Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2022 Marry of the Wealthy Class in 1949

C2022 Marry of the Wealthy Class in 1949

0The host continued, "However, there were also reports from netizens that Director Ye had been in and out of the city with a female star recently. The infrequent appearance of Gong Kuo had gotten him dried vinegar, and there was also the incident with the Ye Family. Some netizens even contacted two of their friends, which gave a clear hint as to whether it was President Ye Yelp who triggered the family crisis or Gao Kuo had gotten his dried vinegar?"    


The fisherman reached out and dialled Hertz. He switched to another channel and listened to the story of the people's livelihood with relish.    


Ye Miao needs to puffed up his cheeks to suppress a smile. Who did this PR guy, Ye Bo? He was too talented, who would have thought that President Ye, who spread the rumour, was kidnapped at this moment? And the person in question was currently tied up to listen to their own rumour. It was so funny.    


Ye Nianmo was also helpless. Ye Bo and the PR Department had the guts to come up with such fantastic ideas, but the effect was still pretty good.    


In the hotel, Cui Jinghao's face was dark. He never would have thought that Ye Family would actually be dark!    


The earlier news was released by him. He originally wanted to see how Ye Family was flustered and flustered, but he didn't think that there would be an army counterattack.    


He said that he had spread rumors about him with other women, that Ye Family was too broad, and that they were jealous of him so they didn't want him to go to work. What the hell was this, did anyone really believe him?    


Pushing the door open, the two customers who just happened to walk past were watching this video, while teasing President Ye about marrying a tigress. President Ye walked back into the room and closed the door in anger.    


Ye Family    


Ye Bo came here to apologize. According to Madam's instructions, the result was really good. Not many people paid any more attention to the rumors, but in turn, Madam's reputation would be tarnished. No one wanted to be misunderstood, right?    


"Madam, it's best if you don't read the news posts online for the next two days." He reminded her in good faith, "We will get the guild to delete it after this."    


"It doesn't matter, this is what I want to see." Ding Yiyi did not care. Compared to the rumors about Ye Nianmo being kidnapped, the scheme she designed made the viewers feel more satisfied and more willing to believe it was true.    


Ye Bo wanted to say something, but his phone suddenly rang. He walked out of the living room and answered the call in the garden. The moment he picked up the call, his wife quickly fired at him.    


"Have you seen the news? What's going on? Nianmo met with the woman late at night and the rich and wealthy lady was jealous of him. She confronted the CEO at home. What was this and what was this? "First, let's not talk about whether Nianmo will be with other women, Yiyi alone is not what they said."    


Soong Mengjie became angry, "I'll call the magazine that sent this copy. Those people won't change it no matter what. What did the Ye Family say, does Yi Yi know?"    


These series of shelling didn't even require breath. Ye Bo lamented that once a woman got angry, her fighting strength would explode. However, the less people knew about the kidnapping of the young master, the better, so he chose to hide it and go home.    


He was just about to enter the door when he heard Liu Qiang speak again. The content of the words surprised him.    


"It's my problem. If I didn't save that brat back then, he wouldn't have uploaded the video to the internet. That bastard Cui Jinghao wouldn't have found out that it was due to Ye Family."    


"You didn't do anything wrong. If you were to weigh the two things of saving someone and being discovered against the balance, then my choice would also be to first save someone."    


Liu Qiang was touched and even more guilty, "I still can't find the boss and Young Master, but don't worry, I will find them even if I have to dig three feet into the ground."    


After all, he climbed out from among the pile of dead, and regardless of what his wife's goal was, she had chosen to settle the matter peacefully. It would make Liu Qiang really willing to help and not betray her.    


In the evening, Hai Ziyu walked into the garden and squatted beside the rattan chair. "Auntie, are you still unable to sleep?"    


Ding Yiyi touched her soft hair, saying, "I'm sorry for making you worry. Auntie will go to bed soon."    


"You liar, I saw you sitting in the living room all night yesterday." Hai Ziyu looked at the bruises on her aunt's eyes and felt her heart ache. "Aunt, you must take care of your rest. Otherwise, when uncle and brother come back, you'll be sick instead."    


"Yeah." Ding Yiyi stood up and held her hand as they walked into the living room. "Ziyu is right. Auntie shouldn't be wasting her body like this."    


The servant brought her soup to calm her mind. Ding Yiyi finished drinking it and then lay down on the bed. The servant massaged her temples again before lighting the incense and then leaving.    


Ding Yiyi tossed and turned on the bed for a long time. Every time she looked at the empty bed, she would think that her husband and children were trapped in a trap.    


She was afraid that her niece would open the door and come in, so she hid under the covers and sobbed through clenched teeth.    


His eyes felt sore from crying, but he couldn't fall asleep at all. He got up and took a few sleeping pills from the drawer. After taking them in the water, he managed to force himself to sleep.    


In her dream, she was not dreaming about her husband and son, but about her two fathers.    


