Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1458 Wealthy Marriage 1386

C1458 Wealthy Marriage 1386

0Ye Chuqing was at a loss whether to laugh or cry as she knocked on her forehead. "What on earth is your little brain thinking every day?" If this goes on, I'll really have to find your teacher. "    


"In the future, I want a beautiful woman with brains, especially those girls. Jason said that I can do it." Hai Ziyu raised her head and looked at her with a serious expression. Her tone was serious, and she was getting anxious when she saw that she was still laughing.    


Ye Chuqing was about to say something when she saw Ye Nianmo stand up from the video. She asked in confusion, "Brother, where are you going?"    


"I have something to do." Ye Nianmo was brimming with energy. After taking two steps to the side, he suddenly turned around. With a smile on his face, he looked at Hai Ziyu and said, "Your career plan is not bad."    


Ye Chuqing facepalmed, "Bro, what are you instilling in her?"    


The video screen turned dark when Ye Nianmo cut off the connection.    


On the other side, the lights in the room had already been turned off, leaving only the floor lamp emitting a soft orange glow.    


There were bright roses on the table. The petals of a rose floated down and was pressed down by the goblet.    


Ding Yiyi could no longer remember how many glasses of red wine she had drunk. She could only feel the deep taste of red wine in her taste buds, bringing with it a numbing sensation. Every time she tried to speak, her tongue would adjust to it.    


"You've been drinking a lot." Edward frowned.    


"I'm fine." The Wine Master poured himself another glass of wine and gulped it down. If he'd been here, he would've complained that she'd wasted a fine bottle of red wine.    


Edward stood up and walked behind her. His slender hand moved across her neck, one hand holding her wine cup while the other pressed down on her shoulder. Unexpectedly, she jumped up like a kitten.    


He watched in surprise as she fled to the other side of the table, causing the cutlery on the table to be overturned by her actions. The vase filled with roses fell onto the table with a "bang" and rolled a few times towards the edge of the table.    


"What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? " he asked softly, his eyes soft.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head, trying to disperse the two overlapping figures in front of her. After finally focusing, she muttered, "It's time, don't hesitate!"    


Edward took a step forward and was about to lead her to wake up, but he didn't expect her to place a hand on his side. Along with the sound of the zipper, the satin dress fell off her body.    


"Do you know what you're doing?"    


"I know, aren't you my boyfriend? This sort of thing is very normal. " She was obviously drunk, but her face was flushed.    


She slowly bent down to remove her high-heeled shoes. The sound of her heels hitting the ground made her body tremble, but also made the man's body stiffen even more.    


Walking up to him from behind, he reached his hand through his waist and rested his cheek on his back. "Living with you is the right thing to do. I've been living this way for the past six months. I'm very happy."    


Edward closed his eyes from beginning to end. Only his slightly trembling eyelashes revealed a trace of emotion as he let her hug him.    


"Don't you want me?" Ding Yiyi spoke with great difficulty and with a bitter tone.    


He opened his eyes and looked at the heavy oil painting in front of him. The initial surprise in his eyes had already disappeared. "I don't need you to force yourself to calm down in this way."    


Feeling the trembling of the people behind him, he turned around and walked into the room. Not long later, he took out a blanket.    


He tightly covered her with the blanket, looked into her eyes and seriously said, "I want you, but sex happens naturally. If one day you and I do reach that step, I'll look forward to it."    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head and did not say a word. Feeling the warmth from her cheeks, she looked up in surprise. The warmth had already left her face.    


Edward turned around and left. She only had time to see his figure through the gradually closing door gap.    


When Ye Nianmo arrived, the door wasn't closed tight. He pushed the door open and saw the messy table and Ding Yiyi, who was sitting on the windowsill wrapped in a blanket.    


Her expression was serene, her soft long hair was let loose at random, her sparkling and translucent skin was mixed with the beige blanket. The blanket was very long, and it extended all the way down to the window ledge, where a crushed rose landed.    


He walked over to the table and picked up the unfinished bottle of red wine. He went over to the wine cabinet and picked up two more goblets.    


"Tell me about her. What does she look like?" Ding Yiyi curled up, wrapped herself in a warm blanket, and looked up at him.    


After thinking for a while, he said, "She's a very righteous woman, she bumped into thieves a few times. I obviously don't want to pursue the matter anymore, but she will still insist on sending the thieves to the police station to get the punishment they deserve."    


She let out a laugh and relaxed her wrinkled eyebrows. "She will feel better if she encounters a fugitive."    


"Yeah." Ye Nianmo sighed and continued, "She always pretends to be strong. She's obviously scared of heights, but she still wants to persuade a worker to jump off a building to climb up. When she goes downstairs, her feet are already soft."    


