Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C905 Wealthy Marriage 834

C905 Wealthy Marriage 834

0When Ye Nianmo drove out of the hotel from the underground parking lot, he saw Ding Yiyi squinting her eyes as she stretched her neck to identify the number of buses that were coming in from a short distance away.    


"It's really hard to see the criminal's face clearly even after being turned around." Ye Nianmo shook his head in amusement.    


The car window was knocked. Ye Nianmo rolled down the window and asked in surprise, "Ao Xue? Why are you here? "    


Ao Xue calmly looked at Ding Yiyi in the distance. She turned around and said to Ye Nianmo with a smile, "It's nothing. We just happened to be having our meal here. Where's Auntie and Uncle?"    


"My mom has a jewelry show tomorrow. They went to the scene right after dinner." Ye Nianmo's gaze shifted to the bus not far away. Ding Yiyi jumped on the bus, muttered a few words to the driver, then jumped off the bus. It seemed like she got on the wrong bus.    


Ao Xue smiled and waved at Ye Nianmo. "Then go back and rest."    


Ye Nianmo nodded, rolled up the window and left. "Why didn't you just let him give it to you just now, you know that a woman's greatest weapon is to act like a spoiled child?" Si Si walked out from the shadows, looking at the direction Ye Nianmo left in and said lightly.    


"Mom, I want a pure relationship. I hope that one day, Ye Nianmo will not love the gentle and gentle me in front of others, but rather the selfish and playful me." Ao Xue felt a little sad. It was obvious that Ye Nianmo was interested in Ding Yiyi.    


Si Si looked at her somewhat similar face and said indifferently: "I don't care what methods you use, as long as you can marry into Ye Family, all these years, I have spent quite a bit of capital on you."    


Ao Xue was silent. She didn't have the strength to argue with her mother, so Si Si didn't mind. She got a taxi and sped away.    


People came and went in front of the hotel. There were lights everywhere, but who could really care about them? Who could make them laugh without restraint? Ao Xue suddenly felt very sad. She felt so sad that she couldn't breathe. She had no strength to support her legs, so she could only kneel on the ground.    


"What are you doing?" Ye Nianmo's voice suddenly sounded. Ao Xue looked up in surprise.    


"What are you doing? "Are you not feeling well?" Ye Nianmo asked again.    


Ao Xue shook her head, pretended to be relaxed and asked Ye Nianmo: "Did you forget to take your things?"    


Ye Nianmo stretched out his arm, pointed at the time on his watch and said, "It's almost 10: 30, the girls are not safe outside, I'll take you home."    


"Thank you." Ao Xue said, stunned.    


Ye Nianmo burst out laughing. He looked at Ao Xue with a hint of teasing in his eyes, "Are you still my girlfriend? Hurry up and get in the car, the hotel entrance, it's not good to block other people's way. "    


Ao Xue ran into the car. Her face still had a bit of a blush, but her heart was palpitating because of Ye Nianmo's' girlfriend '.    


Ye Nianmo stared at the road in front of him. He took a quick glance at Ao Xue and asked, "Why did you do that?"    


Ao Xue turned her head to Ye Nianmo in surprise. After that day, Ye Nianmo didn't bring it up again and agreed to her request to be his lover.    


Ao Xue's heart was churning. What her mother wanted her to do was like a mountain pressing down on her, telling Ye Nianmo that she would be released, but she had to betray her mother and not Ye Nianmo. How could she make Ye Nianmo fall in love with the real her, like what she just told her mother?    


"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Ye Nianmo did not force it and parked the car in front of welfare institution's door.    


Ao Xue pushed the door open and got off the car. A worn-out Magic Cube fell out of her bag. Ye Nianmo just happened to see it, so he picked up the Magic Cube and got off.    


"Your Magic Cube." Ye Nianmo passed the Magic Cube to Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue took the Magic Cube and smiled. "It should be your Magic Cube."    


When Ao Xue reminded Ye Nianmo, Ye Nianmo also remembered that when he was young, he gave her a Magic Cube as a gift.    


The atmosphere at the scene was a little weird. Ao Xue lowered her head and said, "Can I go to Aunt Xia's Jewelry Exhibition tomorrow? "Because I also learned to design jewelry."    


Ye Nianmo nodded and said, "Go, my mom should be very happy to see you."    


Ao Xue bit her lips, stomped her feet and said softly, "I mean do you want to come with me?"    




Ao Xue suddenly opened her eyes. Ye Nianmo had already gotten into the driver's seat. He waved at Ao Xue and started the car. Ao Xue chased after the car and shouted, "I'll be waiting for you in class tomorrow!"    


Without replying, the car turned a corner and disappeared. Ao Xue suddenly jumped and happily raised her head to look at the sky. Just an hour ago, she thought that Ding Yiyi had snatched Ye Nianmo away.    


Taking out her phone, Ao Xue stopped at the name of her "mother" in the contact list. After thinking for a moment, she sent a text message.    


"Mom, I will sincerely make Ye Nianmo fall in love with me. I believe he will belong to me even if you don't use those methods of yours!"    


Looking at the text message Ao Xue sent her, her eyes were filled with sorrow. She wanted to make Ye Nianmo fall in love with her daughter, but she didn't expect that it was her daughter who fell in love with Ye Nianmo first. Could it be that a man of Ye Family was destined to eat her and his daughter to the death?    


