Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2016 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1943

C2016 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1943

0"And after he's gone?" Siwen Bing sat there motionlessly, "What do you think she will do next?"    


Ding Yiyi could obviously guess that with Hai Ziyu's personality, she would probably be even more restless, causing her to be even more extreme.    


Siwen Bing stood up and gave her the standard English style butler greeting, "Please let me stay in Ye Family for a while longer."    


"For her?" Ding Yiyi didn't think that he had feelings for Hai Ziyu.    


The other person slightly pursed his lips, "This is a deal between Director Ye and I, and he just happened to be giving me what I wanted."    


Ding Yiyi was no longer reluctant. Previously, she felt that Siwen Bing loved Ziyu, so she held a kind of blessing towards him. Since he didn't have that kind of intention, she naturally hoped that Hai Ziyu could quickly escape from this unrealistic relationship.    


After confirming Siwen Bing's intentions, Ding Yiyi could no longer say anything else. On one hand, she looked at Hai Ziyu's face that was covered with tears every day, while on the other, there was an irreconcilable contradiction.    


The next day, Hai Ziyu didn't give in. She didn't allow anyone to bring food to Siwen Bing nor allow servants to turn on the lights. She just stood by the door. Even Ding Yiyi's scolding was useless.    


"Child, you are really going too far. What you want is not love, but a deformed imprisonment!" Ding Yiyi was also infuriated, and she couldn't help but throw a tantrum.    


Hai Ziyu held her head up high, refusing to listen. She insisted that she was right, which made the other servants tremble in fear.    


For the entire day, the atmosphere of the Ye Family was very strange, and not many people dared to speak. Even the rarely angered Madam was angry, and the others were even more frightened.    


When Ye Nianmo returned home, he saw that the servants were all trembling in fear. After searching for half a circle, he finally found Ding Yiyi, who was fighting against the machine in his mom's design room.    


"What's wrong?" He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. "Are you really angry?"    


"I shouldn't have done that. Now, it's like I'm forcing out Ziyu's evil factor. She clearly wasn't this kind of girl before." Ding Yiyi paced up and down irritably. Hai Ziyu would be like this, and she would be responsible.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her and followed, "Maybe this is the real her. She can be kind and indifferent towards things she doesn't want, and she has to get what she wants no matter what, even if it's by the extreme way."    


"Do you know what she did to Siwen Bing? I don't want him to eat, I don't want to turn on the lights, and I also want to lower the temperature of the air conditioner. If you want to say that this child was like this before, I don't believe it. "    


Ye Nianmo listened quietly as she finished speaking, "Perhaps, this is Ye Family's true appearance."    


Ye Family, underneath the sheepskin is always a ruthless inner part. There is no such thing as righteousness or evil, only good results and bad results.    


"I'm not talking to you anymore!" Ding Yiyi was in no mood to talk to him about this. She handed the ring to him and said, "I want to be alone."    


Ye Nianmo sighed. He was about to get angry.    


Ding Yiyi was indeed angry. Men calculated everything so clearly that their emotions were like a plan, they calculated every step so clearly, they calculated the expected results clearly, but how could feelings be used to calculate?    


He went back to his room to change into his bathing suit and swam around the pool alone. When he came out of the water, he found that there was a missed call.    


She returned the call, which was answered quickly. There seemed to be someone around Dongqing who was speaking in English. "Good evening."    


"Good evening. You're in the United States. It should be morning now. Is everything still going well?"    


"It's alright, I'm worried, so I'll let you know the situation. Those Korean probably haven't come up with any more tricks, right?"    


"No, there hasn't been any news recently. I guess he went back to his home country."    


Sensing that her mood wasn't right, Dongqing chatted with her for a while before hanging up.    


The next day, seeing that Hai Ziyu was still doing what she wanted to do and not listening, Ding Yiyi felt even more helpless. She had no choice but to instruct the servants to keep an eye on her and hide in her mother-in-law's studio to work for the rest of the day until nightfall.    


Initially, he had only intended to rely on his work to escape from reality. Unexpectedly, as soon as he started working, he became addicted to it, until he smelled the fragrance of a sweet cake.    


She raised her head and looked at the newcomer with disbelief, "Shouldn't you be in the United States? Why are we here? "    


Dongqing held a plate of cakes in her hand. "If you're really busy, you won't be able to see anything. I've already waved it in front of your eyes once, and I went out to find the chef to make a cake."    


They moved to the coffee table next to the florist's room, and Dongqing poured her a cup of coffee. "They all say that when you're unhappy you have to eat sweets, especially if the chef puts on two times as much sugar as usual. The French chef complained that I spoilt the beauty of the food while doing it."    


As he spoke, he imitated the chef's way of speaking, which made Ding Yiyi unable to restrain her laughter. "How can a chef be so exaggerated?"    


Dongqing sat back in her seat and said in a satisfied tone: "You should look good when you smile. I have come back from the plane to see you."    


