Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1073 Wealthy Marriage 1001

C1073 Wealthy Marriage 1001

0Ding Yiyi received a notice to leave for Paris a day early. She left in a hurry, and only had time to send a short message to Ye Nianmo and Ye Chuyun each.    


There was a gap of six hours between Paris and home. Ding Yiyi and Qiu Bai were still excited even though it was already night when they just got off the plane.    


Soo Soo had booked a hotel for the two of them. Ding Yiyi looked at the bathtub, which was comparable to a small swimming pool. She was so surprised that her mouth was wide open. She had been laughed at by Qiu Bai for a long time.    


When she opened her phone, there was not a single message. Ding Yiyi felt a little empty inside. Qiu Bai couldn't stand it any longer, so she got up and grabbed her phone. She easily found Ye Nianmo's number and threw it to her after dialing it.    


Ding Yiyi took the phone in a fluster. The phone rang twice before she picked it up. She could vaguely hear Ye Bo's voice.    


"Yiyi?" Ye Nianmo's voice was light and had the power to appease others.    


Ding Yiyi leaned on the balcony and looked at the starry sky. She chatted with Ye Nianmo nonchalantly and soon yawned.    


"Yiyi." Ye Nianmo suddenly spoke, his tone was completely different from before.    


Ding Yiyi walked back to her room and rolled around on the big, comfortable bed.    


There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. She listened to his long breathing and waited for him to speak.    


After a long while, the person on the other side of the phone said slowly, "Cover your ears, don't listen to any messages, cover your eyes, and don't look at any facts."    


"What are you talking about?" Ding Yiyi's eyes gradually narrowed. She was so tired that she couldn't think. All she wanted to do was to fall into a deep sleep.    


"Nothing? Go to sleep and have a good dream. " Ye Nianmo said word by word with a smile.    


Ding Family, Ye Nianmo sat on the sofa that Ding Yiyi had sat on before. It was just past 7 in the country, the house across the street had light shining through the curtains, and the sound of the news broadcasts could be heard.    


Baby Cheng laid quietly beside his hand, feeling his caress. Inside the house, the lights were not on, and everything was happening slowly in the darkness.    


"Young Master, are you sure you want to do this?" Ye Bo said carefully while standing in the darkness.    


An orange light lit up in the darkness. Baby Cheng moved his body uneasily, and a man's sigh came from the darkness, "Send the message tomorrow."    


"Ye Nianmo took the initiative to propose marriage, and a week later?" Si Si stood up from the sofa with an excited expression.    


Soon, she shook her head. "With his personality, he shouldn't be so straightforward. There must be a conspiracy behind this."    


"Mom!" "What kind of conspiracy could it be? Today, Ye Bo called to say that Nianmo would take me to test my wedding dress."    


Si Si looked at her sideways, "Don't forget about me when you enter Ye Family."    


"Mom, what are you talking about? Of course I won't forget you." Ao Xue quickly got up and sat beside her. Si Si looked at her stomach and muttered, "Why isn't it a type of Ye Family?"    


Ao Xue's face immediately turned pale. The door was pushed open and Xu Haorann walked in. He was obviously very happy as he walked in with a stack of documents.    


"Snowy, come and see the dowry your father prepared for you." Xu Haorann opened the gift slip in his hands.    


"Nianmo is the one I've seen grow up. We're all family. Although their family won't care so much, Daddy will let you have a good time." Xu Haorann patted Ao Xue's hand and said earnestly. Although he did not know why Ye Nianmo would suddenly be willing to marry Ao Xue, he finally understood one of his father's wishes.    


"Let me see what's there?" Si Si got up and took the gift slips. She looked through them one by one, "5 million in cash, 5 houses, 4 cars and 10 stores. You must have more than that, right?" Si Si closed the slip of paper and squinted at him.    


"There are some for Yiyi. We owe her too much. Xu Haorann had always felt powerless towards his daughter. He knew what Ao Xue wanted, but he had never known what his second daughter wanted.    


"Who cares about her? Even her daughter doesn't want me, her mother. Why would I care about her?" Si Si said disdainfully as she sat at the side.    


Ao Xue quietly stood up and went back to her room. She sat on the dressing table. The two of them were still having an argument, so she picked up a comb and gently combed her silky long hair.    


The woman in the mirror was beautiful and mature. She had a successful career and a jewelry store of her own, where she had a rich dad who could marry her in a glorious manner, but that was nothing.    


The designer from Italy was currently measuring Ao Xue's height and waist. Ye Nianmo sat on the side with an expressionless face.    


"Miss, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in the East." The designer praised in broken Chinese. Ao Xue smiled sweetly. She turned around and saw Ye Nianmo sitting on the side with nothing to do with him.    


She waved at the designer, then obediently walked to his side with the wedding dress, "Nianmo, do you think this wedding dress is nice to look at? Some American star wore it, and I think it was pretty good. "    


Ye Nianmo's eyes casually scanned across the picture book and lightly said, "As long as you like it."    


