedroom. Liu Tie was on the phone inside, listening to the yells. Ye Bo, who was on the other side of the phone, asked curiously, "Director Ye, did I hear something?"    


Soong Mengjie, who was folding clothes beside him, stared at him shyly. She thought to herself, "What are you trying to do about this young couple?"    


Being stared at by his wife, Ye Bo finally understood. He was confused why he would call and disturb her at this time. After casually saying a few words, he hung up the phone.    


On the other side, Ye Miao walked into the bedroom with his cellphone. Ye Shuimo was still babbling. He grabbed his pants in amusement and helped the person whose legs were so sore that they couldn't even move to put them on.    


"You said you'd give me a reward at the end of the sports meeting."    


Ye Shuimo lay flat on her back and let the other side fold her pants into two and help her get in. She was only responsible for lifting her butt.    


"Right." Ye Miao helped her put on her pants, but his hand wandered around her lower abdomen for a while before reluctantly letting go. He wasn't an animal, so he could still do that kind of thing when his lover was especially tired.    



"What is it?" Ye Shuimo was slightly moved.    


"You'll know when the time comes." Ye Miao held her in his arms and turned off the lights. He didn't say anything the whole night.    


The next day, because it was still the sports time, Z University was on vacation, and today's sports event didn't have any animal science specialties, Ye Shuimo was happy to stay at home.    


Sam, who had already gotten married and returned on his honeymoon, laughed rudely on the other end of the phone, "What kind of courage made you want to report all the female projects. You went half the way only after running 800 meters. Luckily, Brother Ye stopped you."    


"Hey hey, that's too much." Ye Shuimo screamed as her phone was taken away. Ye Miao held the phone in place while he tidied up his sleeves, "Uncle Yan is looking for you."    


Recently, his dad forced him to come back to his home, saying that he was going to look for his family. Now, he was hiding away, so how could he dare to laugh at others? He quickly said a few words and hung up.    


"You're going to work." Ye Shuimo rolled the quilt to her side.    


"Mm, be good." Ye Miao began to tie his tie.    


Ye Shuimo rubbed her face against his suit pants and said, "I'm so bored, so don't go to work, okay?"    


Ye Miao stopped his hand that was tying his tie. "Ok." As he spoke, he began to untie his tie.    


"Don't!" Ye Shuimo quickly stopped him. "I was just saying. According to the usual storyline, he has a very good girlfriend. Shouldn't he just ignore her and go to work?"    


Ye Miao sat beside him, "You want me to do that?"    


Ye Shuimo shook her head. She didn't want to be a hindrance to her lover's work.    


"You want me to stay with you? I don't think so."    


"What's that?"    






In the end, Ye Miao went out half an hour later than usual. On the way out, he brought a "humanoid bag" with him.    


The people of Ye Group were already familiar with the way of the big miss coming to visit. They all unknowingly treated her as a part of the company. After Ye Miao arrived at the company, he began to busy himself.    


Ye Shuimo chatted with the secretary for a while, and in a while, she would go to the Ye Group resting area to drink two cups of fruit juice. Her legs were still sore, and she didn't want to hop around anymore, so she obediently returned to the small room beside the office to sleep.    


After waking up, she opened the door in a daze and walked out. "I'm hungry."    


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