Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1905 Wealthy Marriage 1832

C1905 Wealthy Marriage 1832

0How could she not know what she had designed? Ding Yiyi was sure that she had made a mistake. As she recalled every detail, she felt that it was probably due to the delivery process.    


"Who was responsible for taking the manuscript to the factory that day?"    


"It's me." Sofia stood up and said, "I gave it to the factory. It was for the afternoon and because it was sealed, it was never opened."    


"Is there a possibility that I took the wrong one?" Qian Wei tried to analyze it.    


Upon hearing this, everyone felt that it was possible. Sofia's face flushed red as she said, "I don't know either. I'll go take a look."    


Not long after, she came in with an identical folder. "It can't be this."    


Lin Meicheng took it over and opened it. She took out the design blueprints and passed them to Ding Yiyi. "It's this."    


"I'm sorry." Sofia looked ashamed. "I didn't know how I got it wrong. I'm really sorry."    


Lin Meicheng seemed to be deep in thought. "Strange, then where did this text come from?"    


Ding Yiyi turned the laptop around and said, "I found it. It's from this house."    


The ring they were holding was a product of the independent design jewelry company. Sofia's face was pale, which meant they had no way to sell the ring. If they dared to sell it, it would be a violation of rights.    


"That's right, we did a market survey previously and found out that there are a few pieces of jewelry that are sold well online. If you want to use that as a reference for the design of the new product, maybe Sofia just happened to take the wrong one."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "It's good that you have a clear understanding of the situation. Go and check with the factory to see how many finished products have been made."    


Sofia walked out of the office dejectedly. Her shoulder was patted and she tilted her head.    


"Did you get that document from Director Ding?" Lin Meicheng asked.    


Sofia shook her head, "Qian Wei passed it to me, saying that it was Director Ding who gave it to me."    


Lin Meicheng glanced at the finance room thoughtfully. This matter should not be over yet.    


According to the feedback from the factory, there were already hundreds of finished products. Just the cost was more than a hundred thousand yuan, and since it couldn't be sold, it meant that the cost of the products had gone down the drain.    


Sofia was so anxious that her mouth started to bubble. She spent the whole night in a daze, and even Ye Nianmo noticed that something was amiss.    


The next day, the finished products were sent to the company and temporarily stacked in the conference room. People would glance at them when they passed by.    


Ding Yiyi decided to destroy this batch of goods. This line of design was most afraid of plagiarism, and would rather lose money than take the notoriety of plagiarism.    


"Sofia, what did you give me? A pile of white paper? " Ao Xue yelled from her seat in the air.    


Sofia hurriedly stood up from her seat. "Sorry, I'm in a daze for a moment. I'll immediately change it for you."    


"It's fine to be in a daze, but you should do your job well first. If you act like this, it will drag down the company's progress." Ao Xue's tone was harsh, and everyone around shrank their necks in silence.    


"Sofia, come with me." Ding Yiyi said as she opened the door to her office.    


Sofia lowered her head and followed him out of the office. After she went out, Ding Yiyi turned into a dessert shop.    


"Boss, two cups of milk tea with silk stockings." Ding Yiyi sat down and asked with a smile, "Can I have the stocking milk tea? You like coffee, but that's not good for the stomach. "    


"Director Ding." Sofia's eyes reddened once again. She had been feeling extremely guilty these past few days.    


Ding Yiyi, of course, knew what she was thinking. It was only when she was deeply immersed in the matter that she worried. "Everyone makes mistakes."    


"Sorry for delaying everyone because of me." Sofia turned her head away to wipe her eyes.    


"Only by making mistakes can I improve. I've made mistakes before." Ding Yiyi consoled him, "If you don't want to stay at the company, I'll give you two days leave?"    


Of course, Sofia refused. She insisted on going to work, so Ding Yiyi had no choice but to go along with her.    


During the meeting in the afternoon, Ao Xue brought up the matter again and made Qian Wei report the company's losses.    


Sofia sat in her seat without a word, her head drooping almost to her chest.    


"Regarding this matter, I want to settle it first, not denounce my colleagues. Everyone will make mistakes, and if you make mistakes, what would you think if your superiors were to beat you up?"    


Ding Yiyi stared at Ao Xue. This was the first time she had clearly accused Ao Xue. The latter bit her lips and did not say anything.    


"I will give everyone a chance to make mistakes."    


"Then every employee will make mistakes? If you make a mistake, you have to take responsibility for your actions. " Ao Xue continued.    


Ding Yiyi closed the file. "Anyway, I don't want to hear any more of that later."    


"But …"    


"Then it's settled! There's nothing to discuss. "    


Ding Yiyi stood up and left the meeting room. Looking at Ao Xue's pale face, Qian Wei went over carefully. "Sister Xue, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Ao Xue followed suit.    


When Ye Nianmo came down to look for Ding Yiyi at noon, he saw a cardboard box that was almost folded to the ceiling.    


After the evening exercise, Ye Nianmo touched the smooth back of his shirt and asked, "Are you going to destroy that batch of jewelry?"    


"Right." Ding Yiyi snuggled into his arms and replied in a muffled voice, "We can't let these goods out."    