The next day, Ding Yiyi woke up to find that she had left her bicycle at a hotel. She could only take the bus to the main road near the school. She got off the bus and walked slowly towards the school.    


"Student Ding." Ao Xue slowed down and stopped beside Ding Yiyi. She waved at Ding Yiyi. In Ao Xue's eyes, Ding Yiyi was still her love rival. If she had a good relationship with her, she could monitor Ding Yiyi in all aspects and not let her have any chance of interacting with Ye Nianmo.    


"Ao Xue, you already have your driver's license!" Ding Yiyi said with a smile as she looked at Ao Xue driving a red Honda sedan. She wasn't envious at all. A beauty like Ao Xue must have a good family background too.    


"This is what I bought when I was selling stocks. Not bad right? Come, I'll send you on your way." Ao Xue gestured for Ding Yiyi to get on the car.    


The car drove all the way to the school gate, and when they just entered the school gate, the deafening sound startled the two of them.    


"What's going on?" Ao Xue looked around her surroundings. There were temporary small pavilions everywhere. The pavilions had the names of the departments hanging on them. Many students were distributing flyers here and there. It was very lively.    


When Ding Yiyi saw Soong Mengjie standing in a small pavilion, she got out of the car and shouted, "Mengjie!"    


Soong Mengjie also came over early in the morning because Hai Zhuoxuan was attracted by a third year senior. When she saw Ding Yiyi, Soong Mengjie ran over: "Yiyi! Today was the day that the society recruited a new student! See if there's anything you like. "    


Hai Zhuoxuan followed over. He was quite surprised to see Ding Yiyi and Ao Xue together. He could guess what Ao Xue was planning, but he didn't expect her speed to be so fast.    


Hai Zhuoxuan adjusted his glasses and smiled. "Mengjie is right. Let's see what kind of society can hold one. It can also expand the circle of friends."    


Ding Yiyi shook her head and said, "I still have to work part-time tonight. I might not have the time to join the club."    


Hearing Ding Yiyi's words, Hai Zhuoxuan and Soong Mengjie did not push it any further. A few girls walked over from the side and chattered, "Look at that freshman year's school grass and his girlfriend. She's really compatible."    


Everyone looked towards the direction the girls were pointing at. Ao Xue was the first to call out, "Nianmo."    


Ye Chuqing was standing beside Ye Nianmo. Hearing Ao Xue call him, he nodded his head and walked towards Hai Zhuoxuan and Ao Xue. A person walked over from the side and blocked Ye Chuqing's way.    


"School Sister, can you tell me your contact details?" A male student looked at Ye Chuqing with a smile, undisguised admiration in his eyes.    


"Sorry, I'm not from your school." Ye Chuqing wanted to circle around the boy, but the boy was not satisfied. He surrounded Ye Chuqing and did not let her go. Hai Zhuoxuan frowned and was about to step forward when a shadow rushed out from the side and knocked the boy down with a punch.    



"Don't bother her!" Lee Yixuan stretched his wrist and looked at the boy with an evil smile. Then he said, "She is my best friend. I will beat you up again if you continue to pester her."    


The boy stood up awkwardly. There was a lot of laughter around him and there was even applause for Lee Yixuan. Ye Chuqing pulled Lee Yixuan's sleeve and shook her head disapprovingly.    


Lee Yixuan's originally complacent face turned pale as he obediently stayed behind Ye Chuqing. "Brother Zhuoxuan." Ye Chuqing ran happily to Hai Zhuoxuan's side.    


Ding Yiyi saw a lot of people sneaking glances at Ye Chuqing, Ye Nianmo, Hai Zhuoxuan, and Ao Xue. These people seemed to want to emit light and someone would pay attention to them wherever they went.    




Ding Yiyi didn't like this feeling. She pulled Soong Mengjie's hand, indicating that she should go first. Pointing to the advertisement, she said, "The student union is also recruiting new students recently. I heard that with a new rule, there's no age limit for the president of the student council. As long as you win the competition, you can even become a first-year student president."    


Listening to Soong Mengjie's words, Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Zimo became a little interested. Each of them picked up a flyer and started reading it.    


Ding Yiyi hurriedly stuffed the promotional pamphlet into her school bag and ran to the school building while nodding towards the crowd. Soong Mengjie yelled from the back, "Remember, it's 8 o'clock tomorrow night!"    


Ding Yiyi walked into the classroom and took a seat. A piece of paper along with a promotional pamphlet fell out. On the paper, it was surprisingly used to welcome the Jewelry Master Xia Yihan. "    


Ding Yiyi was both surprised and happy. She recalled the note from the boy she met last night. How did he manage to get hold of this ticket? I heard that all fifteen tickets were snatched up the moment they came out.    


It was eight o'clock tonight. Ding Yiyi was extremely happy, but she was also a little hesitant later on. It was really difficult to get to work at Dihao Hotel tonight.    


"What are you thinking about? Why are you looking so conflicted?" Ao Xue took the initiative to sit beside Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi shook her head. Nobody likes to listen to other people's thoughts. She was used to not telling others about her troubles.    


When the class ended, Ding Yiyi tidied up her bag and the table was knocked down. Ding Yiyi raised her head and looked at Ye Nianmo in surprise.    


"Stinking Hooligan, what are you doing here?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


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