Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1982 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1909

C1982 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1909

0Jason and Lili were stunned. The Mercedes-Benz came to a stop a hundred meters in front of them.    


The car door opened. Liu Qiang got out of the car with a blitzkrieg gun in his arms and threw up as he held onto the door of the car.    


Ding Yiyi was stunned as she watched the door of the driver's seat open to reveal her black leather shoes. The person who shouldn't be here had actually appeared.    


Ye Nianmo wore a white shirt suit pants. He undid the top three buttons on his shirt, revealing his slender neck.    


He strode over to Maserati, put the gun to Jason's temple, and swept his gaze toward the back of the car.    


"Nianmo!" Ding Yiyi immediately got out of the car and rushed towards him. The latter hugged her and increased her strength.    


At Rose Garden, the moment Jason moved, Liu Qiang stabbed him with the muzzle of the obstructing gun. Because of this lousy kid, he experienced the boss's ability to drive a car and even vomited!    


"Be gentle, he's still a child!" Ding Yiyi could not bear to see this.    


"Madam, you really should practice shooting. I don't know where you will hit with the first shot, but fortunately, with the coordination, the second shot was even more fatal and directly hit the tree. If I didn't agitate the spirit, I would have shot again."    


"Enough." Ye Nianmo said. From the beginning to the end, he didn't let go of Ding Yiyi's hand. Sitting opposite the two of them was the woman who looked exactly like Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi also thought that it was very mystical. No wonder no one in the Ye Family could recognize it, it was because it was too similar.    


"Give me back my eight million, you liar!" Jason roared at his opponent.    


The girl lifted her head and glanced at him timidly. There were tears in her eyes. The latter was stunned for a moment before she suddenly turned her head away and did not say anything.    


"You can speak now." Ye Nianmo said coldly.    


"I didn't know there was one person in the world who looked exactly like me. My family and I worked in New Zealand since we were young. I used to work in a fast food restaurant, but one day a man found me and showed me a photo. The person on it was me, but my clothes were completely different."    


When the other party asked me if I wanted to earn a few million in an instant, I agreed and did as he said. He went to Jason's house.    


Jason coldly snorted, "So you are just a waiter, acting like a young miss. Aren't you afraid that the 8 million will choke you to death?"    


The girl bit her lower lip, not saying a word. She looked wronged and sad. Ding Yiyi glared at him. "You're not allowed to talk now."    


Jason muttered and really turned his head away without saying anything. On the other hand, the girl looked at the two of them in surprise. That grumpy little tyrant was actually willing to listen to others.    


She paused for a moment before continuing, "I don't know what he's going to do either. Teach me how to drive, then when I learn how to drive, I'll stay in a hotel, steal your car, then lure you away on purpose so that I can get to this gentleman's side."    


These days, her opponent's meticulous care made her feel guilty, but she was also constantly afraid, "He told me to pretend to be afraid of being hurt, not to say anything, and not to look at the people from Ye Family."    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo looked at each other. It seemed that the people behind the scenes understood Ye Family very well, otherwise they would definitely not instruct the girl like this.    


The girl continued, "Oh yeah, that day he also asked me to call a room as a customer service. After that, he said that as long as Mr Ye brought me back, he would naturally save me. Then he would give me 8 million."    


Jason snorted again, but didn't say anything this time.    


"Yiyi? Yi Yi? "    


Xia Yihan's voice came from outside the door, which immediately silenced everyone. Ye Nianmo lowered his voice and said, "Mom still doesn't know about these things."    


Xia Yihan carried the soup in her hand. When she saw the door open, Ding Yiyi walked out of the room and took the bowl from her. "Grandma, thank you for taking care of me these past few days. I'm sorry for making you worry."    


"Yiyi?" Xia Yihan was both surprised and happy. If the thing in her hand had not been taken away, she would have fallen to the ground.    


"Yihan." Ye Zimo also walked out from her room. "I just spoke with my daughter-in-law. She has already resolved the knots in her heart, so she needs to rest now."    


"Is everything really alright now? After all, I had to go back to my home country before, and then I hurriedly returned, saying that I wouldn't be in the country for the time being, and that there's no one there either. "    


"I'm fine, Granny. I suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable that day. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn't dare to see you."    


Ye Zimo said, "Let the couple settle it themselves. It's about to start. Shall I accompany you to watch 'Memories of the Year of the Year'?"    


Ding Yiyi asked as soon as she entered the room, "What is' Remembrance of the Years'?"    


A meaningful look flashed on Liu Qiang and Ye Nianmo's faces. Liu Tie said, "The TV show that Lady Xia is chasing recently, Mr Ye has been accompanying her every night at 8 PM primetime slot. She didn't watch it yesterday, so she probably went to watch it online."    


After they sat down, Jason continued to glare at the girl, while the latter had a sad expression on her face.    


Ding Yiyi said, "I was wrongly thought by Jason to have brought him home. Later on, I found out that the two of us have been monitored by someone. That is, the person you met today."    


Jason raised his head in surprise. He looked at her gratefully after knowing that she didn't give up her dad.    


