Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1734 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1661

C1734 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1661

0After she said this, Ding Yiyi became even more determined. "Children without families will have a great influence on them in the future. The grudge between us adults shouldn't affect children. We'll raise Shuimo."    


She paused and added, "I need time to get used to it, but I will treat her like my own daughter." There was one more thing that she did not say, which was the compensation for the Ye Family. After all, she and Ye Nianmo would never have children of their own, so she could not be so cruel that Ye Nianmo would not even have his own bloodline.    


Therefore, Ye Shuimo had to stay behind no matter what.    


The moment she said that, she was hugged tightly. Ye Nianmo really wanted to rub her into his blood and bones, "I believe you, I believe you."    


She let him hug her for a long time before she slowly lifted her arm and gently placed it on his back.    


Since Ye Shuimo was staying at the Ye Family to raise her, Ao Xue had to leave immediately. Ye Family had tacitly accepted this.    


Fu Fengyi had her own way of thinking. What Ao Xue did wrong at least proved that this woman had bad intentions. If the child stayed by her side, it would be easy for her to learn bad deeds.    


Although Ye Shuimo wasn't Ding Yiyi's child, the child was kind-hearted, so he probably wouldn't bully Shuimo. Besides, she would definitely give Shuimo some guarantees and not let her suffer any grievances.    


Xia Yihan still couldn't bear it, because she was also a mother and knew how painful it was to be separated from her child. But reason told her, maybe it would be better for her child?    


She knew that Ao Xue would definitely come looking for her, so she wasn't surprised when she saw Ao Xue looking for her with tears in her eyes.    


"Sofia." Ao Xue cried her heart out. Ever since she came back, she hadn't seen Ye Shuimo again. Other than the fact that Fu Fengyi really did like Shuimo and loved her to the point of taking care of her herself, there was another reason that everyone knew.    


Xia Yihan sighed. "I know it's hard for you, but this matter has already been decided. It's not something I can change."    


Ao Xue wiped away her tears and said in a low voice, "I know. When I brought the child here, I never thought I could stay here myself."    


She paused, "I know I've done a lot of wrong things before and hurt a lot of people. I just hope that my child can grow up safe and sound. I just came here to beg Aunt Xia for one thing. You are my dad's best friend after all."    


Upon hearing Xu Haorann, Xia Yihan's heart softened, and felt even more guilty. His two daughters, as well as their Ye Family, had not been taken care of properly, so she didn't know where she was going now.    


"Go ahead." Her voice softened.    


Ao Xue wiped away her tears, "A child cannot have no mother. Please let my sister raise her. She will be a good mother. I believe Nianmo will also be a good father."    


Xia Yihan was truly surprised. She thought she definitely wouldn't hear such words from Ao Xue, "Are you sure? Let them raise Shuimo together. "    


Ao Xue nodded and smiled sadly. "When the child grows up in the future, please don't tell her that she has such a terrible mother."    


"Little Snow." Xia Yihan also felt sorry for her. She knew it hurt and thought she was a mother.    


"Also," Ao Xue paused, "If possible, can you let me personally hand the child to Yi Yi? This is of great significance to me."    


Xia Yihan thought for a moment. "I'll think it over and give you an explanation as soon as possible."    


Seeing that Ao Xue's face was pale and devoid of any color, she said with concern, "I've just given birth to a child. Take good care of yourself."    


With these words, Ao Xue, who had just stopped crying, cried again, "Did you know? When I was abroad, no one cared about me, thank you. "    


These words made Xia Yihan's heart hurt again. When she went to talk to Fu Fengyi and Ye Nianmo about this matter, she also put her heart into it.    


Ye Nianmo's point of view was to not let Ye Shuimo and Ao Xue come into contact again. However, he listened to Xia Yihan the most, so he agreed.    


In order to welcome Ye Shuimo, Ding Yiyi had designed a room for her. She was going to let Ye Miao stay in the studio that was previously used for jewelry design since the light in Ye Miao's room was very good, so she decided to let Ye Shuimo stay there.    


"There's no need for this." Ye Nianmo told her, "Treat them equally."    


"I'm not worried because this child is not mine and is worried that others will speak ill of me. That's why I wanted to treat my own son a bit better and treat her better." Ding Yiyi looked at him gently, "I treat her well because she's a girl. Girls should be treated like princesses. I believe that when Ye Miao grows up, he will also do the same to protect his sister."    


What responded to her was Ye Nianmo's hug and his hot kiss. What virtue did he have to be able to meet her and make her fall in love with him?    


When the room was completely renovated, Ye Shuimo would officially be raised by Ding Yiyi, and on Ye Family, Ye Shuimo had already been doted on by Fu Fengyi.    


At the international shopping mall, Fu Fengyi personally brought Ye Shuimo here to buy clothes for children. Beside her were three bodyguards and three nannies. The lineup was so big that everyone present raised their eyebrows.    


The people of the mother-to-child brand were extremely busy, but they also recognized that the person today wasn't Young Master from the other day, but was a little princess. From an age point of view, she was quite young, what kind of background did this child have?    


