Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2471 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2398

C2471 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2398

0The crowd burst into laughter. Ye Shuimo lowered her head, hoping that she would never see Teacher Zhang Xiaohui again this semester.    


"Ye Shuimo."    


Some students had already begun whispering to each other. They were all curious as to who the girl who dared to skip over the class was.    


"Here!" Ye Shuimo stretched out her hand and immediately put it back down. She lowered her head, hoping not to be recognized.    


The people sitting in front of her all turned their heads to look at her. It was obvious that they were all curious, causing her to want to find another hole to hide in.    


"A student who dared to not come in the first lesson, I think everyone is very curious. Now, this student Ye, please stand up and let everyone know each other."    


No wonder she was called the Devil's teacher, she really didn't care about face at all. Ye Shuimohua stood up and met his eyes. She clearly saw the latter was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything for a long while.    


"I got it. I'll name you every class this semester. If you don't show up for a single class, then you'll fail no matter how many points you score at the end of the semester." Of course, even if you do come to every class after today, if you don't pass the final class, I still won't give you anything. "    


The student whispered to himself. Inwardly, he could not help but feel sympathy for this girl. At the same time, he felt that this Teacher Zhang was too unfeeling.    


"Yes." Ye Shuimo responded in a low voice. She had a feeling that the other party didn't like her.    


Zhang Xiaohui continued to call out names. After he called out seven or eight times, his tone suddenly paused, "Qin Xiaoya."    


"Here!" The girl sitting in front of Ye Shuimo stood up, her pink hair fluttering in the wind.    


"No need to stand up." Zhang Xiaohui gestured for them to sit down and everyone burst into laughter again.    


"Next, we will prepare the contents of the previous class. First, we will call a classmate to answer a small question. "Ye Shuimo, answer me."    


Just as Ye Shuimo sat down, she was called back up before she could even warm her seat. She had not shown up at class and had already made it clear that she wanted to mess with Ye Shuimo when she was asked to answer questions.    


This Teacher Zhang didn't look like he hated her, but he was obviously showing that he hated her.    


"Say what art appreciation is."    


"Appreciation of the arts?" Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ye Shuimo hurriedly flipped through the book and felt her scalp go numb.    


She knocked on the edge of the table and raised her head. The girl called Qin Xiaoya, who had earrings, moved the book a little to the side and drew a line of words in red ink.    


With her sharp eyes, Ye Shuimo immediately saw the answer drawn on it. "Appreciation of the arts, also known as appreciation of the arts, refers to the aesthetic evaluation and enjoyment of the art produced by people during their contact with art works. It is also a thinking activity for people to recognize the objective world through their artistic image."    


After she finished, the girl in front took the book back without any change in her expression. After Ye Shuimo sat down, she passed a note to her opponent gratefully.    


"Thank you very much."    


"It's fine, he's a very annoying person."    


Ye Shuimo was stunned for a moment. Although she was being made difficult for, she did not think that the other party was annoyed. After all, the first time was indeed her truancy.    


She didn't reply. She put the note away and carefully listened to the lecture. The lesson went smoothly. After class, everyone rushed out of the classroom. She noticed that School Sister took the book to talk to Teacher Zhang, who was quite patient.    


"It's obviously Green Tea BIAO."    


Someone beside her mumbled. She turned around and saw Qin Xiaoya, the one who had helped in the class. Although this person's mouth was venomous, he was actually quite a good person.    


She originally wanted to thank him verbally, but there were too many people. By the time she walked out of the classroom, the place was already gone, so she could only walk towards the car.    


"I've finally caught up to you."    


Ye Shuimo was startled when someone patted her shoulder. The latter walked out and said, "My name is Qin Xiaoya. Can I be your friend?"    


Ye Shuimo said, "Sure, but why?"    


She didn't think that this type of girl with dyed hair and studs in her ears, a girl with an extrovert personality, would like to be friends with her kind of sultry personality.    


"Because you're so cool. You actually dared to skip class in the first class. The two of us must have had a lot of fun."    




Ye Shuimo facepalmed, "If this is the reason, then you will be disappointed. The other day, I was the one who skipped class because I had no other choice. I was the one who made the wrong choice."    


"Wow!" "Bentley, luxury car, your family must be very rich. I've long heard that someone often drives a luxury car to and from school. It can't be you, right?"    


"Qin Xiaoya!" Ye Shuimo saw Teacher Zhang and School Sister walk over together, and when School Sister saw her, her expression became unnatural.    


Teacher Zhang walked over and his expression changed when he saw the Bentley, "This car is yours?"    


Ye Shuimo felt baffled. Even if the teacher asked her this question, she still replied, "It belongs to my family. I open it occasionally."    


The other party's face turned cold as he berated, "Qin Xiaoya, come over here. If you continue to play with such a person, I'll tell your parents about this."    


Ye Shuimo was displeased. She had gone overboard with her words. Wasn't it just because she was late and had been messed with? Was there a need to compare her to a snake or a scorpion?    


Before she could say anything, Qin Xiaoya opened her mouth first. "Don't use my parents to bully me again. You're my neighbor, and my parents might not listen to you. She's my friend."    


Teacher Zhang frowned, "I don't care if you make friends, but this person's character is not righteous."    


