Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1761 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1688

C1761 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1688

0"I'm not wearing any clothes, wait a moment!" She called out to the door, then ran barefoot into the house.    


After changing his clothes, he put on a foundation of powder. He covered his black bags with concealer and applied lipstick. After that, he felt that he was almost done and decided to open the door.    


"Nianmo." She smiled and smelled the faint scent of alcohol on his body. "Is something the matter?"    


Ye Nianmo walked into the living room and put a piece of blue information on the table. "This is the property certificate that Uncle Xu gave to Yi Yi."    


He raised his eyebrows. "You'd better read it carefully."    


Ao Xue's face turned pale. "That's not what I meant. I was just wondering." Then, his pale face gradually turned red from anger. "She told you?"    


"If you want people to not know, then don't do it. See?" Ye Nianmo urged.    


Her fingers moved, and after a long while, she bent down and picked up the folder. She pulled it open and carefully examined it.    


"That's right, it's the one Ding Yiyi showed her." "How could that be?"    


"Are you thinking about why Uncle Xu only gave a few million yuan to Yiyi and gave you 20 million, right?" Ye Nianmo sat on the sofa happily.    


She wanted to argue, "That's not what I meant."    


"That's what you mean." He ruthlessly poked through her mask. "Believe it, woman, I was there when Uncle Xu gave you the declaration."    


He stood up and straightened his tie. "I didn't know how precious she was until I met you."    


"How valuable?" She opened her eyes wide and mumbled to herself.    




In front of the door was a tree shaped light, which looked even more unique than the other lights in the villa area. Ding Yiyi had specially gone to IKEA to pick it out.    


"That way, when you come back at night and see the light outside your house, you won't feel lonely."    


Even now, he still remembered those words. In the living room, there was a small lamp with a beige bulb shaped like a glass ball. It was placed in a transparent goblet and shone with a warm light.     


When he reached the bedroom, the person on the bed had already begun to snore. He walked up to her and looked down at her, savoring the smell of home.    


I really want to hug her, smell the fragrance on her neck, and hear her spirited voice. When it was strong, he thought, he just kissed her forehead. What could be more important than letting her sleep in peace?    


The next day, Ding Yiyi received a call from Ao Xue. The other person didn't say anything and hung up in a short amount of time. After that, she didn't call again.    


Ao Xue was driving to the place where Hai Ziyu took her picture. The girl was very beautiful and was invited to take pictures of the cover of various magazines at the age of 16. She was also very popular.    


She had kept in touch with him. After all, there was still a big secret between them, wasn't there?    


When he arrived at the set, Hai Ziyu was taking pictures of a kitchen utensils company. Her face resembled that of a Barbie doll, and her beautiful clothes mesmerized men and made women jealous.    


"Look at her. She's so angry."    


"My family has money, maybe they had a plastic surgery."    


She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two female models standing beside the car, chattering about Hai Ziyu. They were not bad looking, but their mouths were a bit cheap.    


Hai Ziyu had just finished filming. The two female models went up to her and chatted and laughed with her. The three of them played around, creating a scene.    


In this world, there were always people who were stubborn. What a pitiful girl, when would she be discovered?    


Seeing Ao Xue, Hai Ziyu paused for a moment and then exchanged a few words with her two best friends. The female model then left.    


"Is she your friend?" Ao Xue asked.    




Hai Ziyu was not good with words, so to outsiders, she seemed rather aloof and unapproachable. On top of that, since she had been taught by herself since childhood, she didn't have many friends, so there weren't many who could become her friends.    


"Be careful of those two women." Ao Xue smiled and advised her, "Find a place to drink?"    


It was quite rare to have a clean bar during the day as there weren't many customers in the restaurant. Ao Xue ordered a cocktail and then watched Hai Zi slowly drink the passion fruit juice.    


"I have something that I need your help with." Ao Xue went straight to the point.    


Hai Ziyu was a little surprised, but she still nodded. "Go ahead."    


"I want to open a shop, but I need funds. 4 million, can you lend it to me first?"    


"4 million." Hai Ziyu sucked in a breath. "I don't have that much money."    


Ao Xue frowned. "Usually Ye Family doesn't give you pocket money, or even money for your work?" She softened her tone, "It's not that I don't want to return it to you. When you were young, I already ran a jewelry store. It was very successful, don't worry."    


She carefully stared at his face and calmly advised her. Hai Ziyu still had a secret, so as long as she didn't lend it to him, she could only use this to get the money.    


"Only a few hundred thousand." Hai Ziyu said honestly, "I don't like money, and the matter of the commercial was completely overseen by my parents, so the money will be given to them."    


Ao Xue was surprised. "Leave the money for the work to them."    


"Yeah, they were worried that I would spend randomly and learn to be bad, but it doesn't matter. I don't need money." Hai Ziyu told the truth.    


It could be seen from her expression that a girl with this kind of personality was not lying. Ao Xue was a little defeated, it was useless controlling Hai Ziyu, she was just at the edge of Ye Family's wealth.    