"Do you know anyone in the world who needs them?"    


Ding Yiyi looked up, puzzled.    


He lowered his head and kissed her beautiful lips. "Think about it?"    


Who needed this batch of goods? Since the reason for not being able to sell was that they would violate the other party's ownership, the person who needed this batch of goods the most was naturally 'the person who designed these pieces of jewelry'.    


She understood that rather than destroying the goods, it would be better to give the other party a discount on the price so that they could sell the goods to him in order to minimize their losses.    



"You're so powerful." Ding Yiyi was so happy that she threw herself at him, forgetting that she was still naked.    


Ye Nianmo took a look at his white body, and his brother who had just rested regained his vigor. He pushed her head back and rubbed his hand between her legs in an imitation of going in and out. His teeth were white and shiny, and his mouth was slurred.    


Ding Yiyi contacted the designer and sold the goods to her at a lower price than the market price. To them, this was a timely stop and a certain degree of recovery. To those over there, this was equivalent to picking up a great deal of money.    


Before the incident even began, the company still suffered losses. Ao Xue bluntly asked for Sofia to be dealt with during the meeting.    


The others in the company did not even dare to breathe loudly as they stared at Ding Yiyi and Ao Xue.    


"As I said, the laws of the country have their own rules. If I make a mistake in the future, I will get out of here." If the company has no rules and regulations, then everyone else can be lazy and make mistakes. "    


Ding Yiyi swept her gaze across the audience, "I understand. So, those who agree with Ao Xue should raise their hands."    


Ao Xue and the other three new assistants raised their hands without any hesitation. Qian Wei glanced at Sofia, and after hesitating for a while, she also raised her hands. A few customer servants also raised their hands slowly.    


Lin Meicheng sneered in her heart, "These idiots are standing in the wrong team."    


"Since everyone feels that an explanation is necessary, then let me give everyone an explanation here. The employee who raised his hand just now, if you find it hard to accept, then this company is very sorry, but it will not change its original intentions. "    


Sofia widened her eyes in disbelief.    


Ding Yiyi continued, "I've said before, everyone makes mistakes. Money mistakes may be intolerable in other companies, but it's not a problem for me. What I'm worried about is the employees who are constantly making mistakes with their colleagues."    


Everyone turned to look at Ao Xue. She bit her lips and said, "You mean, this company is yours. You can run it however you want, even if you don't need any other employees?"    


"That's what it means." Ding Yiyi said, "If you can't tolerate an employee who makes mistakes not being a good boss, then an employee who doesn't give up on his colleagues who make mistakes isn't the employee I need either. If you find it unbearable, then please try something else. "    


"Pa, pa, pa." Everyone looked towards the source of the applause. Ye Nianmo crossed his arms and leaned on the door frame, "Beautiful."    


He walked to Ding Yiyi's side and pulled her to him. "Let me borrow Director Ding's."    


The rest of the people in the meeting room looked at each other carefully and went out to work dejectedly.    


"Have you ever thought that you've underestimated Ding Yiyi?"    


Ao Xue raised her head and looked at Lin Meicheng coldly. This woman usually hid her strength well. Normally, she wouldn't interfere with the river's waters. Yet, she still wanted to provoke her?    


"That's none of your business."    


Lin Meicheng smiled. "Actually, I don't quite understand what happened between you two sisters, but it doesn't seem like you were very intimate." "One thing you should remember, as long as Ye Nianmo is here, you will never be able to defeat Ding Yiyi. At most, you will hurt her and make her sad."    


Ao Xue clenched her fists and walked out.    


Lin Meicheng watched her leave and changed her position. She thought that Ding Yiyi would be bullied and cry, so she went to Ye Nianmo. She didn't expect that the plot would be reversed.    


Maybe staying in this company was also good, but why were the two sisters so different in personality? What was the strange atmosphere between the two of them?    


On the rooftop, Ye Nianmo leaned in and purposely said, "Let me see if you're crying or not."    


"I'm not. I'm not a teenager." Ding Yiyi took a step back helplessly and stretched out her hand to touch her hair that had been messed up by the wind.    


Ye Nianmo grabbed it, "I'm very surprised, although the decision is a bit out of my expectations."    


"You think Ao Xue's decision was the right one?"    


"Normally, but I like your answer." He played around with a piece of method in Ding Yiyi's hands, "Just like you said, just follow your plan to run the company. Anyway, with me here, even if it's a mess, I can help you clean up the mess."    


Ding Yiyi smiled as she approached. "Don't be so complacent."    


Ding Yiyi's phone rang just as her lips were about to touch the roof. The two of them were immersed in their kiss and ignored it subconsciously.    


The phone went silent for a few seconds before ringing again. Ye Nianmo moved away from her lips slightly and said with a hint of a gasp, "Ignore it."    


"Right." Ding Yiyi replied in a low voice, looking at the lip that was approaching in confusion.    


This time, Ye Nianmo's phone rang, causing the two of them to be stunned. Ding Yiyi smiled and took a step back. She also picked up her cellphone and said, "Answer the phone first."    




"Ziyu called me?"    


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