Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1196 Married to a Rich Family 1124

C1196 Married to a Rich Family 1124

0"This?" The middle-aged man looked at Ye Bo hesitantly. Then, he turned his gaze towards Ye Chuyun and hastily lowered his head, "Yes."    


After the man left, Ye Chuyun continued with his work, "Go and help me print out the company's quarterly report, thank you."    




Just as Ye Bo was about to go out, he was called over. Ye Chuyun gave a faint smile and said, "You actually didn't follow him."    


"Ye Group is Young Master's painstaking effort. I will only do what he thinks I should do." Ye Bo looked at him deeply. Undeniably, what he was worried about did not happen.    


Ye Chuyun didn't say anything, he just nodded and continued working. The moment he left the office, his private phone rang.    


Ye Nianmo instructed calmly, "The Finance Department should be coming over to look for us in the next few days. It's about the issue of American clients delaying money. Tell the Finance Department to send a letter to that client and then end the collaboration with that client."    


"Young Master, these young masters have been arranged." Ye Bo said honestly.    


There was no reaction from Ye Nianmo on the phone, he only said, "I got it." He hung up.    


In the hotel, Ye Nianmo casually threw away his phone, closed his eyes tiredly and felt gratified. Then, he turned on the shower again and immersed himself in the hot water.    


Ye Chuyun's business acumen was much better than he expected, which made him feel a lot more at ease. The internal line outside the house rang and he walked out with a towel around his neck.    


"Hello, your room fee will be up until 12 noon today. Do you want to continue charging?"    


"No, thanks."    


After hanging up, he returned to the bathroom calmly. From the moment his Ye Group was taken away, his assets had also been frozen, and he currently had no money at all.    


After coming out of the bathroom, he took out the few sets of clothes he had brought with him from the closet. Just as he was about to pick out a suit, he suddenly froze as he held onto his tie. Thinking of his current situation, he smiled and changed into a casual outfit.    


His parents' phone was still ringing. All he needed was a phone call to end his predicament. However, he smiled as he sent a message to his mother and grandma, "Have fun."    


Walking out of the hotel, his handsome appearance caused many people to cast sidelong glances at him. Many people wished to have a romantic relationship with this handsome man.    


He stopped a taxi, but he had no idea where he was going.    


"Take me to a cheaper place like the housing estate."    


Half an hour later, he stopped at the familiar alley entrance. While the driver was looking for money, he said, "This is the place with the cheapest source of Dongjiang City."    


He nodded and got off the car. He walked into the depths of the alley and stopped in front of a bungalow. This was where Ding Yiyi used to live. The world was really strange. She walked out from here while he walked in from outside.    


An old lady came out of the house: "Are you renting a house?"    


He nodded, and the old man continued, "That family members daughter went off to pick up the old man's blessings. No one was there. Do you want to come visit my house?"    


The house looked like a courtyard. Although it was a bit damp, the layout was still not bad. There were vines and vines wrapped around the yard. They had already crossed the yard next door.    


"Lad, I'm going to Beijing to find my granddaughter, so this house is cheap. 800 yuan a month, what do you think?"    


Trembling, the old lady tried to move a chair for him to sit on. He hurriedly took it from her. "Grandmother, I'll rent it."    


After renting the house, the old lady gave Ye Nianmo the key and left. Ye Nianmo hastily packed up. It was very cold in the courtyard. Some names were written crookedly on the mossy wall, Ding Yiyi's handwriting was the biggest.    


He fondled the deep shallow lines carved out of the stone and imagined the haughty little girl writing her name on the whitewashed wall with the stone one summer.    


"Yiyi." he whispered.    


"Ha Qiu!" Ding Yiyi rubbed her nose and wrapped up her clothes tightly. She looked at her phone in disappointment. Ye Nianmo had been gone for days and she knew she had no right to ask where he was going, but she was still a little worried.    


Ao Xue stood in the living room and looked at her maliciously. This stupid woman was still covered in her bones. She knew that Ye Nianmo had lost. She thought that she could make a move when he was even more down and out.    


The more she thought about it, the more she disliked Ding Yiyi.    


If she couldn't be angry at her, she would vent her anger on the servant, "Little Ling!"    


A servant named Xiaoling ran over. "Miss Au Xue."    


"What happened to my clothes? I already said that you need to be washed dry. Look at how badly you've washed them, are you a pig head?! "    


She scolded endlessly in front of Ding Yiyi, "It's just a pig's head, forcefully squeezed into the Ye Family, shameless."    


Ding Yiyi knew she was scolding him. Seeing that the maid was innocent and pitiful, she could no longer bear it and said, "Enough. If you want to talk about shamelessness and shamelessness, then you're the first one."    


"What did you say!" Ao Xue screamed as she angrily walked in front of her. "What qualifications do you have to scold me?"    


"I have no right to blame you, nor do you have the right to blame me." Ding Yiyi didn't want to argue with her, so she turned around coldly.    


She had only taken a few steps when a pair of high heels brushed past her ear. When she hit the stairs, her heart turned cold. If she was hit by a high heel, her brain would definitely bleed out.    


"Ao Xue." Ding Yiyi turned around coldly. "If you want to cause trouble, then come at me."    


