Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1467 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1395

C1467 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1395

0She quickly turned around and left, but Ye Bo wasn't wrong. A hint of determination flashed across her eyes. What was she going to do?    


Not long after Ding Yiyi left the hotel, she received a call from Soong Mengjie, asking her to go to the airport to see her off.    


When she arrived at the airport, she saw Soong Mengjie waiting for her quietly. When she saw her, Soong Mengjie even smiled at her.    


"I wish you happiness." Ding Yiyi walked up to her and gave her a hug.    


Soong Mengjie looked much better. She even smiled. "I'll be boarding soon. I'm glad to see you again before we leave."    


After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to lead Ding Yiyi by the hand, saying, "Come with me."    


At the other end of the airport, Hai Ziyu was sitting obediently by the side, licking her popsicle. "Mom, when are you coming?"    


Ye Nianmo looked at his watch, "It's delayed. It'll be here soon."    


Hai Ziyu suddenly climbed down from her seat and ran towards a nearby seat. Ye Nianmo chased after her and saw Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi was also very surprised and immediately shook off Soong Mengjie's hand. "What are you trying to do?"    


"I'm not doing anything. I just want to do something that I've always wanted to do." She stubbornly pulled her hand back to Ye Nianmo's side.    


"Aunt!" Hai Ziyu hugged Ding Yiyi's calves happily and looked up at her.    


Soong Mengjie suddenly said, "She isn't your aunt. Right now, she can't even remember who you are. To her, you are just a stranger."    


"Mengjie!" Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi spoke at the same time and looked at her disapprovingly. No matter what, they couldn't say all this in front of a child.    


Hai Ziyu was stunned for a moment before tears welled up in her eyes. Although she couldn't understand what Soong Mengjie said, she could understand some of the words she said.    


Ye Nianmo immediately carried her and coaxed her in a soft voice, "Just forget it."    


"Ziyu be good, what were you eating just now? It was Bobbie candy, can you give some to Auntie?" Ding Yiyi immediately went up to welcome him.    


Hai Ziyu pressed her hand with her mouth, but there were still tears in her eyes. She was just trying hard not to cry.    


Ye Bo rushed to the scene and thought that something was going to happen. He quickly walked in front of them and greeted, "Young Master."    


"Take her to play for a while." Ye Nianmo handed Hai Ziyu to her, then bent down to pat her head, "Be good."    


Hai Ziyu bit her lips as she nodded, her voice tinged with tears. "I'm good."    


Ye Bo looked at Soong Mengjie with a complicated expression. Then, he pulled Hai Ziyu away and the two of them disappeared behind the door.    


"Mengjie." Ye Nianmo sighed, "She's still a child."    


Soong Mengjie herself was on the verge of tears, but she still stared into her red eyes and said, "Ye Nianmo, I've fallen in love with you for the past six months."    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo were both silent. The sound of an airplane taking off from the ground just happened to ring out from outside the window.    


She waited for the sound of the plane to fade, then continued, "I thought Ivy would never wake up, so I thought maybe as her best friend you'd be willing to marry me, even without love."    


"Enough." Ye Nianmo obviously didn't want to continue listening. He said to Ding Yiyi, "Leave first."    


"Even at this time, you're still worried about her getting hurt." Soong Mengjie wryly smiled as she took out a document and a key from her bag, "I promised to be your shield, and I wanted to fall in love with you on my own accord. You can take these things back, I don't care about them!"    


She tossed the items onto the chair with her head held high and her chest held high. Then she pulled the suitcase with her and left.    


"Your father is going to go bankrupt." Ye Nianmo said faintly, "Without the support of this project, his company will not be able to survive."    


Soong Mengjie's body shook. One could even vaguely see her body trembling.    


Ding Yiyi could not bear it and said, "Stop talking!"    


"Like I said, this is my gift of gratitude. Thank you for helping me over the past six months. In the end, it is your responsibility to help me." Ye Nianmo continued, "Don't let insanity dominate your mind."    


With her back facing them, Soong Mengjie turned around, her face full of tears. "I just want to walk a bit more leisurely so that you'll all think highly of me."    


"Mengjie." Ding Yiyi walked up quickly and gave her a hug, comforting her in a low voice, "Don't cry, it's not wrong to pursue love. It's not wrong."    


Ye Nianmo bent over and picked up the contract and key, then walked in front of her and handed the documents to her, "Maybe you should open the documents and take a look at the contents inside."    


Soong Mengjie left, leaving behind tears and bad memories, taking away despair and sorrow.    


"Let's go, I'll send you off." Ye Nianmo wanted to go and pull Ding Yiyi, but she shook him off.    


She looked at him in disbelief, "How can you be so calm?"    


"Then what should I do?" Ye Nianmo asked in a deep voice, and approached her step by step, "What do you want me to do? Go after her because of pity? "    


Ding Yiyi retreated a few steps back. She could not explain this question, so she had a faint sense of rejection in her heart.    


"Emily," Ye Nianmo pressed on her step by step, "you are angry because you are doing the same thing as her. You see your own heart, but you refuse to take the first step."    


