Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1998 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1925

C1998 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1925

0The melodious music, the fragrance of the delicacies, and the romantic atmosphere made Hai Ziyu unable to cheer up. If there was no expectation, there would be no disappointment.    


"Ziyu." Wang Ziwen suddenly knelt down on one knee and took out a box from his back. Inside the box was a pair of crystal shoes.    


"I know you've never given any man a chance, never went to an appointment, so am I special to you?"    


"No." Hai Ziyu said honestly, "I'm just playing with you while I wait."    


Wang Ziwen's face turned awkward for a moment. This was very different from what he had expected.    


"It doesn't matter, at least I can become a substitute." Wang Ziwen held up her delicate ankles, took off her high heels and then picked up her crystal shoes.    


Just as her crystal shoes were about to wrap around her ankles, she clearly saw a person standing quietly outside the window. Although it was only for a moment, that gaze made her feel very familiar.    


It couldn't be wrong, it was him. He had returned, and that was why her mind had been so troubled these past few days.    


He came back and refused to see her.    


He came back and watched the other men chase after her.    


Indeed, in his eyes, his love was just a small fry, not worth mentioning!    


Wang Ziwen admired the way the pair of expensive crystal shoes looked on his feet. Today, after he told his family about it, his parents were very happy. Hai Ziyu would be a good match for him no matter what.    


Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly stood up, and he subconsciously raised his head.    


Hai Ziyu threw off her crystal shoes and stumbled out of the restaurant barefooted. She was tired from running, so she decided to kick off the other heels as well.    


"Siwen Bing, I know you are here. You coward, bastard, why didn't you come out to meet me!"    


"What's wrong with you!" Wang Ziwen looked at the woman who suddenly shouted crazily. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he could only firmly grab her wrist.    


Hai Ziyu looked around, desperately trying to see the face that she had been dreaming about day and night from the darkness. However, she was still disappointed that Siwen Bing refused to appear.    


"What's the matter with you? If you don't feel well, I'll take you home. " Wang Ziwen was even scared by her appearance.    


Hai Ziyu suddenly laughed. The more she laughed, the happier she became. "You like me, right? We'll play big tonight."    


She got into the sportscar by herself. Wang Ziwen had no choice but to get in the front seat and drive away.    


Hai Ziyu drove very fast. The car sped up again and again, the wind blowing on her face causing her to feel pain.    


Soon, the car arrived at the center of the city. There were a lot of cars in the center, so the car's speed finally slowed down.    


Wang Ziwen looked around worriedly, "Ziyu, it's best if we don't drive our cars to the city center. I heard that the traffic police have been keeping a tight watch on us recently."    


Seeing that the other party had no reaction at all, he could only swallow his words.    


Hai Ziyu parked the car in front of a five-star hotel and got off the car with a bag in her hand. Wang Ziwen immediately caught up with her.    


"Hello, I wish the two of you a happy evening. However, the hotel room is full tonight. Only the President's Room, 8888 for one night, is left. Is that alright?"    


Wang Ziwen's face turned pale. Their family was rich, so no matter how rich they were, they were still in education. If they stayed at a hotel for one night, 8888, then his dad would stop paying their credit cards tomorrow.    


"Alright." Hai Ziyu took out her credit card from her handbag and was about to hand it over when she was stopped.    


"Allow me." Wang Ziwen handed the card over with a stiff smile. The reception was completed very quickly and he handed the room card to the two of them, "I wish you two happiness."    


After entering the elevator, there were only the two of them in it. Wang Ziwen thought that since the other party took the initiative to come to the hotel, then it must be something that was about to happen to her.    


The thought of being able to win over the most famous goddess in the circle made the money he had just spent less painful. He coughed lightly and slowly walked closer, putting his arm around Hai Ziyu's shoulders.    


He could feel the stiffness in his arm, but the opponent did not push it away. This seemed to have become another form of encouragement.    


When the elevator arrived, Hai Ziyu took the lead and walked towards the presidential suite.    


Wang Ziwen followed and closed the door at the same time. The person who was standing at the window came back and opened it a crack.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Nothing, you go take a bath first."    


He shrugged, thinking that perhaps it was this young lady's bad taste to open the door, and that it would be a great achievement to get her tonight.    


When they entered the bathroom, Hai Ziyu was really anxious. She kept looking at the door, but it was empty.    


The sound of the water in the bathroom bothered her, and she was a little scared, and even a little regretful.    


He was about to rush out of the door with his handbag, but he suddenly turned back when he reached the door and even closed it.    


The end of her despair was revenge. She clearly knew that she was very childish, but she just wanted to do this.    


"What are you standing there for?" Wang Ziwen was only wearing a towel, "The design of the swimming pool in this room is not bad. Do you want to swim around first?"    


"No need," Hai Ziyu replied icily, her palms already sweating.    


Wang Ziwen was happy to be able to sleep with the number one beauty, so he didn't care about her attitude at all. He walked over and held her hand.    


Hai Ziyu didn't shake him off. The heat from his palm frightened her a little.    


"I'm going home." She wanted to leave, but was unable to break free from his imprisonment.    


