Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1052 Wealthy Marriage 980

C1052 Wealthy Marriage 980

0This is the wrist of the successor of Ye Family, if no one offends me, I will not offend anyone, if anyone offends me, don't blame me if I turn hostile.    


When Ding Yiyi came looking for her just now, he had wanted to make things difficult for her. Even if he agreed to let her off for the sake of maximizing his benefits, it didn't mean that he would let her live so easily. But now, it seems that someone helped her out again.    


His gaze once again landed on the document on the table. The words on the document were like threats. He furiously grabbed the document and threw it into the trash can.    


When the secretary came in, she was startled by the sound and said tremblingly, "An Ran will make the call herself. Do you want to pick it up?    


He suppressed the anger in his heart, nodded, and answered the call, "Long time no see. I want to talk to you about the recent variety show where Ding Yiyi's role was changed."    


It had been a long time since Ding Yiyi knocked on the office door with her signature card. She looked at the messy documents on the floor with a little surprise, then carefully handed over the signature in her hand.    


"You said earlier that you would test my intimacy level. Now, I want to see if these signatures are enough to prove my strength." She said somewhat nervously.    


The man only nodded slightly before continuing to size her up. What kind of woman could make a scientist, a person who was about to develop in Hollywood, speak up for her, even being the successor of the Ye Group Group.    


After a long while, he finally replied, "Go back first, someone will inform you later."    


Two days had passed by the time Ding Yiyi received her call. In these two days, she had been looking forward to it, but she had never expected that she would succeed in the end.    


She ran her fingers through the address book, anxious to share her joy with someone. At the bottom of the call log, a phone number was quietly lying there. She persuaded herself to press that number.    


The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up. The only sound that could be heard was Soong Mengjie's voice mixed together with the wind.    


Ding Yiyi did not dare to speak up until the other party had guessed her name. She greeted her first and asked, "Yiyi, how have you been these past few days?"    


Suddenly, Ding Yiyi's eyes filled with tears. She choked on her tears, unable to speak. Soong Mengjie sighed, "Hai Zhuoxuan has already told me about it."    


"When will you be back?" Ding Yiyi had always thought that she had chosen such an extreme method because she had gone to treat her injuries. Now that the misunderstanding was resolved, did that mean that their friendship would return to how it was in the past?    


Soong Mengjie's voice had a hint of a smile. "After a while, I'll teach you that love isn't everything in life."    


The two of them chatted for a while. She reluctantly said goodbye to Soong Mengjie before hanging up the phone.    


On the screen of her phone, a text message from two hours ago was lying quietly in her inbox. It read, "8 PM at Hongqiao Airport. Sis Sister Yiyi, we're preparing to leave. Come send me off."    


Ding Yiyi looked at her watch. Luckily, she was in a hurry. She grabbed her coat and rushed to the airport.    


People were coming and going at the airport with the cold winter air. Ding Yiyi looked down at her phone as she walked. Ye Chuqing didn't know why, but she kept walking around the airport.    


She lowered her head and bumped into another person with her head lowered. Their phones arced in the air and then fell off.    


"I'm sorry!" Ding Yiyi subconsciously crouched down to pick up her cellphone. The two phones crashed into each other and one of them was holding one of them.    


She glanced at the message on her phone and saw Ye Chuqing's phone number. She looked up in surprise and fell into Ye Nianmo's deep eyes.    


The airport was gradually filled with people. A flight was delayed, and a female passenger was making a ruckus. The whole airport was more noisy than usual, and in the corner, the two of them seemed unaffected.    


Ye Nianmo straightened his body and pointed his phone screen at her. He briefly said, "Chu Qing."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. Ye Chuqing must have thought of this as a way to seduce her and her brother. Ding Yiyi sneezed as the flight announcement sounded again and again.    


The warm coat fell on her, and all she could see was the white button of his shirt on his chest.    


"Let's go, I'll send you back." Ye Nianmo said lightly. Ding Yiyi looked at him, confused. She suddenly grabbed the heavy coat from her body and pushed it into his hands. "Thank you. I'll be leaving first."    


His eyes darkened as he watched her scurry away. Inside the plane, the flight attendant was instructing a passenger on the aisle to fasten their seat belt. Beside the passenger, three people with outstanding looks attracted quite a few gazes from the passengers.    


Hai Zhuoxuan said while flipping through the newspaper in his hand, "Do you think this is useful?"    


"This is at least a part of Chuqing's heart. I hope they can solve this misunderstanding." Lee Yixuan was dissatisfied with Ye Zichen's tone, and said directly.    


Ye Chuqing smiled at the two of them and looked out of the window. She knew why Sister Yiyi didn't accept her brother, but in order to fulfill her promise to Sister Yiyi, she had put everything under the window.    


"Big name, big name, big name, bang bang" was one of the most popular programs on reality TV. It could be used to hire big name celebrities to play games on the spot, so the viewership ratings were very high because of some mischievous choices.    


