Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1524 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1452

C1524 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1452

0The phone suddenly rang. He picked it up with some surprise. "Yiyi?"    


"I thought a lot last night," Ding Yiyi said in a hurry. "I know lovers have to communicate more, so I want to tell you how I formed today." She paused and then continued, "I'm going to the supermarket today, then I'll take yoga classes, and I'm going to swim in the afternoon."    


Ye Nianmo reacted very quickly. His eyebrows had clearly softened, but his voice was still calm. "Is there anything else?"    


"And …" Ding Yiyi changed the subject. "I also want to invite you to our house for dinner."    


He could hear her breathing, and he could imagine her sitting on the sofa, her arms wrapped around the pillow, one hand playing with her hair, the other holding the receiver.    


"Are you busy?" Ding Yiyi didn't hear his promise and asked carefully.    


He forced himself to expel those thoughts from his mind and calmly replied, "Alright."    


At 4: 30 in the afternoon, the secretary was about to enter the office with a document when Ye Bo stopped her, "I'll give it to you tomorrow."    


"Director Ye's not here?" The secretary looked at President Assistant Ye, who had clearly just returned from outside as well. He did not understand why President Assistant Ye had replied with such certainty.    


The other party didn't answer her. He only gave her a vague smile before leaving.    


The secretary still decided to go to the office to have a look personally. She walked to the CEO's office and knocked on the door, "Director Ye, can I come in?"    


There was no response from the inside of the door. She knocked again to confirm that there was no one inside.    


"How did President Assistant Ye know Director Ye wasn't there?" She shook her head and left, puzzled.    


In the villa area, a car was slowly driving along the road. Suddenly, the car stopped by the side of the road.    


Ye Nianmo opened his phone and sent a text message. It was from Ding Yiyi, "There's no soy sauce at home. I'm going to a supermarket nearby to buy soy sauce. I'm not at home right now, but I put my phone on."    


Looking at this obviously fawning tone, Ye Nianmo's eyes darkened. He sighed and put down his phone before driving to the supermarket.    


Ding Yiyi was standing at the bottom of the shelf, considering if she should ask the sales clerk to come over and help her remove the items at a higher position. However, when she looked around, there wasn't a single salesperson around her.    


A hand passed her, then stretched out and took the soy sauce off the shelf.    


She subconsciously took a step to the side and found that the soy sauce was in front of her. "Here you go."    


It was a man in a suit and a suit. The silver suit fit him perfectly. He did not wear the belt, so he undid two buttons, revealing his skin the color of wheat.    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi nodded her thanks and left with the soy sauce.    


When she paid the bill, she found that man again. He was quite tall, about the same as Ye Nianmo. He was carrying some cooked food, which probably belonged to the residents of the villa complex.    


When Ding Yiyi paid the bill, she paid the bill and took her things out. However, she was stopped. "Please wait a moment."    


She turned to see the man from before and wondered what he was up to. He asked in a friendly manner, "Hello, is there anything you need?"    


"Can I get to know you? My name is Cui Bin, I'm also a resident of a villa not too far away. I'm a lawyer and not a bad person." He introduced himself very seriously.    


Ding Yiyi was stunned for a moment. Of course, she understood that a man's familiarity with a girl was beyond the common goal of friendship. She smiled again, and with a hint of estrangement in her smile, she said, "Thank you. My name is Ding Yiyi, you can also call me Emily."    


The man keenly felt that although the other party had introduced him, his expression had already become guarded and distant. However, his desire to understand her turned into courage, so he continued to follow her.    


Ding Yiyi felt that she had already displayed her refusal on her face, but the opposite party did the same. Without saying anything, she turned around and left, not expecting to see two steps below.    


Her foot missed and she leaned forward, the bottle in her hand flying out as well. The man subconsciously reached out to grab her waist to help her stabilize her body.    


Someone was faster than her by a step. A hand with thick joints had already tightly and tyrannically wrapped itself around her soft and slender waist, causing her swaying body to be firmly locked in a firm embrace.    


The soy sauce bottle fell to the ground and the glass shattered. The smell of beans filled the air, and the legs of the three of them were drenched.    


Ding Yiyi was only stunned for a moment, but she immediately smelled the familiar fragrance of the perfume. Without any hesitation, she lifted her head to look at him.    


"Why are you so careless?" Ye Nianmo's tone was light and it sounded like he was scolding, but it was not painful at all. His gaze then fell on the man who was a bit embarrassed and was about to take his hand back, "Sorry, how much is this suit? I will compensate you."    


The man lowered his head and looked at his slightly stained pants, then looked at the gaze of the woman he liked. He knew the relationship between the two, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.    