The two of them stood there coldly while a figure walked in hastily from outside. Ye Chuyun's gaze swept over the high heels on the stairs and Ao Xue who was standing on one leg, and his face turned cold.    


"Go call the security guards." he said coldly. The servant answered in a low voice and hurried out of the room.    


The butler also rushed over, but he didn't say anything when he saw the scene. As long as Ye Chuyun was around, Ding Yiyi wouldn't be at a disadvantage.    


Ao Xue shot the two a glance and sneered as she prepared to walk into the room. Ye Chuyun's cold voice came from behind her, "Drive her out of the Ye Family."    


"What did you say?" Ao Xue looked at him in disbelief as a trace of panic flashed across her face.    


Ding Yiyi was also very surprised. The gloomy man in front of her was completely different from the gentle Ye Chuyun in her impression of him.    


Ye Chuyun walked in front of her. His eyes were still gloomy, but his tone was a lot slower. "Be good. Go back to your room and stay there for a while. I'll come and find you soon."    


Ding Yiyi hesitated. Her hair was touched by the warm and dry hand. She raised her head and fell into Ye Chuyun's gentle eyes.    


Seeing that he had regained his familiarity, she nodded and walked upstairs.    


The living room fell into silence once more. He turned around and sat back on the sofa. With an ice-cold expression, he said, "Throw her out of the room."    



"Ye Chuyun, Ye Family is not something that you decide." Ao Xue looked at her with a cold smile, standing on one leg in a sorry state.    


Ye Chuyun did not think much and changed his position to make himself more comfortable, "I have control over the Ye Family now."    


After saying that, he looked at the butler impatiently, "Do you want me to repeat this to you?"    


The butler stepped forward, "Young Master, I know."    


Ao Xue looked at the steward bowing to Ye Chuyun in surprise. What was there between Ye Nianmo and Ye Chuyun that she didn't know?    


The bodyguard had reached out and grabbed her arm, and she was struggling so hard that only the foot of one of her high heels was twisted in the struggle and she fell to the ground.    


The security guard looked at Ye Chuyun, who was sitting on the sofa, and Ao Xue fell to the ground. Her clothes were messy, and her hair was in a mess.    


Ye Chuyun, who was previously expressionless, turned cold. The stewards who were watching on the side all broke out in a cold sweat for Ao Xue. He stood up and the steward wanted to say something, but he was intimidated by his gaze.    


"I think you forgot about that." He bent down slightly and looked down at Ao Xue, who had fallen to the ground.    


Ao Xue's face paled. The memory of him almost taking her down surged into her mind. This man was not a human when he went crazy!    


"You know I won't live long. If you don't want to come with me, then keep your mouth shut."    


"Are you not afraid that if I tell Ding Yiyi all of this, you will use a scheme to obtain the Ye Group!?" Ao Xue shouted without a care.    


A trace of surprise flashed across Ye Chuyun's eyes, then he actually laughed out loud, "You are much smarter than I imagined. What do I do? I don't want to keep your ticking time bomb by Yiyi's side anymore."    


His tone became colder and colder. He walked to the coffee table and took out the fruit knife. The butler frowned. "Second Young Master, think twice. Miss Yiyi is still upstairs."    


The knife fell to the ground, and the butler took a deep breath.    


"She will become a Person in Power of the Ye Group, so the result will be the same whether you tell her or not."    


Ao Xue's eyes were wide open with disbelief. So that was how it was. Ye Chuyun wanted to help President of Ye Group take his place before he died.    


"You can't do that." She murmured as a pair of leather shoes appeared under her eyes. Ye Chuyun's voice came closer and closer, "I'm about to succeed."    


"You can't do that!" Ao Xue fiercely struggled, "The Ye Group is Nianmo's, no one can take it away from me!"    


Ye Chuyun stopped talking with her and waved his hand impatiently. The security guard quickly dragged Ao Xue, who was still sitting on the ground, out.    


Ao Xue's mournful voice rang out, and the surrounding servants stood to the side, trembling in fear. "Butler." Ye Chuyun sat back on the sofa.    




Ye Chuyun's eyebrows were full of coldness, his brows were sharp, and his gaze that was originally gentle was now full of sharpness, "Whoever tells the world about today, let him leave the Ye Family realm."    


"Yes, Second Young Master."    


He paused for a moment and continued, "From now on, all of you have to listen to Ding Yiyi. It's best if you don't have any thoughts towards her."    


"Yes, Second Young Master." The servant answered in unison.    


Ding Yiyi was not sleeping soundly. In a blur, she felt someone stroking her hair. She opened her eyes and saw Ye Chuyun's gentle smile, "You're awake?"    


"Look, I actually fell asleep," she said as she picked up the book on her knees and put it on the table. Ye Chuyun grabbed her wrist and took out a medicine from the medical kit on the side to help her carefully apply it on her scabbed wound.    


When Ding Yiyi looked down, she could see his tightly pursed lips and curly eyelashes. Before she could open her mouth, Ye Chuyun said, "Ao Xue went to find the madame."    


"Is that so?" She sighed, thinking that this was her style. She probably felt wronged and went to complain to the madame.    


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