Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1978 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1905

C1978 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1905

0"Look at me, we're just wasting time today. You have to say something, even if it's just calling me by my name, right?"    


After saying that, he let go and sat to the side. Although he was forcing her, their expressions were swapped. The one who was depressed was Ye Nianmo.    


The faint scent of roses filled the air. Ye Nianmo sat on a bench among the flowers, staring at the people in the chairs. The people in the chairs also looked into the distance, as if they were in a daze.    


At noon, the staff brought in lunch, a cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, two vegetable salads, two cheese baked mashed potatoes, two bacon and asparagus rolls, and a glass of brandy.    


Ye Nianmo handed the tray over to her and watched her eat silently before returning to her previous seat with the brandy. She didn't eat, but only drank it.    


After the meal, he was stunned again. "Ding Yiyi" didn't want to speak, so Ye Nianmo's heart sank inch by inch.    


The afternoon sun was shrouded in clouds, and the temperature wasn't high. A gentle breeze blew on his body, and the swaying Rose became the best lullaby.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the person on the chair that was about to fall asleep. His body was curled up in the huge chair, his head was slightly tilted, his chest was moving up and down regularly, and his eyes were closed without any precaution or silence.    


He sighed and took a coat for her. He carefully sealed each of the air vents before sitting back down.    


In the evening, the Rose Garden staff brought the dinner up as usual. The sound of the door opening awakened the sleeping person, "Ding Yiyi" opened her eyes and was stunned when she saw a lady's coat covering the mountain.    


Ye Nianmo passed the dinner to the other person and then silently sat back on his bench. He had not eaten for an entire day, and the other party had obviously noticed his actions. He did not eat the food in his hands anymore and lowered his head in silence.    


"Eat, otherwise your stomach will ache later." He suddenly revealed a bitter smile. "You don't want me to feed you right now either, right?"    


As expected, the other party picked up his knife and fork silently and cut the salmon on his plate into small pieces to eat.    


After finishing her meal, she placed the plate on the table beside her. It was already late in the night, and there were lights in all four corners of the roof.    


After spending an entire day, both sides looked a little tired. Ye Nianmo opened his mouth, "Still unwilling to speak?"    


The man lowered his head, but the answer was the same. His messy sleeping hair hung loose on his shoulders.    


Seeing the other rise to her feet, she also moved a little bit, until her back leaned against the rattan chair, and she had nowhere to retreat to.    


"Come down, you must be tired after a day of sitting." Ye Nianmo pulled him down from the chair, then undid the rubber band on his head and grabbed his loose hair.    


Grasping her hair in her hands, she ran her fingers through her scalp. She slowly picked up and combed the scattered hair, then tied a rubber band around it.    


He took a step back and looked at the person who had combed her hair, revealing a shiny forehead. With a gentle gaze, he said, "She's very beautiful."    


The eyes of those who were standing were moved. Suddenly, they bent their knees and kneeled down, their heads drooping deeply.    


"What are you doing!" Ye Nianmo's voice even changed. He was trembling so badly that he forgot to help her up.    


Never in his life had he imagined that Ding Yiyi would kneel to him, her small figure giving him an unparalleled visual impact.    


He immediately picked up the person, his arms trembling, "Sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't force you to speak again, don't do this, don't do this!"    


The next afternoon, Dong Qing received a call from Ye Nianmo. Seeing that Ye Nianmo's eye sockets were severely blue, and his eyes were bloodshot, she guessed that he must have suffered a lot last night.    


When Ye Nianmo opened his mouth, his voice was so hoarse that it didn't sound like his own, "She still doesn't want to talk."    


Dongqing didn't have the time to tease him. This matter was like a senseless farce. Ding Yiyi's personality changed drastically after being injured, and she was unwilling to speak.    


"She can stay with you for two days." Ye Nianmo clenched his teeth and said, "No matter what happens, long-term depression is always bad. If I can make her speak, I will do anything."    


"I will take good care of her."    


Ye Nianmo didn't say anything else. He stood up and walked into the hall. His figure was staggering and he had lost a lot of weight.    


In the room, Ding Yiyi sat silently, unmoved by his entrance.    


He opened the wardrobe and picked out the clothes inside. "What kind of clothes do you want to take with you? Is this okay?" He pulled out a white Chanel dress.    


Her opponent only nodded cautiously. This was already the biggest reaction she could make.    


For the past two days, the two of them had slept in separate rooms. Ye Nianmo slept in the guest room while Ding Yiyi slept in the bedroom. Now, she was wearing a bathrobe, so she had to change clothes when she went out.    


Seeing that Ye Nianmo didn't have any intention of leaving, she silently got up and walked to the wardrobe, and wanted to get a piece of clothing from inside.    


Suddenly, her arm was pulled by someone, and her body was pressed against the wardrobe door. She thought that someone was trying to kiss her again, trying to struggle, but her arms were grabbed and unable to move, so she could only tightly close her eyes.    


The other person didn't move for a long time, causing her to open her eyes in fear. Only then did she realize that the other person had been staring at her.    