"Brother, sister-in-law?" Ye Chuqing's voice sounded.    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head and said, "Sorry, I'll be leaving first."    


Ye Chuqing looked at this scene in confusion. "What's going on?"    


"Nothing? Ziyu came as well. Ye Nianmo said with a pained expression.    


On the plane, Soong Mengjie opened the folder. Inside the folder, there were two documents: one was the proposal for Soong Shuhao's company, the other was the approval document for establishing a primary school, and the address of the primary school was where she taught.    


The white man sitting beside her looked at the Chinese girl sitting beside him with curiosity. Suddenly, he held onto some documents and cried out. The plane took off and flew towards a brand-new future.    


In England, Ye Chuqing was worried about Hai Zhuoxuan and Fu Fengyi. She hurriedly left London with Hai Ziyu.    


At Edward's house, Ding Yiyi sat in a basket in the hallway and read the text message Ye Chuqing sent her word by word.    


The text was ordinary, meaning that Hai Ziyu had given her trouble, thanking her for finding Ziyu, and at the end of the text was a photo of Hai Ziyu.    



The corner of her mouth twitched as she looked at the smiling child on her cell phone.    


The sound came from downstairs and attracted her attention. Edward got off the car and held a bunch of flowers in his hands.    


She went downstairs. "Why did you buy flowers today?"    


"I thought you'd like it when I saw it open so brightly." He handed her the flowers, his eyes soft.    


Ding Yiyi took it and turned around to look for a vase, "Wait, I'll go find a vase to match it."    


"Yiyi," Edward suddenly said. Seeing her turn around, he only moved his lips, "Nothing, be careful not to prick you with the thorn above your head."    


Ding Yiyi smiled and nodded. She took out a glass bottle from the cupboard and ran to fill it with water.    


In the bathroom, Ding Yiyi filled a flower pot with water. Looking at herself in the mirror, who wasn't smiling at all, she sighed and forced a smile. "Emily, you can do it," she said in a low voice. Forget the damn things and the damn people! "    


She filled her bowl with water and fiddled with the roses for a while before she turned around and took the vase out. "Let's go have some Japanese cuisine today. I know a pretty good place online."    


She looked down at the flowers until a pair of hands appeared in front of her and took the vase from her hand. Then she turned her head and printed her lips on it.    


Ding Yiyi widened her eyes in astonishment as she looked at the man with his eyes closed. She kissed him passionately and earnestly. It was different from how she used to kiss him gently, instead bringing with it a hint of looting.    


"You … what's wrong?" After Ding Yiyi was kissed, she did not have any feelings for him, instead, she was more curious.    


Edward didn't say anything and dotingly said to her: "Didn't you say you are going out to eat? "Let's go."    


He took her away without question, and the car headed for London's most prestigious shopping mall. When he reached the shopping plaza, he brought her the most expensive clothing counter.    


"What do you like?" He randomly walked into a clothing store and selected for a while. "Do you like this one?"    


Ding Yiyi walked up to him, amused. "What's wrong with you today?" "How strange, why did you suddenly bring me out for a stroll?"    


"Don't you like it? "Then what about this one?" He picked up a dress and handed it to her. "Try it?"    


Ding Yiyi went to the fitting room and rummaged through the tag. The price inside was still very expensive. She wanted to buy one, but when she went out, the shop assistant had already hung several sets of clothes on her arm and looked at her happily.    


"Very beautiful." Edward stood upright with undisguised praise in his eyes.    


Ding Yiyi walked up to him and whispered, "Don't buy so much. I just want this."    


"I want to give you everything, everything." Edward looked down at her and said seriously.    


She gave a start, then laughed. "What are you doing? Don't you like wasting time the most?"    


Edward took out a gold card from his wallet and handed it to the clerk beside him. Edward signaled the clerk with his eyes, who also wrapped up the rest of the clothes.    


Walking out of the clothing store, Ding Yiyi pulled him to a corner and said, "You're so weird today."    


"I have something to tell you." Edward looked at her deeply but didn't say what it was. Instead, he pulled her and prepared to go to another store.    


Ding Yiyi quickly pulled him back, "Then quickly tell me. I don't want to buy anything else."    


"If you don't want to buy anything, I'll take you somewhere." Edward smiled and held her hand as they walked towards the elevator.    


The rooftop had already been set up in a very romantic fashion. The stars in the sky were very bright, forming a naturally beautiful screen. From all directions, they could see the starlight coming from tall buildings.    


The rooftop was filled with flying roses. In the midst of the roses, there was a candlestick placed on a long round table. The light of the candle on the candlestick was slightly swaying in the breeze.    


The melodious tune of a violin rang out. The waiter who was in charge of playing the violin smiled as he walked to the side. Another waiter welcomed the two to their seats.    


The seats were all surrounded by roses, and it wasn't difficult for him to inhale the fragrance that assaulted his nostrils.    


"So beautiful." Ding Yiyi sat down in surprise. The waiter followed her movements and brought the chair forward.    


The chef that was already prepared took out a one meter long tuna from the refrigerator and started to operate it. Not long later, a plate of sashimi was served.    


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