Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2704 Wealthy Marriage 2631

C2704 Wealthy Marriage 2631

0"Aunt, you already knew it was her. Why didn't you tell me in time?" Ye Miao looked unhappy.    


"So what if it's her? If I had told you earlier, would the child have survived? I'm doing this for your own good, a senior of mine is so worried about you guys, and now you're here to blame me? "    


Ye Chuqing was no longer happy. Her tone was full of anger.    


Ye Miao took a deep breath, "Where is she?"    


Ye Chuqing was still hesitant. After all, when Wang Feifei was pregnant, she really liked this girl, and she looked like she was very good at giving birth. Ye Chuqing was still hesitant, after all, when Wang Feifei was pregnant, she really liked this girl, and she really looked like she was very good at giving birth.    


"Miao, Shuimo is not bad, but she's been spoiled by us since she was young, so she's not very conscious. For example, today, how could she take you away with her?" Miao, Shuimo is not bad, but she's been spoiled by us since she was young, so she's not very conscious.    


"It's not her fault. Do you know how much she looks forward to the birth of this child?" Ye Miao suppressed his anger, the veins on his fist bulged, "Where is she?"    


In the ward, Wang Feifei was lying down weakly. After all, it was fake that her stomach didn't hurt after receiving the anesthetic, but she had to drink water. In the end, the doctor gave her ice water.    


The door was pushed open. She thought it was a nurse, so she asked the nurse to bring a cup of hot water.    


Ye Miao's expression was terrible. He glanced at her and quickly shifted his gaze away. There was no need for him to stay any longer.    


"Good timing, because the person who just registered with the Birth Paper is here. The baby was born in the United States, so he's an American citizen and needs to think of an English name."    


Ye Miao could not stand it any longer, "All of this has nothing to do with you."    


Feeling restless, the woman wiped away the last bit of approval she had towards her career abilities. She gritted her teeth and said, "Listen well, you can be Surrogate Mother yourself. You can do whatever you want. You only provided a womb. This child belongs to Shuimo and me, you don't have any part of it."    


Wang Feifei listened quietly and pulled at the blanket. "Oh?"    


Ye Miao did not want to stay any longer and slammed the door.    


The child, who had nearly died from lack of oxygen from the flow of her mother's sheep, had been weak and had to be nursed in a thermos. At the same time, there was a lot more to do because she was born in the United States.    


Whether he wanted to get an American identity, a name, and a pile of documents that needed to be filled out by his mother, Ye Miao left all of these to Ye Shuimo.    


Although Ye Chuqing was a little dissatisfied, the couple knew that this matter had sparked a fire in their hearts. Anyway, the child was already born, so they could do whatever they wanted with it.    


Ye Shuimo did not want her child to become a resident of the United States, but she still wanted him to be a Chinese national. Without a second word, Ye Miao immediately got his lawyer to prepare an account for his child.    


Wang Feifei also knew about this, but she didn't raise any objections. In addition, Ye Miao also sued the agency, hired the best lawyer, and offered a huge amount of compensation. He didn't care about the amount of money, but the agency took both sides' money and made a deal.    


The day after the baby was born, Hai Zhuoxuan and Hai Ziyu also came. Knowing that Ye Chuqing and Wang Feifei were hiding things from everyone, Hai Zhuoxuan thought it was inappropriate and said a few words.    


Ye Chuqing had already been complained about by her nephew, and Ye Shuimo seemed to have avoided her for the past two days. She was already very upset, but her husband and daughters both acted as if they had done something wrong, crying and complaining loudly.    


"Chu Qing, why have you become so unreasonable now!" Hai Zhuoxuan left angrily. Hai Ziyu didn't agree to this in the first place, so she also felt that this matter should not be kept secret. She stood on her father's side silently.    


Ye Chuqing was going crazy. Her husband, her daughter, her nephew, and Ye Shuimo, who had been raised like a daughter and loved and doted upon since she was young, were all against her for a while. She had been cared for since she was young.    


Wang Feifei had a high EQ, she was trying to coax the sullen Ye Congee to submit to her. Hai Zhuoxuan was angered when he saw her standing on her side. To be frank, this wasn't something they should be doing, it was the matter of the couple, but now it turned out like this.    


He felt sorry for Ye Miao and Ye Shuimo, so he decided to return home. Hai Ziyu also followed him.    


Ye Chuqing was originally waiting for someone to coax her. She didn't expect her husband to return to the country. This angered her so much that she began to cry again.    


Wang Feifei wished that she could be isolated from others. The more others opposed her, the more kindly they advised her. Ye Chuqing could be considered to be completely standing by her side.    


After staying in the hospital for two days, the child and Wang Feifei were discharged. On the day of their discharge, two cars were prepared. Ye Chuqing accompanied Wang Feifei to one car while Ye Shuimo and Ye Miao took the other.    


"The child's physique is relatively weak. The doctor said that you have to pay attention to not causing wind chill. If she drinks milk, she'll easily burp. If you're looking for a wet nurse, you have to be careful."    


As Wang Feifei repeatedly warned her, Ye Shuimo's expression became more and more unsightly. It was as if she was an outsider while Wang Feifei was the child's mother.    


That seemed to be true. After all, the child had come out of her womb.    


Ye Miao held her hand tightly from beginning to end, intending to urge her to get on the car. The nanny who was with her immediately took the child.    


