Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C782 Wealthy Marriage 711

C782 Wealthy Marriage 711

0Xia Yihan knew that she had touched Ye Zimo's reverse scale. The opponent's expression was not good, but his hands were tightly clamped around his waist.    


Xia Yihan twisted her waist, wanting to leave. Seeing Ye Zimo's somewhat unhappy expression, Xia Yihan sighed and first gave in. She patted Ye Zimo's arm. "I just want to go to the washroom."    


Xia Yihan's submission and explanation allowed Ye Zimo's mood to change from dark to clear. She let go of Xia Yihan's hand expressionlessly and nodded to indicate to her that it was Xia Yihan's turn.    


Xia Yihan held onto her long skirt and walked down the stairs. She felt that the zipper behind her was about to unzip. Xia Yihan looked around in panic. There were too many people heading to the bathroom!    


Xia Yihan's collar was looser and looser. She had no choice but to wrap her hands around the sides of her collar, blushing. A suit coat suddenly draped over Xia Yihan's body.    


"I'll help you over." Yuv Ze whispered into Xia Yihan's ear.    


Xia Yihan nodded gratefully with both hands on her collar to fix it. Yuv Ze put his arm around Xia Yihan's shoulders and walked towards the bathroom. Xia Yihan rushed into the bathroom as soon as they arrived.    


The thread at the collar was completely loosened. If it wasn't for Yuv Ze, who promptly put his suit on, the clothes would have all loosened. "Do we have to run naked after the video?" Xia Yihan looked at her ruined clothes with a wry smile.    


Yuv Ze had been waiting at the door of the bathroom and didn't look too good. Bao‘er angrily rushed out from beside him. "What happened to you? It was not easy for me to humiliate her in public. Just think about it, her clothes were suddenly torn off while she was walking around. How funny is that, but look at what you've done! "    


A huge groan came from the wall beside her. Bao‘er immediately shut her mouth and watched as she slowly withdrew her hand from the wall. Yuv Ze looked at Bao‘er expressionlessly and said, "If you let Xia Yihan make a fool of herself today, it would be easy for Ye Zimo to find the source of her clothing. If you follow the vines and caressing the melons, you would find yourself. Do you think you can still live!?"    


Bao‘er's head exploded. That's right, as long as the designer could describe her appearance, she would be exposed. She stuttered for help from Yuv Ze, "Then what should I do?"    


Yuv Ze frowned as he looked at the woman. He started to regret working with her. He took a deep breath and said, "Now, the gossip about the video has not passed and Ye Zimo will not let this go."    


Xia Yihan thinks this is a big blow, we only need to make her lose this child at a certain time, then these two people will be impossible. "    


Yuv Ze was worried that Bao‘er might backstab him again, so he took the initiative to tell Bao‘er about his plan. He paused for a moment before emphasizing, "Be more obedient and don't try to make any more chips for yourself. At that time, I won't be able to save you, and don't underestimate Ye Zimo's terror and Xia Yihan's wisdom."    


Xia Yihan, still wearing her suit, appeared with an awkward expression. Her collar had been tidied up, but it was still very dangerous to remain in it.    


Yuv Ze was smoking right now. He quickly put out the cigarette and said gently, "It seems like you don't want to go to the ball this early either. Why don't we go outside?"    


Xia Yihan nodded and followed Yuv Ze to the door. There were rows of swings outside the door. Xia Yihan sat on the swings, looking into the distance.    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but turn her head to look at the two playing children.    


"My parents haven't been with me for a long time. The children in kindergarten all bullied me, saying that I was a child without a mother." Xia Yihan shuddered as she placed her hand on her belly.    


"Dad said Mom and the other men ran away. I asked him what he meant by that. My dad said that if he ran away, I would never have a mom again." Her low voice made Xia Yihan's heart ache. The sorrowful hearts of the two children had already surfaced in her mind.    


"If you can't be responsible for your child, then the birth will be a burden. It will only harm your child." Yuv Ze said quietly on the side.    


Xia Yihan's hands were shaking uncontrollably. How could she let her child survive in this trap? When she remembered that Nianmo brought the disc over, and that such a young child was going to be used, Xia Yihan couldn't help but shiver.    


"Yihan, what happened to you?" Yuv Ze asked in concern.    


Xia Yihan took a deep breath, forced out a smile and said to Yuv Ze, "Thank you for your suit. I will wash it and return it to you tomorrow. I feel much better, I'm going in now."    


Xia Yihan greeted Yuv Ze in a hurry and then hurried into the house. Yuv Ze looked at Xia Yihan's back and turned to the child with an indifferent expression. "Come out."    


A woman came out from the grass, smiled, took the hands of the two children and said, "Sir, how are my two children doing?"    


Yuv Ze took out a stack of money from his wallet. The woman wanted to take it, but Yuv Ze held the money and warned him: "The money I give you is your one year salary as a waiter. You should know how to do this."    


"I understand, I won't tell anyone." The woman hurriedly took the money and carefully counted it with her saliva. There was a shadow passing by in the darkness, which accidentally touched the fence. Yuv Ze turned around and looked at the place where the shadow had disappeared.    


