Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2014 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1941

C2014 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1941

0It should be fine now. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Only Ao Xue was so angry that her teeth were itching. She left immediately after the meeting.    


When he returned home, Yan Mingyao was also there. When he saw her, he immediately came to welcome her, "That's great, I wanted to come to your company to find you before going on business, but I was afraid that you wouldn't like it. I was hesitating."    


"I don't care where you're going." Ao Xue let out a cold breath of air. Cui Yu was too immoral. After using her, he ran off. How could she not be angry?    


Although Yan Mingyao could guess that her temper wasn't good, he still felt hurt, "Oh yeah, how was the injury on the back of your hand before? I can see that you haven't wiped much oil off your face, do you need me to wipe it for you? "    


"No need, hurry up and catch the plane. I can handle these things myself." Ao Xue covered the back of her hand as she sat on the sofa.    


Yan Mingyao looked at the time and was indeed late, "Sorry my wife, I've been on a business trip recently. I've been flying on the plane a lot of times, and I can't even open my phone, so you can send me a message. Oh yeah, if anyone comes to find me with my previous phone number, just let them call me."    


"Got it."    


Seeing her answer so straightforwardly, Yan Mingyao was worried. He sat with her and said carefully: "Do you not like me going out on business like this? If you don't like it, I won't go."    


Ao Xue smiled, thinking that even if you die, it has nothing to do with me, she just wants to send him away as soon as possible, "It's not a problem, something happened at the company, so I'm a bit annoyed, you go."    


Yan Mingyao nodded, stood up and walked towards the door, "I'll bring you a present when I come back."    


Before she could finish, Ao Xue had already walked into the room and closed the door. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the door closing. The world finally quieted down.    


His cell phone rang, prompting him to transfer 200,000 yuan to his account. There was also a text message from Ding Yiyi. "The money has already been transferred to his account."    


She replied, "I know." Then, he threw down his phone, got up and went to the wardrobe to choose his clothes, and prepared to go to the shopping mall.    


Inside the company, Ding Yiyi was looking down for documents while Lin Meicheng was waiting beside her. When she saw her cell phone ringing, she took it and gave it to her. "Your cell phone is ringing."    


Because the phone would display and send messages, she naturally saw the transfer message. "You're sending money to your sister?"    


Ding Yiyi glanced outside the office and made a silencing gesture. "Don't tell anyone else about this." My brother-in-law is still in the stable stage, so it's normal that she doesn't have enough money. "    


"Did you make a mistake? Previously, she took the blame on you for Cui Jinghao, and now, she's borrowing money from you. Although your husband is rich, this money was earned painstakingly by you. She transferred 200 thousand just like that?"    


"Not often. With her temper from before, she could probably throw this 200 thousand on my face. I think she really doesn't have much money." She sighed. "I know that our father's greatest wish is for us two sisters to live in peace. Although she did do many wrong things in the past, I'm not sure about that now."    


Lin Meicheng muttered, "I don't think it's that simple."    


"What's not that simple?" Ye Nianmo walked into the office. "I interrupted your conversation?"    


Ding Yiyi added on, but the latter nodded helplessly, "Director Ye."    


He gave the fresh flowers in his hands to Ding Yiyi, hugged her and kissed her. "What are you busy with?"    


"Nothing." Ding Yiyi lowered her head and took a sniff. "It smells very good."    


Lin Meicheng joked on the side, "Tsk, tsk. The boss is so carefree in showing off his love. This subordinate would definitely be jealous, jealous to the point of being unable to work."    


Ding Yiyi knew she was teasing him, so she looked at him accusingly. "Then can I treat you to a meal?"    


"That's great. Eat a big meal." The latter happily agreed.    


Ye Nianmo started to speak, "Everyone has worked hard recently. We should treat everyone to a meal. The location is up to you. Let everyone relax."    


Lin Meicheng blinked, "With what Director Ye said, I'll get the front desk to order some seafood dishes."    


After instructing the front desk to reserve a restaurant, Lin Meicheng glanced around and noticed that Ao Xue wasn't around. She thought that it would be good if she wasn't.    


However, Ao Xue's three assistants were the protectors. One of them asked if she wanted to call Ao Xue. She bluntly refused, "Since she left early today, it must be because she isn't feeling well. Since she isn't feeling well, we shouldn't disturb her."    


Qian Wei was just about to go to the tea room to make coffee, so she overheard their conversation. After returning to her seat, she sent Ao Xue a short message.    


seafood restaurant    


The two big tables were placed together, and everyone was happily seated. The one meter long seafood platter had three tables. Qian Wei purposely asked, "Why isn't Sister Ao Xue here? Did you not inform her?"    


"Didn't you say that you're not feeling well?" Seafood is hair, and it's easy to become allergic to seafood if you don't feel comfortable eating it. " Lin Meicheng knew that Qian Wei was a follower. She often made small reports about Qian Wei and didn't like her very much.    


"So it's like that. It's indeed better not to eat seafood." Ding Yiyi said.    


Ye Nianmo picked up the crab in his gloves and handed it over. Ding Yiyi took it and put a fried scallop into his bowl.    


Lin Meicheng, who was standing near the front desk, whispered, "This is simply a showy show of loving and abusing a single dog."    


Lin Meicheng tapped her arm with her elbow. "I'm not a dog, I'm getting married. You're the one who is getting married, haha."    