Ye Nianmo let go of his hands, took out a dress he bought at Las Vegas from the cabinet, and handed it over to her. Then, he picked up the suitcase and walked out, "I never thought that there would come a day where I would do the kind of stupid thing like sending you to another man."    


Dongqing had been waiting at the door. Her eyes lit up when she saw Ding Yiyi. She quickly opened the door of the jeep.    


Ye Nianmo put her luggage into the trunk with a serious expression. "Only two days. If her mood hasn't improved, I'll immediately bring her back."    




Dongqing picked Ding Yiyi up and drove her car down the empty main road, which was lined with tall, straight trees. After driving for about half an hour, he thought the atmosphere was too depressing and was about to turn on the radio when he noticed a sports car following them.    


Ye Nianmo was still worried and chased after them until the jeep stopped.    


Dongqing got off the car. She held her luggage in one hand and protected Ding Yiyi with the other. She thoughtfully looked at the sportscar that was following her on the street and then led them away.    


Ye Nianmo stayed in the car alone for a long time. When night fell, the streets started to get lively.    


The open window suddenly held an arm, and a young foreign woman with a long cigarette in her mouth said, "Is there a fire?"    


He handed over the entire lighter, and the other party laughed, "Gentlemen should light the cigarettes for the beauties." Saying that, he did not walk away, playing with the expensive fire engine in his hands, "Handsome, do you want to go for a ride with me? I see you've been here for a long time, and I don't think I'm going to let you down. "    


"I refuse." Ye Nianmo swept away the woman's arm that was on the car window, stepped on the accelerator and left.    


When the clock tower announced the time, he realized that he had been unconsciously sitting in front of the hotel for several hours. No wonder that foreign woman thought he was waiting to "fish."    


He was not sleepy at all. He simply drove happily on the deserted road and arrived at the hotel before he knew it.    


He looked in the rearview mirror and saw a line of luxury cars coming along the curve.    



The passage was very narrow and could only allow a single half-width car to pass. The team at the back might have realized that there were cars blocking the road, and people were constantly cursing from behind. They were using all sorts of vulgarities, indicating for him to hurry up and get out of the way.    


Ye Nianmo smiled, but his eyes were cold. He stepped on the accelerator and the sportscar made a beautiful turn, quickly moving forward.    


The limousine team at the back obviously guessed the purpose of the car in front, and many of them excitedly increased their speed, hoping to catch up with the sportscar at the front.    


The car at the front was getting faster and faster. The car behind them was a bit too scared to follow them. Some of the people in the crowd started to slow down.    


In the end, the first to run out was a yellow Land Rover and an overrun sprinter. The two cars chased each other with a speed that was on par with each other.    


After turning a corner, the Land Rover would subconsciously slow down the car, while the leading sports car would turn the corner beautifully.    


At the last turn, there were already many luxury cars parked. The rabbit maiden waved the banner in her hand. Everyone whistled as they saw the beginning of the race.    


Many men and women were cheering, but they saw that the Land Rover behind them did not stop, and instead charged towards the leading sports car.    


The Land Rover collided with the black sports car, and the front part of the two cars caved in to varying degrees. Smoke began to rise from the front of the two cars.    


The car owner fainted from the huge collision with the Land Rover. The thick smoke on the front of the car became even thicker. Someone tried to get close, but the front of the car let out a small explosion. No one dared to get any closer.    


Everyone watched as a tall man in a white shirt and pants walked out of the black sports car and headed straight for the smoking Land Rover.    


"Hurry up and leave. The car is about to explode." Many people threw away their luxury cars and ran into the distance in a panic.    


Ye Nianmo opened the car door, dragged the unconscious person out from the airbag and put him on the ground. Then, he abandoned the car and left.    


The car didn't explode. Everyone watched the man leave with the millions of cars in a daze. Suddenly, they burst into cheers after cheers.    


Someone took out his phone, took a photo and used it to send it to his friend Jason, "It's really a loss not to come. Don't you know that there's a man with superb driving skills?"    


Inside the mansion, Ding Yiyi was sitting in front of a computer. She posted on the internet, hoping that Ye Miao would find her and then find the computer's IP address.    


Jason, who was wearing a sportswear, took the time to take a look out of the window.    


Just as she turned her gaze back to her computer, the boy who was in the garden suddenly ran in, holding his cell phone, his face filled with dissatisfaction.    


"Last night, I had to trim this lousy garden to make sure I missed out on this good show."    


Ding Yiyi roughly glanced around and saw two sports cars colliding with each other. The front part of the sports car was already caved in, while the front part of the Land Rover was still smoking.    


"If you want to block it, then admit defeat."    


Jason was dissatisfied, who knew that this woman was so easy to get used to in games, he was too careless.    


Ding Yiyi sent someone to continue cutting the lawn before returning to her room. When he opened the wardrobe, he found that it was full of clothes left behind by Ding Yiyi.    


She picked up a dress and made a gesture with it. The two of them matched each other perfectly, and her clothes could fit perfectly.    


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