Just as Xia Yihan entered the banquet hall, she was taken over by a single hand. Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan's frightened expression and frowned, asking, "What's going on?"    


Xia Yihan tried her best to adjust her mood so that Ye Zimo wouldn't see the fluctuations in her mood. She said calmly, "It's nothing."    


Ye Zimo took up her suit jacket and raised her eyebrows at Xia Yihan. She soon discovered that Xia Yihan's collar was unnaturally wide open. With a darkened face, she asked, "What happened to the clothes?"    


Someone was already looking in their direction. Xia Yihan said in a low voice, "The clothes have been cut a little."    


As the two of them were talking, a host suddenly said, "Today is the 10th anniversary of the resort's establishment. Our biggest shareholder, Director Ye, is also here. He wants us to invite him to speak on stage."    


All eyes fell on the two of them. Applause rang out, and Xia Yihan hurriedly retreated behind Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo calmly held Xia Yihan, who wanted to escape, and caressed Xia Yihan's chin with her hand. She elegantly placed her finger on a button on the wall between the two of them.    


"Pah pah pah!" The entire living room sank into complete darkness, accompanied by the sound of people asking questions and flustered footsteps.    


Xia Yihan felt a pair of hands drifting behind her back. The zipper was torn off and her clothes were being tossed and turned.    


A minute later, the room was lit up. The host said awkwardly, "It might have been a short circuit just now. Let's ask Director Ye to tell us about the vacation plans for next year."    


Ye Zimo glanced at Xia Yihan's shoulder and smiled in satisfaction. She returned to her serious expression and walked up onto the stage. Xia Yihan stared blankly at the zipper Ye Zimo had secretly slipped to her.    


Xia Yihan turned her head slightly to look at herself in the mirror. Her loose clothes were tied with a beautiful bow at her neck. Her back was slightly ajar, exposing her tender white skin.    


Ye Zimo's calm voice from the stage inadvertently glanced at her own eyes. Xia Yihan stared blankly at the man in the spotlight and couldn't help but think, if it was this man, would he protect my child?    


In the huge space, the two children walked at a leisurely pace, holding each other's hand. Xia Yihan followed closely behind, afraid that the children would fall down.    


The boy in front of him turned his head and called out to him, "Mommy." The little girl with the braids stayed in the shadows. Xia Yihan tried to see her face more clearly, but it was futile.    


Xia Yihan was still in a daze. She moved her eyelids a little, but her eyes were still closed. The rhythmic patting sound came from her back, and it wasn't until she stopped moving that the patting sound stopped.    


Xia Yihan lay there quietly with a frown. The patting sound continued to ring out, slowly with a gentle rhythm. She even heard Ye Zimo mumbling beside her, "What kind of dream is this again? So dishonest."    


Xia Yihan opened her eyes and looked at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo was dazed for a moment before regaining her usual expressionless face. She then retracted her hand naturally.    


"The baby is a girl." Xia Yihan said with certainty.    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows. "That's for sure."    


Xia Yihan nodded and said confidently, "I'm sure."    


Ye Zimo's expression turned serious. Without saying anything, she grabbed Xia Yihan's shoulder and put it in her bosom so that Xia Yihan wouldn't see the complicated look in her eyes. She lowered her head and kissed Xia Yihan's hair. "Sleep."    


"Miss Xia may have been overly concerned about her children, and an impression formed in her subconscious would normally disappear automatically after a period of time." Yuv Ze said endlessly on the side.    



Ye Zimo took out a piece of information and placed it on the table. She swept through it with her eyes and saw her avatar on the front page. Ye Zimo asked faintly, "The student priority seems to be a genius, I wonder why he's still staying in the resort for so long?"    


Yuv Ze pushed his rimless glasses timidly and said with a wry smile, "I had a medical accident and am on an indefinite vacation right now."    


Ye Zimo knocked on the table and suddenly smiled. "The student in first place seems to be very concerned about Yihan."    


Yuv Ze's eyes flashed behind the frame, but it was quickly hidden by his smile. He said to Ye Zimo with admiration, "I saw her on TV, isn't she that famous Italian designer? I think the things she designed were very spiritual! "    


Yuv Ze wanted to continue, but Ye Zimo waved her hand to interrupt him. She frowned and said, "En, you can go now."    


Yuv Ze stood up and looked at his information with a smile, "Mr Ye, I will take my leave then."    


Outside of Xia Yihan's room, Zhang Han was pacing back and forth in front of the door. He had stretched out his hand several times already, but he was unable to put it down. Why didn't you knock on the door? "Afraid?" A teasing voice came from the side. Yuv Ze stood on the side and smiled at Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han took a step back vigilantly and looked at this harmless looking man: "You are a bad guy. You want to let Xia Yihan's child run away, I want to tell her to be careful of you."    


Yuv Ze raised his eyebrows and looked at the big boy in front of him. He suddenly went up to Zhang Han and pulled his hand towards the door while saying,    


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