Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1459 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1387

C1459 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1387

0Seeing Hai Zhuoxuan carrying Hai Ziyu out, Ye Chuqing took it in surprise, "Sofia, didn't you fall asleep? Why did you come out again? "    


Facing Hai Zhuoxuan's questioning gaze, Hai Ziyu confidently said, "Because dad doesn't keep his word. He said he's going to tell me a story."    


Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan looked at each other and walked towards Hai Ziyu's room. After entering the room, he turned on the floor lamp and placed the little princess on the soft bed. Then, Hai Zhuoxuan took out a fairy tale book from the bookshelf.    


"Dad, is Uncle Ye going to England to find aunt?" Hai Ziyu blinked and yawned.    


Hai Zhuoxuan opened the pages and selected the storybook, "Uncle Ye is going to England, but not to find Aunt?"    


"Why? Do you all not care about your aunts anymore? " She hugged the child and said in a puzzled manner, her eyes showing a trace of unhappiness, "I really like Aunt."    


Ye Chuqing stood to the side to help out, "Ziyu be good, Aunt will come back eventually, as long as you behave."    


"Liar," Hai Ziyu pouted. "Uncle clearly said that Aunt won't be back."    


Hai Zhuoxuan knew that she liked Ding Yiyi, and knew that it was unlikely that Ding Yiyi would return home under her current circumstances, so he could only hold the storybook to Hai Ziyu's eyes. "Sofia, how about we tell the story?"    


Hai Ziyu hugged the big bear doll and leaned her forehead against the big bear's head. Her pair of big, intelligent eyes blinked. "Alright."    


Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan both heaved a sigh of relief. He hurriedly picked out her favorite story. Not long later, Hai Ziyu's eyes became hazy. She rubbed her eyes a few times before falling into a deep sleep.    


Ye Chuqing carefully tucked her hands under the bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night darling."    


Turning off the light from the floor lamp, the two of them walked out of Hai Ziyu's room with arms around each other.    


"Sister-in-law still can't remember anything?" Ye Chuqing sighed, her face filled with blind worry.    


Hai Zhuoxuan kissed on her lips and said softly, "You should go to bed too, I'll go discuss something with Ye Bo and then go back to my room."    


"Alright, I'll wait for you in the room." She returned the kiss with a kiss, then walked down the corridor.    


Hai Zhuoxuan smiled as he watched her figure disappear. Then, he turned around and walked into the study room. After he left, the door that was initially ajar opened gently. A small figure also ran into the study room.    


"Sorry to keep you waiting." Hai Zhuoxuan pushed open the door and said apologetically.    


Ye Bo stood very straight and said with a serious expression, "No."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was stunned, "Sometimes you're even more serious than Ye Nianmo."    


Ye Bo was stunned for a moment before his expression returned to normal, "Then if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."    


"I'll come again tomorrow morning before I leave. I'll take a look at the documents tonight and bring them to him tomorrow. I think he'll be there for a long time."    


Ye Bo nodded towards him, turned around and was about to leave when he was stopped at the door. He turned around and saw Hai Zhuoxuan holding his phone with a strange expression, "She called me."    


Both of them were well aware of who that "she" was. Hai Zhuoxuan opened his mouth and said, "She's a good girl."    


Ye Bo did not reply, he just nodded at him and left.    


Not long after leaving the Ye Family, Ye Bo's phone rang. He stopped the car and took out the phone, then looked at the caller ID.    


The phone rang again and again, and he finally picked it up, frowning at the noise of the background music, and then took the phone away.    


"You're the first man to pick up my phone. He won't answer it, he won't answer it, and the men I love won't answer it." Soong Mengjie's tone was slightly tipsy.    


Ye Bo had a serious expression. "Let's go home."    


"I'm in pain. I'm really in pain. Hai Zhuoxuan loves Ye Chuqing. Ye Nianmo loves Ding Yiyi. What's wrong with me? No one loves me." Soong Mengjie's voice was hysterical.    


Ye Bo said, "You're drunk. Go home as soon as possible." He was about to press the hang up button, but he heard a man's voice next to Soong Mengjie's, inviting her to do something.    


After hanging up the phone, silence returned to the interior of the carriage. He sat in silence for a while before starting the car.    


He stopped abruptly after driving a few meters away. He looked at his phone at the side, then suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and drove to the other side of the road.    


In the dim bar, men and women who were immersed in music and alcohol crazily danced about with their young bodies. There were even people who would naturally hug and kiss them, ignoring everything else.    


A man in a suit was carrying a beautiful woman, who was already drunk to the point of unconsciousness. The straps on her skirt slipped off her round shoulders, revealing her white underwear underneath.    


The man glanced at the depths of his clothes, his expression full of surprise. His mouth reeked of alcohol as he staggered towards her.    


"Let me go." Soong Mengjie struggled to open her eyes and struggled weakly. "I don't know you."    


The man laughed in anger, "Didn't you say that no one loves you? "Tonight, I will love you very much."    