"That man also has a voice modulator."    


The others didn't understand what he meant. Ye Nianmo understood and his expression turned cold, "A mysterious person?"    


"I don't know." Ding Yiyi replied honestly, "He jumped off the car and fled. I wonder what the situation is like now."    


"Please let me go. I really don't know anything. I'm just a seller."    


"Then we'll return the 8 million first." Jason said in a low voice. The latter looked at him timidly, "I gave 8 million to the other party, but he didn't give it to me. He said that he would naturally call me after we're done."    


Jason jumped up and pointed at her nose and scolded, "Are you an idiot? Run away after getting the 8 million and give it back to him. Do you think he can give it to you?"    


"Jason!" Ding Yiyi was truly angry now. She slammed the table and stood up. "Look at how you're acting now. You're overbearing, like a rich landowner."    


Jason kicked off the chair and said in a vile tone, "Who do you think you can talk to me like that? Laozi is like this, what can you do about it!" Then, he rushed out and Liu Qiang immediately gave chase.    


Ye Nianmo watched the two of them interact with interest. He waited for them to run away before he said, "Although I believe what you say, but for now, we need you to do something." "You were waiting on the hotel balcony the night before, and your eyes lit up when you saw a Maserati passing by. You like him, don't you?"    


The girl's body shook, then she quietly lowered her head and whispered, "If I help you, can you give back the 8 million?"    




Ye Nianmo pulled Ding Yiyi along and stood up. They met Jason, who was being held by Liu Qiang at the door. The other party's face was unsettled. Obviously, they heard what was going on inside.    


After the two of them walked for a while, Ye Nianmo turned around and said, "How much longer do you want to follow?"    


Dong Qing glared at him. "I'll take this route as well."    



Ding Yiyi pacified Ye Nianmo with her eyes and walked in front of him, "I'm fine now, don't worry."    


Dongqing was emotionally moved. She reached out her hand to grab him, but Ye Nianmo was already prepared and slapped his hand away.    


He stood still, his hand maintaining the posture of having been slapped away, eyes wounded, "It's good that you're fine, I'll go first."    


As soon as he returned to his room, Ye Nianmo pressed him down on the door and kissed him. Then, he moved his hands away heavily.    


"Just a bit. Just a bit more and I would've lost you." He whispered, and the lips that had just parted pressed back together.    


Ding Yiyi also breathed heavily. She asked between breaths, "Since she doesn't say anything, how do you know that she isn't me?"    


Ye Nianmo did not answer, but his gaze turned deeper. He really did not expect that there would be two people that were exactly alike. Therefore, he never doubted Ding Yiyi, who had changed her personality. All he had was pity and heartache.    


The day he was attacked, the car hit a tree trunk and the woman thought the car was going to explode, so she ran away by herself. At that moment, he was sure that no matter how strange and unbelievable it was, the woman in front of him was fake.    


Maybe there really was a mother in the world who would abandon her child, but Ding Yiyi definitely wouldn't.    


Ding Yiyi repressed her hands that were unbuttoning her blouse. "Don't unbutton your clothes."    


Her original intention was to say that now or during the day, don't do that sort of thing. She didn't know if the other party was deliberately misinterpreting it or really misunderstanding it, but she really did pull her hand away from the hem of her skirt.    


Ye Nianmo kissed her as he guided her closer to the window. The part of the balcony outside the window was also filled with roses.    


Her upper body was neatly lying on the window, but the hem of her dress was lifted up to her waist. Ye Nianmo, who was also neatly lying on the ground, was whispering in her ear.    


Ding Yiyi was no longer able to filter and ponder what she was saying, and the sunlight coming through the window was stimulating him.    


After the intense exercise, Ye Nianmo sat on the chair and hugged her contentedly while playing with her soft palm.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and clawed her face. The redness still lingered on her cheeks. God knows how complicated she was when she looked down and saw the staff of the manor pass below.    


Ye Nianmo let her mess around, but he didn't move as he sat there with a smile on his face.    


After a while, Ding Yiyi remembered that she still had something important to ask, "What do you want that girl to do?"    


"Draw the snake out of its hole!"    


Night fell, and one jeep and one Lincoln walked through the entrance of Rose Garden at the same time. Two cars went their separate ways at the crossroads, one continued to walk towards the airport, and the other drove towards the winery.    


The jeep that was heading towards the airport was a jeep. When the jeep was halfway there, two black sedans appeared at the same time in the aisle nearby. The sedans followed unhurriedly, not at all afraid of losing them.    


The man in the car opened the skylight, glanced at the drone flying by, smiled and sped up.    


At the airport, the airport staff were busy checking the aircraft's performance. The jeep slowly opened up the airport and stopped in front of the Private Aircraft.    


The car stopped and the person who got off had a mischievous smile on his face. He stared thoughtfully at the drone above and made a slashing motion.    


Ding Yiyi got out of the car and looked around nervously. No one was following him either.    


Seven or eight people rushed out of the darkness. All of them held pistols in their hands and pointed them at Ding Yiyi.    


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