"Teacher Zhang," Ye Shuimo interrupted, "Do you have some kind of misunderstanding about me?"    


School Sister interrupted, "Teacher Zhang, don't be angry. Senior Sister's family is quite rich, so it's normal for them to drive a luxury car to school."    


"Hey, aren't you trying to persuade me? Are you trying to light the fire?" Qin Xiaoya directly turned her back on School Sister. The latter stared blankly for a moment before smiling awkwardly, not saying a word.    


"Qin Xiaoya, I must have a good talk with your parents today." Teacher Zhang left with a wave of his hand. School Sister hurriedly followed him.    


Ye Shuimo was upset. What was wrong with her? She had actually met such a vengeful teacher. This had been her bad luck for eight lifetimes.    


"Don't mind him. He's actually very nice. He probably got kicked in the head today, so I can't figure it out."    


Ye Shuimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard her clear and vicious words. She could only change the topic. "Do you know each other?"    


Qin Xiaoya said, "Neighbour, he's older than me and has been someone else's child since childhood. Because of him, my parents often say, look at the neighbor's child!"    



Ye Shuimo felt the same way. After all, she had watched a computer genius grow up from a young age.    


Qin Xiaoya was a graphic design major, and the only time they could meet was when they were enjoying their art. Although she invited Ye Shuimo to play during the Lantern Festival, because of her godmother's matter, Ye Shuimo still refused.    


After breaking up with Qin Xiaoya, she went straight to the hospital. Only after asking the servant did she find out that her godmother hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch.    


She walked into the ward with the bird's nest porridge. Ding Yiyi was sitting on a rattan chair on the balcony, reading a book. She didn't eat for the whole night, but her expression was much gloomier.    


"Shuimo, you can't just keep running over here. What should we do if we learn?" Ding Yiyi showed an expression of disapproval, but she still allowed others to sit by her side.    


Ye Shuimo looked at the bruises on her godmother's hands and changed the topic. "If it wasn't for the Spring Lantern Festival this Sunday, who knows what would be fun for this year's Lantern Festival?"    


Ding Yiyi was also interested by his words, "That's right. Actually, the most lively festival in a first-tier city like Dongjiang City is not the Spring Festival, but the Chinese New Year. Because many people have gone back for the new year, the streets are empty, but the Chinese New Year is different. I haven't paid any attention to it in the past two years, but there were lanterns in the past, and it became a regular show during the Dongjiang City Lantern Festival. "    


"There are still lanterns this year, and Ye Group is also a part of the invested enterprises." Ye Miao pushed the door and entered. He had also heard the worker's words and was feeling very worried, "This year, the government values lanterns very much. I think it will be very lively. We'll go together then."    


Ye Shuimo held Ding Yiyi's hand and acted like a spoiled child, "Why don't we go together? You often accompanied me during the Lantern Festival when you were young."    


Ding Yiyi didn't have any other choice but to say good night in such a coquettish manner, but she showed a sincere smile instead.    


The Spring Lantern Festival was bustling with noise and excitement. Z University was on vacation, but the students had already arranged to cook Soup Dumplings together in the instructor's bedroom. After all, there was no electricity in the teacher's room.    


Ye Shuimo and the others were carrying bags of frozen dumplings as they headed upstairs to the dorm room given to them by the teachers for resting. They bumped into Teacher Zhang, who was walking towards them.    


"Hello, teacher." The student next to Ye Shuimo asked first. She could only follow up, "Teacher Zhang."    


Teacher Zhang just nodded and didn't look at her. He said a few happy words to the student and left with the Car key.    


Ye Shuimo's heart was in a mess when she saw someone she didn't want to meet. She only felt better after cooking the Soup Dumplings later on. After eating Soup Dumplings with her classmates at school in the afternoon, she declined the invitation to go out for a night of fun and drove home in the afternoon.    


It was very lively in the house. However, Ye Miao was going to participate in the lanterns cutting event with the mayor today, so he couldn't come back for dinner.    


At home, Yuan Xiao was prepared by himself and cooked by the chef. Not only were there boiled dumplings, there were also dumplings. Different dumplings were made in many different styles. This year, he worked so hard to coax Ding Yiyi to eat some.    


Ding Yiyi had only eaten a few meals every few days since she had made the decision to stop eating. She had been forced to take sleeping pills and then put on a tonic. Even so, her face was still pale and listless.    


Ye Shuimo went straight to her room. "You'll be able to eat Soup Dumplings soon. Do you want to go downstairs to get some fresh air?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "I'm doing fine in my room."    


Dong Qing pushed the door open and walked in. She held hot milk in her hands and had sunken eyes. Her expression was no better than Ding Yiyi's.    


During the meal, everyone sat upright, but they did not touch the cutlery. The hot Soup Dumplings sank to the bottom of the bowl.    


Ding Yiyi picked up a dumpling and ate it. After a while, she smiled and asked, "Why isn't anyone eating?"    


Only after seeing her eat, did everyone finally relax. They coaxed her to eat a little more before they started to use their chopsticks.    


Ye Shuimo paid attention to her godmother's expression as she ate. The other party was obviously frowning when they were eating the snack. Perhaps from her godmother's point of view, they were all using another method to force her.    


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