He held her by the waist and walked out of the bar. He stopped a taxi and was about to push her into the backseat when his hand was mercilessly grabbed.    


"Who are you!" The man looked at the man in a suit, who was almost 1.9 meters tall, and thought to himself, "What bad luck!"    


She coincidentally met this woman's boyfriend.    


Ye Bo threw his hand out without any hesitation and said in a deep voice. "Let's go."    


The surrounding people were all watching the show. The man couldn't help but ask the woman beside him symbolically, "Your boyfriend?"    


Soong Mengjie was already drunk. She only raised her head symbolically when she heard someone ask her about it. She clearly didn't recognize Ye Bo at the beginning and just shook her head blankly.    


Seeing her shake her head, the man suddenly felt reassured, "I need you to worry about me. You're not her boyfriend, what qualifications do you have?"    


Ye Bo glanced at her coldly, then turned around and left without any hesitation. Since she didn't need his help, he didn't need to stay here.    


"Honey, let's go." The man half pushed and half gave Soong Mengjie into the car. With one hand against the door, she weakly resisted, "No."    


The man panicked and wanted to squeeze her hand into the car. However, before he could do anything, a tall figure stood in front of him.    


"It's you again. Didn't she say you weren't her boyfriend?" When the man saw the cold expression on the man's face, he subconsciously took a step back. He felt that he was too cowardly and weak, so he took a step forward.    


Ye Bo pulled Soong Mengjie out of the car and let her lean on his shoulder. "I'll say it again, disappear immediately."    


The man saw that Ye Zichen was truly angry, and compared the height and body size of the two, then got into the car with a curse.    



Soong Mengjie was so drunk that her body couldn't help but slide down. Ye Bo had to put his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling any further.    


The passers-by gave them an ambiguous glance, and then left with a smile, leaving only the two people under the street lamp and their silhouettes lengthened by the street lamp.    


"Let's go!" He took her to his car. Just as he opened the car door, those who were already drunk subconsciously thought they would be taken somewhere else, so they staggered as they prepared to leave.    


He grabbed her and suddenly felt her body tremble violently. At that moment, she thought of the little white rabbit that was caught in the forest.    


"Don't be afraid." He softened his voice, "It's me, Ye Bo."    


She turned to look at him, her eyes first filled with fear, then confusion, and finally understanding. "It's you."    


"Let's go, I'll take you home." Ye Bo held her wrist and walked towards the car.    


Soong Mengjie followed him into the car and giggled at him from her seat.    


Ye Bo bent down to help her fasten her seat belt, but suddenly, a drunk kiss was imprinted on his cheek, and he left very quickly.    


He looked at her solemnly, then slammed the door shut. As he sat in the driver's seat, he found himself unable to contain his anger.    


Why did he come to pick up such a dissolute woman!?    


Ye Bo put his hand on the steering wheel, then the car quickly drove away. After driving for a distance, he noticed that the people around him seemed to be in a bad mood, so he turned around.    


Soong Mengjie covered her mouth with her hands, frowning as if she was not used to driving too fast.    


The car came to a sudden halt, and she undid her seat belt and ran out of the car.    


Ye Bo took out a bottle of mineral water from the back of the car, opened the lid and handed it to her, but she caught it by the sleeve.    


"Not home." "I don't want to go home," she whispered, as if she feared he couldn't hear her.    


Ye Bo thought of her sarcastic stepmother and father who was indifferent to his daughter. His angry eyes gradually turned into deep sympathy.    


"En, alright, I'm not going home."    


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the hotel. He booked a room for her and helped her into the room. Just as he was about to leave, he was pressed down by Soong Mengjie.    


She pressed against him, her soft hair falling over his chest, hiding her expression.    


Ye Bo was certain that he would forcefully push her away, but he heard her say in a daze, "Even you want to reject me. Do you know that you and I have also gone to bed together?"    


"Nonsense!" Ye Bo pushed her to the side and sat up with a cold expression.    


He immediately got up and covered the person behind him with the blanket. Then, he stepped out of the room without looking back.    


Outside the door, leaning against the cold door, he felt something wrong in his anger, as if what she had said had brought back the deepest memories of his life.    


That night, he was extremely sad, filled with unrestrained emotions and body.    


The night was long, and some people were destined to have no sleep. The next day, Ye Bo went to Ye Family with a pair of panda eyes.    


"President Assistant Ye, what happened to you?" Insomnia yesterday? " Ye Chuqing asked in surprise as she looked at his concerned eyes.    


He shook his head, "Thank you for Miss's concern, I have an appointment with Mr Hai."    


"Yes, he has been waiting for you in the study. Go ahead." Ye Chuqing said hastily. After watching his back disappear into the corridor, she turned around to look at the servant. "Is Ziyu still not up yet?"    


The servant replied, "I just went to check. I haven't gotten up yet. Do you need me to wake Sister Xiaoxiao up now?"    


"No need, the child is currently growing. Let her sleep for a while longer. After all, we don't have any classes for the weekend." As Ye Chuqing spoke, she didn't notice a small figure passing by.    


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