She raised her eyebrows and took the goblet from the windowsill. She was about to drink it down when it was taken away.    


Ye Nianmo placed the glass on the table and poured a cup of hot milk from the kitchen and handed it to her, "You've had enough."    


She pursed her lips, took a sip, and felt her taste buds gradually awaken. Her body was no longer as cold as before, "What about your relationship? Tell me about your relationship. "    


He leaned against the wall and lowered his head slightly. Despite wearing a shirt, his collar opened up a little. After a while, he said, "I love her a lot and I don't want to share my love for her. That's why I'm not willing to say …"    


"Am I someone else?" She blinked, trying to confuse him.    


When she heard him smile, she was surprised to see that his smile was very pretty. Her thin lips pursed up into a smile, and her eyes widened from the smile.    


"You are not her. Isn't this what you want? Since you are not her, then other than her, you are also someone else. " He restrained his smile as he said this.    


"I don't know how to walk on the road in the future, my heart is always calm, regardless of love or kinship," she paused, "Edward found that I don't love him, and he was very sad."    


"He's sad that you don't love him, but you don't want to admit it. You don't want to let him go."    


Ding Yiyi's body suddenly trembled uncontrollably. She remembered the last look in Edward's eyes when he left: sadness, grief and disappointment.    


"What should I do?" She looked at Ye Nianmo in panic, "I didn't mean to hurt him, I just don't know how to love someone."    


"If you don't know, then go learn. If you feel sorry, then go apologize."    


Ding Yiyi thought for a while before she suddenly jumped out of the window. When she stepped on the ground, her feet were paralyzed from the lack of blood supply for a long time and she almost fell down.    


An arm held her hand tightly. She didn't even have time to thank him before she grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom.    


When she came out of the bathroom, Ye Nianmo was no longer there. She hurriedly ran out of the hotel.    


Outside the hotel, Ye Nianmo was waiting for her in his car.    


She didn't hold back. After getting in the car, she automatically fastened her seat belt and the car shot out like an arrow.    



Below the apartment building, she unbuckled her seat belt and turned to him. "Thank you," she said.    


He raised his eyebrows. "I think I may be out of my mind to help my love rival."    


The atmosphere inside the car finally relaxed a little. Ding Yiyi smiled and pushed open the door to get off.    


Standing at the door, she stretched out her hand to straighten her clothes. Then, she used her hand to adjust her hair for a moment before pushing open the door to enter.    


The room was silent. Edward's favorite camera was still placed on the table's flannel, proving that he was at home.    


She found him watering the bush on the balcony, and when he saw her, he put the spray down and went to her side and gently hugged her.    


"Sorry to leave you alone." he whispered.    


Ding Yiyi felt her heart ache. She also wrapped her arms around his waist. "I should be the one apologizing. I thought I did the right thing, but I didn't expect that I would actually be so wrong."    


He took two steps back, his expression turning serious again. "If you know you're wrong, I'll punish you with two months of breakfast."    


Ding Yiyi burst into tears and smiled. "The flowers are about to be washed to death by you. I'll move to a sunny balcony to take a look at the sun."    


She carried the flower pot to another balcony, where the sports car was still there. She looked down, but her mind couldn't help but think about what the man was doing now.    


As if sensing her gaze, the black window rolled down. However, due to the angle, she was unable to see his face. By the time she wanted to take a closer look, the car was already gone.    


At night, when the sky was bright and clear, she picked up the flower pot again. The flower pot inside the pot had already wilted, and the brown lily petals hung lifelessly to one side, letting the moonlight lengthen its shadow.    


Ding Yiyi gazed at that withered figure as she fell into a deep slumber.    


Ye Family, Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Bo discussed work in the study room.    


"I'll go to England tomorrow and bring some information about the company." Ye Bo continued, "Is there anything else Director Hai needs me to bring?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan wanted to say something, but he saw a pink figure at the door. He waved at that figure and said, "Ziyu, come in."    


Hai Ziyude pushed the door open with much effort. Her small figure ran to the table and stopped in front of Ye Bo. She said obediently, "Hello, Uncle Ye."    


With that, she threw herself into Hai Zhuoxuan's arms, hugging his neck with her chubby hands, unwilling to let go.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at his watch and frowned slightly, "You should stay on the bed at this time."    


"But today you promised to tell Ziyu a story." Hai Ziyu hugged his neck and acted like a spoiled child. Her starry eyes made people want to give him everything they saw.    


Hai Ziyu's eyes were gentle as she hugged her and gave Ye Bo a look. After that, she hugged Hai Ziyu and said, "Daddy will tell you a story right now."    


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