Entertainment Economics Weekly magazine    


Early in the morning, the front desk staff opened the door and found a package under the door. The package only had the words "Reception Weekly Magazine Editor's Reception" written on it.    


After work, she took the package to the editor in chief's office. After a while, the editor opened the door and walked out, holding several photos in his hands. "Notify the printing press that there is no need to print them.    


Become a Millionaire and change it to this one.    


The editor took it and looked at it, "Isn't this Old Madam Ye Family? When did she adopt the child she held in her arms? " Then he immediately denied it, "No, no, according to the time of release, he should be one year old. Who is this child?"    


The editor smiled mischievously. "Do you think an adopted child could be persuaded to ask the madame to go out personally?"    


"Could it be that this is Ye Nianmo's and his wife's child?"    


"I'm afraid the information might be more explosive."    


The editor felt that there was something amiss this time. He hurriedly nodded his head and took the photos, rushing to modify them.    


Fu Fengyi was not that angry about it. This child would expose himself sooner or later, so of course she had to give him a name as soon as possible for children of Ye Family.    


Of course, the mother of a child definitely could not be Ao Xue. She had done too many bad things, and it was hard to avoid her being found out.    


"Help me contact Yiyi. I want to meet her." Fu Fengyi called the butler over.    


Siwen Bing said, "Madam, Young Madame and Miss Ziyu have returned."    


Hai Ziyuli stayed at Ding Yiyi's house for two days before finally being sent back. As soon as she entered the door, she happened to face the butler.    


She turned her head away from him, but heard him greet her and her aunt as he always did, and then he left in the direction of her grandmother's temple.    


He left just like that! Wasn't he worried at all! She was so angry that tears began to well up in her eyes.    


Ding Yiyi sighed from the side. Falling flowers have feelings and flowing water has no intention. She hoped that Hai Ziyu could find the boy she liked when she was older.    


When Ye Chuqing saw Hai Ziyu, she walked to her side in a few steps. She first sized her up before slapping her butt twice.    



Before he could finish, his eyes turned red, "Child, do you know that I'll be worried!?"    


"I'm sorry Mom, Auntie has already taught me." Hai Ziyu lowered her head and apologized.    


Ye Chuqing didn't really want to beat her up. With just a few words, she was sent back to her room to rest.    


After Hai Ziyu left, Ye Chuqing pulled Ding Yiyi's hand and sat down. "Regarding that matter, do you really have no thoughts?"    


She thought for a moment and changed the topic, "If you feel too reluctant, then I can help again. I'll take care of the child. Anyway, I was born with a girl, so I have some experience."    


"Chu Qing." Ding Yiyi's eyes were very bright. "I must keep this child and raise him well. This is a chance from God." Her voice began to fade, "I can't have Nianmo's child. He didn't do anything wrong. It was just because he met me that he, who could have children, is now raising someone else's child."    


Seeing that the other party was about to speak, she waved her hand and continued, "Therefore, I am very happy to raise Shuimo. This is Nianmo's child, and it will also be mine."    


Fu Fengyi was just walking in from outside the door when she heard those last words, and her heart was filled with comfort.    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Chuqing didn't expect Fu Fengyi to come over. They were both wondering how much of what Fu Fengyi had said had been overheard. However, from the looks of her smiling face, she shouldn't have been overheard.    


"Yiyi, Grandma has done a lot of things before, but you should be able to understand that I am already a person who is about to step into a coffin. My hopes will be stronger than yours." Fu Fengyi said in an amiable manner, even letting Ding Yiyi sit beside her.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. She was actually angry in her heart because she was looking forward to it. Ye Miao almost couldn't see the world.    


She was not the Virgin Mary. She would not immediately forget what she had done just because Fu Fengyi was good to her now. She was someone who was respected by the people she loved, someone who loved the house.    


Fu Fengyi continued, "I believe you all should know as well. Right now, the outside world has many guesses towards Shuimo, and this kind of guesses is a kind of harm to Ye Family or Shuimo."    


Neither Ye Chuqing nor Ding Yiyi said a word as they quietly waited for her to finish.    


"I think introducing Shuimo earlier isn't a bad thing." Fu Fengyi looked at the two of them, "You two are women of Ye Family as well. There's no need for the men to worry about such matters, what do you think?"    


Fu Fengyi wasn't here to ask for their opinion. She was probably here for the two of them. Ye Chuqing didn't think about this, but Ding Yiyi was clear about it.    


"Grandma, I'll do as you say." "No," she said.    


Fu Fengyi nodded in satisfaction, "You know, Grandma believes in your character, so she handed Shuimo over to you. I plan to take Shuimo with you and present her as your and Nianmo's child."    


"Grandmother." No matter how Ye Chuqing listened, she felt biased. Ye Miao was Ding Yiyi's biological child, but he could only announce his identity to the outside world. Although Shuimo was innocent, she had to be declared as Ding Yiyi's biological child.    


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