Ding Zeng had been standing under the sunlight the entire time. He was comforting her, "Child, don't force yourself. If you can't do it, then we won't do it anymore. You come back, dad will raise you."    


"Father." She softly cried out and cried. Behind her, someone else also called out her name. When she turned around, it was Xu Haorann.    


Xu Haorann sat in the darkness with his eyes the same. He didn't say anything, he just kept shouting out her name, while his dry lips kept moving.    








"Daddy!" Ding Yiyi suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling. She realized that this was a dream.    


The phone continued to ring. This was the culprit that had woken her up. "Hello."    


"What is that news? Who is the woman with Nianmo?" Do we know each other? " Ao Xue's voice was full of questions, as if asking why she would tolerate such a thing happening.    


Because Ao Xue had a short relationship with Cui Jinghao before, Ding Yiyi tried to ask around but the moment she opened her mouth, she was discovered, "Why are you asking Cui Jinghao? "I'm telling you something else, why can't you look at your husband properly?"    


"It's not what you think. In short, you'll understand it in the future." Ding Yiyi originally wanted to defend herself, but when she thought of her dreams and her father's kind eyes, she couldn't help but feel angry.    


Ao Xue muttered again, "Right, can you lend me 300 thousand? I need it urgently. "    


"300 thousand? "I remember that I gave you 200 thousand not long ago. Is there something urgent about this 300 thousand?"    


The other party replied, "Yes, it's an emergency. Can you transfer it to me today?"    


"Even if it's 300 thousand, it's not something that can be transferred as he pleases. Can you tell me what happened?" Ding Yiyi was a little worried. What kind of things needed 300 thousand yuan in one go?    


Her question stirred up a strong resistance from Ao Xue, who began to speak aggressively, "You're from a rich and powerful family, you can't even sell a cushion for 300 thousand. Now you're looking at me borrowing money from you, so you're thinking of ways to humiliate me?"    


"Don't be agitated, take it slow. That's not what I meant."    


"Then what do you mean!? It's already hard for me to ask you to borrow money from you, but you acted like you were guarding against me like a wolf. Yeah, I'm not capable, I'm not married to a rich man like you, forget it, I'll settle it myself! "    


"Pata!" The call ended.    


Ding Yiyi massaged her temples as she felt a headache coming on. What the hell was this all about?    


He called Lin Meicheng, saying that she hadn't been to work for a few days and had handed in the design script in a careless manner. There were a few designs that were copied from contemporary designers, but fortunately, she had taken a few glances and felt like she was looking for information, so it didn't cause too much of a loss. Otherwise, she would be unable to sell them by then and would lose a lot of money.    



"Yiyi, that can't be true, right?" Lin Meicheng had seen the news a long time ago, but she didn't dare to call them to ask. After all, there were plenty of rich families and she wasn't sure if this was true or not.    


Feeling the silence from the other party, she said, "Don't worry, don't worry about the company. I've already held a meeting with everyone here, the work is the work, the private matters. I don't care what happens when they leave the company, but it's not good for anyone to gossip about the company."    


Ding Yiyi was moved and grateful. Besides Soong Mengjie, she had also always remembered Lin Meicheng's good points in her heart. "Thank you."    


After hanging up, she looked out the window at the blazing sun. She sighed and got out of bed to wash up.    


"Madam, you're awake?" Sofia was very happy. This morning, she went to her mistress's room and knocked on her door. The other party did not respond, and the servants were very happy to sleep. They tried to disturb her sleep without making any noise.    


"What do you want for breakfast today?"    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi said, "If you want to go back to work, you can go back to Tongshi City in the next two days. There are a lot of people here, so there won't be any problems."    


When Sofia heard this, she became anxious. "Do you really not see me as one of your own? How can I leave at this critical juncture?"    


Ding Yiyi saw that she was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears. She said helplessly, "I'm not trying to chase you away. Forget it. If you want to stay, you can stay."    


"Aunt." Hai Ziyu obediently went downstairs and sat down. Ever since her uncle and brother were taken away, she felt that it was her duty to accompany her aunt, not to act like a child.    


The breakfast was delicious, but Ding Yiyi still felt like she had a lump in her throat. When she thought that her husband and son might be maliciously abused right now, she couldn't control her tears.    


She gritted her teeth and tried her best not to think about such things. She put down her fork and asked, "Oh right, is there any news about Ye Bo and Liu Qiang?"    


Sofia said, "None of them. They might be dealing with it."    


"It's already the third day." Ding Yiyi looked outside the window sadly. The automatic watering system was still operating outside the window. The sunlight shone on the spray of water, forming a rainbow of colors. It was beautiful, but she was not in the mood to admire it.    


Sofia consoled her in a low voice, "Madam, please eat a little more. You're not eating enough, you've lost a lot of weight."    


"I can't eat." Ding Yiyi sighed. "Find me in the study room if you need anything."    


When she arrived at the study room, she started to read the information that Ye Bo had passed on to her about the Korea diplomats' plans to visit the domestic enterprises.    


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