The smile on Ao Xue's face froze. She rubbed her belly, trying her best to attract his attention. "I haven't been sleeping well lately. I wonder if this little guy is making a ruckus. How should I cover up his wedding dress?"    


Ye Nianmo's gaze finally landed on her slightly bulging stomach. He thought how great it would be if it was Ding Yiyi who was standing here today.    


He would personally choose the most beautiful wedding dress for her, and happily wait with her for the arrival of that small life. Ao Xue saw him get up and go upstairs. She shouted in grievance, "Nianmo!"    


Ye Nianmo stopped on the stairs and looked down at her condescendingly. "A dozen or so servants should be able to satisfy your needs."    


Ye Nianmo never turned his head back as he didn't hear the wronged call from behind him. A figure was swimming quickly in the water of the huge swimming pool.    


The water gently swayed from both sides of his body. Suddenly, there was a burst of splashing sound of water. Ye Nianmo slowly walked over from the pool and a servant quickly passed him a towel.    


Whisky was placed on the balcony of the large French window. Another servant took out an ice cube from the ice bucket and respectfully handed a glass to him.    


Ye Nianmo stretched out his hand to take it. The maid's face instantly turned red as she secretly glanced at the young master's muscular body.    


She mustered her courage and looked up shyly, but the young master didn't seem to notice her actions at all. He only looked into the distance, not knowing who to think about.    


In Paris, France, for the thirtieth time, Ding Yiyi stopped a passer-by who looked Chinese. "Do you know Montaigne Street?"    


The Asian man smiled at them, showing a mouthful of white teeth. He then clasped his hands together and nodded devoutly to the two, "Then, Mas …"    


Ding Yiyi and Qiu Bai looked at each other. "The Indians …"    


"You're looking for Montaigne Street?" Suddenly, a lazy voice came from beside them. Ding Yiyi turned around and saw a man, who was 1.8 meters close to 1.9 meters, looking at them with a smile.    


Seemingly seeing their doubt, the man's deep male eyes blinked, his thick beard moved slightly as he opened his mouth, "My name is Elaine, I've been in China for a few years."    


Ding Yiyi turned her head and whispered to Qiu Bai, "Are you reliable?" It can't be an organ seller, right? "    


Outside the window, Elaine said helplessly, "Ladies, I'm really not selling organs. Actually, I just want to ask if you guys saw the two women, who are pretty much the same as you guys, one of the models for this show. I went to the hotel to look for them, but they're not here anymore."    


Model? Chinese woman? Ding Yiyi and Qiu Bai looked at each other. You are the guide sent by the Spring Festival Gala?    



Elaine looked at the two of them in surprise. Then, his gaze landed on Ding Yiyi. He raised his eyebrows. "It seems like it's fate that we met each other."    


The spring/autumn show is the first time CHAN, the French luxury brand of the older generation, has chosen five models to watch in the Chinese region. The reason for the model is that the luxury brand wants to enter the Chinese market, instead of choosing professional models, instead of advertising or film artists, they want to choose the advertising or film artists because they don't want to make the entire style monotonous and cumbersome.    


In the simple meeting room, Elaine pointed to the diagram on the Pt and said kindly, "If anyone has anything you don't understand, you can ask me."    


"I've heard that the final winner will be Asian, right?" A tall woman with bangs asked with a smile.    


Elaine looked at the documents in front of him and accurately called out her name, "Soong Na?"    


Soong Na nodded and smiled gently at him. This was a great opportunity for her to enter the international scene. She might even be able to successfully enter the frontlines with someone as powerful as Xie Tinngtinng.    


She definitely wouldn't lose for this chance. She looked around and saw Ding Yiyi in the corner who was even more dismissive. She already felt extremely grateful to be here as someone who came from a grassroots background.    


Ding Yiyi sat in the corner. Her heart, which had been listening attentively to the lecture, had flown into the country. How was Ye Nianmo? Did he take good care of Baby Cheng?    


"Miss Yiyi?" Someone called to her from above, and she looked up quickly.    


Elaine looked at her gently, "If you have any questions, you can ask me."    


Ding Yiyi nodded gratefully, but the other four people had strange expressions on their faces. They had been fighting in the country for so long and were very familiar with this phrase.    


Some people were gloating, while others had nothing to do with them. Soong Na pouted and became wary of Ding Yiyi.    


The afternoon training was like devil training for Ding Yiyi. She walked in a straight line on the stage while carrying half a bowl of water. By the time she walked from one end to the other, her body was already wet.    


Soong Na held the bowl of water lightly and stood to the side to watch the commotion. She deliberately walked behind her and said, "Excuse me, I want to go over there."    


Ding Yiyi wanted to get out of the way, but the bowl fell off her head in a hurry. She reached out to grab it, but her feet slipped. A series of movements caused her to tilt her body forward rapidly.    


"Be careful!" Elaine and Qiu Bai screamed out at the same time. Ding Yiyi felt a strong arm around her waist while she was still in a daze.    


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