"Thank you." Seeing the bruises under his eyes, Ding Yiyi thought that the time difference must be too painful, so she suggested for him to stay at Ye Family for the night.    


The other party had refused her offer to stay at the hotel beside the airport so that they could catch up with the plane tomorrow. However, she had to watch until she finished eating the cake.    


After eating the cake, Dongqing looked at her watch and said, "Indeed, it's about time. I have to go."    


Ding Yiyi went out after her. She was surprised to find out tonight that she was in a bad mood and that Dongqing had come back from America to accompany her.    


"Do not be burdened. I really like to appear when you need it. It is not so much for you as to satisfy a wish in my heart."    


After seeing off Dong Qing, she still felt a little disappointed. When she turned around and returned to the studio, she heard the melodious sound of the piano. Currently, there was only one person at home who was discussing the piano.    


Hai Ziyu played the first tune that Siwen Bing had taught her before. As they talked, her tone became disorderly and her voice became sharp and ear-piercing. She stopped crying.    


"Because this score is in B flat major, so it has to be in B and E half a tone down." Siwen Bing's voice was light and didn't affect her in any way.    


Hai Ziyu felt a sense of helplessness. Regardless of whether she was good or bad for him, he did not feel anything. She was always the only one that felt sad and happy.    


She stood up, put down the zither lid and walked out of the room. The servant who had been waiting by the door immediately looked at her nervously.    


"Go and prepare food for Mr Siwen."    


"Yes," the servant looked at her in surprise, then immediately went downstairs to look for a chef.    


Ding Yiyi was still in a daze. When the door was pushed open, she subconsciously thought that Dong Qing had returned.    




"Aunt." Hai Ziyu said lightly, "Can you come with me to find uncle?"    


After Ye Nianmo received Ding Yiyi's call, he pushed away his food and returned to his Ye Family. He drove the car to the garage, and the moment he got off, a person jumped out of the darkness.    





"Nianmo." Ding Yiyi came out to wait for him. She was worried that he would hurt Hai Ziyu by saying too much, so she reminded him repeatedly to not be too strict.    


"Uncle, I regret it. Let him go."    


With that, Hai Ziyu rushed upstairs in a hurry. Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo exchanged glances and chased after her.    


When they entered the room and saw the child crying bitterly on the bed, Ding Yiyi realized that the child's feelings were not as shallow as they thought.    


She had always thought that the other party was still young and had a one-sided understanding of love. However, seeing how much pain she was in now, she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.    


"Ziyu, some people say that everyone in the world has a suitable partner, and many people have never found a suitable soul in their lives, but some people have been lucky enough to find one. You have to believe that there will always be people waiting for you in some corner, and they might be crying too.    


Ding Yiyi sighed. She could only think things through on her own. No matter what others said, it would always be against the ears.    


After crying in the middle of the night, Hai Ziyu went downstairs to look for it. When she arrived at the kitchen, she found a note pasted on the thermos.    


"Ziyu, if you're hungry in the middle of the night, you can eat the stewed eggs yourself."    


"Aunt, I'm sorry." She felt that her recent attitude towards her aunt was too bad.    


After serving out the brewed eggs, he subconsciously wanted to give another bowl to Siwen Bing to eat. When he arrived at the attic, he found the door was open and the scenery was the same as before. People had already disappeared.    


For a moment, she hated him. She had clearly said that she would leave first, but now that she could leave, it was like avoiding a scorpion or a snake.    


She went into the cage and lay on the bed, imagining the man lying there, looking out the window at the moonlight. She thought she would lose sleep, but instead she slept until dawn.    


No one would really be unable to live because of the loss of a person. They would only be evading the fact that they were unwilling to admit that they had been abandoned by that person.    


The next day, the rain continued to fall    


She opened her eyes and listened to the sound of the rain on the windowsill, like music.    


Feeling cold, she stood up and looked around. After she folded the quilt, she walked out of the cage and carefully locked the iron cage.    


He went downstairs. Due to the rain, the curtains in the living room had already been pulled open. The air was filled with a damp smell, and he could still see the raindrops hitting the lush seaweed under the window.    


Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi were having breakfast, so she shouted at each of them and sat in their respective seats.    


The servants soon brought her milk and bread, and she tore them into pieces, which tasted like wax.    


Ye Nianmo said, "I have something to talk to you about later."    


She raised her head, looking a little confused. However, she still nodded. "Alright."    


After dinner, the servant poured two cups of coffee and a cup of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Ye Nianmo naturally pushed the fruit juice into Ding Yiyi's hand.    


Hai Ziyu watched her uncle carefully help her aunt put on her clothes. She also saw that her aunt had warned her uncle not to drink coffee early in the morning because it was bad for her stomach. The latter then ordered a cup of tea for the servants.    


She knew that her uncle was a coffee addict and would suffer from not having a cup of coffee for a day, but he was willing to put up with her in front of his aunt and make her happy.    


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