"Forget it, I'll think of a way myself." Can you lend me your few hundred thousand first? "    




After Ao Xue left, the two female models came to find her. "The filming is finally done. Let's go play?"    


Hai Ziyu was a little hesitant. Every time these two friends of hers mentioned going to play, they would stay late. She didn't really want to go.    


"Are you going or not, Ziyu? We're not going."    


"Let's go."    



Inside the bar, three handsome boys walked up to the three beautiful girls. They obviously saw Hai Ziyu at first glance, but they still chatted with the other two girls first.    


One of the two models made eye contact with one of the boys, and in a few minutes they both left. The other woman took the other man by the hand and went to the dance floor.    


"Hey." The handsome man sat beside Hai Ziyu, his flowery arms conspicuous in the dim light. Seeing Hai Ziyu drinking the juice, he was a little surprised. "Come to the bar to drink juice?"    


"Right." Hai Ziyu nodded and slightly shifted her body, not allowing herself to get so close to her opponent.    


"You really are the most beautiful and adorable girl I've ever met." The boy laughed, "Just now, I saw that you didn't say anything, so I thought it was really hard to get along with you."    


Hai Ziyu instinctively disliked the perfume on the man in front of her. Her face was sullen and others didn't know what she was doing. She thought that she was beneath contempt.    


Seeing that she didn't talk much, the man sighed, "As expected, goddesses are always cold and aloof. This place is too noisy. Should we go out and enjoy the wind?"    


He put his hand on her back naturally. Hai Ziyu's face stiffened as she immediately stood up and walked out of the room. She didn't even wait for her two friends anymore.    


When she went out to park, she didn't expect that she would be the only one walking down the street when the waiting cars didn't come. She was a little scared, so she called the driver of Ye Family.    


In less than half an hour, a BMW arrived. It was not Ye Family's license plate, so she stood at the side of the road in disappointment.    


As the car pulled up next to her, she was startled. She immediately recalled that someone had hijacked someone in the middle of the night. The thought made her break out in a cold sweat.    


She hurried in the opposite direction, and the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard behind her.    


"Hai Ziyu!"    


Siwen Bing saw her walking straight ahead without a care, so he grabbed her wrist and called her name.    


When she turned around, she realized that she was crying out of fear, and her makeup was all over her face.    


He was stunned. He had never seen her so frightened. The wrist that he had grabbed was still trembling slightly.    


After a long while, he pulled her into his embrace and lightly patted her back. "It's alright now. Don't be afraid."    


The car drove in the tunnel at a moderate pace. Siwen Bing glanced at the people beside him from the corner of his eyes.    


It was a street filled with bars with famous Dongjiang City. Many people liked to go there at night, so why would such a obedient girl go there?    


Hai Ziyu's phone rang and she picked it up. The female companion who went with her complained about why she left first.    


After she hung up, Siwen Bing casually asked, "Friend?"    


"Yep, we met when we were shooting together." Hai Ziyu whispered.    


After calming down, she started to get excited. This was the butler's car, she had never come into such close contact with anything related to him.    


Siwen Bing understood that it was probably those two women who brought her there.    


After a moment of silence, Hai Ziyu mustered up her courage and said, "Why are you here to pick me up? I'm looking for a driver. "    


"The driver was not feeling well, so I let her rest first." Siwen Bing said lightly.    


Both of them were people who did not talk much. Hai Ziyu was shy, nervous, and could not speak. Siwen Bing's personality was strange, so after arriving at the Ye Family, the two of them did not communicate any further.    


"Thank you for today." Hai Ziyu said hastily. Not daring to meet the other party's gaze, she immediately turned around and left.    


When she returned to her room, her heart was still pounding. Thinking about transferring funds to Ao Xue, he turned on the computer.    


Unfortunately, the system was still being maintained, so he could only transfer the money tomorrow.    


Due to the excitement last night, I kept thinking too much. I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache and called the filming crew.    


As a model, she had always been a hobbyist. If she wanted to go, she would go. She had also informed the agency about Ye Family in advance, so as long as she didn't want to go, there would naturally be people to help her take care of the aftermath.    


When she went downstairs and saw the driver in the garden, she was in a good mood. If it wasn't for him catching a cold temporarily, she wouldn't be able to be alone with Siwen Bing.    


"Is your cold better!?" She greeted the driver.    


The driver looked confused, "What cold?"    


"Didn't you catch a cold? That's why the steward came to pick me up? "    


Yesterday was his day off, but he came to the house in the afternoon and stayed until evening. When I went out, I told him that he was going.    


Hai Ziyu heard her chest thump as she ran before she finished listening to the driver. Her mind was filled with thoughts of finding Siwen Bing!    


He found him in the study, standing next to Ye Shuimo who came to play at the weekend. Ye Shuimo couldn't reach the book on top of the book as she stared at the butler.    


The butler reached out and took the book she was looking for. The other side of the book was suddenly stopped. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who came, "Miss?"    


"I want to talk to you, right now." Hai Ziyu said hurriedly.    


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