Maternity Center, the child has been crying non-stop ever since he returned.    


The babysitter was invited as well as the wet nurse. They were all very experienced, but the baby was just crying and making a ruckus.    


In the evening, it was already very late. Ye Shuimo was still holding the child in her arms. "Baby Jing be good. Mom is here. Don't cry."    


The child was crying so hard that she could barely breathe. She was extremely anxious, yet she didn't know what to do. Her eyes reddened and then she started crying.    


Ye Miao had the wet nurse carry the child away and comfort his wife, "Take it slow."    


"She doesn't even recognize me as her mother! She's been crying, crying! " Ye Shuimo couldn't take it any longer and burst into tears. "She might think that I was the bad guy that stole her mother."    


"What are you talking about?" Ye Miao said, "The blood that flows in her veins is yours and mine. There's only your mother, so who do you want her to call for?"    


Ye Shuimo didn't say anything else. She looked depressed. Even though she knew the child was hers, she couldn't help but worry when she thought of Wang Feifei.    


In the middle of the night, when she got up, Ye Miao thought his wife was sleepwalking.    


"I wasn't in a good mood just now. I don't know if Baby Jing was scared, but I'll go see her."    


Ye Miao looked at the time and saw that it was 2 in the morning. He wanted to wake her up.    


Because she rented a room with Maternity Center to be the baby's room, the nanny, the nanny, and the baby slept inside. Ye Shuimo quietly pushed it away and the nanny woke up.    


She made an apologetic gesture towards the child, who told them in a whisper that the child had been making a ruckus all night and had to be carried in order to sleep, but had only just been placed on the crib.    


Ye Shuimo now had the time to size up the child after all the entanglement.    


The child had yet to grow up. His small face was wrinkled, and he didn't seem too pale. He was also a bit thin.    


"Her hair is so thick." she whispered.    


"The head shape is exactly the same as yours." Ye Miao also lowered his head and whispered.    


Ye Shuimo happily stroked the back of her head as she carefully sized up the baby. "Her eyelashes are really like yours, long and curly."    



"That nose is more like yours."    


"Your mouth is like yours."    


"Your ears are like yours."    


The two of them were already middle-aged, but they happily played with each other for half the night.    


The next morning, Ye Shuimo was interested in shopping. She had come here on a plane anyway, so she wanted to buy some in the United States. The kids were growing up fast, so she might have to buy some new ones soon.    


When they drove to the South Coast Shopping Center, they used to only look at women's things. After they became mothers, they could only look at their children.    


Ye Shuimo found everything in the children's clothing cabinet cute.    


"This one, this one, this one, and not this one. Wrap the rest of the row up for me."    


This shop assistant seemed to be doing some big business, not caring about the other customers at all. One of them took out a computer and madly calculated the price while the other two were in charge of helping to retrieve the goods.    


Ye Miao walked around the shop as he stared at the logo of the shop. The children's clothing store at the shopping mall didn't seem to be introduced enough, so after going back, he could ask the people from Marketing Department to go negotiate a few more.    


It was Ye Shuimo's first time buying clothes for her child, so she really liked everything. She bought everything she could, and when the bank counter cleared the bill, the shopping mall was in an uproar. Many shopkeepers knew that a woman had swept up all the luxury children's clothing stores, nearly emptying them.    


After happily buying for the entire morning, Ye Shuimo was in a hurry to return to the Maternity Center to look after her child. When she returned to the Maternity Center, she discovered that the nanny was carrying her child.    


Nanny replied: "Someone sent these. They only said that the surname was Wang."    


The atmosphere was a bit weird. Ye Miao said angrily, "Who told you to take these? Your task is just to take care of the children. Just throw them away for me now."    


The child was frightened and burst into tears. Ye Shuimo rushed to hug him, but the child cried even harder and struggled very hard. The nanny quickly said, "Madam, be careful. It's not right for you to hold him like this. The child is going to fall off."    


"What should we do, what should we do?" Why does she keep crying? " Ye Shuimo wanted to cry as well. She hurriedly told the nanny to hold the child properly so that the child wouldn't burst into tears.    


"Change your clothes." Ye Miao was unhappy.    


"Don't! If you don't see the child, you'll be scared! " When the child cried, Ye Shuimo became extremely anxious and shouted at Ye Miao.    


Due to the matter with the child, the harmonious atmosphere had become somewhat tense. The clothes Wang Feifei sent over had all been lost. However, when Ye Shuimo saw that the room was filled with things she had bought, she couldn't be happy.    


"Sir, madam." The nurse was standing in the doorway.    


"What is it?" Ye Miao frowned.    


"The child won't drink milk."    


"Those who don't want to eat this can change to another one."    


Ye Miao sounded bad, so the nanny didn't dare to say anything else, so she could only leave first.    


Ye Shuimo sat beside him and leaned her head against his shoulder. She felt tired. "Are you going to get better?"    


Hearing this uncertain and miserable voice, Ye Miao felt that he was a bastard. He hugged the person tightly, "He will definitely get better. Everything will be fine, he will get back on track."    


Ye Miao knew that she was unhappy and treated her well. On the contrary, she didn't pay much attention to the child.    


Ye Chuqing was originally connected to Maternity Center, but when she made a phone call with the other party, she knew that the child was crying and Ye Miao didn't care about the child much, so she got angry.    


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