Ding Yiyi sat at the makeup table, closing her eyes as she asked the makeup artist to draw her eyebrows. At the same time, she was listening to Qiu Bai reciting the rules of the game to herself.    


"I better read it myself. I'm so nervous to say it like this." Ding Yiyi opened her eyes and gestured for Qiu Bai to pass the documents to her.    


Taking the documents, she started to read page by page. Suddenly, her gaze stopped at a page for a long time. Qiu Bai curiously looked at it, "Is there anything that you don't understand?" I've already seen it once, so I can tell you about it. "    


Ding Yiyi pointed to the word 'Ye Bo' written in italics under the information with a faint smile. Qiu Bai's face reddened as she stretched out her hand to snatch it away.    


"Ye Bo is not bad." Ding Yiyi was truly happy for her, although she was surprised that Qiu Bai liked Ye Bo.    


"It's impossible between us." Qiu Bai tore off a corner with Ye Bo's name on it and gave it back to Ding Yiyi with a trace of sadness on her face.    


"Why?" Ding Yiyi was puzzled.    


Qiu Bai looked around. It was still early. There were only two celebrities in the dressing room. One was the new singer, Hu Peppe, and the other was Hua Dan, Lin Jia.    


Both of them were busy putting on makeup. Seeing that no one had noticed, Qiu Bai sighed. "I'm already 32 and will be 33 soon. I can't accept that he was still very young when I was old."    




Speaking of her fear, Qiu Bai felt a lot better. Ding Yiyi wanted to tell her that Ye Bo wouldn't care, but she didn't know what Ye Bo thought of her. She swore to herself that she would ask Ye Bo about it another day.    


"Hello everyone!" One of the hosts, Hip-hop Boy, came in with a stack of documents and said exaggeratedly while clutching his chest, "I didn't expect that all I saw today were beauties!"    


Hu Peipei looked at him with a charming smile, "You're also very handsome, Hip-hop Boy."    


Hip-hop Boy smiled and suddenly changed the topic, "I just received news that my partner was unlucky enough to get into a car accident on the road. Now, I can only choose one from you guys."    


The scene was silent. Hip-hop Boy's face sank, "Pepe, you just praised me, right? Do you want to cooperate?"    


Hu Pipei embarrassedly picked up the powder to mend the powder and said, "I really want to be your partner, but my manager asked me to be the main guest this time. I'm so sorry."    


Lin Ju hurriedly added, "Why are they so afraid of partnering up with this Hip-hop Boy?" Ding Yiyi whispered into Qiu Bai's ear.    


Qiu Bai bowed in coordination. "Rumor has it that Hip-hop Boy is extremely sarcastic when he appears on the show. Other artists are afraid of partnering up with him, but he also loves to insult the audience, so …"    



The two of them whispered in each other's ears until they suddenly heard applause. Ding Yiyi and Qiu Bai looked at Hip-hop Boy, who had appeared behind them at some point in time, with fear in their eyes.    


"You must be Ding Yiyi!" I've seen your ad! You can be considered half a fan! " Hip-hop Boy was grinning from ear to ear. After the interaction between him and Hu Peipei, Ding Yiyi was doubtful of his praise. As expected, the next second, he said, "So, be my partner. Interesting!"    


Qiu Bai wanted to help Ding Yiyi push it off, but Hip-hop Boy suddenly looked at the two of them with tears in his eyes and mumbled, "So it's because I'm too unpopular that no one is willing to partner with me?"    


"No, that's not what I meant." Ding Yiyi was so anxious that she stood up from her seat.    


Hip-hop Boy's expression changed and he returned to his previous laughing state. His eyes lit up as he looked at her, "In that case, you've agreed. I'm so happy!"    


"This …" Ding Yiyi looked helplessly at Qiu Bai. Qiu Bai shook her head helplessly. There was nothing she could do about it.    


Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Hip-hop Boy passed the documents in his hands to her, "Look, these are all today's guest list and some works. Do some homework first."    


Ding Yiyi flipped open the file. This time, it was Xie Tinngtinng, the star, the movie star, An Ran, the new singer, Hu Peppe, and Lin Jia, Hua Dan's student, who ended up with Ye Nianmo.    


Her fingers trembled slightly, and after twirling the page numbers a few times, she was still unable to open them. She calmed down and opened the information in her mind. Ye Nianmo, President of Ye Group, son of Ye Zimo, double degree in architecture and music from Harvard University, International Shopping Center Sketch Designer.    


She watched them one by one, many of them unknown to her. "Why did he come to this show?" She could not help but speak out.    


Qiu Bai looked at her with a bit of envy. She felt a little helpless at her low sensitivity to love. She directly pointed it out and said, "That's right. He isn't even from the entertainment circle. Why would he risk being scolded to join this program?"    


Ding Yiyi looked at her in confusion. The answer was obvious, but at this moment, the door was pushed open.    


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