Wang Ziwen didn't take her words to heart at all. As a girl, she always wants to be caught. Even if she was a goddess in the circle, it would be unavoidable.    


"Ziyu, you brought up this matter yourself. Shouldn't you accomplish the task you've decided on?"    


Hai Ziyu led him to the bed covered with rose petals, grabbed her hand and pressed her down, causing her to lie down on the bed.    


"I, I haven't taken a bath yet."    


"It doesn't matter. I like what you look like anyway."    



Wang Ziwen was about to turn his head to kiss her, but he missed. He straightened her head and was about to kiss her again when the doorbell rang.    


"It should be the wine I've reserved. Wait a moment." He picked up the red rose petals from the bed and placed them on Hai Ziyu's lips before he got up.    


He opened the door and saw a bottle of red wine in his hand. He was a little dissatisfied, "How can you hold red wine in your hand instead of using an ice bucket? This will affect the taste of the red wine."    


"Sir, I'll have to trouble you to put it in the ice bucket yourself." The other party's voice was calm and emotionless.    


Wang Ziwen wanted to get angry, but he was concerned about the people inside and his face, so he closed the door tightly. He wanted to curse, but before he could say anything, he was hit in the nape of the neck.    


With her back facing the door, Hai Ziyu absentmindedly looked out the window. Outside, fireworks were being lit up brilliantly, one flower after another, giving off an extremely beautiful purple glow.    


At the sound of the door closing, her arms trembled and she forced herself not to get up to leave.    


There was no sound from behind her. The silence made her feel that something was wrong.    


He turned around, and the moment he saw the newcomer, tears immediately flowed down his face.    


A firework exploded in the air, projecting a beautiful pattern that illuminated their different expressions.    


"If you are certain that it is him, then I do not mind your actions."    


Siwen Bing's every word was like a knife that smashed into her heart. It turned out that he really didn't care, since this was his ultimate rejection.    


"You go." Hai Ziyu heard her own voice trembling.    


Siwen Bing turned around and pressed his back against a warm body. Hai Ziyu cried until she was hurt.    


"I went to Korea to look for you, but I couldn't find you. I took over your previous job very seriously, and now I can do a lot of things very quickly. I'm very clean, and other than thinking about you, I don't agree to anyone else's pursuit."    


Siwen Bing listened quietly and did not have any reaction. However, his expression loosened.    


"I don't care. If you leave here today, I will immediately go find someone else!"    


Even though he knew she wouldn't do that, even though he knew it was a threat, Siwen Bing still compromised.    


"I'm not leaving tonight."    


Hai Ziyu was very happy, but she didn't pay any attention to what she was saying. She ran over to him and spread her arms wide. "Hug me."    


Siwen Bing raised his eyebrows, but bent down and hugged her tightly. Then, he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her loosely.    


Hai Ziyu felt the sweetness. "Let's go see the fireworks."    


Siwen Bing did as he was told and carried the man by the waist towards the French windows. Outside the windows, fireworks were burning brightly, illuminating their faces.    


Lili sat on Siwen Bing's lap, a little dissatisfied with her happiness. "Kiss me."    


The other party pretended not to hear him and continued to stare out of the window at the fireworks.    


She didn't want to respond, so she took the initiative to hug his shoulder and raised her head to move closer.    


Siwen Bing pointed his index finger at her forehead, preventing her from entering any further, "No."    


"Why?!" Hai Ziyu felt wronged. "You said that you will accompany me tonight!"    


The man looked hesitant, "Not yet."    


"Why not now?"    


"You're still young."    


"I'm not young anymore. I will become an adult next year, and I can also do the work of an adult now!"    


Seeing the person in front of her suddenly smile, Hai Ziyu was a little unconvinced. "I'll be an adult next year!"    


Siwen Bing said meaningfully, "Then let's talk about it when we reach adulthood."    


Hai Ziyu mumbled, "Why do you have to be an adult to do it? I know that a lot of girls are already fine by the age of 17, but I'm not any worse than them."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he was suddenly lifted up by someone under his armpit. Before he could react, his body turned around and fell on Siwen Bing's leg.    


Ye Zichen slapped her butt. Siwen Bing had really used all of his strength and she almost cried.    


"The third eye isn't right. It's something that needs to be fought." Just as she said that, she received another slap on her butt. Siwen Bing stopped and said, "Do you know your wrongs?"    


No matter how much she liked him, it was hard to accept being taught a lesson like a child. Hai Ziyu jumped up and said, "Let go, I want to get up."    


After getting slapped on the butt again and the fireworks outside the window, she groaned, "I'm going to tell Mom and Dad that you're bullying me."    


Hai Ziyu did not speak further, she bit on the lip and did not utter a word. Suddenly, she extended her thumb to her mouth, forcing open her teeth.    


Siwen Bing's fingers had a faint smell of tobacco. He casually picked up a rose petal from the windowsill and placed it between her lips. His voice sounded a bit hoarse, "Hold it."    


"Do you know your wrongs?"    


Hai Ziyu nodded her head. She had allowed others to carry rose petals while she had asked them to speak.    


Siwen Bing put his hand on her butt. He didn't move nor did he look emotional. He said slowly: "What went wrong?"    


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