"So lively."    


Qian Wei stood up. "Sis Ao Xue."    


Lin Meicheng didn't try to conceal her dislike for him. However, she didn't say anything. She just sat there wearing her gloves and ate her prawns in silence.    


Qian Wei was sitting on Ye Nianmo's right. When she saw Ao Xue, she stood up and sat in the back, letting Ao Xue sit in the front row.    


"Is your body ready yet?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


"Much better. I didn't know that Meicheng cared about me so much before." Ao Xue thanked the waiter who brought her the cutlery and smiled at Lin Meicheng.    


Lin Meicheng took off the prawn head and put it into the plate. She was used to working at the television station, so it wasn't hard for her. "Hmm, we're all colleagues here. But you do have your colleagues to love. You're not comfortable, but you still insist on coming to the party."    


"Of course." Ao Xue raised her hand and said, "Everyone, let's drink!"    


When she raised her hand, it naturally revealed the bruise on the back of her hand. She also noticed it and covered it with her other hand.    


The group had a good time eating. Everyone drank a bit, and by the time they finished eating, it was already 10 PM.    


The office was filled with women. Ye Nianmo signaled for everyone to stop at the door first before he went to pay the bill.    


At the door, Ao Xue was rummaging through her bag, "Strange, where's my key?"    


Qian Wei asked with concern, "Could it be that he fell onto his seat just now?"    



"It's possible, I'll go find it." With that, she walked through the door.    


Seeing that Ding Yiyi was talking to Sofia and didn't notice anything strange, Lin Meicheng wanted to follow Ao Xue and see what she was up to.    


Having her arm held by someone, Qian Wei was happy to talk to her. "I heard that Sister Meicheng is going to marry Ol 'Five Diamond, but you didn't even tell us who it was. Don't hide it from your colleagues."    


With her words, the customer service team also surrounded Lin Meicheng. Lin Meicheng couldn't get away, she only had to give up her purpose of being followed.    


In the restaurant, the waiter was cleaning the table. Ye Nianmo was about to go out when he saw Ao Xue looking for something.    


"What are you looking for?"    


"The key to my house. I accidentally dropped it here just now. I found it."    


Ao Xue raised the key in her hand and accidentally revealed the bruise. Seeing that the other party had seen it, she hastily covered it.    


"He hit you?"    


"Nope." Ao Xue hurriedly denied it, then suddenly smiled bitterly. "Even if I admit it now, you might still think that I'm lying."    


Ye Nianmo took out his cell phone and called Yan Mingyao, "I told him to come and pick you up."    


No one answered her call through voice mail. Ao Xue said, "It's very normal. Let's hurry up and go. They probably can't wait any longer."    


Seeing Ye Nianmo and Ao Xue walk out together, Lin Meicheng thought to herself that it was probably a lie to look for the key, and it was also true to look for someone to talk to.    


At the same time, they caught two taxis, Qian Wei, the front desk, and two customer service personnel. Sofia took the initiative to get into the taxi at the back for the two ladies.    


Lin Meicheng was worried about Ao Xue and offered to take a taxi with her. This way, she could watch a little bit more closely and didn't need to use too much scheming.    


"I'm going with my sister and brother-in-law." Ao Xue said.    


Since Ye Nianmo said so, Lin Meicheng didn't say anything else. Thinking that Ye Nianmo wouldn't dare to mess with her, she got into her car and left.    


"Please take me home." Ao Xue sat in the back, while Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo sat in the driver's seat.    


Ding Yiyi could feel that Ye Nianmo was a bit absent-minded, but she didn't say it out loud. She just sat there quietly.    


Ao Xue sat in the darkness, staring at the two people in front of her. The strength of her hand gradually increased as she held on to the injured one. She only let go when the pain became unbearable.    


After sending Ao Xue off, they returned home near midnight. Sofia came home relatively early and had been waiting for them in the living room. After seeing that both of them were safely home, she went to busy herself.    


Ding Yiyi roughly explained Cui Jinghao's situation. Previously, she had always been very worried that the other party would discover that there was a Ye Group backing them up, but now, it seemed that nothing had happened.    


She talked on and on all by herself, talking about it even after she had showered. She had just sat down on the bed when she was hugged and her lips were blocked.    


After a long kiss, both of them were interested. However, Ye Nianmo saw the serious cyan color under her eyes and knew that she hadn't been sleeping well for the past few days.    


They slept in each other's embrace only once. The next day, Ye Nianmo woke up first. He looked at the time and turned off the alarm clock. Then, he hugged his wife and went back to sleep.    


Downstairs, Sofia, who was unable to work in order to accompany her guest, had no choice but to pour the other person a new cup of tea for the fifth time. "It's been a long time since we last met, Master and Madam."    


Dong Qing indicated that she understood. After waiting for over ten minutes, a person rushed down the stairs.    


Ding Yiyi tidied up her collar while grumbling, "Why didn't you call me? You should leave early today."    


Ye Nianmo followed her slowly and helped her to straighten her collar. The moment he saw Dong Qing, he immediately pulled Ding Yiyi, who was disheveled. The two of them changed their positions and stood in front of her, helping her to straighten her collar.    


Ding Yiyi glanced at him reproachfully. However, she was in no hurry to leave after seeing Dong Qing. "Dong Qing, when did you arrive?"    


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