He felt that he was right. She looked at him like a pair of lovesick lovers, loyal and single-minded. Even now, with so much wealth piled up in front of her, she would choose to be madly in love with him.    


"I'm fine." He spoke briefly and his eyes swept over the woman he liked again. A shadow flashed in front of him and he saw the man who always had a straight face standing slightly to the side blocking his view. He said again, "I'm sorry."    


Ding Yiyi, who was standing behind Ye Nianmo, also turned her body, "It's my fault. I'm really sorry. Should I bring it to dry cleaning for you?"    


The man shook his head at the frightened look on her face. "No need. It's fine." He nodded to them both, then walked over to a black Mercedes SUV.    


Ding Yiyi was still looking in the direction of the person who had left and feeling extremely annoyed. After all, that person had helped her, and she had even spilled a lot of soy sauce on his pants.    


In front of her, Ye Nianmo's serious and slightly cold face immediately occupied all of her attention. His lips slightly pursed, but his expression could not be seen clearly.    


"We may have to go in and buy another jar of soy sauce," he said. Ding Yiyi swallowed her saliva. She could feel that he wasn't as angry as yesterday, but his stiff face made her want to curry favor with him.    


He nodded, but did not move. "Wait."    


About five or six minutes later, a supermarket employee came over with a shovel and a rag. She was angry when she saw the stains on the floor, but it wasn't good to lose her temper when she saw the two people standing in front of her.    


Ye Nianmo took some change out of his wallet, walked in front of the employee and said calmly, "Sorry, these stains increased your workload. This is your compensation."    


The amount of money he had was not much, but it still made Ding Yiyi's face turn red. She thought to herself, So the reason why I haven't left yet is because I'm waiting for this matter to be resolved.    


"Let's go." Ye Nianmo said to her after settling the matter, but when he saw that person standing there in a daze, his eyebrows relaxed for a moment and then slightly wrinkled. The tip of his small nose slightly twitched like a squirrel.    


He silently sighed, walked to her side and held her hand, then walked into the supermarket without looking back.    


Ding Yiyi was suddenly enlightened. As she watched his back, her hand unconsciously moved. She felt his grip tighten and her mood improved.    


When she got home, she took the soy sauce and said, "I'm going to put it on." "I'm cooking!" she shouted from across the kitchen when the soy sauce was in place.    


Ye Nianmo has been sitting on the sofa, using the iPad to read today's financial news. Along with her, he occasionally responded with a sentence or two.    


In the evening, as usual, Ding Yiyi said to him, "I'm going to take a bath."    



Without waiting for a response, she ran upstairs. After taking her clothes to the bathroom, she sat in the bathtub and sighed. She could feel that Ye Nianmo still cared about the matter of him disappearing for no reason the day before yesterday, but she didn't know what to do to solve the knot in his heart.    


When she got out of the bathtub, the water had turned slightly cold. She quickly put on her bathrobe, put on a pair of pants, and walked out of the room. When she walked out of the room, she saw Ye Nianmo leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looking at her with a faint smile.    


He had changed into a new suit, a well-cut black suit with a standard white shirt, and he was meticulous even at home.    


"You gave me a fright." In order to hide her blushing face, Ding Yiyi purposely said this as she pulled her clothes closer to her body.    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows, "I thought you needed to tell me that I'm done washing."    


The redness that had just faded from her face once again rose to her neck. For no reason at all, she just knew that he knew these little tricks she was playing.    


He walked up to her, unbuttoning his suit as he walked, and the manly Adam's apple caught her eye.    


She stared at his Adam's apple and felt him approach, step by step, until the tip of his shoe touched her toe and they could breathe.    


Ding Yiyi's breathing gradually became erratic. It was as if he was looking at a fire that would make people lose their minds.    


She trembled slightly and nervously closed her eyes. Her two hands that were at her sides also grabbed onto the fluffy bathrobe.    


Some rough breathing sounds still landed on her face, and it was getting closer and closer. She closed her eyes, using her senses to sense everything that was happening.    


Her shoulders were being held down, and under her thin eyelids, her eyes were unconsciously rolling back and forth. Her palms were sweating, until her lips were covered in a soft and warm imprint.    


The warmth was fleeting. She opened her eyes in surprise and met his meaningful gaze.    


Ye Nianmo's voice was slightly hoarse, as if he drank a glass of vodka. His entire body was emitting the charm of a man. He smiled, leaned close to her face and said softly, "Good night."    


Looking at the person who left in a fit of anger, Ding Yiyi wailed as she threw herself into bed and covered her head with the quilt. Thinking of his last meaningful kiss and gaze, Ding Yiyi thought how she had shamed herself just now!    


Outside the door, Ye Nianmo did not leave. He stood at the door and listened to the voices coming from inside. His smile slowly deepened.    


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